#⌇world wide taste for luxury ( 𝙎𝙮𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚 | alternate verse )
distopea · 11 months
@mugunghwc continuation from here
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It wasn’t hard to spot him in the middle of the crowd; such a gigantic figure, with a deadpan face. He was usually quite unhappy to be around, and his negative energy was showing through his behaviors. Despite looking gorgeous to all the present customers, he wasn’t even paying attention to the escorts surrounding him. He felt like a sprain in the middle of a beautiful canvas, and for Sybille, truly a challenge in the end. The first exchanges they had together were somewhat cold and distant, but she had managed to learn about his love for cats and that was information she intended to use and abuse until he would pay more attention to her. It was a challenge on her side, and frankly, perhaps a bit too personal. But Sybille wouldn’t even see it; for her, Ryo was someone that needed to relax and she had the best assets for that. 
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“The first drink is on the house.” She perfectly purred, making sure that her physics were only showing the best of herself - which meant everything of course- and cocked her head aside, curious if he would pick the drink of alcohol she had directly picked from the bar. She was casually sipping on fake champagne, a non-alcoholic one, preventing her from being too drunk and still at her full capacity of seduction, even if the beverage was looking just like a regular one. She also left a pack of cigarettes right on the table, even though she had noticed he had preferences for vaping. Next time, she would bring new bottles of flavors to recharge his pen, but it would remain a slow courting and she wouldn’t spoil him too much. 
She laughed and hid her lips behind her hand, while he meowed back at her, a genuine surprise written in her eyes. There was no mockery, she was simply very pleased. “I thought you might like it but no worries, I didn’t bring a matching headband for you.” At least he was acknowledging her efforts and she liked it. She crossed her legs and threw her blond hair behind her shoulder, exposing her pristine skin and the strap of her black dress. “So you were dragged once more to the club.” She eyed another escort and waved her finger to throw herself at someone else’s neck and piss off. “Do you finally have a thing for it?” 
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distopea · 11 months
"If you were a guy, what type of woman would you like?" Fang asked Sybille, after complaining about some experiences, before allowing herself to dig a little into the woman's life. Curious if she would describe herself. Blond and tall for example... an airhead. She looked like those typical cheerleader girls in Hollywood movies, who were always the bad bitches. The type, she would always cheer for than the boring, loser mc.
"I think I would be gay then," she confessed herself and let out a snort, after hearing the other's answer first. "Ultimately they better like me."
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After a regular chit-chat with that girl who was sometimes visiting the pub, the conversation took another turn. Sybille crossed her legs elegantly, her face expressing a certain surprise, before she eventually huffed and waved her fingers. 
"If I was a man, I would definitely be a very powerful one." She said with a wicked smile, then grabbed her napkin and tapped it against her lips, in case the few drops of cocktail she had sipped would cascade down her chin. She threw a glance at the bar, pouting for a second at the lack of a potential target. "I want to be the kind owning everything. Money, cars, houses, yachts... You name it, and I will have it. I want to sit at one table and be sure that everyone knows who I am and respect me for it." 
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She raised an eyebrow and grimaced. "Ew, fucking them? Hell no, the number of times I had to stick a finger up there hole because they wanted to get off, it was soooo dirty, I'd rather not." She grimaced again before she cocked her head times, eyeing Fang's legs. "Wouldn't you want to be one with legs to kick their asses?" She replaced herself and tapped Fang's arm, like patting a pet out of hidden pity. "Men all suck anyway. That's why we were born women. We have to keep a certain balance between those idiots." 
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distopea · 10 months
manny glanced to the side, spotting the large man sitting where she had been before he interrupted their time together. a group of men in full suits could be found not so further away, & despite showing no sign of it, he seemed to be aware of who they were. even yakuza weren’t above visiting these kinds of places & as an avid visitor, manny had learned to pick them apart the regular businessman still wearing formal wear after work. he’d offer a smile, which ryo met with indifference, before looking back at her. “i can see that. maybe another time, huh? be careful for tonight.” his stare darting towards the group of men who stared back. this guys were no joke.
ryo said nothing throughout the exchange until she sat back down & began to nuzzle against his shoulder like a cat begging for his attention, just less cute. his attention had been on her—just as she wanted it to be, until she began to talk about the girl that ended up clinging to the man’s arm with a cheerful smile & the usual eagerness that most hostesses displayed. an act that he didn’t buy as anything other than a tactic used to feed into their ego.
he gave her a side glance & shook his arm away from her grip. brows slightly furrowing together. “you sure have a big mouth.” which was not a compliment in case she took it that way. “if true, what does it say about this place?” what does it say about her? & wouldn’t that put into question her credibility as well? ryo picked his drink without any assistance, but didn’t take a sip just yet ; his lips hovering over the rim. “you seem to lack any honour.” which was something important to him given his affiliation with his family. “you’re not only disrespecting them, but your manager & boss in the process.” not a good look on her or this place, which made him wonder why she even stayed here instead of going solo. it was then, that he finally took a sip of his glass & settled it down with care, before turning his head back towards her. “it must be lonely to work amongst those you see as a treat.” exhausting, too.
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Oblivious to whatever could happen in the club, she felt content with herself. Survival was a luxury in this escort world, and she was quite determined to earn her piece of cake in the end, even if it meant clawing her way out of that. The club, its reputation, those girls… They were all temporary in her life. She was stuck there because they had a hold on her and her documents, but being a little bit rebellious sometimes and showing teeth felt like a beneficial reward; a claim of being alive in the end. Yet, while she thought about that, she suddenly sensed how badly he wanted to push her away, by shaking his arm. She glanced at him with severe eyes, before her expression softened to something sadder. 
“Why are you so mean like this…” She preferred playing the pity card, just in case someone had seen his gesture. She cleared her throat, embarrassed for a second, replacing her skirt and her hair, before she eventually eyed him again. She gripped her drink quietly and displayed another of her impeccable and charming smiles. Boys could like gossip just like women, but some of them were so up-tight they couldn’t even suffer from hearing the slightest slander. “Relax.” She tried to sooth him, even if the tone of her voice was slightly colder than before. Shit. She couldn't help but throw one stare at the VIP area, just in case someone saw that. “I was mostly joking! I thought it would make you laugh. For real, it’s only a little banter between girls, you know! Of course, we’re all clean. What do you think? Imagine the scandal it would be!” 
She was able to lie without looking guilty, faking her surprise and panic, but she was truly boiling inside. She knew she had overstepped the lines, on purpose, but how could he be so heartless and ferocious when he was a part of this toxic system as well? It was because of men like him that girls like her had to be this way. If she wasn’t bad mouthing about them, did he really believe they wouldn’t do the same from their corner? It was nothing but a competition; a world where only the most popular girls with the best tips could keep their heads out of the cold steam while the others would be drowning. She didn’t want to end up like those poor girls. She knew she would have no future otherwise.
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“I offended you.” She gave him a slight pout. She didn't want him to go, it would be so awkward now. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think it would be insulting. I just wanted to make you smile…” He wouldn’t ever be able to understand her anyway. For him, his boss was all his life, his brothers were everything. She must be lonely, he said. Of course, it was. Did he ever think it could be anything else when you weren’t even from this country?
She glanced at him for a second, rageful and insulted, a girl shaken in her ego, but it was so well hidden behind her sorry features. After all, she was supposed to entertain him; and it couldn't be with her true nature anyway. He hadn't paid for that. “I shouldn't have said that...” She looked down, defeated, but only for the show.
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distopea · 10 months
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Sybille ; verse "World Wide Taste for Luxury"
added to her carrd right here !
No change regarding her appearance / age / nationality
No affiliation towards the Cleaners (she doesn't know them in this verse)
After insisting on getting the same chances as her sister and to appease the family's tensions already existing, Sybille had the opportunity to travel around the world for her studies (the country may change depending on the plot). If, for the first semester, she quite managed to learn this new language and assimilate to the new culture, she was soon more appealed by the perspective of partying with her students' friends. 
Unfortunately for her, she had bad encounters during her stay. While she wasn't very happy with the money she was receiving from her family (it was never enough after all), she agreed, for fun, to tag along with small local gangsters, who promised that she wouldn't get in any trouble if she helped them with a few local traffic (mostly pills and coke), a bit of escort work here and there (but no sex required) and so on. 
However, Sybille quickly discovered that she wasn't that safe in the end, and that those people were answering to a larger group. Her passport confiscated by them, Sybille had no choice but to start working for them in order to repay her debts and get her documents back. She had to leave her university and fully invest herself in the life of the escort/host club she had joined.
Verse's themes et potential trigger warnings: a girl oblivious to her situation, profound pettiness towards her boss and the club, lack of self preservation, acts of rebellion and self sabotage, disinterest in loyalty, sexual and physical assaults, psychological violence.
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distopea · 10 months
Her main question got a bit amiss, or she was dodging it on purpose, as she had been curious, if Sybille would pick herself, as she had thought that she was a very vain woman, which she tends to think by anyone with blond hair. "You want to be respected and for that you touch men's buttholes in reality?" Fang had to snort, nothing she had expected from an escort, who were just supposed to look pretty, from the little she knew but seems like this one was offering a bit more than that, far more. "Of course, I would kick their asses, but even I like sex, ... guess you not so much," she concluded, which confused her and made her wonder, if she was even doing this job willingly, as there seemed to be only negativity. Possibly short on money. Kicked out of home, anything possible (though not once she would think, that she came out of a normal family).
"They do, but... they are also incredibly hot." Fang smiled wryly, no shame from her side. If anything, she was frustrated that her luck had been rather bad, but seems like too much 'luck' was not the way either, but in her opinion, Sybille was doing something wrong anyway if she was unhappy, unless she was forced... perhaps a debt, so she had to deal with the worst of the worst. Instead of feeling pity though, Fang just thought about possibly using that as a plot for one of her Doujinshi. "Otherwise I would be a nun, or something... can't you pick your clients or is your boss a bitch?" she dared to ask.
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Sybille took a casual sip at her beverage, not quite interested in keeping company with a girl tonight, but well… Fish was missing after all. She frowned at the snort and waved her fingers with disdain. “When you have access to someone’s butthole, love, you have more power in your hand than you could ever believe. So yeah, they should respect me for that. One thumb up and some of them are cumming like school boys, so yes, I call this power, babe.” She chuckled at the memories and clipped her hand under her chin, crossing her legs and exposing her skin, just in case someone might pass near their booth. It was very important for Sybille to look the most attractive, but she didn’t feel much challenge tonight with her current company. 
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“Why would you assume that?” Not into sex? The conclusion was odd, especially when she was basically oozing with sexual aura even right now. She threw another impatient glance. “Being picky and having preferences don’t necessarily mean I don’t like my job. What? You think that, because people are willing to be paid for sex, they have to be happy with everything demanded? Girl, wake up.” She paused, took another sip with a sigh. “Plus, I can be picky. I always have people who want to have me… Not sure that it’s everyone’s case.” A little dig because she could do so. She didn’t like to be interviewed this way, it felt like a waste of time. 
She clipped her hair behind her ear and listened. “Hot? Yeah well, some are.” She could admit, as she thought about a certain brown-haired large boy with a Swedish accent. “But being hot is nothing compared to bed skills. It’s not always equal.” She felt a little too much observed by this girl, so she decided to lie; because why would she care anyway? “I can do whatever I want. Why? You wanna join?” She eyed Fang with a mocking smile, the very idea was quite funny. She had a bunch of clingy clients she would definitely throw at her. “There must be a special kind of those hot men you like so much who loved them crippled.”  
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distopea · 10 months
while ryo sipped on one of his drinks, a man with longer hair in a ponytail & tacky shirt entered the place as if he was inspecting it. a delighted look on his face, striking conversation to the women he walked by. clearly, someone more familiarised with hostess clubs that’s he was.
by the time he approached sybille, he’d flash a smile before introducing himself as manny, & asking what she was drinking. ryo said nothing but watched the scene unfold ; eyes going between those two as he wondered how she’d react to others. his brothers’ protests were shooed away by him, who told them to let her do what she wants rather than demand she stays. his vaping pen was pulled out in the meantime, occupying his time with that. if she wanted to leave, he’d not blame her. he was aware he wasn’t easy to deal with.
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One of Sybille’s assets was perfectly on display right now; it was her capacity to pretend she wasn’t bored. Ryo was equal to himself; not very fun, not very entertainable either, barely drinking. He was still quite decent when it came to tips, but he wasn’t engaged further despite her efforts to propose other kinds of services. He was doable; in a way that she felt it could be funnier being naked and bouncing on him. But, as well, he was hermetic to those calls. Like those Ken dolls with nothing between the legs; or at least, she hadn’t found yet what could make him go wild. 
She glanced aside when she heard a rather warm and engaging voice approaching her. Her eyes sparkled for a second with life, while a new individual, Manny, came directly to chat with her. Sybille felt the urgent need to pretend she was a princess in distress, her mind bringing her to imagine her grabbing Manny’s jacket so he would take her away and out of this endless boredom. He seemed to know how this place was working; finally, a client that was ready to get spoiled and “loved” by the hostesses of the club. Yet, Sybille put on her distant mask and played mystery. She remembered the first rules she had learned the hard way back in the days... She still felt the burn of those slaps of her cheeks when she went for other clients while already being booked. 
“I’d love to chat further with you, I’m already engaged for the night, love.” She said with the glimpse of a promiseful but still sorry smile. She was playing two cards; on one hand she wanted Ryo to realize she was a woman of her words when she said she attended to someone fully and that he had her whole attention despite his behavior. On another hand, she wanted Manny to believe she had higher standards than those escorts flying like flies around shit and going to the smelliest ones. She was an object of desire; once booked, they could only admire her from a far distance. Maybe Manny would want that kind of special attention another day.
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She threw a small side eye at Ryo, getting closer from his sitting silhouette, almost pressing her weight against his body. “Mmh, poor man.” She hummed, and nuzzled against Ryo’s shoulder. Now she craved attention and he would better give in because of the sacrifice she made. “That girl over there with him, she’s a scam. She has bad STDs but her cousin works in a laboratory, so she always manages to cheat with her test results. She’s so desperate, she tries to attend everyone because she knows her days are counted here. It's a matter of time before she gives her little bottom friends to someone else.” Whether it was a lie or not, she loved spreading those rumors.
Content with herself, she sighed again and looked back at Ryo with honey eyes, along with his almost empty drink. “Another banana milk, handsome?”  
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distopea · 11 months
for sybille & ryo…maybe 10, if you still taking them ofc.
Kiss meme 💋
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She was basically chatting for so long that she almost forgot she hadn’t heard the sound of his voice for perhaps more than twenty minutes. She knew that Ryo could be a little bit distracted - her own disillusionment in order to face his lack of interest in HER - but she found him particularly distant tonight. Maybe he had trouble and he didn’t want to talk about it? Maybe he had something in mind and he wouldn’t want to voice it? Nonetheless, it was painful for her and, as his escort, it was her job to ease the atmosphere. With all those efforts she had made with both her makeup and outfit, it was outrageous he wouldn’t even dare to say a word. 
“Anyway, I’ll be back, love.” She huffed and stood back up, while she eventually skirted the table between them and headed to the bar. Ryo hadn’t ordered anything, but she had overheard some day one of his brothers talking about some banana milk to get him more in the mood. She wouldn’t judge - she was already judging - his taste in beverages, but while he could be a five-year-old kid drinking his baby juice, she would at least raise his standards when it came to conversing with women. 
“Sounds like you needed something else to please you, handsome.” She arrived with her best smile printed on her lips, flashing her long legs through her split crimson dress before she secured the large glass of banana milk, with a special slice of banana and cinnamon, everything he might like. Yet, she thought that she was also in need of reward as well, as she was trying her best to please such a dead inside client, probably with no cock between his legs. After all, he hadn’t given any look in the direction of her impressive cleavage and that was definitely concerning. 
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“Wait! Don't drink yet!” She raised her finger and tutted him not to drink so fast, sliding herself by his side, before she rolled her arm around his shoulder and tenderly kissed his cheek, yet sill aimed for the corner of his mouth. “Mwah!” She chuckled and hid her mouth behind her hand before she moved and sat further away, just in case something crazy would happen - she still feared a sudden burst of violence with someone so quiet.
She grabbed her own virgin strawberry mojito and looked back at him with innocent eyes, sliding the straw right against her painted lips. Nothing weird had happened, right? “So… Do you like it? Does it taste good?” 
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