mcmcntomorii-later Β· 2 years
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@saeculumaeterna / @synshubblog
[ cuddle ]Β β€” sender cuddles up to receiver as they’re just waking up
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There were a few barely awake murmurs that Mukuro let out when she felt Dagon cuddle up against her, she of course returns the gesture, her body moving to nuzzle up against Dagon as she slowly began stirring from slumber。
Mukuro takes a soft inhale as she slowly begins to open her eyes。
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γ€Œγ€‚γ€‚γ€‚time is it?」 The beginning of her question being near unheard by the rather incoherent muttering she still slowly began to fully rise from her slumber。
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【 softer shippy meme 】 β™‘ 【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later Β· 2 years
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β€” Love, are you interested in visiting France with me?
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γ€ŒHm?」 Mukuro hums as she looks up from the book she was reading, France was somewhere Mukuro never really considered going to vacation there, it was alright, but if Kefla was with her, she'd probably enjoy going to France quite a bit。
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γ€ŒSure, although, I don't really speak I assume you do?」
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【 unprompted asks 】 β™‘ 【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later Β· 2 years
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"Hm a prime subject..." The man in black muttered underneath his breath as he slowly approached his target. His black leather outfit and sunglasses making him stand out amongst even the criminal underworld. "I believe I could require your real services, Ito Mukuro." Wesker addressed the assassin.
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The moment it became apparent that she was being approached, Mukuro's eyes were on him。 As he approached, Mukuro's eyes would look him over, he wasn't all that bad looking which did cause the corner of Mukuro's lips to curve up slightly。
Mukuro knew right away that this was going to be straight to business, and she wasn't wrong when he spoke of needing her real services。
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γ€ŒDefine what you mean by real services?」 Depending on what he'd hear meant either he thought assassination was her ' real ' service or information brokering, which was the correct one, but over time it really became more of an either or type of situation。
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【 unprompted asks 】 β™‘ 【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later Β· 2 years
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Naturally, Byakuya continued to ignore the words of the Kuchiki clan in favor of keeping Mukuro at his side. It was another night where she was invited for dinner. However, this time he made sure they were the only two at the table eating as to avoid anymore disrespect towards Mukuro. That didn't seem to stop members of the clan though, having decided to be spiteful and poured food over Mukuro after sneaking in, pretty much ruining the outfit she had arrived in. A glare he shot the two members resulted in them scurrying off in fear most likely. After the fact, Byakuya stands up from where he sat and immediately goes over to his beloved. "I apologize considerably for my clan's immaturity, come, you can use the bath in my room." He takes her hand and brings her to his room, he'd go ahead and search in his closet for something to wear and picked out a black kimono he owned for her. "I know this will be rather big on you but please endure until I ensure your clothes are washed. I'll take responsibility for what happened." He'll say when handing the kimono to her.
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Mukuro was honestly at a loss for words when she found herself covered in food, had she not seen how had dumped the food on her, she would have asked Byakuya if someone on the property was watching or had children。 Because this was an extremely childish action, hence her surprise when she saw that they were well past the ages of adolescences。
γ€ŒI'm just thankful it's not rotten food, or paint。。。」 Mukuro said with a small laugh as she took his hand and would be led back to his room。
Mukuro would be lying if she said that she wasn't looking forward to seeing what sort of bath Byakuya had in his room, so maybe this little food fiasco was a blessing in disguise。
As she stood waiting for an item of clothing to borrow, Mukuro made sure that she wouldn't drop any food on the floor or had trailed any behind her。
Turning her attention back to Byakuya, there was a small smile on her face when he held out a black kimono for her to wear。
γ€ŒThis'll be more than a fine substitute, thank you,」 it was far better than the food covered kimono she was currently sporting, with another nod of thanks, γ€ŒI wont take long,」 as much as she loved baths, she'd hate to spend a majority of their time together tonight to be spent with just her in the bath。
The bath she ended up taking was spent maybe a little longer than she thought she would have taken, not only because the water felt nice, but she wanted to make sure she thoroughly clean, and that meant making sure no food bits had gotten stuck in the piercings she had on her chest or stuck in her hair。
Mukuro would do a combination of humming and softly sing as she bathed, she wouldn't noticed she would do that since it was just a habit she picked up。 But after a couple songs, Mukuro was finally finished and changed, making sure her hair wasn't dripping welt by the time she stepped out of the bathroom。
Just as he said, the kimono was rather big on her but what Mukuro lacked in broad shoulders, she made up for a rather sizeable chest, but even so, the kimono she had been given to wear did show a good amount of her collarbone。
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γ€ŒThank you again for the kimono, Byakuya,」 Mukuro said once she exited the bathroom fresh and clean。
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【 unprompted asks 】 β™‘ 【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later Β· 2 years
Damn, Nobody cares?
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β€” it's 8AM??? Get lost???
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mcmcntomorii-later Β· 2 years
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πŸ’ (Pretty lady in her age range? She may as well try)
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γ€ŒSure,」 Mukuro gave a small nod after giving a little moment of thought。 Mukuro would always give people at least one shot at taking her out, if she had fun then great, that'd be nice and probably lead into a more dates, and if she didn't then oh well, better to try and know than to not try。
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γ€ŒWhat do you have in mind?」
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【 ask mukuro on a date 】 β™‘ 【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later Β· 2 years
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✨ to go stargazing with my muse
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Mukuro didn't really set a lot of time to the side to do something like this so when Rowan offered to take her stargazing, Mukuro paused for a moment before agreeing, stargazing sounded really nice and Mukuro saw no harm in going with him。
After all, Mukuro found herself growing quite fond of him, so she didn't really see any reason as to decline his invitation。
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γ€ŒThank you for inviting me, this is really nice,」 Mukuro states a moment after they had taken their places to stargaze。
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【 Be Mukuro's Valentine! 】 β™‘ 【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later Β· 2 years
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"Your confidence must be stored in those huge honkers huh?"
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γ€ŒOh, these? My boobies? My massive fucking titties? My super stuffed milkies? My honker bonker doinky boinkies? My fucking fabric stretching wind flapping gravity welling sex mounds? You mean these super duper ultra hyper god damn motherfucking tits?」
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γ€ŒOh no, actually only one of my huge badonkers stores my confidence, the other is sheer rage~!」
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【 unprompted asks 】 β™‘ 【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later Β· 2 years
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πŸ‘… (Yasha)
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Mukuro couldn't recall how they had gotten to this moment, but currently she wasn't really all that worried about it。 Being pinned against the wall, Mukuro tried her best to keep her voice down, which was easier while they kissed but the moment their lips parted for Yasha's to travel down her neck, Mukuro was having a hard time keeping quiet。
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And all attempts of doing such were quickly dashed as Yasha's teeth bit down on her flesh, causing the pinkette to cry out in ecstasy。 The arms and legs she had wrapped around Yasha tightened slightly as she'd moan and plead in his ear to give her more marks。
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【 mukuro's reaction to your muse giving her a hickey 】♑【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later Β· 2 years
The perfect breasts to shove a dick between
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γ€ŒThank youγ€œγ€
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【 unprompted asks 】 β™‘ 【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later Β· 2 years
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" Have you ever gone stargazing?" (From Suzuran )
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When her fellow third seat asked that question, Mukuro blinked a few times, her eyes drifting away for a moment as she thought。
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γ€ŒI haven't for a long time, at least I haven't stargazed with purpose, I might have glance once in a while but I haven't sought out stargazing lately。 Have you?」
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【 random dialogue starters 】 β™‘ 【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later Β· 2 years
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Renji snuck behind his lover, who was too busy making breakfast to notice him tiptoeing closer to her. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to her neck, nibbling a little on the soft flesh there before pulling her close by the waist. "Good Mornin', Mukuro."
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Mukuro was humming a soft tune as she cooked, her guard completely down as well as in her own world somewhat, so it was rather easy for Renji to catch her off guard。
A little yelp leaving her lips when his lips pressed against her neck, the surprise short lived when his teeth gently nibbled against her skin。
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γ€ŒAnd good morning to you too, my darling~」 She grins, leaning back and tilting her head to press a quick kiss against his jawline。
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【 random action themed prompts 】 β™‘ 【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later Β· 2 years
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β—•β€Ώβ—• (Vash)
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The feeling of Vash's fingers playing with her hair caused an immediate reaction of relaxation within Mukuro, her eyes closing slightly as she leaned into Vash's touch。
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γ€ŒThank you, Vash。。。 this is really nice。」
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【 play with mukuro's hair 】 β™‘ 【 accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later Β· 2 years
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Byakuya had invited Mukuro to his room, having taken her with him by the hand. He'd sigh, feeling the weight of everything pulling him down. It was exhausting. He looks to Mukuro, looking a little saddened as he pulls her into a hug. He didn't let her go for a few seconds.
"You know Mukuro, I'm afraid the clan may never accept our relationship. I'm willing to ignore everyone's opinions, however, how do you feel on the matter?"
He was worried it was upsetting for her. Byakuya certainly did not want to force her to remain together with him if the burden of being disliked by the clan was too much for her. Perhaps in time they would warm up to her but for now their disdain was evident.
"I won't force you to stay with me if this is too much for you. Because, more than anything..." He cups her face gently, gazing deeply into her eyes.
"I want you to be happy......."
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Mukuro wouldn't lie, the second Byakuya invited her to his room, Mukuro's heart felt like i was going to explode from her chest。 But even so, when she'd normally take the time to look around, she'd set her focus on Byakuya and noticed that he looked rather sullen and pulls into her a hug。 A hug that Mukuro gratefully returns。
γ€ŒSo what if they don't? I don't mind one bit,」 Mukuro said softly, applying a comforting rub to his back。
γ€ŒYou're not forcing me at all,」 Mukuro adds, placing her hands on his as he cups her face and leans into his touch, γ€ŒI am happy, I'm really happy with you and I'll remain that way。」 It would be a bonus if they ended up warming up to her, but if not, then eh, it wasn't going to be any skin off her back。 Her clan already laid claim to that。
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γ€ŒIf I let the thoughts and feelings be dictated and impacted by the thoughts of clan elders, I wouldn't have been exiled。」 She kept her voice soft as she spoke, it was a topic that she hadn't spoken much about but with Byakuya, she felt confident in telling him and she wanted to divulge more of herself and her past to him。
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【 unprompted asks 】 Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β  Β  Β Β  β™‘ Β  Β  Β Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later Β· 2 years
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The important members of the Kuchiki family ate dinner together everyday. Naturally, Byakuya invited Mukuro pretty often since he considered her important enough to attend them. However, the elders were getting increasingly furious over Byakuya refusing to listen regarding his relationship with her. So, one thing led to another and another member was invited to take Mukuro's seat.
When Byakuya arrived with his beloved and saw the predicament, he didn't fret nor uttered a complaint. Instead, he took a seat in his usual chair and gestured for Mukuro to come over, where he'd bring her over onto his lap. An arm securely kept itself around her waist. All the while there was no change in expression, until he looks up at Mukuro, smugly smiling as he kisses her.
Furious eyes were directed towards their way. Then he finally spoke up, "If you insist on being immature regarding our relationship, don't get upset when I end up retaliating." He didn't glance towards any of the clan members, only focusing on his food and making sure Mukuro got a plate of her own too.
If they were going to be petty, he'll do the same right back.
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Β  The first time she was invited to one of these dinners, Mukuro made sure she was properly dressed, just to make a good impression。 But once what their thoughts and feelings about Mukuro were, the less that she’d dress to impress them and just wore what she felt comfortable in - which didn’t really help improve their opinions of her, but at this point now, Mukuro didn’t care。 The only opinions Mukuro cared for in this family were Byakuya’s and Rukia’s。
Β  So when they arrived to dinner, the fact that a seat Mukuro would normally occupy was taken, didn’t really surprise Mukuro, honestly she was surprised at the fact it had taken them this long to pull something like this。 Were this any other situation, with different people, Mukuro would have absolutely pulled a bully move and just tipped the chair they were sitting in, making them slip out and then she’d take her seat back。 But that would probably be quite impolite and probably cause more trouble than it was worth, so Mukuro resorted to just narrowing her eyes slightly, a glare that would last for only a few seconds before she noticed Byakuya taking his seat and gesturing her over。
Β  If someone had told her, β€˜oh he’s going to have you sit on his lap at dinner,’ Mukuro would have absolutely called bullshit, but here she was, now comfortably seated on his lap, her own smug smile spreading on her lips as she watches everyone else’s expression morph into surprise, a silent outrage, and then back to surprise and lastly back to white-hot silent rage when Byakuya kisses her in front of them all。
Β  Byakuya’s words bring a smile to her lips as well as a little bit of a blush to her face, to be stood up for in this manner, made her happy far beyond words could explain。
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γ€ŒI love you~」 Mukuro speaks in a tone loud enough for Byakuya to hear her before she starts eating her food。
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【 unprompted asks 】 Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  β™‘ Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β   【 always accepting 】
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mcmcntomorii-later Β· 2 years
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ε›ž = patching a wound . (Doppo)
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γ€ŒDarling?」 Mukuro calls out, concern clear in her voice as she notices what he's doing。
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γ€ŒIs everything alright? Do you need any help?」 There was panic, of course, she hated seeing that he had some sort of injury and her mind began to race of every possible awful situation that could have happened to give him a wound。
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【 mukuro's reaction to your muse ____ meme 】 β™‘ 【 accepting 】
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