#⌈⌈verse[rebecca's timeline]. (lucina)
sentofighta · 4 years
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“why  do  you  always  think  you  have  to  do  everything  on  your  own ??” Rebecca to Lucina
𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐓 / 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓   ♡   𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 | no longer accepting | @pieman1112​
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Her left hand rested on the faded hand print that was a last farewell from a fellow knight turned to a risen. It may have faded away and only on a closer look you could see some of its marks but for Lucina it is always visible.
“Because I have to...It’s the only thing I know.” more like forced to since her early days. “Someone had to...heh...” she forced a smile out but instead her eyes betrayed her and tears streamed down. “H-huh...n-no...It’s fine...really...*sniffles* Someone had to *sniffles* everyone was...*sobs* we all were alone...Mother, was it wrong?” 
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convxction · 5 years
What about a corrupted verse?
give me verse ideas | accepting always | @pieman1112
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/ / present to you exhibit A . exhibit B. let’s go.
I already have the failed rescue one and risen king verses. I’ll just try to add more to them.
Failed rescue takes place in the in game world in which lucina couldnt save emmeryn on the first assassination leading to failing in saving chro,.m from that garden attack. chro.m will sustain grave wounds as lucina said in her own timeline. chro.m will not be able to wield falchion properly with his right arm and his left eye is damaged because he tried to do the left shoulder guard moment but it backfired on him. Chro.m in here falls for depression and hatred, especially if he hears about ‘Marth’ knowing that was supposed to happen and didn’t say anything beforehand. He will lose all trusts of everyone (minus lissa and frederick but he will still give them hard time.) 
He will speak less, and just generally glare in your general direction because stop talking or breathing next to me, heathen. Since the world does not matter to him, he will care not how peace is restored. if it means to use the shepherds he will. Despite how villain like he wants to see because he is hurt and in pain, there are times he will just crumple down due to the heavyweight of responsibility and sins on his shoulders. ylisstol castle will be off limit for the ylissean for a while until chro.m is able to actually sit down and talk to people. his injuries took a long time to heal even with the best healers around thus ylisse was on verge of civil war due to the sudden loss of the Exalt and even the prince. 
i think he will be superultraoverprotective of lissa. she is his last family and it will kill him if he were to lose her as well. it will take time for him to accept she leaves the castle and join the shepherds. i can imagine frederick taking all the heat of his mistrust in order to let lissa leave. tho chro.m being chro,m he will yield in because no one can beat freddypo when he goes full stubborn mode especially if he puts his life on the line for it.
goodbye to the days they thought ylisse is a peaceful country because he is going to make THE army of 15 years again. Everyone is (semi) forced to go to war against Plegia. This could also work bad for Avatar because you plegian? you plegian?????? EYES EMOJI KNIFE. but he will keep avatar around because he will go with the keep your enemies closeby (and he is dumbo in the core wants to give them another chance but lowkey dont tell anyone sh)
highkey will wage war against anyone at this point because fuck it.
also, fuck naga. how dare she let emmeryn die when all emmeryn wanted is to spread peace? naga appears before him STAB STAB STAB BINCH STAB. dramatic emms at her!
risen king au is just sad one. not recommended if someone will not understand that chro.m here is dead. he will not feel pain, nor heat, nor cold. he is just a death walking machine. if ordered by grima, he will kill so if he did not wow fall from the first two strikes dont bitch about it. as i said before he will use his arm against you if you cut it off because what is pain. plus, how it goes, he might not remember who your muse is thanks to the memories jumbling and grima’s altering them. and i dont know if he can be revived somehow but most likely he is dead. different things can happen like he is not dead-dead but you know all functions are shut down and he is being preserved by grima’s magic, that or something else idk. 
i could throw the no-brand verse here as well because this chro.m is a little bit lawbreaker because he does not care that much about being a prince he is not recognized as one. could cause a little bit of mayhem if he was not stopped. but nothing that..serious….maybe lol.
as for the corrupted thing we talked about, it could be one of the parallel worlds where chro.m is not as nice as he is in main world. wrecks havoc and meets E!Rebecca and just the best duo to wreck more havoc together with E!Spatan lololol. happy family man haha.
i could see he might have either killed emmeryn or locked her in the garden and took charge of the country because she is too soft on people and that does not help ylisse eradicating plegia. but i go for locking her up if she resisted he will kill her himself…out of love. ha. lissa will either be locked with her or force her to listen to him because he could do the mambo jumbo im your big brother bullshit to manipulate her. if that didn’t work, he could send her to ferox because she does not possess any threat to him since she does not have the brand. no one will listen to her even though she is loved. 
that, or we could go with all the fam corrupted thanks to dad! his teachings and ideals were carried over by them children. 
thanks dad~
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sentofighta · 4 years
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⛈ for Lucina with 197
Nonverbal RP Starters | accepting | @pieman1112​
⛈ Find my muse after some kind of trauma
She thought what happened a couple of years ago would not repeat itself but she was mistaken; if it happened once, it can happen twice and again and again...She was lucky that day that Owain was around to finish off that risen. That day is one etched to her memories, like the rest of the days she faced after Grima took control of the realm. 
A fellow Ylissean soldier was turned to a risen after they died and was used against the shepherds led by Lucina. It was not easy to fight someone who was just fighting alongside with you but Lucina tried her best to give them the end they deserve from this neverending anguish. However, these risens retain--some of them, their memories, their skills so they are more dangerous than a normal risen. It surprised Lucina when the risen know that her weak side was the left side and made her stumble and fall to her back and it held tightly her right arm to prevent her from reaching out for her Falchion. It was the scariest moment in her life, after coming face-to-face with Grima. Was it the end? She knew she screwed and how she has failed everyone but thankfully Owain came in and killed the risen. It slowly weighted on her that the risen could have killed her on the spot but it hesitated for a moment. The last words that came out of the risen were “Princess......sorry....” which made her cry holding her right hand close to her chest. The mark of the risen’s hold was so red it left a mark on it.
Today, she faced something similar but luckily she managed to slip on her own. It triggered the memories of that which she had to quickly find a secluded place to calm herself. She was having a panic attack but there was no need to alarm anyone because it will pass. Though her grandfather had another saying in this matter.
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“--Gr--*hic* *sniffles* --I’m-- f-fine. I am really.” Falchion dropped on the ground as she held her right arm close to her chest. “I am sorry if I have worried you but I am really fine.” 
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sentofighta · 5 years
“I thought you might be hungry, so I brought you this.” From 197 to Maria or Lucina
soft sentence starter | accepting | @pieman1112
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The girls were helping with sorting the newly purchased items in the storage tent when Spartan came in with a tray full of food. They missed on lunch because they were having so much fun arranging things. It has been a while since they did anything…fun together.
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“Ah, Grandfather! You troubled yourself on our behalf. Thank you,” Lucina got up and cleared the table for Spartan to play the tray down. Maria jumped to help as well to help. “You will join us, right grandfather?” Lucina asked and Maria looked up to him, with almost questioning eyes. 
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“You will…..? Um, Granpapa?”
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sentofighta · 5 years
🌸 Rebecca with tiny Lucina
Nonverbal RP Starters | accepting | @pieman1112​
🌸 Put a flower in my muse’s hair
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Lissa was kind enough to babysit Lucina with Owain whenever Chrom and Rebecca were not available. Lucina had learned how to make flower crowns from her aunt and today when she was sitting with her mother, she showed her what she has learned and Rebecca was impressed. To show her approval, she tucked one flower behind Lucina’s ear. “Hehe~ thank you, mommy! Next time I’m gonna make lots of them for papa and hunty and freddy and aunty and all!”
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sentofighta · 5 years
💪 197 with young Lucina
Nonverbal RP Starters | accepting | @pieman1112
💪 Pick my muse up
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Young Lucina was running around, chasing a pretty butterfly when she saw Spartan coming from a corner after what seems his patrol ending on that side. “Hunnnnt~~y!!!” she ran as fast as she can towards him when her grandfather crouched enough to be able to pick her up. “Waaaa~~~ Up! Up! Hunty can you throw me up like that time? Up! Veeeeery high!”
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sentofighta · 5 years
“oww…stupid door frame.” From 197 to Lucina. Grandpa hunty isn’t use to the small doors of the castle.
short tall sentence starters | accepting | @pieman1112
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A low gasp when she saw her grandfather bumped his head to the door frame. Lucina quickly ran towards him to check if he got injured. “Grandfather! Are you okay? Please, let me look at it.” She placed her right hand over his forehead, gently rubbing it. “Pain go away…” it was something Rebecca had done when she was a kid. A smile curled her lips before she started giggling, “Hehe, are you feeling better?”
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sentofighta · 5 years
Rebecca is going to sing Future Lucina a lullaby.
send affection & thank you | accepting always | @pieman1112
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The Princess was poking the almost dead campfire, not noticing the flames were barely lighting and warming the area around her until her mother came up to rescue the dying flames. Lucina apologized for spacing out but Rebecca did not came to reproach her instead she scooted closer to her daughter, wrapped an arm around her to pull her close to her and gently patted her head. Rebecca then started to sing something of her world music to banish the worries that her daughter was struggling with.
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“Mother…” she could not help but cling to Rebecca and let her body relax in her mother’s embrace. She had pushed her mind and body with these thoughts today. Maybe… “Mother… Thank you for being here…Thank you for staying alive.” 
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sentofighta · 5 years
💥 for Bad Future Lucina from Bad Future Rebecca after 197 sacrifices himself to save them
Nonverbal RP Starters | accepting | @pieman1112
💥 Try to calm my muse during an overwhelming emotional moment
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Who would have thought Ylisse would fall like this? Who would thought a country that was built on trust and companionship could fall this easily because…someone backstabbed the Exalt. Lucina was about 10 years old and seeing her country crumble bit by bit was too much for a young girl like her. It was not enough that the news of her father’s death traveled so fast after Grima took control completely of Robin’s body. It was …horrific sight when her father’s body was tossed as a mark to start Grima’s reign over them. 
All she remembers was Rebecca quickly hugging her and taking her away as fast as she could, crying her eyes out but she didn’t stop until she hid Lucina in one of the secret rooms in the castle. Rebecca told Lucina to never leave from here and soon Thomas and Maria will come. 
Lucina still crying and calling for chrom, she was too scared to come out. That was her father, right? That….body was her father! 
Risens started to swarm the castle inside and outside, it was crazy! The grimleals were using everything to have the upper hand even to use the dead bodies of the Ylissean soldiers. It was only a matter of time when the castle was now dangerous to stay in. Rebecca hurried back to get her children with the help of her father but now the way outside was blocked by hordes and hordes of risens and even for Spartan, protecting four people–adult and three children is a tough mission. Only God knows what S.T.A.R. had told him to get him to take off his helmet and hand it to Lucina. He said something sweet to her; to never give up and to take care of her siblings, especially Maria since she is just a baby. She can do it because she is strong, kind and smart and he believes in her. He petted her head one last time before he hugged Rebecca and quickly ran ahead towards the risens. He threw himself at them in order to distract them and naga’s mercy that was not a sight to see. He fought and fought but they were too many…too many for one brave man. Rebecca could only drag herself and her children outside as quickly as possible. Lucina fought to follow after Spartan but Rebecca had to yell at Lucina for the first time in her life. 
Once they were outside, somewhere safe, Rebecca hugged her children and cried. It was too much, her husband then her father. But she collected herself for her children. She wiped Lucina’s tears and did all her best to calm her down. Obviously, she can’t erase what she witnessed but enough to calm her down. 
“M-mommy *sobs* w-why? Why this is…*hic* dad….grandpa…everyone…why? why they are hurting them!?”
tears kept running down as she clung to her mother scared she might lose her too. Thomas cried because Lucina was crying and Maria as a baby joined the symphony. There was only one solution and it was singing. Rebecca started singing and after a couple of minutes, the three stopped crying. The mother promised that everything is going to be alright. 
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sentofighta · 5 years
👁 for Lucina from S.T.A.R
Nonverbal RP Starters | accepting | @pieman1112
👁 Wake my muse up during a nightmare
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Hunter had left his helmet with Lucina when he retired for the night. The princess thought he would not let go of the helmet that easily but little did she know that S.T.A.R. the one who requested to stay with Lucina for the night. The A.I. had notified that there is some disturbance in Lucina’s brain waves caused by her overthinking and probably, if not surely lack of sleep. Lucina could mask it well with her easy smile but she can’t fool a high technology from another realm. That night, Lucina hugged S.T.A.R. close to her because it reminded her of days when hunter used to nap with her when she was a little. Days she can’t relive no matter what because this time is not for her, but for her…younger counterpart. The two talked for a bit before Lucina started to get drowsy and eventually fell asleep. S.T.A.R.’s plan worked out, and the princess is fast asleep. However, that achievement did not last for more than an hour before nightmares started to hunt the princess. Being like this with the A.I. reminded her with another memory, but a horrible one! The day she had to leave the helmet behind because it ran out of battery. The night before it Lucina kept hugging S.T.A.R. so close of her, Thomas holding her right hand and Maria holding her left hand. They were alone, scared and tired. S.T.A.R. was alerted to that but lacking the psychical body to interact with the princess, it kept calling Lucina repeatedly to wake her up. S.T.A.R. had already signaled for Spartan to come because this matter is something out of its capability. Lucina’s tears ran down but she soon woke up on S.T.A.R.’s seemingly worried voice. 
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“H-huh…? Wh….S.T.A.R… .n-nightmare…? Y..yes….old…memory. I am sorry to have worried you, S.T.A.R. But I am fine, now. Wh- you called Grandfather!? Oh, no..why did you do that? He will be worried! See, I am fine” she forced herself up and wiped her tears, sniffling as well. “But…thank you…” her nightmare was getting to the terrifying part and she was spared that this time. 
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sentofighta · 5 years
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happy tiny lucina noises because mommy’s birfday and hunty!
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sentofighta · 5 years
♪ for Lucina from Rebecca
gently touch my muse || not accepting daz old one || @pieman1112​
♪ : singing them a lullaby and brushing their hair
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The princess had excused herself to spend some time with her mother until they both get tired and retire for the day. They spoke about different things, stories of future and present and past, back and forth between them until Lucina started to yawn. She could see some tiredness color under her mother’s eyes so she stood up to leave when Rebecca pulled her back and told her that she would at least brush her hair so Lucina can go to bed quickly. Lucina gratefully accepted and seated down happily. It is a blessed day to be able to talk to her mother this long and now she brushes her hair. She could feel her heart flutter excitedly. Her mother started to brush her daughter’s hair and hummed lightly before her voice gradually gets a little bit higher and started to sing some lullabies of her own world. Lucina’s shoulders sank in, feeling all her tiredness leave her body. “Thank you..Mother,” she murmured under her breath.
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sentofighta · 5 years
▨ for Lucina from 197
Send a symbol for your muse to gently touch mine by | accepting | @pieman1112
▨ : rubbing their back to calm them down when they’re upset
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“Grandfather!” she gasped softly when she felt someone patting her shoulder. “I-I’m fine….not really. I have failed to protect Owain today and he got injured on my behalf…I have told him to stop jumping in front of me…” she clenched her hands tightly. “I’ve told him a million times to stop doing that and yet he…!” she let out a shaky breath, and hid her face between her trembling hands. “I thought…*sniffles* I’ve lost him…” Spartan leaned and gently rubbed her back and told her that Owain only did that because she’d have done the same for him; they’re family. “*sniffles* right but–…he’s way too reckless…w-what that supposed to mean, grandfather!? I–…aww…” she hid her face even more because Hunter pointed out that she’s also as reckless as her cousin. Apparently, it runs in the family. Lucina took a deep breath and leaned towards Spartan, “Thank you….”
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sentofighta · 5 years
👩‍⚕️ for Lucina from 197
nonverbal RP Starters | accepting | @pieman1112
👩‍⚕️ Put pressure on my muse’s wound
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“Nn!…I-I’m fine, grandfather.” she rested her hand over his shoulder and squeezed it. Her injury was not that grave but she can’t move on her own for a while. Hunter had to press on the wound so she does not lose blood and wait for Lissa to quickly come and heal Lucina. “C-calm down, grandfather..I’m fine, really…I’ll be alright.”
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sentofighta · 5 years
✩ for Lucina from Rebecca
Acts of Affection | accepting | @pieman1112
✩  Grooming, brushing, or tending to their hair.
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Lucina had just gotten back to her tent and took off her cape and armor. The wind was blowing today, she assumed that her hair was one big mess so she sat down to look after it. Her hair is very special to her. When Chrom was free from his duties, he’d brush it for her. When Rebecca would finish her queen duties she’d spend her time with Lucina brushing and braiding her hair. 
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She was lost in thoughts for a moment and did not hear her mother calling for her before she excused herself to enter upon getting slightly worried that she did not respond. “–! M-mother!…My apologies, I didn’t hear you. Hm? Ah, I was fixing it. The winds are strong today and kind of messed it. H-huh? N-no, it is alright. I can do it–mom….” Rebecca insisted she’d do it for her.
The mother stood behind her daughter, gently brushing her hair and the smile never leaving her face. Lucina could not help but smile as well. It’s like..she’s a kid, again. No, no, no. Don’t start crying, Lucina. You’re strong. 
“*sniffles* N-no, I’m happy. I..missed this.” can she be a little more selfish until her younger self is old enough to take over this love. 
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sentofighta · 5 years
💃 for Lucina from Rebecca
Nonverbal RP Starters | accepting | @pieman1112
💃 Pull my muse onto a dance floor/up to dance
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It was heartwarming seeing everyone dancing around. To think that she could see something like that in her life. It feels like a dream, a cruel one if it was true. Lucina was pulled away from her thoughts when her mother simply dragged her into the middle of the dance floor. “M-Mother!? Please! No!” her cheeks turning red when she noticed everyone clapping and urging her to join them. It was so embarrassing! The last time she remembers she danced was …was….when everyone was alive. She probably had danced a couple of times for a reason or another but nothing was recalled back from the depth of her memories except the last time she danced with Chrom and Rebecca on her seventh birthday. 
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Lucina squeezed her mother’s hand, never letting it go. “W-we dance together…” there is no escaping it so why not as well…enjoy it. 
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