#⌜  ・゚ × ・  *  she became the bad part of town   ―   biography.  ⌟       /      creed.
parabcllums · 5 years
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⧼    stella maeve, cis female, she & her   /   abrahams daughter by arcade fire   +   a full moon hanging high in the star speckled sky, skimming the surface of undisturbed snow and drenching in its light the tops of endless evergreen trees and the decrepit cabin you grew up in. your body is more scar tissue than it is unblemished skin, and all you know is how to bare your teeth as if they’re fangs and treat your fingernails like claws. there’s blood on your trembling hands and it doesn’t belong to you, but that won’t stop it from staining everything that you touch.    ⧽   ━━   let me tell you a thing or two about VICTORIA CREED. the TWENTY EIGHT year old child of VICTOR CREED ( LOGAN HOWLETT & SILVERFOX ) is a wayward soul in town, and has sometimes been referred to as THE SACRIFICIAL LAMB. they’ve always seemed very INTUITIVE & METICULOUS, though i’ve heard that they can be pretty CALCULATING & RUTHLESS, too. it’s common knowledge that they have the powers of CLAW RETRACTION, REGENERATIVE HEALING & ENHANCED SENSES ; guess we shouldn’t get on their bad side, huh? redirect HERE for her stat page and HERE to her pinterest board.
and THREATS are just PROMISES   you actually WANT to keep.
BULLET POINT HISTORY trigger warnings for kidnapping, death, blood, child abuse / neglect,  murder, brief mention of assault.
VICTORIA CREED was born in violence. maybe that’s why it’s become all she’s ever known. she never had a CHANCE to be soft - she never had a chance at being someone ELSE. silver fox brought logan howlett the wolverine peace, at a time when it still seemed HARD to grasp. she made him happy. and he, in turn, made her the same, and for providing him with a softness and a kind of forgiveness, he made her feel SAFE. from their love sprung into existence a new life, one that might’ve stood a CHANCE if it hadn’t been for the monsters that hid around every corner of logan’s life. the baby was a SECRET. silver fox worried about what might happen, if anyone knew - and six months gone, she PLANNED on telling him on the eve of his birthday, though it never happened. instead, a monster reared his head. as she died, as her LIGHT went out, silver fox BEGGED for mercy - for her AND THE BABY. it was impulsive, certainly not a part of any plan he had for petty pain, but victor “saved” the child.
no one who would have mattered ever knew about her. with what victor did, to the body… identifying SILVER FOX was hard enough. no one knew she had been with child, and it was sort of perfect, for victor. in this baby he saw an opportunity for a RECKONING of logan’s OWN MAKING. of course she had to survive, first, and he was lucky that her mutation kickstarted as she came into the world - without rapid healing, the preterm and soon christened victoria creed would have died before she could ever have been utilized. she survived, and nobody was looking for her, and with a whole life ahead of her in which she could be molded, victor found himself a WEAPON.
she was never a CHILD. she was HIS DAUGHTER, he raised her as such and he told her as much with a GROWL, but she was not a child. she wasn’t nurtured, or loved. they lived together for a brief amount of time in a cabin, somewhere deep in the canadian wilderness, somewhere that no one would ever find HER - but even when she was young, he had a penchant for disappearing, and when she was FIVE, he started to do that more and more. victoria was never mollycoddled or given a chance to be what she was. she didn’t get to play with other kids, or experience the world around her like a NORMAL child might have. she learned to be SELF-SUFFICIENT, because if she wasn’t, she would DIE. it was that simple.
she learned other lessons, too. victoria was an investment. she was a long term sort of thing - and he treated her more as such than he did a loved daughter, like an actually LOVING FATHER might have. eventually, she would be used to hurt the very people that she SHOULD have cared for. that meant when she was growing, she needed to learn to be a KILLER. her earliest memories, outside of the LONELINESS, are of the metallic taste of warm blood - hunting trips deep into the forest surrounding the cabin, where she was shoved towards mountain lions and grizzlies that would either KILL or be KILLED. he always watched. watched, but never helped - and when she succeeded in toppling the beast, she was not rewarded with words of praise. 
for too long, she was too young to understand that this was not the way in which normal fathers treated their daughters. they did not rip their children apart, body and mind. they weren’t forced to KILL, or beaten until they could land a GOOD PUNCH. other kids had birthday parties and a kiss atop their forehead goodnight. victoria never had such luxuries.
his visits to the cabin weren’t frequent. sometimes, she could go weeks without ever having to see him, and in that time, she learnt other things, outside of ABUSE. she learnt the sounds of the forest and how to imitate them. she learnt how to control her mutations, use them for her own good, instead of HIS. she EXPLORED, leaving the cabin daily and running through the area, experiencing the limited world allowed to her.
once, she strayed so far off the track he had told her she could walk in the forest and stumbled across a VILLAGE - the first people to spot the barefoot child as she emerged from the trees with twigs in her wild hair and dirt smudged across her body had gone white faced with shock. they took care of her. brought her to an apartment above a bar, gave her a warm bath - it was the first time she’d ever experienced one - gave her food that wasn’t RAW, told her she could sleep safely in a soft bed that night, while they ‘looked for her parents’. she wouldn’t realize for many years that these people assumed she was a lost child, though she told them, then, how her father was a big, SCARY man, and that she had done some SCARY things. they didn’t believe her. they thought that it was the ravings of a terrified young girl. they allowed her to stay for two weeks. TWO WEEKS of CARE, something she had never had before, and then victor returned and tracked her to the bar, where he slaughtered the customers and found his way upstairs. she awoke to the stench of blood and death and she knew it was him before she had even made her way to the living room, where the owner and his wife lay, bound. this was the first night that victoria killed what WASN’T game - under the watchful gaze of his devil eyes, she didn’t have a CHOICE.
after this, he began to take her with him when he left, sometimes. he had always had ties with the hand, and somewhere along the way, he must have gotten back involved with them. victoria didn’t understand - SHE WAS STILL YOUNG - but she didn’t need to, to do what they wanted. they traveled the world and she saw it all with new eyes, experiencing things that she never could have DREAMED UP in the four walls of the cabin, and along the way, new lessons began. she had always had to FIGHT. it was the only way to make the pain stop, when he started, and sometimes fighting had kept her ALIVE. now he learned to fight for other reasons and he called it ‘training’, but when it came to a hand issued job, all bets were off. victoria wasn’t kept safe by victor. if she needed saving, she needed to do that for HERSELF. this, he said, taught her to be strong. when she had to kill someone along the way, when she hit an animal rage that had been ingrained into her and kept on going - she was learning to be RUTHLESS, and this was a trait that he liked.
he never did care for her. as she got older and began to understand certain things more and more, victoria knew that the neglect, the abuse - they were WRONG. but they were all that she had ever known, and in a way that only children of abuse can understand, she did BELIEVE that he cared. that was why she always did as he said. it was why she never questioned him, when he pointed one way and told her to KILL. LOYALTY. it forms in unlikely places, and it does so with strength that’s hard to break. a mutant in LA during a hand related deal put his hand on victoria’s ass, once, and victor didn’t blink as he ripped that man’s arm right out of his socket. nevermind that months later, he would leave her in tokyo alone for six months. nevermind that he tried to murder her when she was thirteen because she didn’t want to hurt a girl that was close in age to HER. nevermind that three years after that, she spent nine months a prisoner in YEMEN, all so she could kill someone on the INSIDE that victor wanted gone. NEVERMIND that the only reason he sought retribution during that deal gone wrong was snarled not to long later ; because she was HIS. because she always WOULD be.
he was all she KNEW. the life she had led at his mercy was all she KNEW. the limited emotions she was permitted to experience with him were again - all she KNEW. it isn’t that victoria doesn’t recognize that he’s wrong. that everything he’s done, everything she’s done, is WRONG, too - it’s that she doesn’t know anything else, and she’s never stood a chance of it since the day that she entered into this world.
she’s loyal to him, because at the end of the day, the life that he’s given her is the only one she’s ever HAD.
since this intro was written, victoria arrived in town and set about doing what her ‘father’ asked of her - she killed one of the wolverines grandchildren, she attacked two of his daughters. she would have died for her actions when she finally came face to face with him, had it not been for logan realizing at the last moment that her scent was a mix of HIM & his lost love. it didn’t take a rocket scientist for him to guess what had happened.
she’s been at paragon ever since ; uneasily awaiting the day that either the father who she grew knowing as so comes and gets her, or she is forced to run. the only reason she HASN’T yet is because she has amends to make with the real family who she hurt, and vicki wants to try and do that before it’s too late. she’s aware that someday, she will die, and the life she lives now is one spent looking perpetually over her shoulder for the unmistakable shadow of victor creed - but if, in the few weeks she knows she has left, she can salvage a fraction of her soul - she thinks that dying for what she’s done, and what she has failed to do, won’t be quite as bad.
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parabcllums · 5 years
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⌜   STELLA MAEVE, CIS FEMALE, SHE / HER   |   power by bastille, choleric, the sacrificial lamb   ⌟    ⏤   blink and you’ll miss VICTORIA CREED, the TWENTY SEVEN year old daughter of VICTOR CREED / LOGAN HOWLETT & SILVER FOX ! they’re an UNDERGRAD student at paragon academy, and i’ve always found them to be pretty INTUITIVE & METICULOUS, though i’ve heard that they can also be really CALCULATING & RUTHLESS. i don’t think getting their way is a smart thing to do - everyone knows that their ability is CLAW RETRACTION, REGENERATIVE HEALING FACTOR & ENHANCED SENSES. redirect HERE for her stat page and HERE to her pinterest board.
and THREATS are just PROMISES    you actually WANT to keep.
BULLET POINT HISTORY trigger warnings for kidnapping, death, blood, child abuse / neglect, child molestation, incest / pedophillia, murder, sexual assault. it’s EXPLICIT, but i tried to be so without getting into the nitty gritty.
VICTORIA CREED was born in violence. maybe that’s why it’s become all she’s ever known. she never had a CHANCE to be soft - she never had a chance at being someone ELSE. silver fox brought logan howlett the wolverine peace, at a time when it still seemed HARD to grasp. she made him happy. and he, in turn, made her the same, and for providing him with a softness and a kind of forgiveness, he made her feel SAFE. from their love sprung into existence a new life, one that might’ve stood a CHANCE if it hadn’t been for the monsters that hid around every corner of logan’s life. the baby was a SECRET. silver fox worried about what might happen, if anyone knew - and six months gone, she PLANNED on telling him on the eve of his birthday, though it never happened. instead, a monster reared his head. as she died, as her LIGHT went out, silver fox BEGGED for mercy - for her AND THE BABY. it was impulsive, certainly not a part of any plan he had for petty pain, but victor “saved” the child.
no one who would have mattered ever knew about her. with what victor did, to the body… identifying SILVER FOX was hard enough. no one knew she had been with child, and it was sort of perfect, for victor. in this baby he saw an opportunity for a RECKONING of logan’s OWN MAKING. of course she had to survive, first, and he was lucky that her mutation kickstarted as she came into the world - without rapid healing, the preterm and soon christened victoria creed would have died before she could ever have been utilized. she survived, and no body was looking for her, and with a whole life ahead of her in which she could be molded, victor found himself a WEAPON.
she was never a CHILD. she was HIS DAUGHTER, he raised her as such and he told her as much with a GROWL, but she was not a child. she wasn’t nurtured, or loved. they lived together for a brief amount of time in a cabin, somewhere deep in the canadian wilderness, somewhere that no one would ever find HER - but even when she was young, he had a penchant for disappearing, and when she was FIVE, he started to do that more and more. victoria was never mollycoddled or given a chance to be what she was. she didn’t get to play with other kids, or experience the world around her like a NORMAL child might have. she learned to be SELF-SUFFICIENT, because if she wasn’t, she would DIE. it was that simple.
she learned other lessons, too. victoria was an investment. she was a long term sort of thing - and treated her more as such than he did a loved daughter, like an actually LOVING FATHER might have. eventually, she would be used to hurt the very people that she SHOULD have cared for. that meant when she was growing, she needed to learn to be a KILLER. her earliest memories, outside of the LONELINESS, are of the metallic taste of warm blood - hunting trips deep into the forest surrounding the cabin, where she was shoved towards mountain lions and grizzlies that would either KILL or be KILLED. he always watched. watched, but never helped - and when she succeeded in toppling the beast, her reward was not words of praise, but an attack of a DIFFERENT kind upon her body. forced to lie in the blood of her woodland victims, forced to stay still with a crushing weight atop her, a PUSHING inside and out of her that was worse than ANY blade.
for too long, she was too young to understand that this was not the way in which normal fathers loved their daughters. they did not rip their children apart, body and mind. they weren’t forced to KILL, or beaten until they could land a GOOD PUNCH, or forced to lie there and face the heavy breathing in her ear and the shaky release that only ever made HER feel more WRONG.
his visits to the cabin weren’t frequent. sometimes, she could go weeks without ever having to see him, and in that time, she learnt other things, outside of ABUSE. she learnt the sounds of the forest and how to imitate them. she learnt how to control her mutations, use them for her own good, instead of HIS. she EXPLORED, leaving the cabin daily and running through the area, experiencing the limited world allowed to her.
once, she strayed so far off the track he had told her she could walk in the forest and stumbled across a VILLAGE - the first people to spot the barefoot child as she emerged from the trees with twigs in her wild hair and dirt smudged across her body had gone white faced with shock. they took care of her. brought her to an apartment above a bar, gave her a warm bath - it was the first time she’d ever experienced one - gave her food that wasn’t RAW, told her she could sleep safely in a soft bed that night, while they ‘looked for her parents’. she wouldn’t realize for many years that these people assumed she was a lost child, though she told them, then, how her father was a big, SCARY man, and that she had done some SCARY things. they didn’t believe her. they thought that it was the ravings of a terrified young girl. they allowed her to stay for two weeks. TWO WEEKS of CARE, something she had never had before, and then victor returned and tracked her to the bar, where he slaughtered the customers and found his way upstairs. she awoke to the stench of blood and death and she knew it was him before she had even made her way to the living room, where the owner and his wife lay, bound. this was the first night that victoria killed what WASN’T game - under the watchful gaze of his devil eyes, she didn’t have a CHOICE. and they celebrated this ‘step’ the way that he always wanted to.
after this, he began to take her with him when he left, sometimes. he had always had ties with the hand, and somewhere along the way, he must have gotten back involved with them. victoria didn’t understand - SHE WAS STILL YOUNG - but she didn’t need to, to do what they wanted. they traveled the world and she saw it all with new eyes, experiencing things that she never could have DREAMED UP in the four walls of the cabin, and along the way, new lessons began. she had always had to FIGHT. it was the only way to make the pain stop, when he started, and sometimes fighting had kept her ALIVE. now he learned to fight for other reasons and he called it ‘training’, but when it came to a hand issued job, all bets were off. victoria wasn’t kept safe by victor. if she needed saving, she needed to do that for HERSELF. this, he said, taught her to be strong. when she had to kill someone along the way, when she hit an animal rage that had been ingrained into her and kept on going - she was learning to be RUTHLESS, and this was a trait that he liked.
he never did care for her. as she got older and began to understand certain things more and more, victoria knew that the neglect, the abuse, the nights when he invaded her bed - they were WRONG. but they were all that she had ever known, and in a way that only children of abuse can understand, she did BELIEVE that he cared. that was why she always did as he said. it was why she never questioned him, when he pointed one way and told her to KILL. LOYALTY. it forms in unlikely places, and it does so with strength that’s hard to break. a mutant in LA during a hand related deal put his hand on victoria’s ass, once, and victor didn’t blink as he ripped that man’s arm right out of his socket. nevermind that months later, he would leave her in tokyo alone for six months. nevermind that he tried to murder her when she was thirteen because she didn’t want to hurt a girl that was close in age to HER. nevermind that three years after that, she spent nine months a prisoner in YEMEN, all so she could kill someone on the INSIDE that victor wanted gone. NEVERMIND that the only reason he sought retribution during that deal gone wrong was snarled into her ear as she lay face down that night ; because she was HIS. because she always WOULD be.
he was all she KNEW. the life she had led at his mercy was all she KNEW. the limited emotions she was permitted to experience with him were again - all she KNEW. it isn’t that victoria doesn’t recognize that he’s wrong. that everything he’s done, everything she’s done, is WRONG, too - it’s that she doesn’t know anything else, and she’s never stood a chance of it since the day that she entered into this world.
she’s loyal to him, because at the end of the day, the life that he’s given her is the only one she’s ever HAD.
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parabcllums · 5 years
victoria creed tag dump ! 
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