#⌜🍍⌟gellert headcanon⌜🎭⌟
🎶Do they have a type? (Gellert)
Relationships || @dangerouslyloyal || Still Accepting
Gellert really does have a type - in a sense. Again it’s not physical - he could care less about the package you come in - but it would take effort on his part. 
He has little interest in sex, love and companionship (his experience with Albus taught him that the only person he can rely on, is himself) - and while he can understand the emotions and feel them - he usually does not feel them for others, deliberately distanced and detached - but will emulate them, if there is a benefit to it for him. This benefit is almost exclusively dedicated to ‘The Greater Good’ - but of course, anything that offers him personal advancement benefits the greater good in the long run so the parameters for that can vary widely.
But with genuine affection and love - he would look for someone who is similarly extraordinary, as he is. Someone intelligent, with similar goals, someone to bolster and assist him, someone who can keep up, who can take care of themselves and can cater to his... Delicate personality.  Basically, he needs another him - or another Albus, without all the familial woes... And aspiring to be something Gellert needs is not something I would recommend, as you are always likely to come third to him, in everything.
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Honesty hour: Grindelwald, what went through your mind when you got expelled? Were you angry? Hurt? Did you feel betrayed? Did you not care?
Honesty Hour || Always Accepting || @freedomisbeforethee
“Of course I was angry. Mostly at myself for allowing myself to get caught. I made mistakes that lead to exposing myself - had I been more cautious - I could have continued my individual studies in school. Which would have been infinitely more convenient than having to do so alone.  
Durmstrang - I do not, and I did not feel anything for the school so being made to leave was nothing more than a brief obstacle. I wasn’t grieving and morose. It wasn’t full of friends or a second family for me... I was also a child - so while I’m not sure if betrayed is the word I would use now - it is how I felt at the time. I pretended I didn’t care, but I swore I would get revenge. I have, of course, left behind that childish impulse but I was willing to lambaste them to any sympathetic ear. Fools, did they not realise my brilliance? A sentiment I still stand by now - even if the childish impulse to raise the building to the ground with the staff inside it has now mostly passed."
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Nightmare, Loneliness & Forget (Gellert)
I’m in a rage! || @rebellicvs || Not Accepting
“I have always had nightmares - monsters haunting my dreams. My mother would kiss my forehead as if she could kiss away the red-eyed demon that came for me when I slept and told me not to worry, for they were only bad dreams. As I grew older, however, I recognised them for what they were. Precognition. Of course, I can’t tell what is just a dream - or what will come to pass until it does just that. Although - if they don’t repeat, it’s usually a good sign.
I’ve never struggled with loneliness. I, alone, am more than enough. Always have been - always will be. Even... Even when Albus and I parted ways, I knew I would succeed on my own. I hesitate to say that I would forget all about him - for a start, I learned a number of valuable things that summer... And it might give rise to the claims that I have a weakness for my one time friend.”
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HC + Loyalty (Gellert)
Headcanon Time || @dangerouslyloyal || Still Accepting
Gellert’s loyalty lies with his cause and with himself. It is incredibly difficult to earn his loyalty and even his followers - he considers most of them disposable at the end of it.
He is smart enough if captured to know that no matter how many of them he betrays he cannot save himself - and so he would not sell them out so easily - but he is still willing to use them as pawns for his own ends.
He believes himself a loyal friend to all wizardkind - hence his crusade.
Once he has tethered his loyalty to you, however, the bond is almost unbreakable and even after well over fifty years he will lie to protect those he is loyal to - even when facing a monster, even when facing his death.
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🕯- The contents of their emergency supply kit (Gellert)
Living spaces || @storiesnotyettold || Still Accepting
Gellert IS his emergency supply kit.
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Real talk, magic - especially powerful, wandless magic like we know Gellert can do - removes the need for most emergency supplies. Augmenti gives limitless clean drinking water, you can heal bones, repair cuts, transfigure a shelter out of nothingness, you can summon food, transform it, multiply in, increase it... He carries a few potions - blood replenishment and the like... If somehow magically impaired, however, he would be stuffed. 
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🕳- Basement for Grindelwald
Living Spaces || @freedomisbeforethee || Still Accepting
Being officially ‘of no fixed abode’ Gellert has no home, and therefore - has no basement. But were he to have a basement it would likely double as his study - unplottable and inaccessible it would be hidden away and soundproofed. He would be able to descend into his studies in peace, safe in the knowledge that should a raid occur on his home - no one would ever be able to find him. It would be cool, and dark - comfortably furnished of course. He and he alone could come and go as he pleased.
It would take a very lucky, very special person who would receive an invitation to his basement  - but of course - they’re just the subjec-I mean… Assistant he needs for his experiments. 
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I think one of the things that... I wouldn’t say annoys me - but one of the things that I notice about Gellert, my Gellert is how faux humble he is...
Beggars can’t be choosers, he says.  One must rely on the kindness of strangers, he says. 
But if he’d just stop hoarding the ‘gifts’ from his followers - he could well live a very comfortable life of means... But he’d rather let people think they’re gaining his favour with their ‘assistance’, their ‘charity’, their ‘favours’. 
But the thing is, he knows that no one ever gives freely without expecting a return... And him giving the illusion of gratitude to you certainly has a cost all its own...
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“⭐️” x 3 Grindelwald
Headcanons || @freedomisbeforethee || Still Accepting
⭐️ - Gellert is the more mischevious of the two - while Grindelwald is not without a twinkle in his eye - he sometimes feels that he has to take on an authoritarian role to keep Gellert on task. He does not, however, have a single doubt about Gellert’s dedication and finds his work ethic - when focused correctly - admirable. 
⭐️ - Grindelwald's presence in his life, and the implications of such) does not stop Gellert’s... Orgies. Nor, does he think, should it. He has not invited Grindelwald - who is both aware of them and silent as to his opinion on them. 
⭐️ - Grindelwald quite likes Gellert’s long hair and will play with it and fuss over it when allowed.
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Does the fact that Grindelwald is not a Seer changes part of the canon for you? if so. how?
You got some ‘splanin’ to do! || @freedomisbeforethee || Still Accepting
I guess a little? And especially as the next four movies come out I might have to revise my thoughts on this but what we see about Gellert being a seer is limited to;
‘My vision showed only the child’s immense power’ And ‘So you have come. I thought you would one day…’ And JKR saying so on TwitterAndA deleted scene of Grindel!Graves getting a sexy vision.But I mean. I don’t put 100% faith in JKR on twitter (or at least, I don’t have to… I mean we’ve got the GrindelGraves transformation paradox she’s created) and she aslo says in that tweet that ‘[he’s] a seer AND a liar’ which just knocks out the two and three. And Colin’s shirtless scene hasn’t ever been seen which, in addition to being a literal crime against humanity, makes it just… Hearsay?And two comes from the… Sixth book? Just because Gellert thought Voldemort might come to him one day could be a sign of a vision - or it could just be that he imagined Voldemort would seek him out as he had once had the elder wand and had also been the darkest wizard of modern times, other than Voldemort himself.So. For now, it doesn’t change too much for me. You may famously remember me asserting Gellert is a Liar and also I have clarified what I think happened in New York in relation to finding the obscurus and it’s possible that in searching Percival’s mind for other information his interest was piqued by the signs of an obscurus in New York. 
So - for now - I’m able to reconcile it with canon without effort. But as I stated at the start of this, with the upcoming movies if it continues to be A Thing™ (and I feel it likely will) I’ll either need to update my portrayal or bury myself hard into canon divergence. I guess I’ll see how it’s handled? Like when Trelawney has true ‘visions’ she doesn’t remember them… So why does Gellert? How central will it be to his character?
(Although I must admit imagining being a young Gellert seeing this looming snake-faced figure slipping like smoke through a window like some kind of nightmarish monster-? I love it. Nightmare fuel for a baby Gellert. And his visions are a possible impetus for his cause (he has to hide them from others but he wouldn’t if he was free…) and potentially trying to do more with them - could have led to his expulsion?? And honestly, if I do end up adopting it from the forthcoming movies, here’s my meta all freshly prepared (although I will need to go back and change a few things…))    
EDIT: So I wrote this before the trailer and there’s the scene with Gellert and Vinda and someone said she looks like she’s holding a prophecy which might lend itself further to him being a seer... We shall see. We shall see. 
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12. How do they organize their books? Alphabetical by author, by title? By size, color, date published? Is there any rhyme or reason? for Grindy
Book Vurm || @freedomisbeforethee || Still Accepting
Once upon a time there might’ve been some rhyme or reason to it - and there are remnants of that now, hints of when the shelves were organised in his less used books (which remain organised by size, biggest thickest tomes on the bottom, smaller thinner books on the top). There is still technically some order to it, on the shelves at chest / eye height one will find his most useful novels returned haphazardly once used. 
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4. Is the muse a dom or a sub? What about the mun? (for any of the muses)
Munday & Sinday || @dracmal || Still Accepting
So I think that for there to be an answer for this question… The kink needs to actually be involved which automatically excludes some of the purer beans - or you know, the beans that don’t have partners who engage in that… But, under the cut in case I get wordy. Also, you know. kinky shit. 
Hi, my name’s Susan I’m twenty-eight and I’m a switch??? Like I have heavy sub leanings ‘n’ I think to dom it’d need some specific kinks for me to run that role well - and it’d need to be asked (begged) for. 
Actual SubsCredence - In all his normal verses. I can see him making a poor dom in his evil verse.TimActual DomsGellert - Completely uncomfortable unwilling about submitting. Not any kind of Dom you would actually want. Leandra - she can play a sub if required (it’s very rarely required) and while you might be doing all the work, please trust it is under her direction. SwitchNarcissa - Sub leanings. Patrick - Doesn’t get to kink often, is delighted when he is and tends to take the lead/initiate and is, therefore, extra delighted, to get bossed around. Severus - Probably has Dom leanings because of the control aspect but could submit to the right lover. Percival - Mostly dominant but able to submit in the face of someone who deserves the respect. Obscurus - Volatile nature makes it struggle for dominance and, like Gellert, it is not a gentle or caring dom. But it’s animalistic nature can cause it to sub if faced with someone stronger who can make it. 
And everyone else idk bc I haven’t gotten into that w/ them - either they’re not that into it or like… I’m just unsure. 
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👀, Grindelwald if you had known how the events of the summer 1899 would have turned out and you could have changed them, what would you have done?
Truth Time! || Still Accepting || @freedomisbeforethee || Had to go back and retag this w/ gellert after writing this
“I do not know...”
He lists into silence for some time. “I have thought about it so often, as much as it pains me - as much as I try not to...” A sigh. “I would have done anything to change the outcome. Kept my temper for a start - as trying as it was... Not run away as soon as her body hit the ground... Poisoned them both, or else murdered them in their sleep... Or perhaps, staged something. A muggle attack on the girl again... I would not wish to hurt Albus but surely it would only increase his fervour - and free him to help me, help the cause... I am brillaint - and I am tormented by it, my friend. 
All I can see is the mistakes of my youth - the rashness of my anger... Had I thought more clearly, worked more carefully - The statue of Secrecy would havebeen overthrown long ago, and wizards and witches woud hold their rightful place in the universe...” 
Which is a unique thought. “Perhaps, somewhere, there is a version of us that managed just that... But they’re probably insufferable, or weak. So fuck them.”
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Gellerts least favourite animal? Goats. Doesn’t even merit an explanation. 
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a trait they express in the wrong way Grindy
WTF Gellert?? || @freedomisbeforethee || Still Accepting
Gellert is very decisive. He picks a result he wants and the path most likely to make it happen. Some - truly foolish - people might confuse this with being rash, or impulsive or madcap... But Grindelwald knows they’re wrong, and he’ll show them just how wrong they are. 
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🔥 - Fire🔴 - Blood💉 - Sharp Objects for Grindy
Fear of a name || @freedomisbeforethee || Still Accepting
”While I have no burning desire-” A small smile, for his own pun. “To thrust my hands into the fireplace - I wouldn’t say fire scares me. In fact, the opposite. It’s one of the most basic tools man has, in more ways than one. It gives life, and it can take it away - it needs respect - luckily, as a wizard, it is much more easily controlled.  Blood does not bother me, at least... The sight of it. Unlike you, my esteemed friend - it does little for my libido - the smell is not a perfume I enjoy. And it is such a bother to get out of one's clothes... I do, of course, like most - prefer to keep mine on the inside, and I hate to see the blood of others spilt pointlessly, you are opening me up to the charms of seeing it spilt for sport.
And, again, with sharp objects - I find them useful, some even beautiful... Though I have no dark desire to find myself on the business end of one.”
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Headcanons || @freedomisbeforethee || Still Accepting 
The radical differences between Gellert and Grindelwald provide the boys endless entertainment. Obviously, a lot of the time, they are too busy - but in the quieter times they sit and share stories of their respective youths and compare the people have known, sometimes in different faces, and their experiences, pulling apart each others historys with fascination for the common strands.  
Grindelwald is often the one ensuring that Gellert eats, sleeps and rests - while his host would never neglect his duties, he does certainly neglect himself.
Gellert often plays the piano for Grindlewald - both struggle with sleepless nights and while Grindelwald can play too, Gellert’s pleasure in doing so makes him a better pianist.
They both call each other ‘old man’ as a teasing term of affection - because Gellert is, actually older, and because Grindelwald looks it. 
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