#⌠ piano prodigy ⌡ zenko
trainedhard · 4 months
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spoopyghostgirl · 6 years
OPM FanFic Chp 2
{GarouXoxXBad} and some side {zombieXocXSaitamaXGenos}
Garou tugged awkwardly at the tie around his neck, while Bang and Bomb chatted to his left. ‘How did I even get roped into this?’ He wondered with a frown, looking around the beautiful home he, along with several S class heroes and their guests, stood in. ‘I’m not even a part of this, yet master made me come.’ His light eyes moved around the foyer he stood in. The floor was white, made of shining tile while the walls were paneled and white. Along the back wall, on both sides of a stairway of steps, were a set of white doors with a set of double doors towards the back corner of the room, which more than likely lead to other parts of the house.
“Hey, don’t hit!” His yellow eyes moved from the exquisite glass chandelier above his head to the frowning dark haired hero. ‘Metal Bat,’ he mused, the pompadour rocking hero stood in a black suit with a silver under shirt and a paisley black and silver tie. A small smirk spread across his lips when he realized he too had been fidgeting with his tie, the small girl he was with yanking him down towards her before adjusting his tie.
“Sucks to suck,” he chuckled, his hand moving absently toward his tie only for his hand to be hit as well. “Hey!”
“Stop fidgeting, you’re going to mess it up,” he frowned at his master but didn’t argue as the older man tightened his tie and tucked it back into the black vest he wore.
“Having problems getting your disciple to behave?” Atomic seemed to appear out of nowhere, offering the older man a shit eating grin. “Thankfully Iaian isn’t like that, right Iaian?” The white haired teen stepped up to stand next to his master. They were dressed similarly, both wearing deep blue suits. Atomic wore a lighter almost white blue shirt and a plain red tie while Iaian wore a soft pink shirt and an orange tie, and they both wore matching brown shoes.
“Of course, Master,” Garou merely rolled his eyes in response, knowing better than to rise to the occasion. ‘Especially in this get up,’ he frowned down at his black dress pants and black vest doing his best to not reach up and fiddle with the deep maroon tie around his neck. “It looks like some of the other heroes are running late,” Iaian added after a brief pause, looking over to to find that several heroes were still missing.
“Maybe they’re carpooling,” Atomic suggested, dark eyes moving to the entrance of the manor. “See,” a butler moved from beside the door to open it after a firm rap against the door. Tank Top Master, King, Zombie Man, Super Alloy, and Purdy all poured into the room, completing the group. “Now where’s our-,”
“Good evening everyone!” A dark haired man greeted from atop the marble stairway, warm blue eyes glowing with mirth. “My name is Yamato Kami, head of Kami Enterprises. You must be our special guest for the evening.” He made his way down the steps, his deep red suit swishing together as he stopped before them. “I apologize for keeping you waiting, I was under the impression my eldest daughter would have met with you, and escorted you to the banquet hall but it seems she’s running late.” A few heroes shared a look before looking down to the tiny genius who stood with his mother. His brows were scrunched in thought before his mother reached out and adjusted the pink bow tie around his neck, causing the small boy to blush and lose focus. “No matter,” Yamato continued after releasing a brief sigh. “We still need to get this show on the road, if you all would follow me.” He moved from the foyer they had gathered in and through the large scale mansion, moving to the right of the room and passing through the double doors. There they made their way through a room that seemed to be for tea time, a nice table and a pair of comfy looking love seats sitting around it. Large windows sat to the back of the room, two large cabinets leaning against the wall with several different tea sets in the cabinet with a large red carpet covering the wooden floor. Soft footsteps could be heard by the group, a smile slipping across their hosts face before,
“Daddy!” A little girl shouted as they rounded the corner, running down the hall, and jumping into the dark haired mans waiting arms.
“Kikyo, my darling,” he hugged her tightly, the little girl grinning widely up at him. “Everyone, this is my youngest daughter, Kikyo. Kikyo, these are the S class heroes and their friends and family that we are celebrating.” The little girl had long Snow White hair that was braided and sat on top of her head like a crown. She wore a collared red dress that went to her knees with long sleeved laced sleeves and black stockings with a pair of black flats on her feet. Kikiyo offered them a shy smile from her position in her father’s arms before her violet eyes landed on Zenko.
“Kikyo!” The two girls spoke at the same time, the small white haired girl slipping out of her father’s arms to run and hug Metal Bats little sister. “I didn’t realize your father was the head of-,” Zenko gasped, chocolatey eyes widening. “Wait! THAT MEANS CHIHARU KAMI IS YOUR OLDER SISTER!”
“Chiharu Kami?” Metal Bat questioned, voice laced with confusion. Zenko whirled around, face set in a frown.
“She’s only a piano playing prodigy!” Kikyo giggled as Metal Bat took a small step back from his fuming sister. “Is she here? Was she the one who was suppose to meet with us?” Yamato chuckled, stepping up next to his daughter to look down at the black haired girl.
“Yes, she was,” his deep blue gaze moved from Zenko to his daughter. “Do you happen to know where your older sister is?” Kikyo gave a firm nod of her head, offering the man a megawatt smile.
“Yes! She’s practicing. Wanna come see, Zenko?” The black haired girl gave a nod, not even casting a glance over her shoulder to her brother before linking arms with Kikyo. “Come on!” She motioned for the others to follow as they skipped down the hallway.
“I apologize, it appears my youngest daughter has taken after my oldest meaning... she’s rather pushy.” Yamato spoke shyly, rubbing the back of his neck before trudging on after his daughter and Zenko. The floors changed from tile to cherry stained wood, shortly after a soft melody could be heard floating down the hall.
“Is that her playing?” Kikyo nodded her head yes and Zenko squealed, squeezing the girls hand in her own. “I’m so excited to meet her! Do I look okay? Do you think she’ll like me? Do you think she’ll let me show her my playing?”
“Of course she will! My sister is the bestest and nicest girl on the whole planet.” Kikyo spoke confidently, immediately comforting the dark haired girl. Garou looked to Bang, the older mans face an impassive mask as he and his brother shared a look. The teen rolled in his eyes in response, once again wondering why he had been dragged to such a boring event. ‘Especially when they aren’t even sure if she’s the one.’ Garou looked to the other heroes, his gaze lingering on Metal Bat, who looked like he was trying to remain quiet and not displease the younger girl. ‘She did seem pretty pissed when he didn’t know who the girl his sister liked was....’ Metal Bat looked up, catching the slightly older boy watching him, his deep brown eyes narrowing. ‘What a freak,’ the dark haired teen glowered internally, having always disliked Bangs odd disciple. ‘He just gives me bad vibes,’ not to mention that he wasn’t even a Hero or related to the older man who had brought him. ‘There’s no reason for him to be here,’ Bang stepped up beside Garou, forcing them to break the intense glaring contest they had been having.
“Knock it off, Garou. There’s a reason I brought you and it isn’t so you can glare holes through the other S class heroes. The girl they believe to be Greed is around your and Metal Bats age meaning, maybe one of you can get closer to her than myself or the other older members.”
“So you brought me here to flaunt me in front of some rich girl and hope she tells me that she has an alternate personality named Greed? Right, that makes perfect sense.” He grumbled, earning a smoldering glare from his master. “Fine, I’ll behave but don’t expect me to do anything else,” Bang could only roll his eyes in annoyance. ‘Hopefully Metal Bat or one of the others will be up for the task then.’ He looked to Zombie Man, the pale skinned red eyed man laughing at something child emperor said. ‘Maybe I’ll talk to him,’ Bang moved across the room to the pale skinned hero, missing the way both Garou and Metal Bat watched him. ‘What’s the old man up to?’ He looked to Garou, a dark brow raised, ‘whatever it was, it doesn’t look like his disciple liked it very much.’ With a sigh, he ran his hand through his pompadour, black eyes moving to his younger sister. She and Kikyo had just peeked their heads into a brightly lit room, the teen having somehow missed the music floating out of the room.
“Give me love like her, cause lately I’ve been waking up alone.” Metal Bat found his cheeks heating as his deep brown eyes landed on the young woman behind the piano, another young man feeling the same effects as he finally pulled his gaze from his tie to the pianist. She had long silver hair that was braided down her back and twirled so it sat like a crown on top of her head with a few strands loose that framed her face. She had darkly painted full lips that moved as she sang, showing a set of pearly white teeth. She had a narrow and slightly upturned nose that led up to dark arched brows. Her eyes, which were pinched shut, were framed by long and dark lashes with two money marks below the outer corner of her left eye that were vertically placed. She wore a cropped burgundy sweater with gold hooped earrings and an opal pendent around her neck. “All I want is the taste that your lips allow,” Garou felt his cheeks burn, yellow eyes moving from the beautiful young woman behind the piano to the dark haired teen watching her intently. ‘Despite Master talking to him and Zombie Boy over there, I’ll make sure I’m the one who talks to her.’ She opened her mouth to sing the next line when her hands froze above the keys. “Hello father, Kikyo,” there was a brush of surprise on everyone’s faces as she looked up, her eyes a burning crimson with black sclera. “And others,” Kikyo grabbed Zenko’s hand and dragged the suddenly shy girl forward. “Hello my darling, Kikyo,” her voice was warm and friendly and... oddly familiar. “Black hair, big brown eyes, absolutely adorable... you must be Zenko.” Metal Bats sister squealed excitedly, brown eyes moving from Chiharu to Kikyo.
“She knows my name!” Haru felt a smile twitch at her lips, Kikyo giggling at her friends excitement.
“Of course I do, Kikyo’s been wanting to have you over for awhile now. I’m happy it’s finally happening, even if it’s only to feed the hero associations massive ego.” She mused, red eyes moving up to her father before landing on the several heroes gathered behind him. “And here they all are,”
“Haru,” Yamato spoke in a warning tone, blue eyes moving to the group.
“Lighten up father, I’m merely joking. Plus, even if I was sincere, I’d be slandering the lackluster heads of the association, not the people that do all the actual work.” She turned to her sister and Zenko. “Would you two like to come with me while I get ready and father finishes playing tour guide for the association members?”
“Yes!” Zenko declared excitedly, her cheeks flushing when her brother cleared his throat. “I mean,” she spoke shyly, looking to Metal Bat, “is it alright if I go with Kikiyo and Chiharu?” Metal Bat looked unsure, brown eyes moving to the silver haired woman behind his sister.
“I don’t know, I mean, I’d prefer for you to stay with me...” Zenko looked crush, a warm hand being placed on her back by the silver haired teen.
“Metal Bat, was it,” the silver haired teen spoke up, red eyes meeting his warm brown ones. “I don’t mind keeping an eye on her. That way these two can play together,” Metal Bat did his best to ignore the heat that rushed to his cheeks.
“That sounds fine, and it’s Bad,” he added offhandedly, Zenko shooting forward to hug her brothers legs tightly.
“Thank you so so much!” She grinned, grabbing Kikyos hand and skipping off, Kikyo leading the way. Haru stood from the piano, pulling the cover over the keys, and sliding the bench underneath it.
“Well, I guess I’ll be seeing you lovely folks later, heroes, father,” she grinned, turning away from the group and moving quickly to follow the skipping girls. Haru moved through the set of double doors across the room, Yamato turning to face the group once his older daughter exited the room.
“Right, well, let’s continue the tour, shall we?” Yamato lead them through a handful of other rooms, gesturing to the restrooms and other accommodations his guests would need to use while attending the party. “And here is the banquet hall the event will be taking place in.“ There were several guests already in the hall, Sitch looking up from Hidan to find the group of heroes at the top of the steps.
“There you are,” Sitch flashed them a smile, moving to Bang and Atomic Samurai, dark eyes trained on Yamato, who was presently speaking to one of his butlers. “Yamato,” Sitch flashed the younger man a smile, the dark haired man moving down the steps to join the heroes who had moved down the steps. Many dispersed into small groups, Child Emperor and his mother moving to chat with Zombie Man, Metal Bat, and King while Garou took his place next to his master, Iaian doing the same. “Have you met S class hero, Atomic Samurai and his apprentice Iaian and S class hero Bang, and his apprentice Garou?” Yamato flashed the four man group a friendly smile, bowing when the heroes bowed.
“No, not officially anyways. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you, I am Yamato Kami, though I did mention that before. Are the two of you heroes in training?” He directed his question to the younger pair, Bang sending Garou a sharp warning glance. He definitely didn’t plan on being a hero, maybe he’d eventually take over the dojo when the old man retired but he didn’t want to be one of them.
“Iaian here is already placed in the hero association though I can’t say the same about Bangs protégée here, can I?” Scratch that, maybe Garou did want to be a hero, especially if it meant spiting the dark haired asshole next to his master.
“Garou isn’t currently training to become a hero since he’s been taking care of things at the dojo while I’m working but-,”
“That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t become a hero in the future.” Bang looked surprised, a thick white brow arching at the young mans declaration. Yamato felt a small smile twitch at his lips at the white haired teens statement, his blue eyes moving to meet his yellow eyed stare when he realized the young man was looking past him, as were many other guests. Haru stood at the top of the steps, Zenko and Kikiyo standing behind her. Her silvery locks were braided in the same style as before, sitting like a crown on top of her head, her make up still done up the same with dark red lipstick and winged eyeliner. Garou let his eyes run down her, a deep red dress adorned her slender form, the dress was sleeveless and swooped down between her breast. The gown hit the floor, pooling slightly around her with a slit running up the right side of the dress, hitting a bit lower than her hip with pumps the same shade of her dress on her feet. Her crimson gaze moved over the crowd, her hand moving briefly to touch the tear drop shaped opal pendent around her neck.
“Beautiful, isn’t she,” he found himself nodding, yellow eyes moving to Atomic, a knowing smirk on the older mans face. “It seems you’re not the only one who thinks so, huh Iaian” The other white haired man blushed, coughing into his closed fist. She made her way down the steps, red eyes moving to them and her father before she was pulled over to Metal Bat and friends.
“Big brother,” Zenko spoke enthusiastically, pulling the dark haired young man from his conversation with Zombie Man. Haru forced a friendly smile to her face, hating being surrounded by them but doing it to make both her sister and Zenko happy.
“Hello Zenko,” he smiled kindly down at her, brown eyes warming. “Did you have fun with your friend and her sister?” His dark eyes moved past Zenko to the white haired woman... the piano prodigy? And the girl who Zenko spoke about all the time, Kikiyo. Zenko nodded firmly, reaching out to grabs Haru’s hand, pulling her closer to her and her brother.
“Yes! And I wanted to introduce you to her! Big brother, this is Chiharu Kami, heiress and pianist prodigy, Haru, this is my brother Bad, S Class Hero and best big brother ever!” Metal Bat, or Bad as Zenko had informed her, smiled shyly, deep brown eyes locking with her glowing red ones.
“It’s nice to meet you, Bad, Zenko wouldn’t stop telling me how great of a big brother you are and how you never miss any of her recitals. That’s pretty awesome of you,” she smiled kindly, offering her hand to the dark haired man. Bad took her hand, Bad being genuinely surprised by how warm her small hand felt in his.
“It’s nice to meet you as well. Now that I have a name to the face, I recognize you from some of your earlier work. Zenko has been following you for awhile, you really, uh, inspire her.” Her lips stretched into a smirk, a single brow arching at his mishap.
“And I’m Child emperor,” a small brown haired boy offered up, a set of four metal legs slipping out of his backpack and pushing him up so he was now eye level with her. “This is my mother, Yue,” the dark haired woman behind child emperor offered her a small smile before he continued his introductions. “And this is King and Zombie Man,” her crimson eyes moved to Zombie Man, suddenly recognizing him as an experiment of the House of evolution. ‘I’m surprised they haven’t come hunting the man down... they don’t let people just walk away from that.’
“Nice to meet you,” Zombie Man spoke warmly, Haru being surprised by how nice the brooding pale man seemed, an all black suit and shirt get up adorning his nice physique. King, the blond haired man with the trio of striped scars down his face remained silent, merely inclining his head in acknowledgment, also wearing a black suit with a white shirt and pink bow tie, much like the one child emperor wore. “Are you having a nice time?” He continued, Kikiyo moving forward to introduce herself to Child emperor while Zenko spoke to Bad.
“So far so good, what about you? Do you get invited to a lot of these sort of things?” She was genuinely curious, having assumed that most heroes like Bang and Atomic Samurai were regularly toted about given their age and reputation while other heroes, less known heroes, were substantially less known or cared about.
“So far its good, I’m not one for big crowds but it’s always nice when everyone is getting along,” she offered him a genuine smile at, already feeling like she could get along with the ghostly white hero. “And yes, but I don’t normally go to them. Sitch, kind of our overseer, was very determined that we all came here though.” She arched a brow, head tilting to the side.
“And why is that,” Zombie seemed to realize his mistake too late, the pale man internally sputtering for a suitable answer when-,
“Haru, my darling, could you come over here?” Zombie released a relieved sigh internally, red eyes locking with the smirking red eyed woman.
“It was nice meeting you guys, I’m sure we’ll have another chance to chat later. Kikiyo-,”
“I can keep an eye on her,” Bad smiled, Haru’s red eyes landing on the dancing trio that consisted of Zenko, Child Emperor, and Kikiyo.
“Thanks Bad, I really appreciate it,” Haru moved away from her sister and group to join her father, red eyes landing on the yellow eyed young man who had caught her eye before she had descended the steps. Forcing herself to smile despite not wanting to meet anymore heroes. “Hello father,” she spoke politely, red eyes briefly fluttering over the group.
“Good evening, Chiharu, I wanted to introduce you to some of the members of the heroes association. This is Sitch, one of the heads of the organization,” a grey haired man with a large bulbous nose stepped forward, extending his hand to the silver haired girl. Haru gripped his hand firmly, crimson eyes running over the tacky brown suit he wore. ‘At least it actually fits his fat body,’ “then there’s Atomic Samurai and his apprentice, Iaian,” Atomic and his apprentice bowed in unison, Haru merely returning the bows with an inclination of her head. ‘I recognize them from their bingo book,’ she knew it was actually considered a bingo book but with the work her associates and herself partook in, it was close enough. “And this is Bang and his apprentice Garou,” her red eyes moved to Garou, his yellow eyes immediately moving away from hers. She felt a smirk tug at her lips but did her best to curve it in favor of smiling at the white haired pair. “And this, as all of you know, is my daughter Chiharu Kami,”
“It’s a pleasure to meet all of you,” Haru tuned out the conversation her father continued with Sitch, the two S class heroes, and Iaian. Garou, the white haired apprentice seemed to have zero interest in the conversation as well, his yellow eyes moving to find her already watching him. His yellow eyes moved immediately to his master, his cheeks dusting pink, Bang sending him a sharp look that that all but screamed ‘ask her to dance!’ Garou opened his mouth, unsure whether he wanted to tell his master to eat it or if he planned to ask the white haired woman to dance when Iaian cleared his throat, stepping forward.
“Excuse me, Ms. Kami, would you like to dance?” Garou‘s Head all but snapped in Iaians direction, a single white brow arching in surprise. Did Atomic’s ass kissing protégée really ask the girl to dance before he could? Bang could only smile coyly at his apprentice, a frown creasing the younger mans brow. Haru flashed Iaian an award winning smile, a warm blush coating the blue eyed mans cheeks.
“Of course, Iaian, it’s the only reason I come to these lovely dick measuring contests,” Atomic laughed openly at her playful retort, Yamato letting out a sigh at his daughters antics. As soon as the soon to be dancing pair were out of earshot, Atomic spoke the words that had been on his mind since her original comment back in the House.
“She’s quite the fiery thing, isn’t she?” Bang chuckled at his description, Garou watching as Chiharu pulled Iaian closer to her, the blond flushing a deep pink hue. ‘He doesn’t even know how to dance,’ he grumbled internally, yellow eyes narrowing when he found his master chuckling at his displeasure.
“She does take after her mother,” the blue eyed man spoke softly, his eyes taking a far off look. “She was very kind but also sharp tongued and short tempered, much like my sweet Haru,” the dark haired man turned his attention to his daughter and her unsuspecting dance partner. Iaian felt heat rush to his cheeks, Haru pulling the man closer to her body so she could place his hand on her hip and her other in his.
“Just relax, Iaian, I promise I won’t bite,” she had meant it playfully but the nervous man seemed to flush deeper. It took a few awkward steps before he seemed to suddenly improve, their pace quickening as the music sped up. “See, look at you go, blondie,” she teased lightly, finally earning a smile from the blue eyed man.
“Please, this is nothing, you should see the dance moves Kama makes Bushidrill and I learn. She’s quite the dancing enthusiast,” he paused, “among other things.” Haru shook her head with a grin, allowing the blond to spin her out before spinning her back in, swaying as the song began to slow.
“My father is like that, he put me in ballet classes and piano classes and ballroom dance classes and self defense classes,” he chuckled at her list and the dramatic frown on her face as she continued. “Like I love the man but I would like to go outside,” Iaian couldn’t help but laugh at that, not picturing the sassy young woman before him as the type to cave to her father’s rules. ‘And,’ a small voice added, ‘you are suppose to be trying to casually get information out of her.’
“It sounds like you’re quite the busy person,” she gave a nod of her head, “any other activities you participate in?” She arched a fine brow at that, Iaian forcing his face to remain impassive and hold his ground.
“I do, I also judge piano contests, spend time with an annoying A class hero, and spend time with Kikiyo.”
“A class hero?” She laughed at the surprise in his voice, briefly wondering if the egotistical man would hear her openly admit to enjoying his existence.
“Yes, are you familiar with Amai Mask?” At Iaians nod, she continued, “I met him when we were younger at a charity even that my parents were in charge of. He’s completely full of himself but that’s what makes being friends with him so much fun. He’s easily wounded,” the blond laughed openly at the, stepping back from the white haired young woman as the song ended. He had contemplated trying to get her to dance again or maybe chat with him but her red eyes had already moved to the crowd, seemingly searching for someone in particular. “It was wonderful dancing with you,” he saw her lips dip into the smallest of frowns, “but it looks like I have to go play house for the guests. Until next time,” she stepped forward, pressing a light kiss to the mans cheek before slipping off. Iaian made his way back to his master, a sly smile on the older mans face as he cupped his shoulder.
“Who knew you were such a ladies man,” Garou felt his eye twitch in annoyance, his master grinning like a complete idiot at the young mans clear displeasure. “How was it,” Atomic egged, Iaian looking down at his shoes as he flushed deeper.
“It was... nice, she’s probably the best dance partner I’ve ever had,” Garou ground his teeth together, Bang chuckling softly to himself.
“What’s so funny, old man,” Atomic coughed into his closed fist, grinning at the irritated teen and the S class hero.
“Oh, nothing, just that I told you to talk to her and you didn’t want to be flaunted in front of her and now look at you,”
“Wounded,” Atomic smirked, Garou grumbling hotly to himself as his yellow eyes landed on the white haired young woman who had somehow managed to end up with metal bat, Zombie man, and company again. They were laughing, Haru playfully nudging a now bright red Child emperor with her elbow as Metal Bat and Zombie man chuckled.
“As if I care, I didn’t want to dance with her anyways,” he grumbled, though as the party died down and he and Bang made their way out of the party, he vowed that he would be the one to be friend her in the future. ‘But only to spite that irritating straw totting asshole and his perfect little protégée,’ he told himself, the white haired woman playing piano flashing across his mind as he flushed. With a firm nod, he solidified his feelings on the topic and slipped off to his bedroom, missing the way his master lingered in the hallway to laugh at his stupidity.
“I can already tell this is going to be a long couple of weeks,” sighing to himself, Bang allowed himself to fall into bed and drift off to sleep, a knowing smile on his aged face.
End of chapter 2
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