#〈 T.L.: 1998 → Post-Arklay Mountains 〉
agentvalentine · 1 year
@nachtbizz | continued.
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Her brows pinch at his words. That’s one way to look at it. Good to see Chris optimistic about something. “Well, I’m glad at least one of us was excited.”
If she’d known that would happen, she would have much rather stayed in her mess of an apartment instead. Should have probably called Brad to get her things. Saved herself the headache of arguing with Irons too.
“So, how’s your trip to Europe coming along?” she asks. “If that’s still happening.” She hasn’t heard from Chris in a while, despite trying to get in touch with him, but it seemed he preferred his solitude. With Barry preparing to move his family to Canada, and Rebecca leaving to continue her studies, it’s been incredibly lonely for Jill.
She hasn’t stopped working, even after the disbandment of S.T.A.R.S., even after Irons dismissed them. If anything, she’s been working harder than ever before with her newly obtained free time. Building a case file on Umbrella, trying to link the dots and fill in the blanks and dig up dirt however she can. Someone has to put a stop to them. Someone has to expose them. They can’t let them get away with it all. They can’t let what happened to them in the mansion happen to more innocent people.
“Chris…” Jill swallows a lump. It’s stupid, dodging the subject, pretending none of it happened. She’d understand if Chris didn’t want to talk about it with others, but with her? She’s been there, with him. They’ve both gone through it. They only have each other to lean on. “I think we should talk. About what happened, and about what we should do.”
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agentvalentine · 1 year
@silverghcst | continued.
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His shock is expected, but the fact he believes her so fast without a hint of doubt in his eyes leaves her baffled.
Maybe it’s because she’s having a hard time with trust lately. Both giving and receiving. Jill expected him to bombard her with questions. To try and get more information out of her. Maybe even dispute some of the things she said. After all, she’s only giving him her word to go off of. She hasn’t presented him with any proof.
Can he tell that she’s telling the truth? Is he that good at reading people? Or is it simply that he’s easily convinced? Maybe he’s heard enough rumors going around the station that this revelation doesn’t come so much as a surprise to him, even if he does seem disturbed by it.
“Yeah, well, you better start believing fast.” She leans back against the booth, arms crossed against her chest.  “And you better start watching your back, too.”
If any of Irons’s men catch the two of them talking, she can’t imagine it will end well for Leon. Either he’ll be suspended, fired, or… worse. Irons won’t be happy to find out Leon’s been talking to her about the Mansion Incident, and he certainly won’t be happy to find out he’s helping her.
There’s only the smallest part of her doubting whether or not she should have told him anything at all. Whether she should have kept it to herself. A worry she might regret this later. That he might very well betray her trust. And if not, that he might not be entirely up for the task. Or he might get in trouble because of her. But she shakes those thoughts off. He seems determined. Genuine. He can probably handle himself well enough.
“Here’s probably not the best place to keep talking,” she says. They have to be more discreet if they want to do some serious work. “Listen, I got a couple things left at the S.T.A.R.S. office. Maybe you can bring them over to my place tonight, after you get off work.” That can be their pretext. She’ll get in touch with Marvin so they don’t think the rookie’s just snooping around where he shouldn’t. He can also give Leon her address. They’re less likely to suspect the two of them teaming up if he stops by her place to drop off a few of her belongings. “Then I can show you what I have so far in terms of evidence.”
He deserves to actually see proof of what she said. Even if he does believe her already. Had she been in his place, she would have had her own doubts.
“That would be your second assignment. As for your first,” her tone turns from serious to lighthearted, “stop calling me ma’am. Jill is fine.” She presses. Hasn’t she already told him that before? The formality is a little much, even for her. At the same time, it is kind of amusing. “You should probably go now. Don’t be late for work.” She pulls to her feet, taking her cup of coffee in her hand. “I need to head back too. Best not to linger about. I’ll see you later.”
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Jill turns around, about to leave, though her steps halt when she remembers something. So she turns back to him, the tiniest smile drawing about her lips. “Hey, Leon,” she says, “thanks.”
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agentvalentine · 1 year
tag dump.
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