#── ꒰ 💞 ꒱ؘ ( 𝖺𝗒𝖺𝗆𝖾 ) .ᐟ
luvuomi · 2 months
your theme is a big, delightful strawberry cake that i will be more than delighted to have ( it's so pretty i'm 😭 )
so i am not the only strawberry lover who thought of the same thing after finishing it hehe BUT TY YAME IM GLAD YOU LIKE IT <33
yuomi strawberry theme🤝yame blueberry theme - prove me wrong !!
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luvuomi · 1 month
caught your ass in 4k my liege
WAIT GUYS HEAR ME OUT I CAN EXPLAIN- ( she cannot…yuomi has fucked herself over with this one chat )
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luvuomi · 1 month
unbeknownst to you; kazuha is giving you that comforting, reassuring and everlasting hug you seek ^-^
don't even get me started on his constant, unuttered reassurances. his embrace alone is enough to convey everything he wishes to say to you. but that's not really going to stop him now, is it? to the wayfaring ronin; you're already doing such a splendid job. that's not a sentiment he only shares though, me and many others do as well. from an author to another and from a friend to another. though i suppose in kazuha's case — it's a ‘from a lover to another.’
a gentle reminder — don't push yourself too much. times may be hard sometimes, and it's no different for academics, but be aware that despite the hardships; you're doing amazing. be sure to take care, alright? wouldn't want a certain platinum haired individual scolding you now do we?
YAME…i certainly was not expecting to find this in my inbox the moment i woke up i’m— 🥹like there’s no way you just wrote all that here AAAAA I COULD CRY
kazuha’s hugs would quite literally be the biggest stress reliever for me, from the way you described it i can already see myself just melting in his embrace ong…you did not have to cook like that☹️ and then adding your own sentiments on top of that‼️
guys stop i might actually pass away from all this.. thank you so much for the encouragement it truly means the world to me! i’ll do my best to take it easy these next few days until the 7th ( last day of the semester ) and not let my pessimism get in the way BUT AGAIN TYSM YAME! truly gave my morning a bright start with this💕🥺
me after rereading this for the millionth time:
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luvuomi · 23 days
i just knew that if zero ( c6jpg ) makes sethos gifs — i knew you were going either go a little batshit feral or completely batshit feral. there is a no in-between /lh
NOT YAME CASUALLY CALLING ME OUT HERE…but at the same you aren’t even wrong😭 we all saw that reblog yuomi you ain’t being subtle with yourself
now just wait until hoyo ( hopefully ) drops official art of him and he appears in the 4.7 trailer for the livestream happening soon…now that will make me go completely batshit feral no doubt and i will not apologize for the way you’ll see me explode on here /lh
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luvuomi · 30 days
inazuma interlude: sethos goes to inazuma and kazuha starts another civil war at a much smaller scale ( he's jealous )
AAAAAA THIS DESCRIPTION YAME IM CRYING😭kazuha is indeed the kind to go to war for his love ong
sigh…the idea of jealous kazuha has been being fed to me for the past few hours now ( from yame & èl ) and safe to say…my brain rots have finally manifested themselves into a short scenario i decided to write out hehe 🤭
enjoy this self indulgent delusion of mine while i figuratively pass away
unlike kazuha, i seldom find myself wandering about traveling from place to place. while this can be due to the fact i prefer to stay indoors, it mainly stems from the fact that my job — which is being a columnist for the steambird — occupies most if not all my free time.
as for what i write specifically, well i just imagine it to be silly little short stories huhu
in reality, writing for the steambird is just a small stepping stone of mine for the ultimate end goal of eventually becoming a published author for yae publishing house in inazuma. kazuha would, of course, naturally come to learn of this interest and — whenever time granted it — would sometimes offer to take me to inazuma via the alcor so that i could get acquainted with the business and it’s employees. building relations essentially .. yk cause he’s such a considerate man like that :’)
small tangent aside though-
on this particular day, after managing to find some free time for myself from work, i decided to spoil kazu with a surprise visit hehe
now, due to the fact i reside in fontaine, the journey to inazuma is an exceedingly long one especially since i first need to get to liyue to catch a ride from beidou ( duh ). the journey can go one of two ways: i either go through chenyu vale or sumeru. most of the time i stick to the former since my dumbass somehow always manages to get lost in the dessert or rainforest ( clumsy yuomi confirmed + tighnari is lowkey done with my bs ) but oh ho ho i decided to be bold today and go through sumeru # copium moment
even when i finally meet up with kazu at ritou and recount all the details about my voyage to him, he’s surprised to hear it all went smoothly while also showing a bit of concern for my safety. yes, even he’s well aware of how much of a klutz i tend to be lmao
“i’m glad to hear your travels went well for you, though im surprised to hear you didn’t end up getting lost again as you usually do. i take it tighnari and cyno helped you out?”
“hm? oh, that! i forgot to mention — someone else actually helped me along the way and even decided to tag along. in fact, i’ve actually been wanting to introduce you to him for a while now! he should be around here … ”
“i’m here, i’m here, no need to panic.”
“ah! kazuha, meet sethos! he’s someone i became friends with not long ago in sumeru during my last visit there and the one who helped me navigate through the desert this time.”
“ahh, so you’re the friend yuomi’s mentioned to me before … a pleasure to meet you.”
friend? did he really just call kazuha a mere friend? had it been said in any other way, the samurai wouldn’t have paid it much heed, but there was something about this guy’s tone of voice that just didn’t sit right with kazuha — along with that complacent look on his face…
they’ll do that kind of handshake where it’s clear as fucking day neither of them even want to be in each other’s presence, let alone look at each other, with kazu giving a subtle squeeze in return like some kind of warning sign😭
sethos ofc would notice right away but wouldn’t say anything and just smile knowingly ( he knows wtf he’s doing )
“so yuomi, about that tour around inazuma. does the offer still stand?”
“of course! it’s your first time here so where should we begin? hmm … how about — ”
“i can handle it on your behalf yuomi. why don’t you take a short rest first and in the meantime, i’ll show our .. guest around ritou.”
“oh, sure! sounds good to me. you two have fun!”
and once clueless yuomi is out of the scene, sethos and kazuha fist fight in each other through bombastic side eyes and glares ( credits to yame for that description cause i love it ) for a solid 5 minutes
just saying it now, that tour around ritou never happened LMAO
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luvuomi · 2 months
new dark mode theme 🔛🔝
YES dark theme makes its unprecedented return…again…
honestly with how much im already staring at bright screens for my college assignments…the light mode on here was overstimulating me i couldnt bear it any longer😭
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luvuomi · 2 months
greetings, miss youmi~ welcome to the gang of self-ship blog owners 🤍
— signed, ayame.
hello ayame !
thank you for the welcome, happy to be here ^-^ !! also i love your blog theme and user omg ITS SO CUTE🥹the combination of your name and kunikuzushi i love that <3
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luvuomi · 14 days
mao bubs !! greetings ~
just saw your post as soon as i logged in. please be sure to stay safe, get some much deserved rest and have a meal after that, alright? and of course, take your time with your kazuha smau. otherwise lucy ( my eldest cat ) will drop kick you down to the floor with me on sight /j /nsrs
giving you many, many hugs dear (⁠ ⁠T⁠_⁠T⁠)⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠-⁠^⁠ ⁠) will be hoping for your safety ~
aaaa yame🥹hello!!
so sorry for the late reply…i had no service the entire day and only just returned to my aunt’s home where there’s wifi </33
while i was able to have that meal after long hours of gruesome flights i could not get a proper nap in😭 my original plan was: after we land and i arrived at my aunt’s place i’d take a rest ( aka catch up on the sleep i missed which is an entire day atp )
but my lovely aunt had other ideas and decided to take us all out to eat and go sight seeing. so current status right now? actually dying👍
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luvuomi · 23 days
mao i would like you to know that the lovely ask you sent me will be in my inbox forever
aaaa yame🥹i’m glad to hear that!! and also super happy to hear it may have helped shed some light and positivity your way <3
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luvuomi · 2 months
the dark mode theme 🤍 and that adorable 'zuha pfp omg
i used to use it in my old ( now deactivated ) blog and i never got tired of seeing it because that's so kazuha of him ( and it's so cute !! how can i not yk )
i can see you two snuggled up together within a comfy warm blanket and having some hot cocoa on a chilly summer night~ definitely the type to sneak in a kiss or two as a statement of his immense love for you and relishing in your reaction to his light yet lingering kisses 🤭
yes making the switch over to dark mode on here because my eyes are begging for a break from the light mode theme i have on my main blogs😭 ( i cannot handle the constant watering eyes any longer )
but YES the kazu pfp is so adorable because of the very fact it’s so him and makes me just wanna keep him in my pocket ugh <3 i will never get tired of him
*internally screaming and kicking my feet on that last part* LIKE OMG envisioning that out rn and my brain rots are kicking in— it’s definitely the simplest of activities like cuddling or reading a book together that kazu has the ability to turn into the most soft and just loving activity ever 🥰literally giving the mundane a whole other meaning for existence
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