#━━ ✦  ft. sam wilson { dasmirakel }
—— Starter for @dasmirakel ; ft. Sam
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The attack on mutant kind was getting out of hand, it's a very strange battle to be a part of. Humans with serum to make them stronger seem to have more rights than those who have a mutation that make them stronger. More dangerous, they're called. The downfall to humanity or whatever it is they'll call them because left 'unchecked' they can be dangerous.
Couldn't the same be said for those with the liberties that they are given, say, like the avengers and those who they correspond with? But the government is a finicky thing, isn't it? And now due to perhaps maybe some illegal things that in her defense she didn't know would turn out to be this level of illegal she's caught in the crossfire.
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" Listen...Falcon. Captain? Falcon Captain? Captain Falcon? What is everyone calling you now a days?" she asks, her hands in front of her to show she is no threat to him or anyone else. " I'm not a bad guy. I'm a good girl." there is a pause after she says this, and she loosens up a little. " Well, I guess it depends what ex you ask ... and what you ask them..." She stares off for a moment, then shakes her head , hands still up.
"Either way, I'm not the enemy here and I know this.." she moves her finger around in a circle to this warehouse full of questionable things such as stolen artifacts , maybe government secrets ... " I know this looks suspish, but in my case it is not what it looks like."
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walkingthroughfire-a · 5 months
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When he speaks, Bucky just makes a face as though he's not listening. In fact he looks up, looks around. "The wind is loud today." He murmurs, shaking his head slowly, but then he jokingly turns to find Sam standing there, and he steps back pretending to be startled.
"Oh, hey man, when did you get here?" he asks as a smile creeps along his lips before letting out a light laugh.
"I'm not ignoring you." He tells him. "I'm just actively choosing not to listen to you."
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That's literally the same thing, but he'll somehow find a way to argue that it isn't.
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❛ you can’t ignore me forever. ❜ — Sam to James @dasmirakel
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walkingthroughfire-a · 8 months
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“ this pumpkin kinda looks like you. ” — Sam to James *snorts* @dasmirakel
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There is a slow blink as he first looks at the pumpkin, then looks right back at Sam with this glare. A glare that reads 'wtf' loud and clear. Then back to the pumpkin and his head tilts as though he's trying to see what he's seeing. To him that pumpkin just looks like a pumpkin and Sam is simply being Sam. Trying to make fun at Bucky's expense which is allowed because he will have his moment to get back at him.
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" I don't know, man." He says as he looks across the pumpkin patch. " I think that one over there looks a lot like it may be related to you." He points to the most distorted pumpkin and smirks. " Wait, I take that back. Looks more like your little companion after it went..." and he uses his hands and mouth to emphasize a boom.
It was hitting low ... but it was all in good spirits, right?
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