#╰    🐚 › interactions      ﹕      012.
riverwclker · 1 month
with  colton atwater @  golden hour beach bar.
in  twilight  , the  beach  was  tinted  sepia ,  the  sand  more  orange than beige ,  the  water  dark ,  bright rays of the setting sun warms rivers skin as she sits  at  the  beach  bar  ,  taking  in  the  evening  as  she  watches  the  waves  hitting  each  other ,  listens to the  wind  making  noises ,  overhearing the  distant  chattering  of  laughter  intermingled  with  a  conversation  of  others  not  far  off.    the  birds  flying  over  the  smoothly  flowing  waves captures her attention next.  green hues drift to  the  sunset  , evoking  feelings  that  are  deeply  hidden  within  her  ;  the  excruciating  pain  of memories making  her  heart  heavy ,  the  nagging  guilt  that  eats  away  at  her  stomach.
with  a  deep  inhale  for  a  sense  of  control  over  her  emotions ,  river  turns  her  attention  to  a  drink  the  bartender  has  placed  in  front  of  her.  river asked the bartender to surprise her seeing as it was her first time down here and overwhelmed by choices she couldn't choose what she wanted. juding by the deliciously tropical - coloured cocktail , river was sure the bartender wasn't going to disappoint.
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looking  over  the  rim  of  her  drink while taking a healthy sip ,  river  notices  someone  adjacent  to  her  and  the  way  her  eyes  squint  to  focus  on  the  stranger it's  clear she's attempting  to  place  where  she  has  seen  him  before.  dirty blonde hair , conventionally attractive features. the poor guy must have felt the presence of someone staring because just as river believes she knows where she's seen him before , their eyes meet. the embarrassment of having been caught peering flushes over the apples of her cheeks. river quickly sets her drink down , a friendly yet sheepish smile rounds the corner of her lips. ❛ apologies  for  staring.  i've  been  trying  to  figure  out  why  you  look  so  familiar , ❜  river explains. ❛ and  i  think  i've  just  figured  it  out.  you  live  at  beach  front ,  yeah ? ❜
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riverwclker2 · 2 months
╰    🐚 › tag drop !     
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riverwclker · 1 month
with ines montalvan @  luther's rare & well done.
it  was  safe  to  assume  that  during  the  two  to  three  weeks  that  river  has  been  settling  into  briar  ridge ,  luther's  rare  &  well  done  diner  had  quickly  becoming  on  of  river's  favourite  locations  to  visit  on  a  day  off.  the  front  of  the  building  continuously  welcomes  the  rising  sun ,  illuminating  the  whole  space  and  bring  it  to  life.  inside ,  the  soothing  old -school music  played  in  the  diner  acts  as  a  treat  for  the  ears  and  a  perfect  start  to  a  day.  it  was  always  such  a  lively  diner ;   a  diner  filled  with  community  is  a  cheerful  place  to  be. 
the  romanticism  could  be  that  she's  in  a  new  country ,  a  new  place ,  missing  home  essentially  by  herself  aside  from  her  roommate ,  heidi  lee ,  whom  she's  known  back  in  australia  before  heidi  decided  to  leave  and  their  friendship  simply  fizzled  out. speaking of acquaintances , heidi wouldn't be the only person river was getting to know. ines montalvan was becoming a favourite individual of river's. funny , outgoing , and says what's on her mind there was no reason for river to not enjoy ines' company while she was in luther's.
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❛ ines , i think we should hangout outside the diner at some point ! ❜ river suggests rather out of the blue from a random burst of confidence before taking a sip of her strawberry and chocolate drizzle milkshake. ❛ we can get a few drinks , get a few numbers , tear up the dance floor , maybe preform a duet or two during open night mic ... ❜ trailing off in the hopes it sounds enticing , green eyes roll up to the stunning dark - haired waitress with an excited grin slips on her lips at the prospect of going out on the town with a new friend. you'd think with someone with a history such as river's she would be a little more cautious when it came to who she surrounds herself with. yet , that isn't exactly how river's mind operates. ❛ you need a night out , i need a night out ─ and a night where my roommate doesn't ask me to make a tiktok with her for the hundredth time but that's neither here nor there. so , whadda'ya say ? ❜
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riverwclker · 1 month
with  noa andreas @  marineland.
river  watches  with  great  care  as  mavrick ,  an  agile  common  bottlenose  dolphin ,  shows  off  his  shiny  grey  topside  and  whiter  underbelly  create flying  water  droplets ,  cascading  down ,  bejewelled  in  the  light.  his  body  arcs  and  tail  flips  and  down  he  goes  with  a  splash.  the  audience  claps  and  the  trainer  continues  her  dialogue.  under  the  water  the  dolphin  turns  sharply  to  avoid  the  sides  of  the  tank.  the  below - ground  watchers  gasp  and  soak  in  the  information  about  the  animal ,  and  how  he  was  rescued  and  restored.  he  quickly  returns  to  the  surface  for  fish ,  open - mouthed  for  more  ooohs  and  ahhhs.
having  just come back from a discussion with the marineland veterinarians river couldn't help but be  distracted  by  the  show.  but , knowing she can't stay long and has a message to deliver the young woman is back on her way.
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rounding  a  corner  with  quick  steps ,  river  has  to  stop  in  her  tracks  so  quickly  that  she  almost  trips  herself  as to  not  collide  with  another  body.  ❛ oh ,  crackers !  i'm  so  sorry.  i  was  not  paying  attention  ─  oh ,  hi  noa !  just  the  person  i  wanted  to  see. ❜ river greets the event coordinator with her typical , chipper tone and friendly smile. ❛ listen ,  for  that  private  birthday  party  next  weekend ,  ripley  won't  be  able  to  make  an  appearance. ❜  ripley ,  the  latest  addition  to  the  marineland  family , an adorable , juvenile pacific bottlenose dolphin.  ❛ she's  strong ,  and  that's  great ,  but  she's  still  underweight.  i'm  afraid  the  stress  of  being  sounded  by  a  group  of  ankle - bitters won't  be  the  healthiest  environment  for  her ... ❜
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riverwclker · 6 days
with harry stanford @  firefly brewery.
it's  river's  third  time  stepping  into  the  shaded  bar  that  brings  her  eyes  to  the  different array of muted  colours and bottles of beer. rock tunes and loud conversations fill every corner.  it  would  have  been  more  difficult  without  her  friend  by  her side ,  but  harry  was  never  a  difficult  person  to  convince  to  go  out.  it's  thursday  night  ─  trivia  night ,  after  all ; the  night  of  all  nights  for  river  walker.  minus  open  mic  night ,  of  course.  ❛ i  swear  i'm  gonna  win  us  that  shaved  ice  maker ,  haz. ❜ river wasn't the most competitive person out there. sure , she's be in surfing competitions but even then she was doing it out of the fact that she was able to spend time with like - minded people and the camaraderie of the sport. the prize , the money or the trophies , were never in the forefront of her mind. there was something about trivia night , though , that was able to turn rivers intensity up a notch.
'  which  bird  has  the  largest  wingspan  of  any  living  bird  ?   '
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repeating the  question beneath her breathe ,  green hues flicker to the table top in thought as if that's where she would find the answer. and maybe she does , because after a short moment river  snatches  the  bell  and  rings  it  loudly  before  yelling  out ,  ❛ the  wandering  albatross  ! ❜  river scribbles down the answer on her note pad with  an  excited  laugh  and  a  fist  pump of celebration before turning to face harry , excitement brimming. ❛ imagine being able to take this ice machine to birdsong park or the pier ? ❜ this could be the three beers or the adrenaline talking. its hard to tell at this point. 
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riverwclker · 15 days
with valentina flores @  birdsong park.
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spread  out  over  the  vibrant  green  grass ,  sat  contentedly  on  checkered  covers ,  a family  enjoys  their  picnic.  near  a  rocky  gravel trail ,  a  plump  vendor  with  a  silly  oversized  hat  sells  refreshing  ice  cream  to  passers - by ;  one  particularly  tanned  girl  handed  over  money  receiving  vanilla  cream  in  a  bright  purple  cone.  nearby  multiple  creaking  swings  were  occupied  by  a  bunch  of  toddlers  pushed  by  their  caring  parents ; they  screamed  in  delight  as  they  whizzed  through  the  cool  spring  air. 
at  a  fountain ,  the  sun  reflected  flawlessly  off  the  pond  as  the  water  sat  still  and  clear  as  crystals ,  the  only  disturbance ,  the  family  of  ducklings  floating  about  contently ,  added  shimmering  ripples  to  the  scene. and here is where river green hues move from the book she holds between the palms of her hands to flickering upward in order to watch life happen around her , soaking it all in and wondering where she fits into all of this life.
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riverwclker · 2 months
╰    🐚 › tag drop ! 
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