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elitaxne · 2 years
What is the most offensive thing they ever said and how did they learn from it?
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    ❝ I personally would consider the most egregious of these instances to be an argument that occurred between Optimus and myself during the early stages of war... In essence, I had used Optimus as a proverbial whipping post for MILLENNIA worth of grief, rage, and sorrow... I took all of my personal grievances out on him personally and in an incredibly VOLATILE manner. To this day, I still regret each and every callous word I spewed at him. Beneath it all, even in the moment, I knew my words were being spoken out of JEALOUSY. I promised myself I would never allow myself to act in such a way ever again, and apologized to Optimus some time later. Thankfully, this also served as a turning point in our working relationship. From that point forward we were able to find common ground and clear the slate, so to speak. ❞
You can read the altercation HERE.
I’d honestly suggest reading the threads leading up to this point so you can get the FULL breadth of both Optimus & Elita’s emotions that built to the moment. It just... it hits so good that way y’all trust me.
THE DREAM TEAM ( Drabble )
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elitaxne · 2 years
Both mun and muse are my role models.
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    ❝ Thank you, Anonymous. Words cannot express how honoured and humbled we both are to be held in such high esteem — your kindness knows no bounds. ❞
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elitaxne · 2 years
As someone who writes Elita, you seem to be the one I should run my shrimp thoughts by about my potential Elita Who Becomes Airachnid RP Blog.
I mean it basically follows the TFA style Archa Seven thing Except! This version of Elita has already lost one set of children to a Decepticon assault but due to how her being mutated worked her memories of her past life are imperfect so she blamed the Autobots for their deaths and joined the Decepticons afterwards and uses her knowledge of the Individual Autobots to inflict as much damage as possible.
Also she’s been mutated into a triple changer. Again it’s bare bones shrimp thoughts but I thought I’d throw it there for an opinion.
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Ahhhhhhhhh !! I’m honoured that you think so highly of my opinion, you’re too kind, truly — thank you so much !!
First off, wanna start by saying I LOVE this idea for Elita !! Admittedly, I’m not as well versed in things that deal with TFA, I’ve never actually watched the show — I KNOW, I KNOW — but, I think this is a fresh take on her character. We love a good Airachnid / Elita transmutation moment. I like the introduction of losing children — it’s a good mix of tragedy and love-lost, two things I think are great building blocks for motivation and character development. I can see it being a strong sticking point for her in many interactions. What’s most important is to have a strong driving force behind her that acts as a guide so you can develop and explore it in multiple interactions / plot lines, and I think you’ve found it. Would be interested to see if, eventually, she has a come-to-Jesus-moment and learns the Cons were the actual ones behind the loss of her kids ( if they were ), and how that shapes / changes her psyche. Would she just become a rogue and abandon both sides of the war entirely? Would she stick around with this information kept secret and try to sabotage them? Would she join the Autobots? Lots of possibilities !!
I’m also a sucker for triple-changer Elita. It’s legit one of my favourite things haha.
Not shrimp-brain at all, btw. I really love this idea and am excited to see how you flesh it out !! Lawd, if y’all could see some of my early Elita ideas when I was first creating this blog and her backstory... cringe worthy content. It takes time and patience — writing is a journey, not a sprint. You’re set up for some great success here friendo, godspeed !!
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elitaxne · 2 years
hey lita mun! just wanted to pop in and say that i freakin LOVED your "battle cry" drabble. it's honestly one of my favorite things you've written & ive been following this blog for a looooooooonnngggg time. i love everything you write honestly but ~this~ was especially amazing. please please please tell me you're going to continue? and i swear to primus if anything happens to cypher youll be hearing from my lawyer lololol jk jk no but seriously i love him so much! can't gush enough about everything you did here: wordlbuilding, the war paint, the disfigurement cypher has, KUP, seeing more of elita's past as ariel the list goes on and on. ok i'm done rambling anyways you rock & excited to read what else you put out (even if it's not this) big big fan ^3^
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Not me crying in the club right now ;A; Oh gosh, this is one of the nicest things ever to grace my inbox so thank you so much for sending in — NOT BOTHERING AT ALL !! You have no idea how much this made my day, I’ve been grinning at it for hours !!
*cracks knuckles* OKAY LET’S TALK CYPHER because tbh he’s my sweet baby angel and I love him so much. Fun fact: he’s an OC I created wayyyy back in the days when I first started writing fanfic with a group of three via email ( previously we had met on Pinterest of all places !! ). He’s changed a lot over the years and sadly been relegated to living on the shelf since I don’t RP my OC’s much, save for Starburst. The other NPC’s in babe && mine’s threads are shared characters between us rather than what I consider to be an ACTUAL OC born of my own mind... idk if that makes sense ??
BUT YES— I have a headcanon that the Tarnish region have Scottish / Irish influenced accents. Actually, it’s something @lifotni && I talked about recently, funny enough !! That said, I really, really, giving my characters something uncommon about them so I can do research, delve into their psyche and see how those lesser explored traits affect them && their relationships with others, the world, themselves, etc. So, for Cypher it’s his facial disfigurement. 
LOLOL DON’T CALL ARIEL / ELITA OUT LIKE THIS— but I mean you’re 1000% right. She likes mecha ( mecha && femme, she’s bi-romantic, demisexual ) with a broad chassis and large arms, good for hugging. Their connection though is more so a close platonic friendship than romantic. It’s funny, I’ve never imagined any hints of romance shared between them !! Ariel sees him kind of like an older brother, and Cypher is Hella Gay lol.
Also, like, nonnie, I LOVE how you noticed the subtle callbacks like “In for four, out for four” and the spark massaging. I was SO curious if anyone was going to notice those actions, since it’s something Ariel / Elita has carried through now for her life. Idk, I just thought it’d be neat to put in WHERE those things came from && WHY they’re so important to her ??
I honestly could talk about the world building elements I slipped in here for HOURS. Tbh, I’m really looking forward to expanding it further since the Golden Age has always interested me deeply, especially with Ariel / Elita and HOW she came to be this legend that she is.
Anyways, I’m so so so happy you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. And I’m pleased to say I’m actually just finishing up a sequel to that drabble !! I’m considering making it an on-going series of sorts when I have free time, since I’ve really been in the Ariel mindset... and early-Councillor / Commander years Elita *eyes emoji*
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elitaxne · 2 years
good morning miss elita! hows your day going? uwu
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    ❝ Greetings, Anonymous — My workday has been incredibly busy, and unfortunately, my processors have fallen victim to a repeating song as endless distraction... I hope your day has faired better than mine. ❞
If you listen very, VERY carefully you can just barely hear her singing it under her breath at her desk...
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elitaxne · 2 years
//idk why but sometimes Elita’s personality makes me think of Agent May from Agents of SHEILD
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I mean, two badass leader ladies who don’t take no shit... Seems right on the money to me !! Lol, I’ve never actually watched the show myself but I’ve seen gifsets of Agent May floating around and yeah... I feel like her and Elita are one in the same haha
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elitaxne · 2 years
just have to say angelina jolie as elita's fc IS PERFECT. i can't unsee it now
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Thanks nonnie !! Neither can I, tbh. Whenever I see Angie I just see Elita, slowly, I'm converting the entire fanbase of a similar thinking haha >:3 ( Here’s a few of my fave examples because S C I E N C E )
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elitaxne · 2 years
Do you miss anyone, Elita?
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    ❝ I do, MANY mecha in fact... Their absences weigh heavily on my spark; all of them for different reasons. ❞
She misses Zeta, the members of her team ( and Autobot Command ) who passed away during the war, as well as her dear friend Oracle whom she knew when she was still Ariel. Saiph, however, remains the largest presence she misses and continues to grieve.
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elitaxne · 2 years
spill your guts, did you ever have any celebrity (or whaever the equivalent is for cybertron) crushes growing up? who was it? >:-)
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    ❝ I did, however, I will not be divulging any such information as to who, Anonymous... ❞
Sentinel Prime.
Megatronus, very, VERY briefly.
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elitaxne · 2 years
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    ❝ If I am deciphering your acronyms correctly this is in reference to ‘Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon’, correct? If so, Optimus and I have yet to watch... However, we certainly plan to do so when the opportunity presents itself. ❞
                         She might’ve watched the first episode without him. Shhhhh.....
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elitaxne · 2 years
hi miss elita! do you have a favorite animal species on cybertron?
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    ❝ I do, several in fact. Of those, I would say that my favourite belongs to Cybertron’s native avian family. Different regions refer to this particular species by different names, however, I grew up knowing them as SHIMMER SWIFTS. Often they would accumulate in Crystal Garden sanctuaries where Energon and bio-organic minerals were plentiful. I consider them incredibly reminiscent of Earth’s hummingbird populous. ❞
Tragically, Shimmer Swifts were one of the first species to suffer rapid population decline during the war, threatened by total extinction of the species due to drastic Energon decline. Mid-way through the war Cybertronian Bio-Organic Preservationists collected the species and brought them off-world for long-term conservation — along with most every other native fauna and flora known to the planet.
Elita is happy to report that through continued conservation efforts ( off-world and on Cybertron ) Shimmer Swifts have been spared from extinction, and their numbers are steadily increasing around the planet. She’s yet to see them herself, however.
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elitaxne · 2 years
miss elita, would you say you and your mun are friends? What's your relationship like?
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    ❝ Very much so, Anonymous. We have, in fact, grown tremendously close in the near decade we have known each other... even if we do not always see eye to optic. I consider her to be very dear to me, and I know the feeling is reciprocal. Further, I believe we both have become better versions of ourselves through each other’s influence, in one way or another — perhaps even many. ❞
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elitaxne · 2 years
im trying to remember, who is starburst? she's so cute but i can't remember her backstiry, sorry if its annoying to ask! (love all your threads btw, hope you come back soon1)
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                  The kind compliment has her blushing almost as brightly as her plating...
     ❝ Oh Primus, you’re so sweet, Anonymous — thanks !! Figured what better source than myself to answer some questions about... well, MYSELF. I’m Councillor Elita’s Assistant, both professionally and personally speaking. We met during the war actually, if you can believe that. I was the Chief Intelligence Officer at the time, and with her directly overseeing Intel we worked very closely together. The same, if not more so, how we do currently at the Towers. ❞
Now, the cherry femme peeks around, leaning down almost conspiratorially. 
❝ Between us — and don’t laugh — I consider her almost like an aunt or something now more than an employer. Her, Optimus, Kaal, the twins... they’re like a second family to me. And Optimus has made it ABUNDANTLY clear they feel similar. And the pay is AMAZING. ❞
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elitaxne · 2 years
(im new to this blog so im sorry if you've already answered this before) but, did you ever meet megatronus while you worked at the gladiator pits?
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    ❝ Excellent inquiry, Anonymous. No, I did not. My time at the Gladiatorial Arena was short lived thankfully. The Masters kept performers such as myself and betting booth workers AWAY from the Gladiators... for obvious reasons. I never formerly met Megatronus until much later and in the middle of the battlefield, but by then, he was Megatron. ❞
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elitaxne · 2 years
hi elita!!!!!! im curious,, is there something your bad at?
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    ❝ Regrettably, my proficiency when it comes to drawing is SEVERELY lacking... Cygnus and Cephei — even during their earliest stages of younglinghood — far surpassed myself with their artistic skills. ❞
In fact, she was blacklisted by her team from EVER physically drawing battle plans early on in the group’s formation upon seeing for themselves how horrendous she was with a stylus. The relegation lasted the entirety of the war, especially after joining the Autobots.
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elitaxne · 2 years
Through trial and error I have concluded that grenades do not make good baseballs.
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    ❝ I implore you share your findings with Smokescreen, Anonymous. I fear it is only a matter of time until a similar thought possesses his processors... ❞
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