#╼ ༺ :|light of the gloom on the grey (ondes)
rcsetorn · 1 year
also [ cloth ] from Benny coz that's actually something he can do
◈ ╼ ༺ :|    affectionate gestures || @asteelgarden |: ༻ ╼ ◈
[ cloth ] - for receiver to bath sender’s face / neck with a cloth soaked in cool water Also in reply to here~
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╼ ༺ :||        "Do not," she snapped, mimicking his earlier response.
Why it unsettled her so, she knew not. Mayhaps the surprise of the coolness against a sting she had been previously unware of or the unexpected gesture at her blind side. But the fact remained she had grown to notice the Reverend's unwillingness for a helping hand from not just herself, but others as well. Even the days prior whence Benny collapsed and, quite literally, leapt from her instinctive catch. And how he declined her offer to heal his wounded hand, which could have been avoided if his sense of mercy for those suffering ego death had not hesitated. Beatrix's gaze flicked towards the still damaged hand and narrowed as if it were the source of her ire.
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Too aggravated for a simple curing spell, her own well of magic was summoned as if showcasing what Benny had declined. With a wave of a hand just above her now-cleaned cheek, a brilliant and warm white light illuminated their space and the overly, minor scratch against her cheek disappeared as if it had never occurred.
"Unlike your world's magic, that of mine is capable of accelerating the body's own healing process," the General explained.
"You may stubbornly deny corporeal aid, however, do not expect me to accept your informal, consolatory assistance in turn."
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rcsetorn · 1 year
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Beatrix explaining to Benny where she's been.
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rcsetorn · 1 year
╼ ༺ :||          Her fingers traced over the columns of spines, not quite settling on any in particular, yet searching for something. Occasionally traversing between one shelf towards another, and around corners at a slow, curious pace, the displaced General knew she was being followed for some time. Not knowing who or what tailed after her, Beatrix's initial reaction had been to rest a deliberate touch upon Save the Queen's hilt- a casual gesture to passersby and a subtle threat to those with any other intent.
Ah, but she was under Rousseau's dominion…
There was no intention to cause trouble for herself, Doth, nor her… worldly Lord… And her hand fell away, instead finally selecting a book. Sociology of the Southern Hemisphere.
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"I'm unsure of your intentions, but I'll be here for some time." Beatrix didn't wait for a reply, only made way to a place she could read comfortably. "If you are this inquisitive, accompany me that your curiosity might be satisfied. Or leave me be."
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rcsetorn · 1 year
╼ ༺ :||         Gine looked much the same, and her steps immediately followed the normal path she would take when returning after eliminating monsters in the immediate vicinity. There had been no obligation to return here. The current residency in Almoor provided generous opportunities for gathering knowledge and leads as how the General might return home. In the back of her mind, she reasoned Benny and the Mockeries left an impression which could simply not go abandoned long. Benny had provided sanctuary and initial information upon displacement, and providing a personal update felt due.
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Upon entering the church, she immediately began looking for the priest.
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rcsetorn · 1 year
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Unbeknownst unto her or anyone else save the will of the great Machinated Tree, General Beatrix has been displaced entirely from Gaia and transported onto an alien planet known as Ondes. Here, there are beings of humans, evolved and unlike herself which live by a caste way of life. Here, she is merely another displaced- to what these humans call Anomalies.
There is nothing which may indicate when or if an Anomaly may return to their own world. For now, Beatrix relies on learning what she can of Ondes and how it may help her return.
But then... What if she never returns…?
Other tidbits:
Beatrix is under the dominion of the Originator, Rousseau
She occasionally makes trips from Almoor back to Gine, both checking up on the Mockeries and Reverend Benny, who initially provided succor, and slaying beasts along the town perimeter to repay their kindness
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rcsetorn · 1 year
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Huh... She had seen these things occasionally, but like many things in Ondes, it was uncertain whether something was friendly or hostile by first glance. She kept watch on the tiny Swish rolling around with a swishhhhh as she gently nudged it with her scabbard.
Must be like some pup equivalent or something... Cute.
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rcsetorn · 1 year
" You are free to peruse our shelves if you wish for more to read, " Benny offers. " There are some publications here which likely have never made it to Almoor's library. "
She glanced over the newly accessible shelves. Though significantly smaller than that that of the one in Almoor, their content would be no less appreciated. Already the General was drawing an unfamiliar title from the church collection.
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"I realize sharing information may appear insignificant, however learning of Ondes has been nothing short of enlightening," she'd admit. "If there is anything to garner that I may return unto my own realm, then I shall be full glad. Should there be a way that I might repay your kindness, you need but ask."
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rcsetorn · 1 year
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Technically did not consent to being his anything...
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rcsetorn · 1 year
[ 𝐔𝐍𝐔𝐒𝐔𝐀𝐋 ] - something to the effect of dumplings shaped like local flowers, kinda sweet n spicy ( from Rousseau~ )
◈ ╼ ༺ :|    five senses prompt || @asteelgarden |: ༻ ╼ ◈
[ 𝐔𝐍𝐔𝐒𝐔𝐀𝐋 ] ― sender feeds receiver something they’ve never tried before ( specify what )
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╼ ༺ :||        Save from a night's rest, remaining in the manor meant she was enthralled by a book- not all leisurely as the General would only on occasion partake of back on Gaia. Displaced as she was, one would think this would be an ample amount of time to relax from duties where said business was, quite literally, a world away. However, currently basic text and information, when available, occupied herself and kept her somewhat productive by former standards.
Twas merely a soldier's habit offering a superior full attention, so once Rousseau appeared in her peripheral, Beatrix promptly closed the book almost as by some unspoken command. And though still hardly accepting him as such, it had been a self-appointed offer of familiarity. One she'd yet to properly assess how she felt on the matter.
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"It smells lovely," she said, accepting the dish he brought. Delicately prepared dumplings with their unique presentation held a peculiar charm, having passed few of those same flowers daily. Cute. And the first bite of flavor was nothing short of unusual either. A pleasant blend of sweetness and spices that left a piquant aftertaste upon her tongue.
"I do not believe my home has anything quite in comparison to this flavor."
Imagining the Chefmeister eagerly attempting to recreate a castle's worth of the dish brought a reminiscent smile, shortly becoming more bittersweet the longer it lingered. Funny how a single utterance of the word brought memories and musings she was not yet ready to admit even unto herself. But even so, those thoughts would only grow... With that encroaching homesickness, she took another bite and offered thanks to the Originator.
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rcsetorn · 3 months
@asteelgarden with Mimi time
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╼ ༺ :||          The silence which followed likely answered Mimi's question in turn.
"Not exactly. Unknowing his character, I cannot in good conscious pledge total fealty. H-here on Ondes that is," she quickly added. This was conditional until her return to Gaia. Whenever that may be...
Midst the brief sense of loss and desire for quick distraction, Beatrix attempted a smile and provided little aid lifting homely items obstructing Mimi's cleaning.
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"What I mean to say is... perhaps by similar unswaying values, I'm the same as Rousseau. I do not know how well you are acquainted with knights as they are of my homeland, however I do not tread lightly upon my word as a one. Were I to bend my knee, the objectives my Lord or Lady may have would ultimately become my own. Whatever they may be."
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rcsetorn · 9 months
OH, HOW FORTUITOUS that they would have met again, and this time so direct! Lord Gratia turns from the Reverend's office, which he himself has locked, and looks directly at-- THROUGH the General in the hallway. She may not feel any such invasive puncture from his stare this time, but surely she may remember it. The Prime Minister's head cants to one side, perhaps curious, and he may lean forth to study her closer.
Only a moment passes before he says, "Good day," flatly, factually, as if to disagree would be death. And with that, he continues on his way without another word.
╼ ༺ :||         Though the distance was less than that of their first encounter, the Anomalous General did in fact recount the intense discomfort and was therefore prepared with a new guard. Stoic and watchful, Beatrix returned the single gesture if only to bear a similar pleasantry, revealing nothing more by her outward mask honed for both noble court and strenuous battle. Suspicious as this Originator was, the desire to enlighten herself of his person remained at bay. There were more pressing curiosities at present.
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She had remained steadfast until Gratia entirely excused himself, but with the now hallway vacant, there was an unease which filled her mind over what occurred behind closed doors. The other acolytes may have mentioned Benny's rather antisocial tendencies post the Prime Minister's visitations, however such did not hinder her questioning rapping against the Reverend's chamber door.
"It's Beatrix," she announced against the frame.
Though met with uncomfortable silence, perhaps she had not been heard- a reasonable excuse. Whether or not time must pass before the priest would make his next public appearance, intuition weighed heavily that she may press for an audience. Regret would not fall upon her shoulders again from failing to act upon suspicions. And so once more she called, worriment just beyond the authoritative request. "May I come in?"
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rcsetorn · 10 months
@asteelgarden replied to your post “*wakes up* ....”:
Rousseau is there. Looming. Grinning. |)
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She remains unperturbed.
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rcsetorn · 1 year
[ boop ] from Rousseau~
◈ ╼ ༺ :|    affectionate gestures || @asteelgarden |: ༻ ╼ ◈
[ boop ] - for receiver to boop sender on the nose
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╼ ༺ :||        Her jaw snapped closed, set as she stared at the Originator as if coming to terms with what he just did with an exasperated sigh and a flush of crimson across her cheeks. The lack of ability to effectively retaliate simply left the General standing there, and whatever she had been saying was not lost unto the void. Instead of rolling an eye, she focused on the wriggling, halo-like crown.
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"You know... You remind me of someone back home I absolutely despise."
Was that out of line? It was warranted.
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rcsetorn · 1 year
༺ :| @asteelgarden
Reclined, and seemingly bored, the General had been staring off in thought for some time as a hand raked absent-mindedly through splayed curls. Even Rousseau's exuberant entrance did little to pull her from the lax stare off with the wall. He merely happened to pop in at an... unexciting time.
Before he could curiously intrude upon personal space, Beatrix snapped the resting book upon her lap close. With the exact thought provoking passage lost amongst the sea of pages, it was then she finally regarded the Originator. Though rather than greet or inquire reason for his presence, silence stretched on much as it had moments before and Rousseau simply became part of that same pensive mull.
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"Would you like to accompany me for an outing?"
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rcsetorn · 1 year
This first encounter may have been fated regardless of Rousseau's interference. For, like it or not, the Prime Minister would tend to venture outside of his manor almost as much as Rousseau, and in doing so he would oft venture into the Basilica of Sovereign Light. Anyone can enter freely, too; surely Beatrix may have been drawn to the strangely intricate arcade arches, or the twisting opalescent spires. It is there within the tribunal that she sees him, speaking in low tones with the head priest (or Grand Pontiff as they call it here, it seems) and several others, a sleeve-enshrouded hand lifted to where his face might be only to veil the darkness beneath his hood further. He appears to be listening intently, until somehow-- somehow, he becomes aware of a foreign presence within the premises. Although he was turned wholly away, his head turns slowly to fixate upon the anomalous General.
It is only a moment's gaze, but to some unused to such a presence it might feel as if they have been locked in place for an eternity. Piercing white glints beneath the hood, what must be eyes, bore into her own-- no, not the working eye, but into the one that is covered, straight through it, and into the back of her skull. It is as if her mind had been picked at in that three-second interval. But the Prime Minister makes no indication of having done any such thing. Instead, he cants his head slightly in passive greeting, like any higher authority would with a random stranger, and then he turns back to resume listening to the Grand Pontiff's prattling on.
╼ ༺ :||          Odd as it were, since Rousseau had taken her in, the snide remarks passing within earshot from Almoorans seemed to fall into a whispering hush. That it took an Originator's influence to silence them still did not sit well. Back in her own home, the nobility may have been more outspoken of the lower class dogs prowling about Treno streets; however, they did better holding their tongue when not amongst themselves. Whether she liked it or not, Ondes presented a clash of customs she would need accept. Though not partake of.
Initially it had been the crown above his head that drew her attention. Similar to Rousseau's, yet different all the same. As she understood it, he was another Originator, the second she had seen. Being a new Anomaly within the city she was naturally curious of just who these ranking officials were that perhaps her own curiosity somehow drew the Prime Minister's direct scrutiny.
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Over years as a soldier, and even as a royal attendant, she had learned to maintain an unwavering mask. To hide pain and discomfort that the enemy would fail pinpointing weakness in dire situations. That mask was called upon again, not as a challenge, but holding ground where its wearer refrained shying away from the Originator's intrusive gaze. For by that intensity was a chill of discomfort gripping her heart and holding her within her place.
However long this standstill actually lasted, it remained an unsettling victory on her part. As their connection mercifully broke, Beatrix promptly departed the basilica. Once outside, it was then she could breathe freely, and a hand rose to the cool metal of her eyepatch as one would a fresh wound. Questions as to the unsettling nature of what just happened, why that gaze, though unspoken, roused new discomfort of her eye and aching memories.
This Originator did not know her. No one did. She was a stranger in a strange land. And that... Yes... That was it.
That was all it had been...
Displaced curiosity.
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rcsetorn · 1 year
The following are crossover verses and AUs available beyond Beatrix's default FFIX. These are subject to update and grow over time, with more verses to be added in the future.
If you are interested in any of them, or have questions, let me know.
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A SOLDIER with sworn ties serving Shinra and protecting the people of Midgar. But even after the planet has been saved from Sephiroth's meteor, Beatrix devotes herself searching the ruins of Midgar for a cure to Geostigma.
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tagged: ╼ ༺ :|holding on behind these blazing eyes (ffvii)
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Alexandria has been annexed into Archadia, and at the Queen's behest unto the Imperial Court, General Beatrix was nominated and appointed as Judge to serve and quell her kingdom's troubled hearts.
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tagged: ╼ ༺ :|wearing steel; another dog of doom howls (ffxii)
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Former Guardian Corp turned Pulse l'Cie before just before the Purge. Completing her Focus at a terrible time, Beatrix crystalizes inside an ark only to awaken 500 years AF. Can later be found in Yusnaan's luxuries.
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tagged: ╼ ༺ :|traveler of time and lifting grace (ffxiii)
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As soldier summoned into the unknown realm, she knows not which god called her forth. What memories remain will decide if the General is friend or foe.
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tagged: ╼ ༺ :|dreaming until we at last rise again (dissidia)
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A rogue Nobody in a white coat hunted down by the Organization. Beatrix finds no desire to seek a heart, but rather traverses to different worlds without ties or purpose. Wielding a sword and gauntlet, her power is over that of metal.
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tagged: ╼ ༺ :|stairway on the whispering wind (kingdom hearts)
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Her role as a hospital doctor has always been the public knowledge, however Beatrix Ronelle is also a respectable Umbrella bioanalyst experimenting with her own pet project. Unfortunately it is the Raccoon City incident which pushes the boundaries of secrecy and a change in priorities.
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tagged: ╼ ༺ :|the curse of gloom and devotion (resident evil)
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Another of Mother Miranda's experiments believed corpse. After discarded, Heisenberg brings her body back for his own experiments until it's discovered Beatrix survived the Cadou.
⚔ verse details ⚔ affiliated with @valour-bound
tagged: ╼ ༺ :|lost in the deepness; I am who I am (resident evil 8)
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Transported from Gaia to the planet Ondes by the will of the Machinated Tree, General Beatrix must learn to live in her displaced state while seeking a way to return home.
⚔ verse details ⚔ heavily affiliated with @asteelgarden
tagged: ╼ ༺ :|light of the gloom on the grey (ondes)
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Due to an incident of dragonoph, or dragon worshiping, Beatrix has been served as a vessel for one of the extinct beasts. Through the struggles to control her draconic powers, she becomes a hunter for hire against monsters.
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tagged: ╼ ༺ :|autumn moonlight from darkest depths
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Navy officer turned pirate, Beatrix becomes the very thing she's hunted down on on the seas.
⚔ verse details ⚔ affiliated with @silverymusings
tagged: ╼ ༺ :|living for a dream and a pocket full of gold
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It has been announced Alexandria's Queen has died, although the people have made the plea their General should become the new ruler of the kingdom.
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tagged: ╼ ༺ :|fated to lie in this cage of the kings
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FFXVI Verse (no banner yet)
Warden of the Spirit and Dominant of Alexander
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tagged: ╼ ༺ |what is and what should never be (ffxvi)
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*Inactive verses not listed here can still be found on my blog's verses page.
**Two FFXIV verse are still in development
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