#█║✦ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏғ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ : ᴄʜᴇʀɪsʜᴇᴅ
Send me “Switcheroo!” and I’ll redesign your muse as if they were from my muse’s universe // aka a meme I forgot about but wanna do still lol
Elexis would have been one of the rarest species of Terrasperum, hidden from the world with her kind as she lived in the desert land of Incendia with the last of The Tempus. The Tempus were already an endangered race so it was even more of a shock when one happened to adapt a once-human child to have their own abilities in hopes of having their race live on without being put in the hands of danger. While she understands why she exists, she has other ideas of setting her fate into place and mainly sticks to a select few of her predecessors as some simply see her as a TOOL. That’s what was wrong with the land of Terrasperum, the elders tend to view the youngkin as something to simply let them live on. The thought is genuine but their treatment of a living being was not the best. Her life was rather peaceful though, watching over a shop that sold oddities and potions and the like. This was all she knew but she was content, so long as her kin did not meddle. Life did not remain peaceful as word spread of the visitors in the area closest to their village deep within the desert. The Tempus’ village was far in the desert, they were hundreds of miles away from the nearest city so this was a shock but come to find out one of the elders that goes by the name Ramona had sought out their ‘savior’. That’s what she called the dhampir exile Lawrence, she brought him and his comrades to the village to meet them, telling them of the plan the prince wishes to do. Ramona knew the connection the prince had to her twin sister even if he did not know of her existence. The clan of The Tempus knew of the lost princess that was captured by The Chosen thousands of years ago and this is the first time in a long time they had any faith of being reunited with her. Elexis heard stories but she was a skeptic, more so for these strangers than of the plan itself. She had to judge them for herself even if she knew it was not right. Lawrence had a fascination with the clan of Tempus, their way of life was so ancient in their ways that he only read about it in books; he had always been a curious boy and delved into forbidden literature about the history of the wars. He had no clue they still existed though. He did stumble upon the odd child of the clan eventually by entering the shop she takes care of, he was the talkative one and seemed to overwhelm her though. Questions, lots and lots of questions. Elexis probably felt annoyed with him at first, untrusting but hearing his stories helped her warm up to the idea that maybe this guy could change things for the better - even if it wasn’t for her clan, at least the rest of the world. The Tempus’ village was untouched by time, stayed in their old ways without any essence of advancements of way of life or even technology; that’s how they planned to keep it. While Lawrence wasn’t sure if he could help Elexis in any way, he left her with something if she ever wished to travel outside of the country. He gained information about Tempus powers and how a simply connection to a person or place that is far can give them the access to travel there. It was strange, perhaps even somewhat nice so she decided she’ll keep it safe. Hidden. Somewhere there no one could find it. The visit with the prince didn’t last long, after a few days in the village, the elder Ramona took them with her once more to embark on their journey. She kept the small talisman of sorts in a locked box in the room she stays in, a bit too fearful to travel away but the idea lingers in her mind every time she looks at it. Perhaps one day she’ll explore the world, get out of this dusty desert when the world is change and she’s no longer threatened. Til then, life will resume as it always has. 
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"Switcheroo!" ( for anyones fine! )
Send me “Switcheroo!” and I’ll redesign your muse as if they were from my muse’s universe // aka a meme I forgot about but wanna do still lol
Theodore and Edith are part of the royal military stationed at the border of the Misteria and Silva. They have little to no association to the news of the current world as they are more involved in military affairs and abiding by direct orders from the kingdom. Theodore seems to have more of a strict protocol when it comes to military operations while his wife is a bit more laid-back, a strange duo if you were to ask some of Incurvo in their ranks. While most of the military consists of Incurvo, a sub-species of Chosen, the duo are directly from the capital and chose to enter this line of work. Their reasons are unknown but there are various speculations for this. Their encounters with the exiled prince and his group is nonexistent but they did go on about searching for him when the king commanded it, they were given information from an informant each time of their location but no matter how much they followed these tips, they seemed to be set off course. Edith had been the one to speculate that it must be someone in the prince’s group that was a spy but didn’t wish to have them all captured, none of this was truly confirmed as later on, said spy was killed off. While there are inconveniences for the two, they live their life accordingly and as peacefully as they can. While the military is less of importance when the world has become to reform, they still do their part by helping keep the violence and intruders at bay. In the current timeline, a series of murders have the capital stumped and Lawrence when he has finally become king asks for the military’s help to solve the mystery behind the case. Some questioned his decision in doing so but if they could nearly find him while he was exiled, surely they can figure this out. Of course, nothing has been set in stone as to what truly happened as a innocent witness ( the citizens call him the perpetrator though ) and a young boy were present. A lot of questions linger on about the motive and behaviors of this child but as he is placed in the custody of the military, not much has slipped out of the boy’s mouth aside from pleading innocent. 
Thomas is probably one of the most ruthless yet unsuspected of The Chosen, he comes from a noble family in the capital yet he did not originally come from there as he came from another city elsewhere. Whether the motive was anger or a moment of lunacy, multiple murders took place within his manor and each family member was put to rest; except without ridding of the only living witness there is. Things were calm after this taken place, Thomas got to live in his manor by himself without anyone to bother him but that was until the new king decided to butt into his business. This new king didn’t overlook what was going on in the capital like the old one and that seemed to irritate him, something about this didn’t sit well yet he played along with the innocent card. As much to everyone’s surprise wasn’t difficult to do as he was still young and the public believes the youth. All-in-all, even though he is housed elsewhere now under military watch, there hasn’t been any evidence or hints to pit the blame on the boy for the murder of his family. With such a bit capital and new things going on, he’s simply hoping that the news dies out and the military gives up. His hopes on that are slim as the king seems to suspect something other than a case of foul play, something doesn’t settle well and that’s why this search continues. 
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switcheroo !!
Send me “Switcheroo!” and I’ll redesign your muse as if they were from my muse’s universe // aka a meme I forgot about but wanna do still lol
Jean de Reynard, would have been a royal retainer to the crown heir, Lawrence, before the denouncement of his title as he was exiled. While Jean was loyal to his lord, he was still under the castle’s lock and key but he was eventually cast out of the ranks due to being in servitude to the once-crown-prince. Jean was lost for a time, he was raised to serve and protect and not having the purpose had left him in a small period of drunken stupors before he decided to take up a new line of work. If he could not serve the kingdom the way he was born to, he would serve and protect for a price and with the tragedy that was destroying Misteria, he was a valued asset for traveling citizens, traders and the like. While he had hoped to keep his work within the country, his clients would be sending him farther and farther to the border. As a vampire, searching the border stirred up fear as sun was dangerous but he was far too invested in his resolve to put his clients in danger especially as some have become dear friends due to their long time together on some jobs. Jean would have the same client for years at a time sometimes, paid handsomely well due to them being either a big businessman or a noble from another country. His travels were one of the most fantastic parts of his life, seeing lush lands through the night til the faintest moments of sunrise before he’d retire into a slumber. Meeting other kind that wasn’t of The Chosen gave him a better perspective on the world, seeing that even though there was much oppression, that the people were still capable of living their lives once more. Being reunited with his previous lord was a heartbreaking one for him most likely. It would have been several decades later of working and traveling that just perchance in the royal city of Caelus did he meet Lawrence once more - at least with his new name attached to him. While he asked to return to the prince’s side in hope of keeping his loyalty, he was denied of his request because Lawrence claimed he was no longer worthy of having a retainer. Dejected for a moment, Jean was speechless but he was quickly reassured that he wouldn’t send him away. He gave Jean the opportunity to join him in hopes of taking back their home, this was a confusing idea as he didn’t see it as possible but he decided he wanted to have a purpose to aid the prince again. While Jean did take up various jobs on their travel back to the capital, he kept his priority on the group and deemed himself their ‘guard’ out of habit. From time to time, the man would often times slip when it came to the prince’s name, referring to him as his old name and quickly correcting himself. Habits die hard but he never could get used to the new name, at least not until Lawrence reclaimed the throne once more. It was in that moment that he realized that the once soft-hearted prince he knew grew up finally and that he truly claimed the name he chose as well as bring back hope for the home he loves. Eventually, he does return to being a royal retainer of the king. 
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Send me "Switcheroo!" and I'll redesign your muse as if they were from my muse's universe // aka a meme I forgot about but wanna do still lol
Not all dhampir’s are doomed to a cruel fate, some just happen to have been born from a love that is deemed TERRIBLE from society but that did not stop Chris’ parents from eloping and denouncing their noble status to live where their daughter could live as freely as possible. Chris was born in the captial Misteria prior to moving, she is unexposed to The Chosen’s ways as well as all other vampire kin aside from that of her mother, living a rather sheltered and mostly limited view of the world. While she may have had a naivete for a period of time, she come to learn about the world’s ways bit by bit as she slips out of her family’s house to run rampant in the fields of the continent of Silva. The grass is lush, the skies are bright but there was always an attraction to the nightfall; some would even say she CRAVED for her homeland that she could not remember but she continued to explore however far she could reach without any trouble. Chris might have run into Lawrence on one of these escapades, totally unaware of his status but he had a smell that she could not place and something told her it was of HOME - wherever that was. In the land where hyacinth’s grow is the only place she’s known as home but she has not seen all that this world has to offer and she most likely would not be able to see it with her own two eyes for a variety of reasons. Her “kind” was not treated well according to her parents but seeing another dhampir with her very eyes stirred up a curiosity, she wanted to hear his stories.Lawrence had not a clue what fate would befall Chris but he deemed her trustworthy and potentially even a friend who he would come visit in the night; somewhat of a intimate thing considering most things. It was when he was just exiled that he met her, staying deep within the forest on the outskirts of her village, he would search for her in hopes of telling her about his day’s adventures. These moments were fleeting because eventually Lawrence had to leave, he didn’t want to endanger her life and eventually the visits were less and less til they eventually ceased. There was a loneliness in this decision because at this point, he was truly alone before the meeting of his companions; he hopes to return to that small village without the fear of bringing doom upon the hidden dhampir in the forest, always wishing that she’s finding things to collect in the vast ruins in the forest or perhaps picking flowers that will just decay in a matter of days. While Lawrence had these hopes and dreams of returning to a friend, he would never know of the tragedy that would take Chris’s life, he would return to that small village years after on his way back to the capital and find that no trace of her is there. Asking villager after villager of the girl that smelled of hyacinth’s, no one dared to give him an answer and feigned ignorance. He mourns for the girl whose story he didn’t know, the fleeting memories of the night that gave him hope and he decides to write stories about her, small fantasies of her happiness in hopes that maybe this would keep her memories alive. Never would he forget, about the girl that once was. 
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🎨 if you want ;w;
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Nothing would be able to prepare him for the story that is her, the girl whom smells of hyacinth’s and how one day he will be writing her corpse upon pages simply to cherish her memory. Always to him she felt like a ghost, with her elusive presence that never said anymore than it wanted to tell because just like the unknown - you can never know more than what you’re being told. The same goes for him, a man who met a girl and is haunted by her shortly after. 
                                                     - Chris & Lawrence                                                           @hyacinthsgirl​
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OKAY, where do I even begin?? I honestly just reached my first milestone on this blog which was THE BIG 100 & I know it’s not too big of a feat but I just wanted an excuse to show my appreciation for everyone who interacts with me and has followed me on this journey of slowly diving into the story I created for Lawrence. It means so much to me especially since I have yet to unveil all the portions of his story but it only gives him more mystery + gives him a chance to expand past his own created story by going into other worlds and making more adventures. This character is so dear to my heart and I absolutely hope to share my love for him with you all, hopefully you come to adore him as much as I do! Now, onto the long awaited honourable mentions:
Here’s the section dedicated to my long-time friends whom have been with me for the longest, who have just made my experience on Tumblr worth while & given me the courage to dive into world-building altogether. YOU GUYS MEAN SO MUCH TO ME!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!
@caelestiastellis​ / @crimsonstars​ / you have so many other blogs neko, godamn ● @gentlesurvival​ ● @sinwraith​ / your many other blogs as well ● @limitedata​ ● @miserybled​ / @fatekissed​ ● @earthmcther​ / @surnukeha​ / your many other blogs too ● @nightslay​ ● @yokiina​ ● @euphorithe​ ● @wrathbled​ ● @asobitsu​ ● @itoarazi​ ● @dysgenetics​ / @dishonesti​ / @xiracundia​ ● @alsepias​ / @hiracith​ ● @eraseourscars​​
This is the section in those whom I have known for quite some time & want to get to know more as well as those who I just met but wish to interact with. The new additions to my rp life mean so much to me and I want to express my love for you as well! Some I do not know as well but here’s my vocalization of “HEY WE SHOULD THREAD SOMETIME” OAO ) /
@clstcr / @oceanbent / @farblcs ● @venatrixnoctis ● @loathedlineage / @arrogantaristocrat ● @archivieren ● @hyacinthsgirl / @mrsdamaged / @hiiddeneyes  ● @mrdamager / @stxtiice  ● @hisloyclty / @mettatoniic ● @funerae  ● @kaledvoul ● @desbearer  ● @skopertan ●  @maleficusdetemporis ● @drugrattes  ● @ofchiba ● @lamentis ● @bledfed ● @snowfallcn  ●   @felicitas-amicum ● @desenchantee / @sacrosanctbijou ● @padshiy ● @sluggernegan 
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