killrate · 4 months
“ i was already calm, asshole. ” / aitheros jfjsjs
♡ @aitheros
In what is spectacularly, record-time for Sting, that's really all it takes to irk her. To a spectator, the instant change in her expression may have been somewhat comical - because what was previously a wide-eyed and mildly mortified expression, had instantly dropped to furrowed brows and a curled lip.
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❝I─okay, watch your mouth, asshole, you're talking to a lady!❞ She says in some hybrid between a whisper and a snarl.
In spite of this, she is keeping her eyes fixed on that monstrosity that lurks above, in the trees. It's still several yards away from them, but a spider that size ( three feet at least ) hunts human prey. And it is likely not alone. She's not scared of spiders, really - it's the size of the thing. And she's positive that Sting's also not particularly intimidated by the number of legs, but rather the fact that its body is larger than both their heads.
And they're resistant to poison, so... Mary had better remember those biology books well, if she's going to be able to cast Virus on it effectively.
❝C'mon, you hit it first - you're a dragon slayer!❞ She spares less than a full second to shoot him a desperate glance, before focusing back on the beast. ❝Unless you're too chickenshit.❞
If nothing else, Mary has the audacity.
/ from some prompt i can't find. ♡
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600shekels · 1 year
2 Chronicles 18: 28-34. "War Against the Angels."
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Ahab Killed at Ramoth Gilead.
In order to understand this section appropriately we need to define Ahab "Economic Instructions" AKA the "Father of Brothers."
Without sound economic policy and accompanying economic drivers, "Father and brothers" we die. One man cannot coopt the bounty of the world or a nation. He is not like God, he simply will not be able to repay it or replace it or give back to the economunity in a way that befits the loans he made to himself.
This is why Micaiah the prophet begged the question "Can the king be corrupted or not? Can he be coaxed into being unjust?" If he can, disorder, the enemy of God, is pending:
28 So Ahab the king of Israel "The Economic Instructions" and Jehoshaphat king of Judah "The Ordinances, God's Glory" went up to Ramoth Gilead "the Fruit of the Eye of the Perpetual Fountain."
29 The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, “I will enter the battle in disguise, but you wear your royal robes.” So the king of Israel disguised himself and went into battle.
30 Now the king of Aram "High but not rude or rotten" had ordered his chariot commanders, “Do not fight with anyone, small or great, except the king of Israel.” 
31 When the chariot commanders saw Jehoshaphat, they thought, “This is the king of Israel.” So they turned to attack him, but Jehoshaphat cried out, and the Lord helped him. God drew them away from him, 
32 for when the chariot commanders saw that he was not the king of Israel, they stopped pursuing him.
33 But someone drew his bow at random and hit the king of Israel between the breastplate and the scale armor. The king told the chariot driver, “Wheel around and get me out of the fighting. I’ve been wounded.” 
34 All day long the battle raged, and the king of Israel propped himself up in his chariot facing the Arameans until evening. Then at sunset he died.
The arrow hit right between the Ephod and the Scales of Justice- meaning you cannot buy God's Loyalty nor steal His Allegiance from the people. The Gematria for this phrase in v. 33 is:
You Cannot Buy My Loyalty And You Cannot Intimidate Or Coerce Me So Bend The Knee To Hashem (health and kindness) Or Suffer And Die.
The value in Gematria is 5680. הוחאֶפֶס‎, "He got arrested."
Gematria also explains what we need to know about this section. The Instructions and the Ordinances DO NOT change places. They do not hide in the ranks, they do not plan assaults on the logic, credibility, or interpretations of the Will of the Most High.
all of v. 33 in Gematria returns:
I Am God There Is None Like Me As My Thoughts Are Higher Than Your Thoughts As My Ways Higher Than Your Ways As My Words Are Higher Than Your Word.
The value In Gematria Is 11401.
The Random Bowman.
It is the belief God has the Authority to script human behavior and manage the world through the angels that creates humanity. This is not a random act of kindness, but was planned from the Beginning.
To engage in acts of cruelty and corruption deviates at random from a well thought out course of existence, and thus a random act of retribution by God, targeting the heart of the matter is needed to end its reign.
Why the need to focus...on the power of mankind to sink to the lowest depths?
Every human being professes two types of foes both within his psyche and within his environment: exposed enemies and hidden ones. Exposed foes are the conscious patterns and behaviors in our lives that openly and overtly threaten our well-being: negative and promiscuous temptations, addictions, acts or words of immorality. When you realize that you are addicted, to alcohol, weed or promiscuous intimacy for example, it is hard to deny that you are deteriorating. Your enemies, your demons, in this instance are open and naked.
But a human being also possesses an entirely different array of skeletons. 150 years before Sigmund Freud, the founder of the Chabad school of Kabbalah spoke at length of the destructive forces within our lives that are often invisible and indiscernible (11).
These are subconscious, primal emotions and instincts that may live under cover for decades, infecting our lives but never exposing their face. Self-deception, buried feelings of vengeance, hate, selfishness, anger, jealousy, arrogance, fear, shame, insecurity, self-hate, loneliness, and many other subliminal streaks, are often buried beneath myriads of strata of identity, but which nonetheless execute profound influence over our daily lives and relationships.
At times, our inner destructive forces come disguised in masks of piety and holiness. Religion is but one example. People often employ religion as a tool to cover up for inner dysfunction or even evil. People often confuse themselves to be G‑d. ("He is a self-made man and he worships his creator.") People are sometimes pious externally, but deeply arrogant and unrefined internally. The hidden forces of destruction are often more lethal than the exposed ones, because their invisibility allows for profound denial. To deal with them, one cannot use the regular old-fashioned weapons, which can only be effective on close and open enemies. To confront the invisible enemy, one must employ an entirely new and different style weapon: the bow and arrow.
The Chariot Commanders are the angels, who were assigned by Aram, the Most High but not haughty to protect the Fountain of Words from the King of Israel who wanted them for himself.
The Midrash states there are pure and impure chariots, and the Angels were driving their Purity against the forces of a King and his clumsy cohort were trying to usurp their own power and become corrupt.
Know that all the animals, beasts, and fowl have a soul which descends from [originates in] and is influenced by the Holy Creatures. If the creature is ritually pure [it descends, etc.] from the Holy Chariot, and if it is ritually impure it derives from the Impure Chariot.
The "Divine Chariot" is described most vividly in the first chapter of the book of Ezekiel but appears elsewhere in the Bible as well. It is generally understood to be a depiction of the hierarchy of divine powers through which G‑d channels His life force into the world. Each detail of the vision embodies a different aspect of this organization of life powers, and all the details eventually find their way into various manifestations in this world.
The "Holy Creatures" here are the four celestial beings that bear the Divine Chariot. "This was their appearance: they were human figures, but each one had four faces, and each one had four wings…. Their faces and their wings were alike on the four of them…. As for the likeness of their faces: each one had a human face [in the front]; each of the four had a lion's face to the right; each of the four had an ox's face to the left; and each of the four had an eagle's face [in the back]." (Ezekiel 1:5-10; from the Haftorah for the first day of Shavuot)
Corresponding to this "Divine Chariot" is an "impure chariot", or the array of powers through which G‑d channels life force into the realm of evil. This was created in order to sustain the forces of malevolence until its purpose has been served and it can be dispensed with.
Heaven continues to contemplate the random acts of violence and corruption that infect this planet and ways to improve the equally random acts of law enforcement and prevention, which by no means can predict when someone is going to commit to being evil and break the law.
If the King of Israel the Chariot of Heaven can falter and become corrupt, it means the fabric that enmeshes men, God, and the angels together is somehow being sheared and this must be examined.
To prevent this level of dissolution of God's Legal Rights the Tanakh says Jehoshaphat, the Ordinances, AKA the Rabbinic Court must remain in place, able to question the conduct of mankind and check its behavior, including that of the king.
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killrate · 3 years
( ˶˘ ³˘(⋆❛ ہ ❛⋆)!♡ one for erik ofc
♡ @cuelebres
❝Guess what I got in the mail today!?❞ Clearly, she's not doing too good at containing her excitement. After opening the letter, she'd given herself a whole pep-talk about how she would absolutely keep her cool while giving him the good news.
She did not last ten seconds. Probably not five, either─and the bouncing on the tips of her toes is surely not helping.
Mary holds the page up to his face - eyes glimmering with excitement.
The letter is pristine, aside from the neat creases─evidence of it once having been tucked away into an envelope. The bottom is clearly signed: p. styrne.
Alright, so perhaps that signature is not as obvious as Mary wants it to be. ❝It's from the doctor that I wrote to a couple of weeks back!❞ Mary had openly discussed her idea with a handful of her friends. There had been moments where she almost stopped, almost doubted the possibility of it.
Magic had been derived from other types in the past, so she'd never been too sure why she doubted that the same could be done with Virus. For a better use. This time to help others.
❝She thinks it's doable and wants to meet! It wasn't stupid after all.~❞ The witch beams, now practically clinging to him, and she throws her arms around his shoulders─somehow managing to smother a squeal that would surely cause him some level of tinnitus.
But a tiny gasp is drawn from her lips when he leans to kiss her cheek. A gesture so small, so simple─but so rarely received. It means the world to her, frankly - because she continues to stare up at him, lovestruck.
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So she does the only logical thing, and tugs him closer, planting several kisses against his lips in return. She exchanges no words in that brief moment. There was no need to fill that silence.
give mary cheek-kisses ! / accepting.
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killrate · 3 years
❝ try not to get any daggers in your back before dawn. ❞
♡ @seraphias
It would be a brief separation.
Even after everything, and after the years of distance kept ( because they'd had to play by the rules, and the rules had said to keep them separate; let them grow as individuals )...
It still feels like before, whenever they part ways. Like it's no big deal, because they'd meet again in a day or two.
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Everything's fine. So she turns to the star-bearer and grins.
❝With that attitude~? You'll curse me!❞ The witch jests, though she soon tilts her head in acknowledgement. ❝Don't miss me too much. I'll be careful... I'm too pretty to be stabbed anyway.❞
the witcher starters / accepting.
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killrate · 3 years
Dear Doctor Styrne,
firstly, I’d like to thank you in advance for taking the time to read this. My name is Marilyn Abaddon - I’m a mage who has worked with Lamia Scale for a couple of years in the past. I’m reaching out to you is because I’ve been looking into the work you’ve done over the years, and I’m very impressed. 
The reason for my curiosity is that I’m very invested in dissecting the form of magic I’ve devoted myself to mastering for the last decade or so. A lost magic, one that deals with infecting any part of the body. Attached to this letter, you will find an in-depth description of everything it’s capable of to my knowledge.
I’d like to make a proposition: what if it were possible to take a spell such as this one, and repurpose it? What if instead of it consuming an organ, it could target malignant masses in the body, or illnesses, infections, maybe more? 
I have a strong feeling that Virus could be reverse-engineered into something that can help people. I know that healing magic isn’t accessible, but maybe this could get us a step close to having something like it.
I have all of the original written scriptures on this particular type of magic, and I’ve recorded all of my progress with it. The problem is that I am not qualified to do this alone, or even with another enthusiast. I take this project very seriously, which is why I’m requesting your help.
If you’d prefer to pass on this, I would understand. But if you are interested, I look forward to meeting with you, and I’m ready when you are. I do hope this letter finds you well, Dr. Styrne.
Mary Abaddon
♡ @aeceso
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killrate · 3 years
♣ – A spinning hug
♡ @verticordiia
It’s been a very long time, and upon seeing Lamia’s guild-building, she’s instantly hit with a wave of nostalgia. The kind that squeezes at the heart with both warm and cold memories.
Her time with Lamia had been difficult, but so rewarding all at once. Mary had never done well in a constricting environment; had never done well knowing that she had to follow far too many rules with little room for bending ( unless it was at the Council’s behest ).
And Sherry’s grip had been fairly light on her; like she'd trusted Mary to do what she'd agreed to do. Sherry had laid out the terms, and Mary had abided by them. They had always respected each other. Neither she nor Kora had ever let her feel alienated in an already foreign environment.
Despite the rush of memories, the witch is glad to be here again, to step through Lamia Scale’s doors─not as a charge, but as their ally.
She’s sprinting for her, and when she crashes into her friend in a tight embrace, a laugh bursts as the taller woman lifts and spins her.
And indeed there are times when Mary forgets how effortlessly she can be swung around. And also forgets how strong Sherry is. But when she slows down and puts Mary back down, the witch is beaming.
❝I’ve missed you! Way more than I anticipated it...❞ It had been a busy, busy six months.
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spring cleaning the inbox, don’t mind me !
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