#▹   ic     ⌜ ❀ ⌟     second round! vs : the fruits of our ambition.
hanahaken · 1 year
Hajime held out the dango to Okita, while his expression remains stoic, it was clear the treat made him think of the other caption. He didn't offer a single word, but a nod - while nibbling on his own.
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  ❛ Areh? It's unusual to see you with something so sweet, Hajime-kun. I half expected this to secretly be tofu. ❜ Nevertheless, he accepts the offered treat with a quick bow of his head in gratitude and appreciation, and bites into the first of the soft ball, tugging it off the skewer between his teeth. ❛ If you think this will make me go easy on you during training later, though, you're going to be disappointed. ❜
  Though he teases — after all, Hajime would never ask him to hold back — Souji recognizes the gesture for what it is: a thoughtful token. Mouth closing over the second dango on the skewer, he slides it off and gives a pleasant hum as he chews.
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  ❛ It's delicious. ❜
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hanahaken · 4 years
@yugencia​​ / Toudou Heisuke said : ❝ why are you dressed like a sad silk trader? ❞
          ❛ Ehhh? So that’s what you think? ❜     Though  a  trademark  smirk  curls  the  corners  of  Souji’s  lips,  the  eyes  that  stare  down  his  nose  at  the  eighth  division  captain,  narrowed  nigh  to  pinpoints,  hold  none  of  their  usual  teasing  humor.  The  instantaneous  realization  on  Heisuke’s  face  that  he  had,  just  maybe,  made  a  mistake  in  his  choice  of  words  does  not  go  unnoticed,  but  it’s  too  late.  The  damage  is  done.  A  thumb  pushes  at  the  guard  of  his  katana,  sliding  the  blade  up;  an  obvious  threat.  Heisuke’s  fate  is  sealed.
          ❛ And here I thought it was quite stylish when Kondou-san was wearing it. ❜     An  ill-timed  cough  had  drawn  the  attention  of  the  Shinsengumi’s  chief  who,  in  his  very  Kondou - like  persistence  despite  Souji’s  stubborn  declaration  of  being  perfectly  fine  and  that  the  chief  was  simply  worrying  too  much,  had  insisted  Souji  at  least  take  his  haori  for  extra  warmth  if  he  wasn’t  going  to  go  rest.  As  if  he  could  ever  refuse  Kondou.  Still,  he  couldn’t  deny  he  appreciated  the  extra  layer  and  had  perhaps  even  looked  a  little  proud  to  be  wearing  it.
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          ❛ Hey, Heisuke... did you know an enemy of Kondou-san is an enemy of the Shinsengumi? As the sword of the Shinsengumi, it’s my pleasure to cut down any who would oppose — ah? What’s the matter? Why are you backing away?❜     Souji  lets  out  a  bark  of  laughter  before  clicking  his  sword  back  into  its  sheath  and  crossing  his  arms  across  his  chest.  The  lesson  had  been  learned;  there  was  no  need  to  tease  him  further.     ❛ What are you so afraid of? It’s not like you’re an enemy of the Shinsengumi . . . right? ❜
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hanahaken · 4 years
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          ❛ If this is all you have to give — ❜     Pivot, parry, strike. His bokutō darts out in one thrust, two, three, and with that final display of Mumyo-ken, the match is over. His laugh is humorless as he returns the wooden sword to his side.     ❛ — then I could beat you any time of the day with my hands tied. ❜                                                       ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ  @ibakeishi
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hanahaken · 4 years
⌜ @shinsenmibu​​  ❀  hijikata-san ⌟ ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ
❝ SOUJI! ❞   There's an aggressive yell and suddenly, he's running out from the room, aiming to catch up to him and already knowing who the culprit of the crime was.  ❝ Enough of your games! Where is it?! ❞   He knows the other has to know what he's talking about, his haiku, once again missing and Souji HAD to of been the culprit.
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          Ah, there it is: the telltale sign that he’s been caught. At the first sound of the shout of his name, Souji glances back over his shoulder, a cheshire grin spreading the instant sharp green eyes catch the ire painting the vice-commander’s face. Crossing his arms, he tucks his hands inside his sleeves and subtly hiding the book inside the pocket of fabric as well and putting on his best innocently confused expression before he turns to face Hijikata.
          ❝ Areh? Hijikata - san sure is loud this morning. It’s still so early that most of the men are asleep and the Demon Vice-Commander is making this much commotion ... ❞     He clicks his tongue, shaking his head in disapproval.     ❝ Ah —— ❞     A heavy, borderline dramatic sigh passes his lips as if he’s suddenly realized something and resigned himself to some horrible inconvenience.     ❝ Everyone’s going to be so tired during rounds today from being woken up so suddenly ~ I hope they don’t hold it against you ~ ❞
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          He allows a little chuckle to escape his lips, enjoying himself far too much to hide it and, he’s certain from the look on Hijikata’s face, making the entire situation significantly worse and thus even funnier.     ❝ Well, I guess it can’t be helped. Did something happen? If you’d like, I’ll lend you my assistance — in return for some manju from that new shop that just opened, of course. ❞
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hanahaken · 4 years
▹   IC     ⌜ ❀ ⌟     first division captain of the shinsengumi ¸ okita souji.
▹   IC     ⌜ ❀ ⌟     open starter : mutuals only. ▹   IC     ⌜ ❀ ⌟     closed starter. ▹   IC     ⌜ ❀ ⌟     replies. ▹   IC     ⌜ ❀ ⌟     answered.
▹   THREAD     ⌜ ❀ ⌟     URL  ¸ MUSE   :   001.
misc. verses ▹   IC     ⌜ ❀ ⌟     free form ¸ undetermined. ▹   IC     ⌜ ❀ ⌟     free form ¸ crack. ▹   IC     ⌜ ❀ ⌟     free form ¸ dash commentary.
no romance route(s)     reimeiroku / kyoto winds / edo blossoms ▹   IC     ⌜ ❀ ⌟     first round! vs : the ghosts of our ambition. ▹   IC     ⌜ ❀ ⌟     second round! vs : the fruits of our ambition. ▹   IC     ⌜ ❀ ⌟     third round! vs : the consequences of our ambition.
souji romance route     kyoto winds + edo blossoms ▹   IC     ⌜ ❀ ⌟     final round! vs : a wish on a thousand paper cranes.
au verse     sweet school life ▹   IC     ⌜ ❀ ⌟     rematch! vs : the springtime of our youth.
A second year student from the kendo club who loves making fun of people. Due to his weak constitution since he was young, he took up kendo to train himself. Another reason was due to guidance from Isami Kondo, whom he looks up to as an elder brother. Adversely, he is sworn enemies with Toshizo Hijikata. His latest obsession is smartphone photography and image editing.
au verse     the world ends with you ▹   IC     ⌜ ❀ ⌟     rematch! vs : the reapers’ black wings.
verse blurb tba
▹   IC     ⌜ ❀ ⌟     rematch! vs : au verse.
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