#โ–บ ๐Ÿ [ aj speaks ] ooc
hecatombi ยท 7 months
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i've done some editing of blog icons & made pixel art icons by hand for my muses now! check out some of the symbols + bigger detail under the cut! i know isaid i was gonna write like two days ago, and it is true that i have replies ready, but. unfortunately. i am . a very picky perfectionist and it drove me a little crazy how things didn't style match all together / how messy and blurry some of the objects on my icons looked. so..
here's my. attempt at fixing that issue, with redrawing the icons and all. i wanted to finish these so i could use them in my character banners / iconless replies.
also... i fixed up the general icon psd to make it a little cleaner, so expect to see the final edit at some point appear on the dash!
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hecatombi ยท 4 months
i present to the dash something i roughly doodled at 3 am on one layer last night...
jo.seph if he slayed! . i think i'll make a matching caesar concept soon B) ( if you REALLY wanna, this is ok to rb )
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hecatombi ยท 4 months
you guys get to see a little preview of something i'll be posting on my main art acct on the 27th ^_^ here you go!
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february 27th at 12:30 noon ...
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hecatombi ยท 7 months
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Wip of blog graphics........ I'm doing more sprite art again!! This time with all the art being more my style and take on the characters so it feels unified rather than all clashing styles. I'm hoping to put this into place for the desktop navigation when I'm finished!!
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hecatombi ยท 7 months
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I love the fact that he canonically wears the scarf with everything. Autism comfort/safety object let's go!!!! Also why is he making that face at an awards show. Sir is there anything going on behind those eyes...
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hecatombi ยท 7 months
Sick again, unfortunately ๐Ÿคง don't have a whole lot of energy to write right now. So... Reply with a number and I'll draw your muse in that hue, no double colors.
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I've actually partially did it before for this big murder mystery rp I did in the past!! Any1 can reply, otherwise I might just kinda fill in whatever.
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hecatombi ยท 8 months
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๐Ÿ‘‰ By liking this post, you agree that it's okay to draw your muses / draw our threads should it ever strike me to. I will tag you in art, and/or send it to your inbox if so. If this interests you, LIKE THIS POST.
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hecatombi ยท 7 months
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Here's my wishlist of threads and interactions! Just things I hope to eventually get, if you want to thread any of this with me sometime feel free to always slip into my dms about it! I will on and off write / add to this.
I hope these don't really feel super samey, but i apologize if they do!! ALSO, more AU's are always on the table, you can ask more detail about au ideas i have in mind. trust me, i go to INSANE depths for my wishlists. but. i do want to keep this list as general and accessible as possible in case any one of youse want to pick one to play around with.
good omens or OFMD muses would be cool to interact with!!
More super hero muses interacting with my more powerful guys.
Miraculous ladybug portrals of any kind for randy / rex would be fun!!
Action threads with any of my muses would be pretty fire actually but i'd love it with randy particularly
MORE NORISU NINE MEMBERS!! I would love to establish who becomes linked to a kaiju and who could take on more roles as a ninja! so far, the only established new member has been hachi of @standbowed!! i need 7 more, though. and 8 more spirits to go with every ninja!! dm me if interested :D
travelling through the remaining 8 lands of ninja legend would be sooo fucked but so fun.. twirls hair.... who wants an Adventure long termmmm...
identity reveal. superhero shenanigans. PLAY VIDEO GAMES WITH MA BOY! just hang out with him, it'd be nice.
chai and vash .. i do personally ship them but i'd never force another vash to ship it with me. even them interacting would be so fun though!!
chai moving to somewhere safer or people joining his resistance is always a fun time
honestly i just really want a ship with chai in general. who wants to smoochie the default mii
i have so many ideas for him living with others, trying to find work elsewhere, his status as a brand ambassador to the megacorp that vandelay is,
If your muse is a musician, specdifically a famous one, oh my god let chai fanboy over them!!!!!!!!
i have a million more ideas but i'll refrain from putting them LOL so many ideas.
A non freaky interaction with knives who don't ship plan.tcest would be nice :'D younger vash interactions, dream interactions, fucked up pre death interactions.... anything. would be interesting to explore since we saw so little of them.
bUT ALSO anyone from trigun!! I don't really ship vash super easily personally, but there's like 5 versions of him imuse. i don't really do vashwood personally but i can see why it would appeal to some.
i think vash deserves to not be feared so a thread where he gets appreciation for something he did would be nice. since he gets it so little
someone he could confide in and help heal with given how much he bottles up ..
getting comfortable enough with a muse that he can show off his uncanny true plantlike form!!!! which is SO RARE for him!!!!!!
interactions with other powerful protagonists or people who challenge his morality strongly would be so epic to interact with. it would be so cool.
any interactions with fellow jjba muses! especially caesar, lisa lisa, suzi q, jonathan, dio, johnny, gyro!
would love a thread where he does magician stuff since he's canonically into street magic
any thread where he gets to pull a your next line is and stun your guy. idc the context i just think it'd be REALLY funny
oldseph threads would also be really fun to have if i can get enough peeps interested........
him learning how to make bubbles from caesar or like caesar if caesars dead atp. :D
Tbh more of him dancing and goofing off would be really fun
Adopting more kids always. he's such a good dad!!!!
Maybe someone who breaks his isolation sooner than Avocato did in season1 before everythang went to shit..?
i'd generally like to rewrite season 3 and beyond. like i love final space but i dont like the direction it went all that much personally.. <:/
help him get more comfortable with a new look, as i hc him to be more transfeminine nowadays! would be nice helping him get comfortable in his own skin.
MORE SLASHERS. this is my only real note for now
well that and maybe more. like. medieval interactions.... since mine's a knight and all given AOD.
be on a fixer mission with aiden. you can be co worker,hostage, or even his torturer. i dont care as long as its cool.
meeting more watchdogs muses in general though there.. doesnt seem to be many of those aside from myself
if anyone wants to deal with his edgy fuck ass be prepared for him to be relatively standoffish / prickly, but he can warm up to you if he has to be your work partner.
she needs to make herself some PROPER FRANDS.
Intergalactic jobs on your muses planet!! that would be so fun!! Like imagine she gets a temp job working for your muse....
Terrible room mate anyone? :) give her more roomies cause i doubt there's another puppycat active atm..
bee also flexing her insane robot powers could be epic. rare, but epic. i dont know if she entirely processes how unusual that is though.. huh!
escaping providence would be nice.
thread where he's deprogrammed from the culty weird propaganda of providence
doing normal kjid things like hanging out at th epark, learning memes, playing video games, going to school stuff -- this is allt hings he's never been allowed to do!!
Drawing your muse and entering them into his JOURNALS... ohh the importance of those can NOT be understated.
curing your muse from turning into an EVO!
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hecatombi ยท 4 months
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hecatombi ยท 8 months
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(( can we as a society bring back rc.9.gn's fire episode posters. please ))
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hecatombi ยท 8 months
also while i'm at it, i'll pretty this up later. but .. like this post if you'd like to ship with me! dm or reply to this post with muses you'd like to make a dynamic with!
i will do romantic, familial, enemies, toxic, best friends, anything reasonable goes! i do favor romantic because romance is one of my faavorite genres personally, but please abide by the rules i have for shipping if you want to do romance. but romance isn't required!!! This post is just for general dynamics and showing you're interested in them.
Keep in mind if you go for the romance / want to see if it will vibe ... ๐Ÿ‘‡
vash ( 150+ ; physically looks mid twenties. nonhumans preferred. Don't forget I have multiple vash, but stampede is just my default! Some are more receptive to ships than others. )
aiden pearce ( 37 - 55; same deal as ash )
ash williams ( 25 - 57; i have separate verses for old and young, but default to younger. VERY IMPORTANT DISTINCTION )
bee ( 22? )
chai ( 25 )
gary ( 32 )
randy ( 14 - 15 )
rex ( 17 )
OFF LIMITS ( unless you've got a caesar zeppeli )
joseph ( 19 - 59; same deal as ash )
i dont ship massive age gaps unless it comes to vash and his whole thing. we must talk out how vash's situation would work. ALSO, i will NEVER ship my adult muses with aged up kid muses; if in their source material they are 14 - 17, i will not ship with anyone other than rex and randy. yknow, seeing as how they're ALSO the same age in the og source material + i have aged up verses for them. i will never write smut with them, either. anyone younger than that, i will never ship with.
please keep in mind i do prefer plotting on discord but if you'd prefer we plot here / aren't comfy adding me on discord yet, that's ok too!! i just might be slower at responding.
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hecatombi ยท 8 months
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(( alright guys, a couple of things and am doing a bit of blog work. check out what's under the cut below for information! ))
i've added an interest checker! if we haven't yet discussed dynamics, please fill it out.
I'm almost done with all the backstories and will make a post when they're completely done!! YAAAY
Please like this dynamic call if you want to establish something! also don't forget to like this post if you dont mind me drawing your muse!
im toying with adding Bee from bee and puppycat to this muse list, but i don't know if she fit the theme completely. what do you guys think? she's a bit different from the other heroes in a super traditional sense, more along the lines of chai's deal. She would still sacrifice everything to make sure that her loved ones are safe which we see in the web show, she has a lot of guilt about that kind of thing too concerning moully. she has the power to be a hero, but she is way more destructive than she means to be. She was even part of the reason that the island went to hell even if unintentionally.. other than the lack of a hero complex, she still embodies the theme i'm going for,. but idk! i'd for real seriously love opinions! i've been hella indecisive about it here lately <:D
and lastly, don't miiind me as i use this as a de facto tag dump too <3 for new & coming muses...
โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค ๐Ÿ‘Š [ X ] - saitama
โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค ๐ŸฆŠ [ X ] - aiden
โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค โš”๏ธ [ X ] - randy
โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค โš™๏ธ [ X ] - rex
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hecatombi ยท 8 months
That Vash vs Nai fight was cool but then I got the most terrible thought in my brain when I saw Nai 'Where's his junk?'
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(( LMFAO a little odd, but i could see why; those suits are skin tight enough to be like a second layer of skin and if they had anything to show, it looks like it certainly would. it sticks to every curve and divot of the body, enoiugh so that you can see all of Knive's muscles; But. I do actually have a small hc about how that works! hc info about their biology below ๐Ÿ‘‡ ))
it might actually either BE a second skin of sorts, since Nai's worn that since childhood and it seems to grow with him. It's one they could peel off and shed easily if they so desired, or maybe it's just weird clothes technology. But that's a big MIGHT, because I don't super believe this one. Either way, it could possibly cover up said bits really well, and do so til you peel it off . . .
OR, the one i actually do commonly hc; they're a ken doll situation down there. and have absolutely no traditionally human junk. the most they may have is breasts because all plants seem to have those, but really nothing more. even the breasts are not functional like a mammals, though; they're moreso a product of mankind coding them to look like that in their very dna, since their physical shells are LITERALLY manmade. and should they need junk for any reason there's a like. blue slit up their bodies fronts that can form different flower-like appendages based on what a partner of theirs may want. But, it's definitely not common for the independents to use such features, or at least for Vash and Nai.
side nsfw tangent; Like, look ... The fandom can draw them doing horny shit all they want, but there is just.. NO WAY either of them would be out here fucking legato or wolfwood. they are completely utterly wrong. vash and nai avoid that shit like the plague and canonically vash will try to get out of having sex of any kind by sleeping, he avoids human intimacy like that on purpose because he will outlive them, so even if he DID have junk it doesn't seem like he'd wanna use it. nai wouldnt ever do that because he has a god complex and wants to kill like everyone. they're both asexual kings.
can't deny the fanart's amazing though.
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hecatombi ยท 8 months
โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค ๐ŸŒฟ [ placeholder ] - vash
โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค ๐ŸŽธ [ placeholder ] - chai
โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค ๐ŸŒŸ [ placeholder ] - joseph
โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค ๐Ÿช“ [ placeholder ] - ash
โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค ๐Ÿš€ [ placeholder ] - gary
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