ask-theoverseer-max · 4 years
☣, ☠, ✉!
☣: A pet peeve about roleplaying
(I have already answered this one in a previous post)
☠: Something you dislike about your fandom
“While I did say a lot of people here are nice and friendly there are plenty of people who aren’t. Those people who may not even have blogs and simply trash talk other blogs are extremely toxic and I dislike every time I’ve gotten an ask from them”
✉: Someone you’re afraid to approach/unsure of approaching
Afraid of approaching?.. Hmm.. I don’t like pinging any in particular about this as I usually am not afraid to talk or send an ask to someone but there are groups (mainly Legion  blogs or rp groups) who are tight as friends but become wary of anyone from outside that tries to interact to them. I honestly like the idea of Maxwell becoming close friends with the Legion but not every blog wants to be friends with Maxwell.
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kxllingjoke · 4 years
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Nightmare on elm street meme | Accepting | @elegiaques​
   (  “ What’d you dream? ” )
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Another dream about 'him' again. Or could he even call what he saw a 'him'? Traveling through the Metaverse the team had spotted an entity wielding a pair of guns possessing the longest barrels he's ever seen. Oracle had described the figure as 'Death' and advised the group to avoid it at all cost, however, Joker believed in the strength of each and every individual in his team and thought they could take it on..but he was wrong. Within mere moments Death had overwhelmed them with its sheer power. It took Joker the use of a smoke bomb to escape its clutches. The team were at least not worse for wear but whatever had happened placed an emotional strain upon their leader.
For consecutive days after the encounter Akira's been experiencing strange dreams in which Death invades them and whatever damage he's done to Akira in his dream would manifest upon the same area of his body once he was awake, it was a rather frightening experience to say the least. Michiru was at least the kindest to hear about his woes..she asked about his dream and he didn't even know where to begin at first but with enough time he's found the best way to try and explain what had happened in the dream or at least trying to recall what had happened.
“In the dream I was at school, I remembered a day of test until policeman came looking for me. They spoke about lifting my probation and sentenced me straight to prison because the woman remembered that I've also made passes at her but was too traumatized to remember. One the way to the courtroom the skies turned red, the officers turned into shadows..their bodies actually melted into what I've suspected to be shadows. They were goop but wore masks and then I saw IT, Death, he wrapped the car in his chains, stopping it from moving before pulling me out of it..the chains were hot..extremely hot that I felt it burn my wrist before waking up..like.” He paused his own conversation to reveal the burns that he had received in his dreams that had manifest in reality on his skin.
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kxllingjoke · 4 years
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Random fluff starter meme | Accepting | @vibraea​
   ( 💌 for a love letter written to your muse )
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With Mementos gone there was just nothing left to do but live his life, it's been five days ever since he's been released and honestly to get to do so much of the things people often take for granted was heavenly, to be able to step outside, to be able to eat whenever he wanted and dare he say it the freedom to actually sleep in a comfortable bed. Being in the facility had taught him how precious freedom is, whilst he understood this lesson already it was still quite an impact for him when all his basic activities were taken from him.
Though one of the many past times he enjoyed was writing to Gemiya, granted postal services usually take around two weeks for either to receive each other's mail, either way it was one of his favorite past times. “Hrmm..” The young man stretches his muscles feeling a little bit of aching in his muscles and bones but nothing a quick work out could not fix before the day's end. His gaze turned towards the side to spot a letter he had wanted to send her, thinking he was going to spend a good amount of his time behind bars gave him the conviction needed to express his feelings.
But now he was a free man, and as such he wanted to give her this letter in person. So quickly he left for the bathhouse and had gotten himself clean, then dressed to start the day. “Ha, she'll never see this coming.” Spoke the charismatic young man as he adjusts his glasses above the bridge of his nose allowing it to fall at its place once more as he approaches the station and took the train towards her residential address. Once the train stopped he left it and moves away from the platform and onto the streets above once more.
Akira had managed to be as stealthy as he could once he arrived at the female's place. He drops the letter within her mailbox (if Japan has that kind of thing anymore), the letter itself was placed within a bright red envelope and the letter itself read 'Not a day goes by when my mind does not think of you, you are the reason behind every joy that has ever been a part of my life. You are the one who made me see the beauty of things, even now. Before you came into my life, I was sad, alone and mostly broken. Then you came in and turned my world around and changed everything for the better. I cannot thank you enough, all I can do to repay you is to love you unconditionally and wholeheartedly. You are every dream of mine come true and for that I've planned to steal your heart but little did I know you already took mine.'
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He felt the parcel within the mailbox and left it the way she would know that postal service had given her a letter. Once he was done the male then gently knocks upon her door several times before quickly hiding by scaling the walls until he was successfully atop her roof. “Now I wait.”
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kxllingjoke · 4 years
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Lightheaded/fainting starters meme | Accepting | @lcstkey​
   (  ❝When’s the last time you slept?❞   )
Was there an honest way to answer this question without worrying the other in the slightest?? His mind began to ponder upon his recent events in order to answer this question. Just last night he's spent the majority of it on a 'manhunt' so to speak. Looking for an engineer that gang was after because of his poor judge of character when loaning money, the night before that he spent at maid cafes looking for the right girl that may have known a young man that's gone missing, the only clues were that he'd often visit maid cafes so Akira figured one of the maids might know where he might have gone last. Then the night before that he's spent majority of his day upon residential rooftops in costume looking for a specific cat that belonged to a little girl.
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Akira could try and try but majority of his days were filled doing rather dangerous assignments or rather unorthodox tasks for everyday people, so the concept of sleep was lost on him when considering he still needed to wake up for class. The male sighs, raising his glasses ever slightly to rub the bags under his eyes. “I can't even answer that question.” He finally spoke up towards the female before letting out a soft yawn passed his lips. “If I had to estimate, I've probably had six hours of sleep about two weeks ago..that was the most I've ever gotten.”
The male then tucks both his hands into his pocket whilst glancing towards the female. Though, it was nice to see that she actually cared..or was a bit concerned for him. “Thanks for caring though, but I promise sometime soon I'll actually get a full night's sleep.” It definitely was not going to be the upcoming night considering there were things he needed to take care of.
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kxllingjoke · 4 years
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Random fluff starter meme | Accepting | @theshytigergirl​
   ( Rolled: 💕  for an affair themed starter )
It was night in the states, with Halloween quickly approaching them quite soon. Akira kept himself within an alley where he was told to meet Noah so they could go forth on their date. His vigilante antics had only slowed down ever since moving here to start college classes. Granted there were still night he would suit up and go out on patrols, but today was not that night. Akira turned towards the side and took a look at a figure that approached the alleyway with him, the figure was a female but hooded. If he wasn't mistaken he's seen that same hood once or twice in Noah's closet. “Noah?” He called out to her, but the figure did not answer and simply approaches him.
In the back of his mind he thought it was a little odd but he had been known to tease her from time to time so he figured this was her getting into the halloween spirit early and decided to be a 'creepy stalker'. She even had the walk down, her balance seemed almost none existent as she made her way towards him. Out of the hood he's able to see shades that long hair that he recognizes..yes definitely Noah he thought with a smile. The female finally arrived close, her hands upon his chest as his ears caught the sound of heavy breathing leaving the female..and then there's that..smell.
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'Booze?' He spoke at the back of his mind as the female lays one big kiss upon his lips, Akira caught the taste of liquor immediately and judging by how sloppy this kiss was he could mentally confirm his mistake. THIS was NOT Noah. Quickly his arms pushes the female away but held her at arms length, the sudden push causes the hood to fall off to further realize his horror as he saw that it WASN'T indeed Noah but to make the situation even worse the REAL Noah was now seen at the entrance of the alley which threw the male in a slight panic. “Agh...Noah..wait..hold on this isn't what it looks like.”
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kxllingjoke · 4 years
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Lightheaded/fainting starters meme | Accepting | @vibraea​
   (  ❝Please don’t pass out on me–❞ )
Akira felt weak, but it comes with the territory given his life as a vigilante. Sometimes faint spells are a result of poor diet or sleeping pattern, however, today it could very well be another case entirely. With the sudden sensation of lightheadedness he also began feeling something cold drip from his right shoulder. One look at him and one could see a rather dark stain just at his shoulder, the stain was blood, which meant the wound he thought he treated had reopened. It was probably due to the extreme series of movements he made just arriving towards the female's abode.
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Akira heard the female's words before falling into a sitting position atop the female's bed. “I'll be okay..I just need to treat this..” Said Akira, granted his tone as weak and it was clear that he intensely fought the urge to pass out. His bag began to rustle as Morgana came out of it. “I told him it would have been best if we took care of it at the cafe and just save the visit for tomorrow.” The feline spoke as he hops out of his back before returning his face into his 'den' and pulls out bandages by holding it in his mouth.
“Gemiya, we're gonna need something to dress the wound..I'll explain what happened later but for now let's focus on treating this guy.” The bandages dropped right  near Akira as the cat calmly gave her his suggestions. His reveal was going to be at a later time but with what's happened now he figured it was best to let the female know that he was also hear with the teen on their winter break after being separated for a year now.
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kxllingjoke · 4 years
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Completely unprompted meme | Always accepting
@theshytigergirl​ asked:  [ touch ]
The day was quite a challenging day, between school and the 'work' he does on the streets there was never really a shortage to the amount of activity Akira performs within a single day. What made today extra challenging was the fact that a person he helped out today was just a child, a middle schooler at that. “I lost my mama.” The child spoke, Akira wasn't dressed as Joker at this time but he wasn't the type to leave someone distressed..especially not a lost child. The entire afternoon was spent retracing the child's steps, considering the police department was such a long drive he figured he'd be able to handle this himself.
Little did the young man know that this would have taken him the entirety of the day to solve, from walking in circles around town, to heading into arcades until finally finding the mother at the very place he wanted to avoid: The police station. But for the most part the day was incredibly fulfilling, the states were 'different' but there were still things that remained the same no matter where one would travel. However, finally he was able to leave town and arrived within another neighborhood where the person of his interest had stayed.
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A gentle knock on the door and the female greeted him with the prettiest smile he'd ever seen. After such a hard day, Noah's smile was more than welcomed..it was needed. Though, his eyes slightly widen in surprise feeling her forehead leaned against her own. Akira enjoyed the moment and kept still gently leaning against her as well. “I'll never move.”
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kxllingjoke · 4 years
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Soft angst starter meme | Accepting | @avaliantqueen​
who did this to you?
That question she asked him, it caused his mind to think back on the moment before that light swallowed him whole and brought him into this strange new world. Wherever this was it was a welcomed mercy compared to what he had to endure.
Back then everything..didn't go as all according to plan. At least not the way he pictured it in his mind. For the leader of the vigilante group known as the phantom thieves, this treatment was something he found rather unorthodox even for a criminal. After he was captured and taken into custody the staff continuously beat him, with their fists, stomp him with their boots and all whilst he's handcuffed extremely tightly.  As much as he did not want to give them the satisfaction of knowing they hurt him the boy could help but let out a scream in agony here and there, but no one came to help him.
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In fact the next officer that stepped in suggested they drug him, dull his senses of the world around him which would make him less responsive. And so that will was carried out, the teen was then held up and pills were forced down his throat. However, his eyes were still strong..that rebellious spirit still burned bright in him as he recalls why he's doing this. Eventually he would need an attorney..not being able to afford one himself the state will grant him one. And knowing that HE is the leader of the infamous Phantom Thieves would draw out the ONE attorney that he and the group knew they could trust.
All he had to do was stay strong, the drugs seemed to have done their job. Akira was left in a stupor which gave the men more time to beat on his body. Grabbing him by the hem of his shirt and bury their knuckles into his face. The look of his eyes already told them that he was far gone, the pain that he was supposed to feel had numbed to the point of nonexistent. However, his body still bore the designs of his abuse, his face cut and bruised, as well as his wrists via the cuffs, fingers and his hands were also bruised from their stomping. “Feh, Phantom Thief. Like I thought he ain't shit.” The policeman said before giving Akira one more strong kick towards to the stomach. His eyes flinched once indicating the drug's effects were starting to wear off but at this point the strong authority figures paid no mind and all simply laughed at the fallen hero. A figurehead of 'hope' for Japan against the greedy. Laying on the floor, helpless and weak spewing drops of blood with every cough until finally losing consciousness.
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Then came the warm embrace of that light that took him away from this hell and brought him into the care of another individual. Knowing not if he was brought here by destiny or just pure dumb luck. His gray hues looked onto the vibrant hues of the face that sat before him. “Too..men-n..meh..many.”
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kxllingjoke · 4 years
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Soft angst starter meme | Accepting | @dragonknightsworn​
@dragonknightsworn​ asked:  you shouldn’t be here. (Onyx)
Was she sad?? Just what ever was bringing his senpai down in the dumps like this?? Was it a bad review over anything she made? Was it..problems with a lover he didn't know?? As the minutes grew longer he simply craved the knowledge to what had saddened her only so he could give him that smile of hers that he so desperately desire to see, that smile that could light the very depths of Mementos. Slowly he made his way towards her, shoes softly clicking against the earth beneath his feet before stopping right in front of her.
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His back arched him forward trying to get a good look, trying to make eye contact with her. “Senpai?? What's the matter?? Who did this to you??” The young man asked with all the genuine concern in the world, even his eyes possessed an air of worry over her wellbeing whether it be mental or physical.
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kxllingjoke · 4 years
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Completely unprompted meme | Always accepting | @vibraea​
@vibraea​ asked:  Hands him an ice cream.
He was back in Tokyo, in time for the summer too. It had been a year since he's been back into this city and it was a year too long being away from his friends, being away from her. Though it seemed that she himself had a surprise for him. Just when he figured he was the mastermind of surprises considering his sudden visit to Tokyo after a year, the only one that knew of this visit was Sojiro for obvious reasons but he had to swore the man to secrecy which was quite hard considering he lived with the greatest (only) hacker he's ever known.
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There was a smile on his face the moment she handed him the treat, though he was rather surprised that she didn't get herself a cone as well..hmhm. He chuckles in the back of his mind and praised her efforts, quite the sneaky little Vixen Gemiya was. Never thinking she had it in her to force them in a situation where they would have to share an ice cream.
“Thanks very much though.” Slowly he took the treat and then takes one lick. The taste that cascades his tongue causes the man to hum in delight. Such a delicious little treat she had giving him, slowly he places the head of the ice cream towards her lips. “You've got to taste this, not to mention it's pretty great with the summer and all.”
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kxllingjoke · 4 years
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Word prompt meme | Accepting | @elegiaques​
@elegiaques​ asked: [ dance ] for your muse to dance with mine
Today was one of those days, a day where he managed to snag himself a date with Michiru. IT was going to be a day filled with joy, considering all the things they've had to deal with a few months ago..it was just nice to be able to sit back and enjoy themselves, with Mementos gone they were free to do so much now, no phantom thief obligations to take away a majority of their day. “Don't forget to be a gentleman. You've been gone for a few months but that doesn't excuse any deplorable behavior.” Morgana spoke to him as a wingman of sorts whilst Akira prepared the final preparations and fixed the dark jacket he wore. “I know, I know.” He said with a light chuckle leaving his lips at his cat's advice. “Where we're going there isn't going to be time for 'deplorable behavior'.”
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The first place he was taking her was the movies and then the next, they were going to enjoy some music at a certain club teens their age often loved hanging out in. The two had met and everything went as swimmingly as he had hoped, the time he spent with her: precious. The movie itself wasn't as great as trailers portrayed it to be but it still wasn't unwatchable. Now, the club they entered this itself was the main attraction. Somewhere they can just kick back and enjoy themselves. This used to be a great place to gain information about certain other cases he'd receive regarding the phansite but today it was simply a place they can enjoy their time together.
But then the oddest thing happened, she asked him to go out and dance with her over onto the dance floor. With a curious look on his face the young man points at himself, as if she came into this place with someone else. “Me?” His words were so surprised, he never figured she'd be the type to want to let loose on the dance floor. “Well, sure I'm no where near as good as the other dancers but I can survive.”
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kxllingjoke · 4 years
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Word prompt meme | Accepting | @finestxrxgnell​
@finestxrxgnell​ asked  (last)[ surprise ] //you'll never see it--COM-IIIIIING
“Yeah!” The word of a young man exclaims with strain. The room was slightly lit thanks to the sun that extends its light upon the earth. Drip.Drip. The sound of sweat slamming upon the wooden floor periodically, one look upward would reveal a man hanging upside down from a beam located before one would see the ceiling. Slowly the fit hanging young man pulls his body upward before reverting back down, this action was repeated for over a half an hour. “Also, me and your father will be out for the entire work week, can we trust that you'll stay out of trouble?” The sound of a woman spoke from the outside, her voice started soft indicating she was quite a way from the room until the sound became stronger and stronger. The young man currently working out quickly unhooked his feet from the horizontal beam, letting his body maneuver backwards allowing him to land soundly upon a single knee. Gray hues turned towards the twisted knob, his mother had arrived in his room. The moment she opened his door, young Akira was already at his work desk with a book in hand. “Sorry mom, I was really distracted with my studies but I promise there won't be any trouble whilst you and dad are out.” The young man said giving his mother a kind smile.
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The woman sighs, how she wishes she could believe the words her son spoke, but considering what had transpired the year before she found it rather difficult to believe him. “Just...please stay out of trouble.” She said closing the door. That minute his cat came out from under his pillow. “Almost eight months back home and she still doesn't trust you, you know I'm sure Boss would happily take you in.” His feline companion spoke out. Akira heard those words but decided against them. “Going back would be easy, they're my parents...I believe that they'll trust me again.” The male's words had confidence, his fingers then closes the book that he was pretending to study from and gently glides his arm across his sweaty forehead. Slowly the young man took his steps towards the window to witness his parents filling the car with luggage. Both had a moment of feeling they were being watched and turned to look up to see their only son looking on them from the window.
With them looking up at him he smiles and gave them a gentle wave, and it might have took some time but they in turn returns a wave towards him. It brought a semblance of hope that the bond that was broken was beginning to mend with time. Now, stepping from the window it was only a matter of time before the car eventually accelerates out of the vicinity leaving him and his cat alone. “Forty five...forty six...forty seven..” Then he heard a knock at the door, curious about who it just might be the male removed himself from the floor, no more push ups today it seems. “Coming!” Akira spoke up, walking down the stairs and now towards the living room. One look through the peep hole he saw a familiar head of blue hair.. “It couldn't be..” That life was behind him, that rather 'odd' event where he met so many talented fighters and made an abundance of colorful friends. The young vigilante opens the door to greet his old friend. “Ike? Is that you?..Talk about a surprise.”
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kxllingjoke · 4 years
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Question starters meme | Still accepting | @theshytigergirl​
‘ what do I do with someone like you? ’ She asks with a smile.
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That question was quite easy to answer, the thief slowly pulls the mask for him face, his gray hues gazing within her very own, Joker's lips also curved into a crooked smirk before his free hand was tucked into his pocket.”At this point you'd just have to keep me around and feed me tons of affection.”
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kxllingjoke · 4 years
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Catch my muse with a kid meme | Open | @vibraea​
🐣 "I didn't know you were good with kids."
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The child had been crying all day and did not have the heart to turn away a person in need, phantom thieves or ex-phantom thieves helps people of all ages. The problem with this child was simple loneliness, a father that works hard and provides for his family is a father who's rarely at home, that was the norm in Japan. But still, whenever he spoke stories of his father they were always positive, and he'd often have time for him on weekends but it seemed like this weekend however things were a little hectic on his side. Whilst Akira couldn't promise the child he'd be around to play with him forever he DID in fact introduce him to a couple of children that he's spent some time with in an arcade learning how to play a rather famous card game. But for now at the end of the day the two were seen at the park near his father's place of work, his ears caught a familiar voice. He turns and his eyes spotted Gemiya. “Oh, yeah I've got skills in all departments. Maybe you'd like to see how great a parent I can be when we get a child of our own.” The young man gives her a playful wink. The boy then turned to face her, his face in awe. “Wow, fluffy.” The boy said. “Gem-chan this is Tokiro, and Tokiro this is your aunt Gemiya.” The boy looked at the female one more time and smiles kindly.
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kxllingjoke · 4 years
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Hot outside meme | Open | @theshytigergirl​ 
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The male made a stop at her place, a gentle knock on the door wondering if she's ready as well. For the day Akira had rented a car in order to arrive at the beach. It was a shame that Morgana couldn't transform into a bus in the real world but that was a conundrum for another day. Akira stood at her closed door dressed rather casually, wearing slippers instead of shoes, and short instead of long pants. His bag hung over his shoulders with no cat inside, just materials they'll be needing for their trip towards the beach. “This is gonna be great.”
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kxllingjoke · 4 years
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Kiss symbol meme | Closed | @elegiaques​
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“Good thing I was prepared and brought this.” Akira spoke with a smile and opens the umbrella enabling them safe passage through the rain, his eyes turned to face her and he couldn't help but notice how they seem to glow whenever the skies were gray, at least to him. “Interesting.” Akira spoke under his breath before displaying a bright smile as he came to a stop to take a good look at her.
“I never really notice how beautiful your eyes look.” He just needed to get that out, it was a fact/compliment that he could not keep in any longer. The moment after he spoke those words his hand gently caresses her cheek as the tranquil sounds of raindrops hitting against his umbrella surrounds their right before he leans into her until their lips collided.
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