#☀ kali prasad. | we are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars. | all posts.
almcstmythic · 2 years
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 ↠ kali prasad tag dump
             i’m half child,                  half  a n c i e n t.
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☀ kali prasad. | collapse & crumble. this is not your destruction; this is your birth. | dossier.
☀ kali prasad. | not all those who wander are lost. | musings.
☀ kali prasad. | darling your looks could kill. | visage.
☀ kali prasad. | you used to be alive; now you’re almost mythic. | playlist.
☀ kali prasad. | i’ve been a devil & i’ve been a saint. | ask memes.
☀ kali prasad. |  i’m half child & half ancient. | adventures.
☀ kali prasad. | we are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars. | all posts.
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