#☁️ genshin impact ➤ verse | rayquaza.
gardenofgods · 2 years
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The only Archon he ever had a shred of respect for was Morax, and it was mostly because he was a dragon as well like himself. Rayquaza thought the Geo Archon would be a staple of stability with how long he’d been around for, but... even gods came to die eventually.
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gardenofgods-a · 3 years
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Name - Rayquaza Age - Unknown Residence - Liyue area Element - Anemo Weapon - Skyward Pride (Claymore)
Rayquaza. Revered across Teyvat as the King of the Dragons. A being that has existed for countless eons, and has witnessed the changing lands, and the rise and fall of cities and kingdoms. He’s an obsidian colored dragon, black as night, with glowing gold accents. Ancient dragons would answer to him, his strength and wiseness unparalleled. This was what gave him his title, and while some dragons in the past sought to challenge him for it, they were swiftly put down.
In the past, before the Archon Wars, Rayquaza made friends with a young girl named Aster after saving her from certain death. While her parents unfortunately didn’t make it out, having died before his arrival, he brought her home to her people. They, in turn, showered him with praise and thanks and treated him like a hero. Rayquaza became close to these people, known as Draconids, and even made himself a humanoid form to walk alongside them. He kept them safe from monsters like hilichurls, mitachurls, and lawachurls, along with bands of treasure hoarders and abyssal creatures. He grew particularly close with Aster, taking care of her and raising her like he would a daughter. They were frequently seen together, Rayquaza flying through the skies with her on his back.
Two decades later, the Archon War broke out across Teyvat. It was a brutal and bloody war, with many casualties already in the first day. He continued to protect the Draconids, trying to usher them away from the fighting. He knew firsthand how fragile human life could be, especially in the path of a power hungry archon.
Unfortunately, a fight between a god with geo powers, and a god with hydro powers erupted close to home. The Draconids were caught up in the crossfire, losing their lives, including Aster who died in Rayquaza’s arms after suffering a fatal wound. Enraged, he took to his dragon form and clashed with the two archons, tearing apart the geo god and killing them, and subsequently wounding the hydro god and forcing them to flee. Rayquaza himself suffered heavy injury taking on two archon at once. To save himself from succumbing to his wounds, he retreated to the mountains towering above Liyue, sealing himself inside to hibernate uninterrupted and recover.
The world he emerged to was far different than he had left it, after his few thousand years of slumber. He walks the lands of Liyue in solitude, taking on the same humanoid form he had in the past with the Draconids. He has met with the adepti of Liyue and talked with them, making deals and treaties so he can pass through their lands unharmed. He still tries to be warm towards humanity, and holds bitterness, anger, and resentment towards the archons even thousands of years later.
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gardenofgods · 3 years
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“I wonder how my favorite godless kingdom of Khaenri’ah is doing.”
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gardenofgods · 3 years
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“No one has the right to strip anyone of their dreams and ambitions. Not even a god.”
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gardenofgods · 3 years
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There he is in Tianqiu Valley, thrashing around a Geovishap like a dog would to a toy. It almost sounds like he’s growling even.
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gardenofgods · 3 years
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“You should be addicted to shutting the fuck up.”
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“You wanna fuck me so bad, it makes you look stupid.”
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gardenofgods · 3 years
He’s sitting atop a mighty pillar in Huaguang Stone Forest, golden eyes taking in the scenery of Liyue all around him. There’s vast mountains of mind-boggling heights all around him, and deep valleys carved out where water flows freely. Rayquaza peers over the edge, noting the sheer drop. Even with his power of flight in his draconic form, he likely wouldn’t have time to transform if he did fall. The vertigo from the height didn’t really bother him, at least.
Rayquaza moved back slightly now, resting on his back and basking in the warm summer sun. The three peaks that surrounded him stretched up into the blue expanse, giving him an odd sense of comfort. Despite the dangers of being up this high, he preferred it over being at the bottom of the valley. It felt too claustrophobic and closed in down there. The deep canyons that scarred the earth didn’t always used to be there. It must have been something that happened during the archon wars, he imagined.
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A lot had changed, and he still found himself struggling to catch up. ‘Overwhelmed’ was a total understatement. Rayquaza had been left behind in a world that was constantly moving, and he knew time wouldn’t stand still for him. Yet it felt like he was climbing a hill made of sand. He couldn’t get a grip to climb further, and when it felt like he was making progress, the ground beneath him shifted and put him back to where he started.
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gardenofgods · 3 years
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“I haven’t visited any other places beyond Liyue and Mondstat really. And Khaenri’ah.... it’s been a while since I’ve been there though...”
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gardenofgods · 3 years
Like his main verse, Rayquaza has two necklaces. One was given to him by Aster, and is a flat piece of rock that mirrors obsidian, with gold accents swirled into it naturally, ironically enough resembling him in his draconic form. The other necklace was one Aster owned before she was killed, being a charm hung on a chain of a windwheel aster, which she was named after. Both of these necklaces are deeply important to Rayquaza, and he never takes either of them off. They’re easily two of his biggest comfort items.
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gardenofgods · 3 years
Genshin Impact - Verse
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Name - Rayquaza Age - Unknown Residence - Roaming, Liyue area Element - Anemo Weapon - Skyward Pride (Claymore)
Rayquaza. Revered across Teyvat as the King of the Dragons. A being that has existed for countless eons, and has witnessed the changing lands, and the rise and fall of cities and kingdoms. He’s an obsidian colored dragon, black as night, with glowing gold accents. Ancient dragons would answer to him, his strength and wiseness unparalleled. This was what gave him his title, and while some dragons in the past sought to challenge him for it, they were swiftly put down.
In the past, before the Archon Wars, Rayquaza made friends with a young girl named Aster after saving her from certain death. While her parents unfortunately didn’t make it out, having died before his arrival, he brought her home to her people. They, in turn, showered him with praise and thanks and treated him like a hero. Rayquaza became close to these people, known as Draconids, and even made himself a humanoid form to walk alongside them. He kept them safe from monsters like hilichurls, mitachurls, and lawachurls, along with bands of treasure hoarders and abyssal creatures. He grew particularly close with Aster, taking care of her and raising her like he would a daughter. They were frequently seen together, Rayquaza flying through the skies with her on his back.
Two decades later, the Archon War broke out across Teyvat. It was a brutal and bloody war, with many casualties already in the first day. He continued to protect the Draconids, trying to usher them away from the fighting. He knew firsthand how fragile human life could be, especially in the path of a power hungry archon.
Unfortunately, a fight between a god with geo powers, and a god with hydro powers erupted close to home. The Draconids were caught up in the crossfire, losing their lives, including Aster who died in Rayquaza’s arms after suffering a fatal wound. Enraged, he took to his dragon form and clashed with the two archons, tearing apart the geo god and killing them, and subsequently wounding the hydro god and forcing them to flee. Rayquaza himself suffered heavy injury taking on two archon at once. To save himself from succumbing to his wounds, he retreated to the mountains towering above Liyue, sealing himself inside to hibernate uninterrupted and recover.
The world he emerged to was far different than he had left it, after his few thousand years of slumber. He walks the lands of Liyue in solitude, taking on the same humanoid form he had in the past with the Draconids. He has met with the adepti of Liyue and talked with them, making deals and treaties so he can pass through their lands unharmed. He still tries to be warm towards humanity, and holds bitterness, anger, and resentment towards the archons even thousands of years later.
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gardenofgods-a · 3 years
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“I wouldn’t touch Dragonspine or Snezhnaya with a ten foot pole. Being cold-blooded does that to you.”
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gardenofgods-a · 3 years
In both his humanoid form and dragon form, Rayquaza is cold-blooded. It’s a reason he prefers the warmer/tropical climate of Liyue above the other nations. You will never see this man enter Snezhnaya unless he has 50 layers of clothing on, which is unfortunate because he would LOVE to fight the Tsaritsa.
Rayquaza is the one who helped Dvalin with his anemo powers, helping the other dragon to hone and refine them into what they are now.
Windwheel asters are his favorite flower, and he has a small charm of the flower he wears as a necklace. This was a gift to him from Aster when she was alive. She worried it seemed a bit self-centered, but he really loves it and is a precious item to him.
His views on archons are complicated. He detests those who are power hungry and will step on people mercilessly to gain any sort of strength. Despite the Tsaritsa not being around for the war, she is a textbook example of an archon he despises. He can be amiable with archons who have a love for humanity and strive to use their power for good, to protect the weak, instead of vying for more power. He’s a very solitary person after losing the Draconids, and feels bitter, resentful, and angry over what happened. Both towards the archons, and towards himself for being unable to do more to keep them safe. He has no outlet for these emotions, and instead tries to help others where he can in hopes he can atone for his failure.
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