galaxicide · 1 year
❛ there’s no black or white, only gray. ❜ ( from rey )
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@fals3nd REY.
It was still odd to see her in the light. During their time spent as mortal enemies, he'd thought that if he were to look at her bare, her light might blind him. But, sitting feet apart in the sands of Jakku, he saw that she was just a girl, even with the sun shining right over them. She was scarcely a few years older than he'd been when Snoke sucked him into his dark world, and he found himself glad the same thing hadn't befallen her. Strange, considering that only a year or so ago, he would have driven his saber through her skull without much question. What Snoke wanted, Snoke got through whatever means.
The two of them didn't talk much, and he was fine with that. Their job was to raze a remaining First Order base buried within Jakku, which they'd completed without little effort. He felt little while watching his past burn and turn into ashes. What did that mean? Had it all meant nothing to him? Everything he helped Snoke build was for nothing, or had he only done it because that's what Snoke wanted? Every day offered him more questions with no answers, which was the most maddening thing. Not the nightmares. Not the fear that Snoke was still whispering to him in the night. And not the visions of Kylo Ren he sometimes saw looming over him upon the horizon. Those things he could handle--to a degree. But knowing all his thirty-two years of life thus far hadn't meant a thing. He was still the same lost boy, just in a man's body. He was still sceptically questioning everything and everyone around him, wondering where he fit in and if he ever did or could. What a kriffing tragedy.
It seemed unfortunate that he wasn't alone in the sphere of confusion. At times, it came off of Rey in great, big, invisible waves. He wanted to tell her that was a curse for the children of the force, ones like them, at least. The kids who couldn't find their paths. But he didn't until she suddenly spoke out as if she knew what he was thinking. He hated that. Silence followed her declaration, save for the hot winds of Jakku. And he did consider not saying anything, yet the stubborn blood in his veins won like it always did with an exaggerated sight. "You know that's not true. We are both former students of the dark and light. Just because the light isn't what you want doesn't mean you can deny its existence, anymore than I ever could the dark." It will always be a part of me... "If you'd like to take the grey path, just say so. Luke will get over it." Attempting to end the conversation before Rey's own obstinate nature could begin talking back. He stood, holstering his blaster, and began returning to the ship, silently praying the miniature menace might follow quietly.
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
👪,🍧, 🌙, & ☄️ for Kina!!
Yesss my spiky girl!
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👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
Ha. Well. In a word? Criminal. 😂 Her dad(Pak Taldine) is was a gangster so ruthless his own men sold him out and got him sent to Belsavis(where he grows a conscience and turns his life around, hence the was). Her mom(Kyvii) was a grifter and one of the front staff for a casino Pak's gang worked out of. Kina didn't really have any sort of relationship with Pak; he just let Kyvii stay on at her job as long as she still pulled her weight, and he landed in Belsavis prison when Kina was about 12. She knew who he was and his reputation but that was about it, I don't think he ever said two words to her.
Kyvii did... an alright job single parenting while working at a gang-controlled casino. She taught Kina all the tricks and dirty fighting stuff she knows, how to shoot a blaster, how to spot an easy mark, how to play up being innocent, all that. She got caught scamming some rich kid when Kina was 13 and landed in jail. Kina's been on her own ever since.
There's no siblings, thanks to the fling-like nature of Pak and Kyvii's relationship(if you can even call it a relationship). She doesn't even know what's happened to her parents since she wound up on her own. And yes, yes I HAVE thought about post-redemption Pak crossing paths with her at some point on the expac storyline and going "WAIT. that's my kid". >:3
Her family now is her crew. I'd say she's closest to Akaavi out of the group, but Corso and Risha are absolutely both sibling-tier friends, too, she'd die for Bowie, and actually even really likes Guss.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Objects no. It's all been sold or lost or stolen along the way. And she didn't have much that was hers to begin with. Does her last name count? Kyvii doesn't have a surname, so she put Taldine down for Kina. Kina doesn't know why, if it was a way of giving her identity, or protection(no criminal's going to come after Pak Taldine's kid, that won't end well sort of thing) or what. But toys, clothes, mementos, all of it's gone.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
If you asked her, she'd say either more credits than a Hutt could spend in a lifetime or a complete mechanical overhaul of her ship to make sure that baby lasts her whole life and then some.
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
More face time with Rass Ordo. I MEAN. Currently? For someone more noble and appropriately heroic to come along and be in charge or saving/policing the galaxy. She's one of those who saved the place bc "I'm one of the idiots who lives in it" rather than feeling any obligation to help. xD She doesn't really want to be in this position, though it does have its perks(fueling privileges with the Republic, lots of chances to earn credits or favors, meeting ~wonderful, fun~ people [She's looking at Rass again]). It's more responsibility than she EVER wanted. It's too much of a headache.
Emoji asks
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