wasntfaira · 8 months
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❛ forty. always a pleasure. ❜ it was not. ❛ what brings you to our humble abode ? ❜ joe has not moved out of the doorway , still affectively blocking forty from coming inside. love is out &* about with henry , leaving joe alone for once. ( recommended by their therapist. ) seems the universe had other plans. / @fals3nd , ♡'d
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archivestarlyht · 1 year
he'd been watching the elf too closely,   it seemed.  to be called out on it was mortifying,  and a flush crept over his features in betrayal of that.   what did you expect?
“no,   no,  it's not like that,”   he said.   such curious eyes,   the wizard thought.  they glistened like stars.  mortification turned to bewildered wonder as he asked,   “haven't seen you before,   have it?”   but,   wait.   surely not.  but   ----   what if?   ----   no,   not in a shitty tavern in a lacklustre village someplace in faerûn.  those he knew,   or thought he knew,   or thought he could remember,   were content on their plane.   he couldn't say he blamed them. “i'm --- serious, i swear.” wait, nevermind. “..... i should go.”
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pathstread · 3 months
@fals3nd (GREER!) said: ❝ a fair bargain leaves both sides unhappy, i’ve heard it said. ❞
the day is cool but clear, the crisp autumn day holding just the edge of winter's bite. the wind from the sea is cold, but bracing cold, and elissa thinks it might almost be mischevious. the kind to toss up leaves on shore, to send sea spray into the faces of sailors. a good day for a ride, elissa thinks, before the weather turns foul. she had not expected greer to take her up on the invitation to come along, and in alternating moments feels both relief and frustration at her presence in the yard as they prepare.
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"said by whom?" elissa asks - - - equal parts amused and irritated, the resulting look one of strange exasperation. "i can't recall ever coming across such an argument." if anyone in their family is the bargainer, the negotiator, after all, is it not elissa? she cannot recall the last time greer bargained for anything.
she runs her hand down to her horse's fetlock, holding it when the mare (at last) lifts her hoof. elissa makes efficient but thorough work of the cleaning, setting the hoof down before sparing her sister another glance. "if you're trying to bargain with our sister, i wish you the best of luck. i will have nothing to do with it," she warns. "if it is our parents you wish to bargain with, it would be best to start with a better perspective on what a good bargain truly means."
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denouemente · 7 months
“ hey — piper, WAIT. ” he understands why she's storming off — jude pulls his microphone off from his shirt, ensuring it's in the hands of the person watching his partner storm off with a very confused look on her face before he chases after her, gently grabbing her forearm as he catches up to her. they were ambushed, no doubt about it. THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO MAKE THE PROGRAM LOOK BETTER, hope for an increase in applicants. what it ended up being was much different, and he doesn't blame @fals3nd for being upset. he is too. “ do you wanna talk about this? ” he pauses, hand dropping to his side. “ are you okay? ”
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prodigum · 2 months
@fals3nd ✧ continued from here
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐒 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐄 in the thick of the night. not an unusual circumstance for leliana ; however , tonight the circumstance lends itself to an opportunity in light of another's. she has been told , on occasion , that the inquisitor has been spotted on her balcony at all sorts of hours of the night. she would wish sleep on their leader , but leliana knows it would not do her any good. times of war take their toll , heavy and light. and she was , herself , once new to the impact of it all. leliana wonders if esyllt still prays. wonders if she ever did. she is well acquainted with the feeling an unheard , unanswered prayer leaves. she knows all of these things and yet it is not her place to speak of them. it is not her place to fill her mind with anything that mind hinder a straightforward approach. she stays silent on the matter.
leliana follows the inquisitor back into her chambers. in the light of the fireplace , she thinks that esyllt looks like a burning andraste. her throat grows dry at the sight of it. she might be swallowing flames soon if continues to look. ❝ our forces have advanced as far as they could. cullen has reported a standstill. sulphur pits they cannot cross. i had my agents take a look and draw up some plans. i am sure cullen's soldiers could get a bridge built in no time. josephine has suggested calling in the locals for aid as an alternitive. your decision. ❞ she hands over a wrapped scroll to the inquisitor. ❝ i was going to bring it up in our next meeting , but i noticed that you were awake and thought i might stop by. you are quite the night owl. ❞ she offers esyllt a soft grin.
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rejenny · 3 months
❝ you're not getting rid of me that easy. ❞
@fals3nd, for rey.
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65ths · 9 months
watching her hunt, the dots connect immediately. she's impressive with a bow, far more than anybody else from district 12 ever should be for a coal based industry. hunting isn't something she's picked up solely for the games or within them. "who taught you how to shoot? i can't imagine the family expert is prim."
⎯⎯⎯⎯ a small starter for @fals3nd / katniss
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regencis · 4 months
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boredom plagues the man, even as callum escapes the crowded room and hides away behind a flask of brandy that he had filled to get through the season's first ball. if callum should ever truly enjoy such an evening of dull festivities, assume the boy had lost every ounce of personality and mischief he has ever possessed. drinking from the flask, callum turns his head, eyes scanning the courtyard as if he was looking for someone specific. he doesn't expect to see one of the many march daughters, jo, looking as if she was sneaking out from the ball, herself. head tilts a bit as he caps his container, quietly rounding a low bush and leaning against the wall, waiting for her to walk by before he says, with the intention of startling her, 'shouldn't you be in there dancing like your other sisters?' he gives a smirk as he glances down at her. 'surly there's someone who won't bore you to death. probably not, but we can hope, right?' @fals3nd.
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elegaeica · 4 months
@fals3nd. nancy, to george. you wanna try it from the top?
with a rather theatric roll of her eyes, george leans against the brick wall, tucking their hands behind their back as they rock on the balls of their feet. keeping an eagle eye out as nancy goes about fiddling with the door's lock. "if your dad calls, we're studying at my place but you can't come to the phone if he asks to speak to you because you're in the bathroom, or you just stepped out with bess to get us some burgers, or you're on the phone with ned and that's why you're not picking up. i've got more excuses if you wanna hear them, i'm like an expert on excuses at this point," she doesn't like lying to carson for multiple reasons - the first being that it feels like he can just tell when something's up, which it usually is. the second reason being it just makes them feel guilty, as a fellow member of the "i love nancy drew and worry about her health and safety all the time" club, she understood where he was coming from. it couldn't be easy to be nancy's dad, considering what happened to her mom, it was no wonder he was so protective. "and if someone comes, i'll cough as a heads up and ask them if they can show me where the front office is because i'm just so lost. this isn't my first rodeo, drew. i don't love all the subterfuge, but i've got your back."
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galaxicide · 1 year
imagine you're a 32 year old man, and the force, this mystical bs, that has been fucking you over your whole life, decides to make you part of a 1 in a billion bond called a dyad.
but it's with a 20 year old feral girl from the desert, and she keeps trying to bite you..
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ragedagainst · 1 year
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" y'know, saw wanted to give you over to the bor gullet, " jyn says casually, leaning against the wall opposite of his cell, not hiding the way she looks him over with disdain. the alleged defector is a pitiful sight . . . but something about him gives her pause. his claims of a message for galen erso –– a man she'd rather believe is dead –– are likely false, and she wants answers as much as saw does. but the bor gullet destroys peoples' minds ; this man should at least know what he's getting himself into if he doesn't tell her the truth. " but i managed to convince him to let us have a conversation. " her eyes flash. " and i think you know what'll happen if i don't like what i hear. "
@fals3nd liked for a partisan!jyn starter !
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avilionea · 2 months
@fals3nd (BETH) <3'd
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Laurie had his bad days. His grandfather had instructed anyone who asked to be informed that it was the flu or a cold, just to stave off the way people were prone to talking.
It wasn't that he had much over the fact that Laurie had been part of the Union army. It was that he had been sent home with Soldier's Heart. From what the doctor's had said he seemingly brought some of the war home with him. There were bad days. On these days, the house was dark and quiet. Laurie was left to his own devices and encouraged to rest. he wondered what lesser families did to address this.
It's the sound of the piano that brought him out into the house/. He'd settled himself on the stairs, his cane held between his hands as he listened.
He'd missed the sound of music.
"No ! Please don't stop." The sound had been soothing. He could sit for hours just listening to her play. He'd play himself if his grandfather would have allowed it. he was glad she softened him some." I just want to listen."
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ircnwrought · 10 months
@fals3nd (katniss) liked for a starter (annie) !!
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__________≋     SHE TILTS HER HEAD BACK, UNRULY CURLS GLIDING ACROSS HER SHOULDERS ONTO HER BACK AT THE MOVEMENT. with eyes closed, freckles shining under the light, she lets the warmth of the sun spread through her skin, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips at both the action && at finnick's laughter from down the way. it reminds her of simpler times back in four, when finnick returned from the capitol && they could steal moments away on the beach together. ❛   i've missed fresh air. i've missed the sun !!    ❜ she peaks under her lashes at her companion. ❛   security in thirteen has been so tight since the bombing. how'd you get coin to agree to this ??    ❜ let alone to taking the other victors outside.
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thegcng-arch · 8 months
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"well now, what do you think?" i asked with a raised brow, head tilting to the side. i am curious, after all, what she thinks of the case. i love picking peoples brains, really getting their true thoughts on the matter. and besides, nancy knew what she was doing. she good at her work. honestly, i was lucky to be working with her. "from the outside it looks like it's an open and shut case, the husband being the murderer." i give a soft tisk then, "but there's somethin' fishy goin' on here, and i think whoever did this is tryin' to make us think that way."
@fals3nd ft. benoit & nancy drew.
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maydens · 9 months
@fals3nd : diana & meredith.
the scent of aromatic roast chicken, fragrant with rosemary & garlic, accompanied by the warm smell of fresh bread arrives before the aasimar carrying it all. a few months running the golden mammoth had given her sufficient skill in carrying multiple plates precariously balanced on one arm as she carefully maneuvers down the hall towards meredith's bedroom. though there were a few close calls on the journey from the kitchen. "knock knock!" she chirps, opening the door before awaiting an answer or invitation to enter.
to call the gesture of hot dinner an olive branch would be dramatic - there was no ill feeling between the two of them, but there was enough awkward energy that the bard felt a strong need to remedy it, even if it meant disturbing her friend's peace. something diana knew meredith valued above almost anything else. but since her arrival meredith had spent much of her time holed up in the room diana had provided for her, and her patience had quite worn out - her curiosity was bordering on ravenous for any sort of information about her plans, and what she had been doing in the time they were apart. "i would invite you to eat with vesper, cassia, and i but i know that might be a little much-- oh! i don't take it personally, i know you're so private and quiet it's just the way that you are and i wouldn't have you any other way," as she rambles on, she sets the plates down on a desk- the roasted chicken rested atop some spinach and tomatoes and onions, set beside a tall pile of roasted cubed potatoes and carrots (smothered in honey). altogether, far too much food for meredith alone to finish. despite delivering what she had come to deliver, she lingers in the room, babbling and drawing open the curtains. "besides, proxy eats his dinner up in the attic, too. oh! perhaps you two should eat dinner together! maybe i should set up a little dining table up there and i could bounce between both tables throughout meals so i could spend time with you two as well as my sisters..."
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65ths · 9 months
⎯⎯⎯⎯ @fals3nd / katniss sent : “i don't even know what it means anymore. to 'be myself’.”
"well, i think now is as a good a time as any to figure it out." he leans over some, letting his shoulder bump against hers gently. "got all the time in the world for it." she'll be off to twelve soon enough, him and annie to four. he only hopes it won't be the last time they see each other. "and whoever she is, katniss everdeen... i can't wait to properly meet her."
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