#★ | thread: does helping life giving fairies give me good karma.
vonochs · 2 years
does helping life giving fairies give me good karma?
-- MONICA’S CHEST IS tight for a multitude of reasons, but the most likely one is probably the fact that she’s a girl on a mission: 
She needs a fairy.
It’s a bit of a selfish wish, but it’s the same sort of desperation that one feels when they’ve been looking forward to a piece of cake the whole day only to find out that someone else has already consumed it. In this very moment, you’d really do anything in the world for such a silly wish to become your reality, no matter the foolishness of the request.
For Monica, maybe it’s less foolishness and more a desperate plea of want. Chasing down fears after wondering if death’s door was really the one you’d ended up knocking on was easy enough when an alternative thought wasn’t something that even offered itself as a possibility, but knowing now that a safety net was in reach...
“ Oh, little fairy~! “ Monica chirped, skipping backwards through the forest. “ Y’know, I’d really like to get to know you! I’ve even got a little treat for-- oh! “ 
Monica’s treat - a small platter of water with sugar dissolved inside of it - flies through the air as she stumbles over a particularly large root. While physically, she’s more fine than most, the emotional damage takes its own toll.
Particularly when there’s someone there to get soaked in it.
“ Ah. Uhm. Well, “ Monica looks up at the individual in front of her and then back down, “ That’s pretty sweet, y’know! If you wanna skip the wash and just lick the cloth, it’s pretty good, probably. “
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