#★ ( gonna make you feel happy every day of your life ;; Eddie ❤ symbiiotic )
shieldretired · 2 years
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@symbiiotic​ sent:
Okay, so: the bag came from a swag bag from a small conference he covered, and in said bag was an assortment of silly-to-useful sex-oriented things, from flavored novelty condoms to little bags of — certain-shaped candy, to, well, this.
" Hey, you want this? " Yeah, he's amused, and he hides it poorly. He tosses the book on the table in front of Steve — yeah, that book. You know the one. " I mean, you're the artistic one, I stick with color by th'numbers. "
                     STEVE GOT MORE THAN ENOUGH SWAG BAGS back when he was Captain America and an Avenger. He never had much use for them and usually just dumped everything in the communal kitchen at SHIELD HQ or the Avengers compound, and a couple of hours later, everything was gone. The one Eddie brings home from his conference, of course, is a very different swag bag, and Steve is too busy eating some boob-shaped gummy bears and being amused about it that he completely misses what else his boyfriend is pulling out of the little bag until it hits the table in front of him.
                     He looks, and then he chokes. Really chokes: Steve actually has to cough a couple of times, face red, hand pressed to his chest until the boob gummy bear finds the correct way. "A coloring book. About dicks. Eddie, this is a coloring book about dicks," he repeats as if Eddie couldn't see that himself. He sounds gleeful. "Of course, I want this! I will turn them into the nicest dicks you've ever seen, I promise. Jesus, sometimes, I love the 21st century. What else is in that bag?"
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shieldretired · 1 year
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@symbiiotic ;; now you see me 2 prompts (still accepting) Eddie said: "If you’re nervous, it can be really helpful to picture each other naked."
                               STEVE DOESN'T THINK HE NEEDS TO POINT THIS OUT, AND YET HE DOES: "We are almost naked." With lots of gesturing at Eddie, who is, indeed, only wearing a baggy hoodie right now, and at himself: Steve is clad in one sock and underwear and otherwise naked. They're on the bed, red-faced and obviously turned on, and a minute ago, Steve interrupted their horny groping by declaring they needed to talk and promptly turning into a nervous mess after. At least their state of undress looks hilarious, now that Steve squints at them both, and it calms him down a little.
                               "I just wanted to ask," he starts again, squirming a little. This is idiotic, he should just get it off his chest. Not before punching Eddie's shoulder, though, because that asshole looks like he expects some dirty fantasy or something. "I wanted to ask if you maybe want to get tested. With me. Because I really wanna suck your dick without a condom." And then he promptly turns red all the way down to his chest.
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shieldretired · 1 year
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@symbiiotic ;; shit my friends say (still accepting) Eddie said: “Has anyone ever injured themselves drinking water? Just asking. No reason.” / eddie, as he nearly dies on a drink of water
                            STEVE IS A NICE GUY AND SLAPS EDDIE'S BACK A COUPLE OF TIMES because that's what you do when someone is choking on something, right? And since Eddie can still joke about it, he figures the Heimlich maneuver would be a little too much. "I'm pretty sure you'd get a Darwin Award for that," he muses, pushing the glass of water an inch or two down the table so Eddie won't take a sip too soon again. "Also, this reaction is a bit over the top, don't you think? I was just asking if you ever entertained the idea of maybe moving in at some point in the future. I didn't, like, propose or something. I'd ask V's permission for that, anyway, because I'm a gentleman and old-fashioned, and that's how it's done," Steve adds with a grin.
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shieldretired · 2 years
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development tea room 12 days of murder mysteries @symbiiotic gets a little surprise for day 11
                           TURNS OUT THAT WHEN YOU'RE A MEMBER OF THE MET, you'll not only get to skip the queue at the ticket counter with your fancy little membership card but you're also invited to special events such as the opening of the brand new art exhibit of Sören Gorenson, an eccentric Swedish artist who likes to get attention, no matter how. Because going alone is boring and his invitation includes a plus one, Steve sweet-talks Eddie into joining him with the promise of an open bar, free food, and the prospect of sexual shenanigans after seeing Eddie dressed up in a suit for three hours and consequently getting riled up by it. 
                        And damn, does he clean up nicely, Steve thinks as he strolls over with two whiskey glasses in hand. "What is a guy like you doing here all alone?" he asks with a grin as he very obviously eyes Eddie in his sexy black suit. He even adds a little flirtatious wink as he casually leans against the bar table littered with the remnants of their appetizers. Then he hands over the alcohol. "Maybe I can invite you for a drink, and we–"
                         The light goes out suddenly, plunging the hall into darkness, and Steve's stupid brain makes him step close to Eddie, hand on his arm because his mind screeches danger and protect, but before his eyes can adjust to the dim light coming from the emergency exit signs, the lamps click back on. A loud, collective gasp from most of the museum visitors makes Steve look over to where they placed Gorensson's centerpiece, a rather ugly-looking sculpture of a whale littered with gemstones. Only it's missing now, the glass showcase empty. "Well," Steve says as all hell breaks loose. "I guess this proves that visiting the museum is not that boring."
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shieldretired · 2 years
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development tea room holiday & winter prompts Day 8: during a gingerbread house construction contest, you realize your competitor has sabotaged you @symbiiotic​ gets a little surprise drabble
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                      SOMETIMES, Steve lets himself get sweet-talked into terrible things. This time he agreed to make three dozen gingerbread houses for the youth organization at church because Father Timothy is planning on making a nativity play just for the little ones. Every amateur actor will get a present: a necklace with the portrayal of Saint Stylianos, the protector of children, and, well, a fucking gingerbread house. Steve liked the idea of a nativity play for and with children (the one for the adults can be very long and very, you know, old-fashioned), so he said yes before he realized how much work making over 30 gingerbread houses would be. 
                      Luckily enough, Steve is also very good at sweet-talking someone into helping him, which is why Eddie came over this morning to get some house construction done. And since everything is better if you turn it into a contest, Steve declared that whoever makes the 10 nicest gingerbread houses would get to lick all the bowls with icing and chocolate and frosting. That, of course, was very interesting for Venom, who is rather good at art and also has, like, fifty tentacles that can work on gingerbread houses simultaneously. Steve won't make it too easy for them, of course, because he's a competitive asshole, especially when it comes to art, so he decorates his houses in excruciating detail: a little cat sitting near the front door, windows where you can see the Christmas tree inside, icicles hanging from the roof. It takes a little longer, but it's worth it, Steve thinks as he moves his third finished gingerbread house to the side of the table.
                      That's also the moment he realizes a sneaky, little black tendril hurridly retracting back into Eddie's shoulder, dropping one of those little tubes with the colorful icing Steve bought in a store dedicated to everything regarding baking. Steve squints at his finished gingerbread houses. "Venom, you asshole," he exclaims. The house he painfully decorated with lots of little flowers and windowboxes now has red dots all over it. It looks like chickenpox. Venom, of course, has the audacity to turn a tentacle in Steve's direction in an innocent who, me? gesture. Steve squirts his tube of blue icing at them, and then all hell breaks loose.
                      3.5 minutes later, the kitchen looks like a battlefield: the cupboards are covered in melted chocolate, Steve has red and green frosting all over his shirt, Venom's tentacles are decorated with sugar holly leaves and fondant flowers, and Eddie has sugar pearls in various colors in his hair and yellow frosting on his nose. "Okay, okay, truce!" Steve yells while trying to stop a tendril from squirting icing into his ear. He succeeds: It ends up in his left eye instead because Venom wants to get the final word. Wiping the sugary mass out of his face, Steve looks over to where, what a miracle, the gingerbread houses are still standing. There's nothing detailed about them anymore, though. It looks like straight out of an abstract art workshop with stripes and dots and little swirls of color.
                      A beat of silence, then Steve starts laughing. "You know what? I love them. It's like Kandinsky made a gingerbread baby with Pollock. Those are the nicest gingerbread houses that were ever made. Well done, everyone."
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shieldretired · 2 years
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development tea room halloween prompts
Day 7: Midnight in a busy city, sirens blaring a few blocks away  @symbiiotic​ gets a little surprise
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                            STEVE WAKES UP WITH A JOLT. At first, he doesn't know where he is –– he still hears shelling and screams inside his head, feels the ground shake and rumble beneath his body, smells gunpowder and smoke and the contents of shredded bowels. Then the blaring of sirens a few blocks away cuts through the fog in his brain, and he blinks once, twice, and sees the familiar shapes of Eddie's bedroom: the wardrobe, the nightstand, the window. Eddie is out cold beside him, so that means at least his nightmare was a silent one. Steve takes a deep breath, rubs his face, then grabs his phone to check the time. A bit after midnight. Shit, he can't get up now. What is he supposed to do? Sit around and read and then be bone-tired in the morning?
                            But he can't go back to sleep either; he never can. The images in his head are too vivid, the adrenaline in his blood too strong to let him doze off a second time. "For fuck's sake," he mutters into the darkness, then lies back down. He's cold, which is probably more a remnant from the nightmare than actual low temperatures, so he rolls over and snuggles closer to Eddie. And Eddie Brock, bless him, is a cuddler, which is a superior boyfriend skill, so it doesn't take long until they're wrapped up in each other, and the chill starts to leave Steve's bones. And then, with his nose buried in Eddie's hair, Steve falls back asleep –– for the very first time after a nightmare.
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shieldretired · 2 years
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development tea room holiday & winter prompts Day 7: Tucked away during a winter retreat when the power flickers, & then ultimately goes out @symbiiotic​ gets a little surprise
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                            THE SNOW STORM KEEPS RAGING OUTSIDE, wind rattling the windows and doors and trying its very best to blow the sturdy little cabin away like the magical hurricane in the Wizard of Oz did with Dorothy's house. The TV and internet gave up on them about an hour ago, which is why Steve has his nose buried in a book, head comfortably bedded on Eddie's thigh. This little winter retreat wasn't planned; in fact, they're only filling in for Bucky, who had wanted to spend a long romantic weekend with his girlfriend but got called away on a mission three days before that and couldn't cancel anymore. Steve doesn't know any details about the mission ("you're retired, and this isn't a secure line, buddy"), but his friend had sounded healthy and — considering he has to work with his frenemy Sam — happy, so he isn't too worried.
                             Plus, the cabin 3 hours north of New York is spectacular. Small and cozy, wooden furniture everywhere, with a wonderful view of Lake George, especially during sunset. Well, and Steve gets to spend some quality time with his boyfriend and Eddie's evil little tapeworm that fucking cheated at today's spontaneous snowball fight. (Read: Steve thought it would be funny to start something he certainly couldn't finish, not when his opponent had one billion tentacles to throw snowballs with. But it was okay, they had lots of fun, and Eddie graciously kissed the loser until he felt warm again.)
                          So yes, it's been very nice so far, therefore the light flickering and then going out all of a sudden comes as some sort of nasty surprise. Steve blinks into the twilight; there is a small fireplace in their cabin, but they didn't put more wood on after dinner because they'd go to bed soon, anyway, so the embers hardly illuminate the room. "This is either the beginning of a horror movie," he says as the storm rages outside. "Or a survival story. Maybe porn, I don't know. What would you prefer?"
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shieldretired · 2 years
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development tea room halloween prompts
Weekly Special: On Halloween night, lovers get to come back and spend the evening together one more time. @symbiiotic​ gets a (nasty) little surprise
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                       STEVE RUBS A HAND OVER HIS FACE, blinks a couple of times, then rubs at his eyes again to get rid of the haze that obstructs his view. The last thing he remembers — is a truck losing its grip on the wet street, trailer swerving, and wow, that has been a very vivid dream. He shakes his head, then looks around, and his fingers already start to twitch because it's kind of messy, and he wants to clean up immediately. "Eddie, what the hell…," he mutters as he puts the used dishes in the dishwasher. Okay, Steve has to admit: He is the other extreme with the little clean-up gremlin living in his brain, but Eddie's apartment is usually a tad tidier. Whatever; maybe he has an important deadline he forgot to tell Steve about, and household chores are negligible right now.
                             So Steve starts to tidy up: He puts away food boxes and dishes and cutlery, wipes the kitchen counter and table, collects some strewn clothes, makes the bed, airs out the living room, and reaches for the blanket lump on the couch to put them in the washing machine or at least fold them neatly when the apartment door opens, and Eddie comes in. Steve feels a bit like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Listen, you know that I like to clean up, okay," he tries to justify himself because Eddie — kind of looks shocked? A little as if he saw a ghost. Steve frowns and peers at him more closely. "Are you okay?" Seems like Eddie didn't get a lot of sleep during the last few days, though Steve can't remember him having trouble with it. "C'mon, what's up?"
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shieldretired · 2 years
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@symbiiotic​ ;; random dog shenanigans ALWAYS ENCOURAGED [ txt ] Hey, uh [ txt ] someone just, like, abandoned a puppy outside my door [ txt ] help?
(text: Eddie ❤🥜) What (text: Eddie ❤🥜) Are you pulling my leg? (text: Eddie ❤🥜) I demand photographic evidence
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shieldretired · 2 years
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@symbiiotic​ ;; casual nudity (still accepting) 🍃 - Have Eddie pose tastefully for Steve’s art project / ..... listen
                            IT STARTED PRETTY INNOCENTLY, ACTUALLY. Steve needed help with his crossword puzzle: a movie made by a person named Cameron, 1997, seven letters, ends with a C. Then Eddie came up with all those references like I'm the king of the world and my heart will go on, and when Steve only blinked at him in confusion, he finally told him it's Titanic, a movie Steve has never seen — but he still knows one (1) reference, so of course, he had to tell Eddie to let me draw you like one of my French girls with a big eyebrow waggle.
                     Things… escalated pretty quickly.
                     Now they're in the living room with Eddie on the couch and Steve on a kitchen chair (Steve has his little studio in the Florida Room, but Eddie is buck naked, and he didn't want him to get cold, so he got the fireplace going, heating the whole place up so much that he's starting to sweat a little in his t-shirt) and he's sketching away on his big, expensive drawing pad with the thick, creamy paper. It's a strange experience; strange because the artistic part of his brain and the more animalistic one that wants to get its hands on Eddie all the time are in a constant battle right now, and Steve is torn between wanting the picture to be perfect and walking over to Eddie to wrap his lips around one nipple. "I can turn the TV on if you're bored," he says as he tries to get Eddie's tattoo of Venom right, eyes flickering between the other man's bicep and the paper. "You could watch Titanic," he adds with a smirk, feeling hot under the collar in a way that’s decidedly not due to the fire in the fireplace.
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shieldretired · 2 years
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@symbiiotic​ ;; megamind starters (still accepting) Eddie said: “You’d be the brain, so you’d get a little brain wearing glasses on your costume or something. And since I’m the cool one, I’d have, like, two tanks sword-fighting.” / jfc
                        "EDDIE, YOU ARE HIGH," he points out, and then he has to giggle because Steve is high, too. He doesn't even know why or how Eddie came up with this (his brain is foggy like always), but it's a funny idea, so he starts to sketch little brains wearing glasses and then two big Tiger I tanks the Germans used in the war, but instead of the tank gun he gives them broadswords. Then he turns his head up a little (he's sprawled on Eddie's couch, his head propped up on his boyfriend's thigh), hoping Eddie will get the hint and let him take another drag of the joint. "Also, my costume-wearing days are over. You're a little too late for that." He licks his lips, pauses, and then asks: "Okay, so, you're the cool one, I'm the smart one, and Venom's the brawn? What costume would they get? Ooooh, I know! That spandex-thing weightlifters are wearing."
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shieldretired · 2 years
One day about a week later, Steve finds a slightly dilapidated looking tomato sitting on his nightstand. It has a smiley face drawn crudely with sharpie on it, and it’s slightly wilted so the smily face looks more like :S
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random shenanigans (always accepting)
                          STEVE DOESN'T NOTICE IT AT FIRST because he's busy folding laundry and listening to the record player in the living room blasting ABBA through the whole house. When he picks up a pile of bed linens neatly folded into precise rectangles, though, his gaze wanders over to the nightstand, and Steve needs to do a double-take before he barks out a startled laugh. "Oh, Venom, you goddamn little shit," he says, dropping the laundry to go and grab his camera.
                          Six days later, a small package shows up in Eddie's mailbox. It's explicitly addressed to Edward Brock FAO: the dark void living inside you and contains a framed picture of the tomato with the smiley face. It's all arty with filters and a focus on the light that concentrates exclusively on the vegetable, pale colors except for the bright red of the tomato. A little card is attached to the frame. Steve's neat, careful handwriting says:
'Late Revenge' by Venom Brock, sharpie on vegetable, 2024 Photographed by S. G. Rogers
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shieldretired · 2 years
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@symbiiotic​ ;; megamind starters (still accepting) Eddie said: “Don’t give me that face. He reels you in with that little face! Look at that face!” / 100% referring to Venom making puppy eyes for something
                       STEVE'S USED ENOUGH TO VENOM BY NOW THAT HE CAN READ THE SYMBIOTE’S FACIAL EXPRESSIONS. 'Puppy eyes' is definitely not anything anyone else (save for Eddie) would use to describe them right now because there are way too many teeth and not enough actual puppy eyes, but it is their expression of 'we need this, we want this, please give it to us, Eddie', so Steve doesn't have any other word for it. And honestly? Steve can relate. So he puts on his own puppy eyes and hopes that the combined force of their begging will be enough to convince Eddie. Given the reporter's vocal complaints, it seems to work. "Eddie," Steve tries sweetly, gesturing at the TV and the documentary about adventure holidays. "I'm not saying we need to go to Hawaii for this, but they said there's one in Pennsylvania too." The speaker starts to say something about reaching speeds up to 60 miles per hour, and Steve nudges Venom's, uh, neck with his elbow in a sort of excited did you hear that, that's super fast! way. "A 4,000-foot-long zipline! Right down Camelback Mountain! That's amazing, we need to test that out, right, V? Support me here, buddy."
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