#★ val/entina romanyszyn || ic ★ look at this crazy party you've thrown
unlockthestars · 1 year
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@badluckqrow didn't ask for a thing but now that I know you're familiar with GL, it's all over
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Cammie had mentioned the students from Beacon were here, had been training with the Ace Ops, and Val just had to see for himself. It had been a frequent discussion among their little group, and they'd all been intrigued, interested in the group of fighters.
They'd all done quite well in the tournament, after all, and well, with the way Cammie spoke of them, they were all that much more intriguing.
"Training hard, are you?" he asked with a grin, leaning forward on the bench outside of the training room. "I've heard great things."
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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"If being trans is so hard for some to grasp, I must be incomprehensible."
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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"I like to think I'm fairly.....flexible."
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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Send hearts for how your muse feels // Accepting!
@callsigntrixx asked: 💛💚💖💝 ( for val )
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💛: Loves them platonically. 💚: Is a little jealous of them. 💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive. 💝: Looks up to them as a role model.
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A smile slips onto her face as she looks over at Cammie, moving to press a kiss to the top of her head. "I love you, too, little bunny."
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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Send hearts for how your muse feels // Accepting!
@flightofaqrow asked: (Val) 💜💖💝(admires as a peer more than role model)
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💜: Finds them sexually attractive. 💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive. 💝: Looks up to them as a role model peer
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"What can I say? The feelings are mutual," he replies, even as he blows Qrow a kiss.
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unlockthestars · 1 year
@flightofaqrow continued from here
It had been a while since Val had been to a club when he was male-presenting. Which was probably because it had been a little while since he had been male-presenting. But thanks to Atlas technology, while there was still a recovery period, it was a lot easier to fit his body to his current needs.
Some transitions were rougher than others, but it was always worth it in the end. He felt more confident in his own body now that he was back to this version of himself. And even though they usually took pride in their body, there was definitely euphoria when he was able to transition when he needed to.
He's not here with anyone; he's just here to enjoy himself, dancing with people he's never met, maybe finding someone he likes enough to take home with him. But if that doesn't happen, he's still having a good time on the dance floor.
His new dance partners move away from him, heading to the bar, perhaps, or to try to find a dark corner that's not lit by the multicoloured lights in the club for some debauchery, he doesn't know. Val doesn't need a partner to enjoy dancing; the beat and moving his body to it is enough for him.
At least until he feels a pair of hands on his hips. A grin slips onto his face, punctuated by a little hum when he feels the lips on his neck, up into his hairline. Well, if that was a stranger, they were going to be buying him a drink after that.
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He moves one hand to rest on top of the one on his hip, his other hand lifting behind him to tangle into the person's hair when they lean into him. And a very familiar voice says that he likes the new look.
A delighted laugh leaves Val as he finally turns around, lifting his arms to drape them around Qrow's neck.
"Oh, good," he grins, pressing close to make sure Qrow can hear him, even though he knows full well he didn't have to, "I can't imagine what your greeting would have been if you didn't," he teases.
Qrow looks as rakish as ever, and Val very much enjoys the way his crimson eyes are glinting at him. "I just came to dance, but you have improved my whole evening," he told Qrow with a wink. "Are you working or do I get to keep you for a little while?"
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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Confrontations // Accepting
@flightofaqrow asked: “  everyone else might be buying it,  but i don’t.  what’s wrong?  ” (for Val[entina])
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Whenever Valentina was upset, she tended to go out dancing. It was far easier than dealing with her emotions, especially when if she dealt with things the way she wanted to, she would likely get in trouble. And while that didn't usually bother them, they had just been selected to take part in an elite program, and they didn't want to jepordize the project or their involvement in it.
So she'd gone to a club and had danced, with both strangers and friends, until another familiar face greeted her.
She and Qrow had talked a few times previously, and she had flirted shamelessly. He was not hard on the eyes, and she appreciated his sense of humour. Plus, he seemed like a genuinely good guy, underneath the gruff exterior.
But his words caught them off-guard. For a moment, the hurt they'd felt earlier was plain across their face, as though it had just happened, and Valentina knew it. She quickly pulled a grin back onto her face, letting out a little laugh as she dropped down into a seat next to the man. "And here I thought I was harder to read than that," they quipped, leaning their head on their hand.
But rather than answering, she deflected with a question of her own. "What brings you back here? I did not figure this sort of club would exactly be your scene."
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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Prompts for dramatic reunions // Accepting
@missallanea asked: that's no way to treat your best friend! / cammie to val
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"What, you do not want me to treat you like the pest you are?" Valentina arched an eyebrow at Cammie, but her tone was clearly affectionate. Cammie was honestly right when she said she was Valentina's best friend; she was the one the sniper had bonded with pretty much right away. Everyone else had taken a bit more time, especially Yaz, but Valentina would do pretty much anything for all of them, at this point.
"What do you want, Зайка моя?" she asked, watching the younger woman curiously. They had a little bit of downtime between training sessions, and Valentina had been flipping idly through a magazine, seemingly ignoring Cammie, which had prompted her initial comment.
If Cammie wanted to go gaming or even to just go into the Ether, she would probably agree, even if just to slip into her avatar's shoes for a little bit. It was about time to switch back to Val, and spending time in the ether helped cement that fact.
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