#★░off the hero’s path
travelingduelist-a · 8 years
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ᗷᗩG  IᑎᐯᕮᑎTOᖇY:
A water bottle:
One that he probably fills and refills when he gets the chance to, since buying water bottles on a constant basis is quite expensive, wherever his travels take him. From the looks of it, he tries to keep it filled as often as he can; he seems more than adequately hydrated in the movie. Though, I’m sure the amount of water he’s able to drink varies on the climate and the setting he’s wandering through.
A journal:
I’ve headcanoned for a while that Judai keeps a journal where he talks about the places he’s been, the people he’s met, and occasionally keeps memorable pictures. As unorganized as he seems, keeping a record of the places he’s been is important to him, because there are occasions when he likes to look back on what he gained from those experiences.
Blue case (?)
Since we see Judai fiddling around with his handheld game system in the early seasons of GX, I’m willing to guess that this is the case he keeps it in.
I’m not entirely certain, but those yellow packages look like food rations (i.e. granola bars, crackers, probably something heavily carbohydrate-based).
Probably for his laptop. His bag is rather large, so I’m sure this is just one of the many things he has to pass the time when he’s on a bus, or a boat, etc.
Probably used for both fun and news purposes. I’m sure he also uses it to help himself out with local languages when he hasn’t had a chance to get the basics down. (I headcanon that he knows the basics of many languages, since he has to communicate during his travels).
OTᕼᕮᖇ ITᕮᗰᔕ
The cellphone he got from O’brien
Cards excluded from his deck
The Shadow Charm Pendant from season 1
Medicines (since he travels, his immune system isn’t acclimated to the sicknesses native to different areas. Yubel strengthens him of course, but she can’t solve all of his problems.)
His friends’ farewell notes
Miscellaneous keepsakes/souvenirs from different people and places he’s come across on his travels
Spare clothes
A forged passport (thanks to O’brien)
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travelingduelist-a · 8 years
[7:29:59 PM] Judai Fudo || Alec Lightwood: it's too bad we cant age
[7:30:05 PM] Judai Fudo || Alec Lightwood: you know what'd be funny
[7:30:21 PM] Judai Fudo || Alec Lightwood: us in a nursing home together having wheel chair races down the hallway
[7:32:08 PM] Abel || Magnus: I'm sure, but i'm sure I beat you in some wheelchair races
[7:33:52 PM] Judai Fudo || Alec Lightwood: HHAHAHAH
[7:33:53 PM] Judai Fudo || Alec Lightwood: BRING IT
[7:33:56 PM] Judai Fudo || Alec Lightwood: FIGHT ME
[7:33:57 PM] Judai Fudo || Alec Lightwood: 1V1
[7:34:02 PM] Abel || Magnus: YOU KNOW WHAT I WILL
[7:34:05 PM] Judai Fudo || Alec Lightwood: BRING YOUR FUCKING WHEEL CHAIR
[7:34:06 PM] Abel || Magnus: GRAB SOOME WHEELCHAIRS
[7:34:15 PM] Judai Fudo || Alec Lightwood: *THROWS DENCHERS ONTO THE TABLE*
[7:34:20 PM] Judai Fudo || Alec Lightwood: IM ALL IN
[7:34:41 PM] Abel || Magnus: //THROWS IN DENCHERS AS WELL
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travelingduelist-a · 8 years
ofstarsandskies said:
I wish I could help you, mate. If you know your parent's SSN and birthday, you can actually fill out the FAFSA yourself.
I don’t know my parent’s Social, they would never tell me information like that, especially not with all of this going on. 
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travelingduelist-a · 8 years
[8:33:02 PM] Abel || Juudai || Magnus: so bae, what do you wanna do ouo [8:33:12 PM] Judai Fudo || Alec Lightwood: iiii [8:33:17 PM] Judai Fudo || Alec Lightwood: wanna rock and roll all niiiightt [8:33:20 PM] Judai Fudo || Alec Lightwood: and party everydayy [8:33:21 PM] Abel || Juudai || Magnus: gdi [8:33:26 PM] Judai Fudo || Alec Lightwood: lmaoo [8:33:32 PM] Judai Fudo || Alec Lightwood: it came to me [8:33:35 PM] Judai Fudo || Alec Lightwood: I must
Literally Judai and Abel
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travelingduelist-a · 8 years
& So it is decreed { The World, Strength, Death, The Moon, The Tower }
𝓣𝓱𝒆 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭: What has been your muse’s greatest success?
That’s a tricky one. Judai has had many successes, but with every success, another failure. So, I’d say his greatest successes are the ones in which he’s created strong bonds with his companions and helped people figure out their own paths, while he himself continues to figure out his own. Despite being more of an ‘on-the-sidelines’ kind of guy these days, he still takes the greatest pleasure in helping others to find their own happiness.
𝓢𝓽𝓻𝒆𝓷𝓰𝓽𝓱: Name a time when your muse had to be strong in the face of danger or trouble
Ahaha, all the time. He has these powers now, so he’s obligated to do something with them when the need arises; he recognizes that others who he comes across and must protect depend on him to keep his cool, and he does so for the most part.
𝓓𝒆𝓪𝓽𝓱: If your muse had to change something about themselves, what would they change?
Definitely his propensity to lie about things personal to himself. As a child Judai was isolated, from both his parents who were busy, and the town who shunned him for the supernatural phenomena that surrounded him. As a result he never learned how to cope healthily with his abundant array of emotional issues, one such coping mechanism being the ability to rely on others and to communicate his feelings in a healthy manner. It’s just something he’s never really grown up with the ability to do, and he wishes that hadn’t been the case. Now, he copes by telling others he’s fine to save face, even though he’s not, because…What else can he do?
*Note: It’s worth saying that this is a flaw I have, as the mun, put a heavy focus on rectifying. Judai’s purpose on this blog is to overcome his flaws and in the process discover new ones. Frankly that’s how life goes, since flaws aren’t something that arise at one particular time of your life. Thus, Judai is working hard on this flaw and is making some progress, among others.
𝓣𝓱𝒆 ℳ𝓸𝓸𝓷:  Has your muse ever had something unexplained happen to them? If so, what?
All the time. Granted, he usually finds out what it is because if Judai sees something suspicious, he’s rather objective in finding out what the source is and whether or not the situation calls for his help or is otherwise dangerous.
𝓣𝓱𝒆 𝓣𝓸𝔀𝒆𝓻: What would trigger your muse’s breaking point?
If anyone were to harm or kill any of his closest companions. He won’t watch them die again, particularly not because of him.
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travelingduelist-a · 8 years
Have you met moribuden, our GX lord and savior?
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travelingduelist-a · 8 years
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If anyone wants to be on Judai’s ℝ𝔼𝕃𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕆ℕ𝕊ℍ𝕀ℙ ℙ𝔸𝔾𝔼, please like this post! The only requirement is that we’ve interacted at least once, and plan to interact with Judai further in the future.
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travelingduelist-a · 8 years
what got you to liking Judai with Abel (?)
Well, okay, for starters, they have a lot in common, but not to the point where it’s off-putting. Judai for instance is a liar, he always has been; in fact, there are few and far moments in his entire life where he’s not wearing the biggest lie he’s ever told on the corners of his upturned lips and outrageously upbeat attitude. Are there moments when his happiness is genuine? Of course, but as a child Judai was neglected by hard working parents and a neighborhood who shut him out, due to his uncanny supernatural abilities. As a result, he never developed the vital communication skills one needs to cope properly by confiding in the friendships and the relationships of others, which until now he’s severely lacked.
Abel stops that shit right in its tracks because he doesn’t put up with it, and Judai isn’t one to learn things by being told nicely.
Second of all, Judai knows he’s done horrible things, and he knows he’s going to do more horrible things, no matter how good he tries to be. He’s tired of his friends telling him “It’s not your fault”, “You can’t be held responsible”, “You’re a good person.”. But he’s not, and he knows that. He’s come to terms with what he’s done, and he knows that as a result of his crimes when he dies he will never be allowed into the pearly gates of heaven. Abel validates him in this point of view, and, while he doesn’t call him a worthless and unlovable abomination, he doesn’t try to console Judai by lying to him, and pitying him for something he knows only he must atone for.
Going off of that, Abel knows almost exactly the situation Judai is struggling with. He’s committed genocide, sinned, and killed repeatedly. They’re both sinners, and they know it. They have the ability to help each other, because only they understand what it’s like to carry that burden (Judai who seems to take it harder more so than Abel). It’s not like you can go onto a dating site, enter history of mass genocide, and find a handful of perfect matches. Judai needs someone who’s going to understand, and while not pity him, provide some means of validation for his pain.
Lastly and I think almost importantly, they’re both immortal, which means they’re both doomed to walk the ends of the earth for millenniums to come. Judai has always been conflicted about this, because it always means that his relationships will never quite last no matter how many new ones he makes. Not Abel though; they have each other to depend on for as long as the earth remains in orbit.
Also they’re really fuckin’ cute somebody punch me in the face with a brick.
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travelingduelist-a · 8 years
ygo gx??
❤ male: Judai Yuki❤ female: Asuka Tenjoin✖ least favorite: Tyranno Kenzan✔ who resembles me: Judai Yuki❤ most attractive: Johan Andersen❤ three more characters that i like: Jun Manjoume, Sho Marufuji, and Jim Crocodile Cook
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travelingduelist-a · 8 years
[for the series meme: Yugioh DM]
❤ male: Marik Ishtar❤ female: Anzu Mazaki✖ least favorite: Yami Marik✔ who resembles me: Yami Yugi/Atem or Marik Ishtar❤ most attractive: Yami Bakura❤ three more characters that i like: Yugi Mutou, Mana, and Mai Kujaku
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travelingduelist-a · 8 years
RULES: Answer this in a new post and tag 20 of your followers you wanna know better! Make sure you tag the person who tagged you so they can see it!
Tagged by: @thelightsguardian
Name: Jaden
Nicknames: Jay, Judai, lucidiux
Star Sign: Capricorn
Gender: Male
Height: 5′4″
Favourite Colours: Red. But I really like the neutral colors to, like black, white, and grey. 
Time Right Now: 2:30 PM
Average Hours of Sleep: Not enough lmao.
Last Thing I Googled: Genoa’s Pizza
Favourite Fictional Characters: Judai Yuki (Yugioh GX), Dorian Pavus (Dragon Age), Merlin (Merlin)
Number of Blankets I sleep under: 4. I’m always cold because I have no soul.
Favourite Books: Hahaha, um...
Favourite Bands: Fallout boy, Rise Against, Panic! At the Disco, Breathe Carolina, My Chemical Romance, Imagine Dragons
Dream Job: Hahahahahaha.
What am I wearing right now?: Sweatpants and a sweatshirt, both of which need to be cleaned thanks for reminding me.
When did you create your blog?: Well this blog started a year ago, but I moved from my old blog traveling-duelist, which was created about...5 or so years ago.
Current amount of followers: I’m not sure I don’t really pay attention to that and I don’t want to open another tab because I’m already lagging as it is.
What do you mainly post about: Roleplay and pointless headcanons.
Who Is Your Most Active Follower? Well they’re all certainly more active than I am.
Do you get asks daily? Not on this blog.
Who made you join tumblr? I don’t know but whoever it was needs to apologize immediately and undo what shitty destiny they’ve unraveled for me.
Why did you choose your url? It just seems to fit Judai in his overall roll during the time period which his main verse takes place.
@academiaqueen, @chazzberrypie, @duelist-of-destiny, @bondswithinhope
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