#★.    ───    GRACELYN  FT.  SAMI
apcthetics · 2 years
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closed starter for SAMI ( @overwhlcmed​ ) location: hey guess what
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. ✧ ★ ────────────   “ WHAT KIND OF COAT DO YOU PUT ON WHILE IT’S STILL WET ? “ his costume was horrendous, and on top of that, it felt like a knock off of her own─  though grace didn’t understand where it came from or what he was trying to be. ( it was still green ! ) she had told sami as much, about two hours ago, before the wine she had been drinking from her cup had been emptied and refilled and emptied again, and when he’d been still talking at her with a riddle in between every sentence. she had spent her time after that dancing with gina and trying ( and failing ) to set up tadgh and giselle and then, eventually, thinking up her own riddle to hit back at him with. unfortunately, riddles weren’t really something that was part of her childhood, and grace hadn’t thought that telling them would be a skill she would one day need. this one had been an aha ! moment─ like she had been slowly surveying her brain for anything and finally found something she could bring back to play with. she had paused beside him, delicately unscrewing the cap of a water bottle she had plucked from a nearby cooler, her arms crossing tightly over her chest. it was only then that she looked at him, the hints of a mischievous smile playing on her lips. “ take your time and don’t waste your opportunity with a joke─ because if you get it right i might consider giving you a prize. “ 
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apcthetics · 2 years
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closed starter for SAMI ( @overwhlcmed​ ) location: grace’s apartment. specifically her bedroom.
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◦ 「 ☆ 」 ────────────  AS MUCH AS the world tried to tell her she should be, grace was not a morning person. with a pot of coffee in her system and an hour of silence before she started her day she could pretend to be, but not even that could stop the irritation that still soaked into her every action if it took place before ten am. even as the sunlight streamed in through her windows, trying to pull her from her stubborn sleep, grace just rolled over and buried her face in the shoulder beside her. it wasn’t until her attention was drawn to the slight pounding in her head that she even blinked open her eyes ─ if there was any hope of eradicating her headache before noon, she’d need water. dragging herself away from the warmth of her blankets ( and the comfort of the person who shared them with her ) she shuffled out of the room, her plan consisting of only being a few minutes before she could return to the comfort of her mattress.
      by the time she was back, her brain had time to slowly come back to the conscious world, which meant the anxiety she lived with had grabbed a hold of her mind. she placed the glass of water down on the nightstand, and then she habitually picked up her phone, pressing her thumb against her teeth nervously. she had only intended to check her notifications for anything important ─ a problematic habit that meant grace was almost always glued to her phone ─ but as the screen lit up the very first notification was from giselle. she didn’t need to read it to know what had happened ; and know that her morning was about to be preoccupied with everything other than sleeping. with a huff, grace let her head fall back, staring at the ceiling for a moment in annoyance. sometimes, it was exhausting being so right about everything. dropping back onto the bed, she was quick to start prodding at the sleeping man on the other side. “ hey ─ wake up. “ she repeatedly tapped his arm with the side of her hand. “ sami ─ wake up. you have to go. i have to be somewhere and you can’t stay here. “ 
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apcthetics · 2 years
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closed starter for SAMI ( @overwhlcmed​ ) location: doorway. so i can use this gif.
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◦ 「 ☆ 」 ────────────  THE ONLY REASON that grace had agreed to show up to this party was to keep an eye out for her friends. it was rare that giselle ever wanted to go out  —  although she would always give her best attempt at an enthusiastic agreement to whatever it was grace proposed, the older woman was well aware that parties and people weren’t her best friend’s preferred saturday night plans. when she explained the situation to her friends, clearly excited at the prospect of seeing the last person that grace wanted to occupy space with, grace was suspicious. she wasn’t trying to micromanage the lives of the people around her ( although, it could come off that way. ) it was just that gracelyn bao was protective over those few people who actually knew her. so if she couldn’t talk giselle out of going, then finding a costume and being her and gina’s date was plan b.
     at some point she lost them, though. the bright pink of giselle’s dress and the sparkle of gina’s wings had gone missing among the unfamiliar sea of bodies, and grace found herself sulking in the doorway. back pressed against the wall, her eyes scanned over the people surrounding her. her gaze was narrowed and calculating. like she was waiting for something to go wrong. ( she was always waiting for something to go wrong. ) 
       “ when i said i was busy saturday i didn’t mean you could follow me. “ when sami passed through the doorway, leaning against the doorframe across from her, she reached her hand out and pressed two fingers against his sternum. she had seen him earlier, but wasn’t desperate enough to chase him. the longer she stood here  —  bored  —  the more appealing talking to sami miraz seemed. perhaps she should have taken that as a hint that it was time to leave. instead she walked her fingers across his shoulders before dropping her hand back down to her side. “ also : your costume isn’t as funny as you think it is. that toy cat looks like it carries a million diseases. “ 
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