#★.    ───    HARRISON SNYDER  :  THREAD
apcthetics · 2 years
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closed starter for BIANCA ( @cherryflcvoured​ ) location: bianca’s? house???? pls bear with me this is so stupid
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˖ ✧ ★ ────────────   DESPITE THE COLD CHILL THAT HAD SETTLED IN OVER THE CITY, and the discomfort that had settled in after halloween, harrison seemed to be thriving. he was trying, desperately, to stave off the guilt that had become a permanent fixture in the pit of their stomach. trinity had been the longest relationship that harrison had ever had. they had been the first time that harrison had ever thought about what their future could look like with someone else– before, of course, their impulsive, stupid little brain had lost interest. harrison didn’t like feeling what they classified as “ bad feelings “– the kinds that settled into his bones and made it difficult for him to move ; made it difficult for him to ignore the little voice of mental illness that always lingered in the back of his mind. he had suffered through years of that. so instead of acknowledging them, working through them, and giving himself closure– like his therapist might have suggested, had they told her about any of his thoughts– they simply ignored them, leaning into the thoughts that told him to forget about the missing microwave plate and run face first into the snowstorm that was starting to amp up outside.
       how he found himself standing at bianca’s front door was a mystery to everyone, including themselves. they just followed where their feet took them, taking the subway, and trudging through the cold snow until they couldn’t feel their ears, even under the hat they were wearing. but they were there, now, knocking repeatedly against the front door until someone answered. blinking against the snowflakes that weighed down on their eyelashes, he gave a toothy grin to the familiar brunette who opened the door. “ do you see all this ?! “ his hands gestured up towards the sky in excitement, and harrison followed to look up towards the gloomy clouds that had gathered and were slowly ridding themselves of the heavy snowflakes they were carrying. immediately, he grabbed both of their hands in his own, completely disregarding the fact that his gloves were almost soaked through, and full of snow. “ come on, bee ! it doesn’t snow like this every day ! don’t tell me you’re just going to sit inside and stare at your computer some more ?! ”
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apcthetics · 2 years
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closed starter for TRINITY ( @overwhlcmed​ ) location: starbucks i guess 
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˖ ✧ ★ ────────────   JITTERY FINGERS FIDDLED WITH THE LID OF HIS TAKEOUT COFFEE MUG as harrison perched in the booth in the starbucks down the street from his apartment. they could feel the slight pressure pressing against the back of their head, the remnants of the previous night’s shenanigans making his head feel fuzzy. maybe they should have waited to have this conversation another morning─ one where it didn’t feel like the sunlight streaming in through the windows of the cafe was burning out his eyelids ( despite their attempts to get a booth towards the back where the light wouldn’t necessarily reach them─ god damn open floor plan ). but really, they had been putting off this conversation for months already. if he didn’t do it now, harrison didn’t know when he would ; he needed to grasp onto the courage that he’d found and tear off the bandaid. 
         their time spent with trinity had come to an end. in some ways, it was his conversation with luvena that had allowed harrison to finally accept that fact─ albeit, he had known it for a long time and just hadn’t been ready to admit it to himself. he felt guilty. his habits continued to bring him to this. no matter how desperately harrison wanted a person who they could ‘ settle ‘ down with without getting bored, they couldn’t seem to find anybody who fit that description. for the first three months, harrison had been convinced trinity was it─ just like the person before her, and no doubt the person after─ but then, slowly, piece by piece, he stopped feeling that spark. it died out. what had been dazzling in trinity had since dulled, and they found their feet restless again. yet harrison held onto the hope that maybe if he toughed it out this time it would come back. enough time had passed proved they were wrong. all he had succeeded in doing was making them both miserable. he wouldn’t end up like his parents. they refused─ and they didn’t want trinity to end up there, either.
        he hadn’t gone home with her. they should have, maybe─ but the risk of saying something while drunk was too much. if trinity hadn’t seen it coming from the months of distance that harrison had been putting between them, the silence before the text asking them to meet him at the nearby cafe should have alerted them to the fact there was a problem. raising his coffee to his lips, harrison used his free hand to comb his curls back away from his face─ and he glanced up just in time to spot trinity. “ hey. “ he croaked, mouth already feeling dry. this was always the worst part. harrison hated having to face the difficult conversations. they weighed heavy inside his heart. “ i um─ that’s for you. “ the corners of their lips tried to force a smile, but it looked weak. “ iced vanilla bean. . . three shots of expresso. you um─ do you want to sit ? you should probably sit. “ 
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apcthetics · 2 years
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OPEN location : 🕺🎃
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˖ ✧ ★ ────────────   “ I DON’T KNOW IF I BELIEVE IN THE MOON LANDING. “ harrison considered out loud, perching on the edge of the fallen tree that they had discovered, and as such, claimed for themselves. pulling the joint from their teeth, he blew out the smoke and then offered it out towards his ( unfortunate ) companion. “ like, okay─ i’m not that stupid. i do believe that we landed on the moon. “ every time they turned their head, the trinkets decorating their costume jangled, but it didn’t seem to bother harrison in the slightest. their hands came out on either side of them as they held them up in defense. “ but i mean. . . it wouldn’t shock me if we didn’t. like you wanna tell me we went all the way up there ? and stepped on it ? “ their fingers pointed up towards the sky, and their gaze followed. he squinted. “ richard nixon orchestrated watergate, but the moon landing was totally truthful ? ppft. “ he blew a strand of hair out of his face before shaking his head, as though his stance was obvious. “ no way. “
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apcthetics · 2 years
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closed starter for LEVI ( @cherryflcvoured​​ ) location: skate park on coney island ? 
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˖ ✧ ★ ────────────  “ HAVE YOU NOTICED TRINITY HAS BEEN ACTING. . . KINDA STRANGE LATELY ? and not strange in the fun way, strange in the ‘ maybe we should be worried ‘ kind of way. “ with his back pressed against the wooden slats that made up the side of the ramp he was laying across, harrison stared up at the clouds that floated over him. mid-day, with the sun shining as hot as it was, there were very few people skating at the boardwalk─ pretty much, it was just the two of them. although harrison didn’t care much about skateboarding ( or learning─ declan seemed far more interested than them ), they frequently trailed after levi on the weekends, looking for something to keep their ever churning brain constantly distracted. 
      “ ever since the tony’s they’ve been like─ i don’t know. irritated ? stressed ? i can’t figure it out : but you guys are kinda close now, right ? “ pushing up on their elbows, harrison reached his hand up to push hair that had fallen onto his forehead back again. “ it’s not just me ? i know i’m kind of bad at reading these things but. . . it’s like her entire personality has gone haywire. “
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apcthetics · 2 years
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closed starter for LEVI ( @cherryflcvoured​ ) location: literally standing at the door 
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◦ 「 ☆ 」 ────────────   THERE WAS NOBODY more important in the world to harrison snyder than levi and luvena. they never had a real family. growing up a void had been put inside his heart by his brothers, who as a child harrison desperately wanted to befriend. they had learned now, of course, that there was no way his family was ever going to be normal. the five of them were privileged enough they didn’t have too, and he wasn’t about to change their mind. he accepted that fact for what it was, refusing to hold onto the bitterness that came along with hating them. instead, he found his way into a new one. the three amigos in their little brooklyn apartment  —  and the revolving door of visitors that came with them  —  were the closest thing that harrison was going to get. harrison didn’t think that was too bad. luvena could be prickly at best, and harrison knew him and levi shared the same affinity for forgetfulness. but they made it work  —  they made a safe space where all three of them could thrive. 
     so of course luvena’s birthday party was going to be a big deal. despite their collective uselessness, harrison and levi had tried their hardest to make it special for her. harrison couldn’t tell if it worked, or if she understood the fact that despite the fact he kept fumbling that he was really trying for her. they hoped she did. “ levi, baby ! “ harrison came sliding to a halt beside him, grabbing a hold of his roommates rather large coat. ( they didn’t know what the costume was referencing, but whatever it was, harrison knew he was pulling it off, no questions. ) “ so i just saw declan in the kitchen and he still hasn’t put his shirt back on. i think we should make it a game where every person that shows up from here on out we tell them a fake rule. you know, make things more interesting. the more gossip we have in the morning the better, i say. “ 
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apcthetics · 3 years
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