#☣ resident evil au🔥| unleashed
spirit-of-vengeance · 4 years
Previous blog names because I couldn't decide:
- @spirit-of-vengeance (longest time url)
- @the-first-fire (short lived)
- @the-eternal-flame (even shorter lived.)
Currently spinning a story for:
- ancient Rome
- League of Legends
- ancient Egypt
- treasure hunter
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spirit-of-vengeance · 4 years
Resident evil AU, aka Project Reaper.
A/N: guess who watched finally all of the movies and was able to somewhat gathered enough mind to write the 2629th alternative universe-
A few things to clarify: I haven't played any of the games - so this is mainly movie based-, my knowledge of them is quite vague but I'm always open to learn more about it! Some things might not make sense biology vise (I tried though :,)/) but hey this is a zombie apocalypse AU-
Before all hell broke loose:
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(This part may be edited/fleshed out better/changed a little bit) From a gymnast to a champion in illegal fights, Cindy's life always revolved around physical fitness, martial arts and adrenaline fueled duels. Traditional, legal contests didn't provide enough, -she decided after winning a krav maga and taekwondo championship- she would've been restricted to using only one style, couldn't have blazed to her full potential. Instead, she entered illegally organized fights, her acrobatics combined with speed and strength turned out to be a devastatingly amazing combination. She was quick, agile yet brutal; she lived for the overwhelming feeling of adrenaline bursting through her veins accompanied by the audience's deafening roar as she pulled off impossible kicks, not giving a flying fuck about laws of physics or gravity.
Her wild talent and bloodthirst had gone quite famous in the wrong circles, many would've killed for a mercenary or an assassin like her but she only wanted to enjoy her throne as the best fighter.
It came like a lightning strike, only more unexpected: a bullet tearing through her spinal chord at the lumbar region, between the L2 and L3 vertebra, remaining lodged deep inside her body. It was the first time when Cindy truly felt pure terror, her legs didn't respond no matter how her iron will struggled. In a split second she lost everything what defined her, her passion, her lifestyle and nearly her sanity. She kept visiting doctors, professors but she received the same answer every time: even if they can take the bullet out without causing further damage and by some miracle she would be capable of walking, she would never be able to execute those kicks again.
The maddening cycle was broken when she was visited by the Umbrella, they offered a new type of treatment that will heal her damaged tissue and restore her to her full glory; of course Cindy accepted it.
Calm before the storm:
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She was skeptical, afraid to hope and fail yet again; not long after she was admitted to one of the Umbrella facility, her operation was scheduled quite quickly. The speed of the process stirred some suspicion in her, but nothing mattered as long as she will be whole again.
The serum, the T-virus did as it was promised, it reformed the damaged tissue with a catch: their structure was changed into similar material to steel. When awoken from the surgery Cindy didn't understand the excess amount of safety measures, the restraints; it was explained with preventing symptoms similar to epilepsy which might occur.
Cindy rarely cries especially in front of people. But when she could move, her walls crumbled. Her primary caretaker was a woman named Monica, she helped her experimenting with movements, diet, workouts. She was supportive and kind, though sometimes her eyes were overshadowed by strange amount of pain.
Project Reaper.
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Set during 1-2-3 parts of the films
News of the outside world haven't reached the facility, an another small detail which awakened her senses yet she hushed the feeling, after all it was the Umbrella whom healed her.
After Alice had gone rouge, the Umbrella realized they need someone, something similar to her for protection in case of a possible attack. Cindy was first addressed as Project Reaper by Doctor Isaac, to her utmost confusion; after the explanation of what is inside her, that part of her back never felt more alien. She had became a prisoner, other doctors referred to her as Project Undefeated, but the acknowledgement of her achievements haven't eased her the slightest. Tests of why the T virus haven't transformed her began, along with the attempts of ripping away her free will. Cindy was allowed to train however she wished, after all, her knowledge of combat was the reason that she was there, Monica remained her caretaker, though the relationship tainted by the betrayal.
One day a blonde man was waiting for her, he possessed speed, accuracy and extraordinary prediction of movements Cindy had never seen or been up against, yet she still lasted surprisingly long. The fight ended with him shattering most of the bones in her right arm and her passing out from the agony.
When she woke up, her whole arm was covered by the metallic tissue, instead fingers she had razor sharp claws and sudden, almost overwhelming crave for meat.
After they realized how to bring the T virus to the surface, Cindy knew they were very close to erasing the remaining parts of her.
The reckoning
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From movie 3rd
One day Monica burst into her cell, informing that they plan to use the same technique they lured her in; but now paralyze her from the neck below so the virus will almost completely engulf her during the healing process and she will be easier to control, to use against Alice or other serious threats. This was the day when Cindy used all of her collected knowledge of the layout and with the help of Monica she escaped but not without massacring as many as she could. Claws morphed into blades, spiked tendrils shot from her shoulders, but she was far from her full potential.
The state of the world was just as how Cindy imagined, she had seen both zombies and B.O.W.s at the facility; her objective was to survive and control the monster pounding at the doors of her sanity. She is driven by rage, vengeance at the suffering brought on her and the world, determined to not stop until she severed all of the heads whom are responsible for this.
Abilities besides the combat:
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After learning how, she can call upon the virus engulfing her as an armor and weaponry: spikes, sharp tendrils. It will retreat back inside her body, but her right arm will always be remain covered by it.
If she's injured in any way, the virus will regenerate the damaged tissue and like on her arm, it won't retreat.
@realprojectalice : long time ago you said in messages that you would like to interact, I finally built Cindy's AU, I had the feeling to tag you after I finally got it together 😀 (Of course it is totally fine if you don't want to interact 💖)
@muerte-rojo IT'S DONE😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
@fractalfrostandfun you said you love Resident Evil so I tagged you ^^
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spirit-of-vengeance · 3 years
I don't know how to link the meme into the post, if anyone sees this SEND HEARTS.
Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection
Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates it's a zombie apocalypse so....
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No (I actually don't know this oops-)
Have sex on the first date? Yes | No they don't really go on a date just...live together in a bunker🤣🤣
Confess their attraction first? Yes | No She prefers to be courted before, doesn't like to show her cards😂
Have children/adopt? Yes | No
Die for your character? Yes | No
Cheat on your character? Yes | No
Lie to them? Yes | No (for his safety)
Cuddle after sex? Yes | No
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spirit-of-vengeance · 3 years
"I'd totally fuck you"
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"You don't say?" The sentence purred with amusement
"If I recall our encounters correctly; it is me fucking you; but" the weapon of a woman hissed in thought
"If you want to flip the dynamic, you're welcomed to try." Long tongue darted across her sharp teeth at the suggestion; the keyword was indeed trying. Even though for once she wanted to be held in a strong embrace
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spirit-of-vengeance · 3 years
Cindy has too many AUs and names/aliases for her own good.
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Feel free to leave the What to do in the comments XD
Stolen from @spxcemuses
Tagging: @count-v-dracula @thxwxlf @mr-mansnoozie @flossinspector @ltsharpshooter & everyone who wants to do it💖
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spirit-of-vengeance · 3 years
Valentine's day special blade lady
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spirit-of-vengeance · 3 years
I broke so many bones
But NONE of them were ever my own
They were an ARMY, I was
I broke so many bones.
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spirit-of-vengeance · 3 years
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spirit-of-vengeance · 4 years
Bind - Our muses using restraints in the bedroom
Oh she finally could piss off the rigid military boy enough for him to agree to a sparring match to see if her skills match her sharp tongue.
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"You know, I've fought countless ex military guys in the cage, defeating more threatening opponents than you." Piers wasn't a 6'11 hulking tower of muscle and she didn't have to rely on her sky high kicks that much but enjoy the duel itself
"Always the same base choreography, if advanced then it is krav maga. Predictable, boring." Each delighted word was accompanied by an evade of his punches.
"Who knows? You might be stronger. But which one of us is faster?"
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Of course she kept the most flashy move as the finale. Giving him no chance to react she was already on top of him, her clawed hand securing his wrists above his head while her iron thighs a crushing grip around his waist
"And which one of us is more skilled, boy scout?"
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The sweet, familiar rush of power and victory radiated from the woman leaning forward with the usual aura of danger; how she longed for to feel this again! For a second Cindy almost forgotten about her right arm, green eyes briefly ghosted the metallic texture with a flicker of sadness quickly overtaken by rage. Still, she was careful and considerate enough to not cut his wrists, only the pressure increased.
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spirit-of-vengeance · 4 years
Her typical workout routine involved a long cooldown with almost impossible yoga poses, a last test of control over her body. She shifted into an another neck and back breaking position with ease, the tension decaying with each second passing.
Rare times when Cindy was relaxed, swimming in the bliss of post workout, admiring the result of her work. Catching a glimpse of the man whom she shared? this bunker with made the relaxed muscles rapidly jump to alert, blades bursting from her spine, preparing for defense.
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"DON'T sneak on me when I'm stretching or doing the cooldown." The woman snarled, she was too used to being alone, viewing other living beings as a threat
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spirit-of-vengeance · 4 years
Finale - Our muses have a final fling before a major battle/cataclysm
In her opinion, Cindy overstayed her welcome, she has had spent at least two weeks in the bunker, finally sleeping in a normal bed without alert or the possibility of waking up to a creature munching on her foot. But she couldn't stay. Her bloodlust urged her forward, she's not finished with the Umbrella until all of the heads responsible for this mess were severed. She had enough time to rest, to heal and to think, to plot the downfall with a somewhat clearer head.
To her utmost surprise there was a shower with warm water in the bunker and she often spent an hour in the stream, she missed and enjoyed warmth; she didn't like leaving the desert behind but she had to keep moving.
Rare occasion when she wasn't on her full guard, Cindy absent mindedly slipped from the bathroom, her thoughts revolving around the fresh blood soon spilling onto her blades and the familiar sweet rush of adrenaline. The towel was tied around her waist, she wasn't gifted in the chest area nor she had much body fat remaining; not much to look at. She was jolted from her thoughts by Piers' presence, or better said, his fixated look.
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Head tilted in curiosity, why is he staring like- ah. She raised an eyebrow but her posture remained at ease, she might as well have fun before leaving.
"You aren't staring at me as I was an object or a sex doll. Is it because you think I'm a freak or you haven't seen a woman since this started?" Cindy, as always down to the point, her words missing the usual bite, she was merely curious. She really couldn't blame him for viewing her as a monster, both personality and body vise, the way the blades stretched, grew from her shoulder definitely wasn't the most arousing sight. She wasn't fully human, nor she will ever be again and part of her couldn't comprehend the possibility that someone would look at her as a woman.
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spirit-of-vengeance · 4 years
“Don’t you trust me?”
Cindy couldn't stop the sinister laughter bubbling from the depths of her throat, her grin a little too wide, her teeth a little too sharp.
"Oh, it wasn't a joke?" Her laughter shimmered down to a low chuckle, examining her blade nails to indicate her amusement and true feelings
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"You have a military past with a well equipped bunker and people. Most of the soldiers opposing the Umbrella were caught months ago and put against me to massacre them all; and so I did for survival and to lure them into a false sense of control over me. " the mutant, the weapon stepped closer, her piercing glare unwavering
" You are either a lucky one to hide or to escape judging by that you're a mutant as well. But maybe, they succeeded with you in making a pet weapon. To cut it short: I am not convinced, one little misstep and I will slit your throat and watch you bleed out without regret."
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spirit-of-vengeance · 4 years
“I thought you were saying you would pay a thousand dollars to see a man pin-ball to his death.”
"No no, I was paid to do that."
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"Love when men learn the basics of boxing and think they are the kings. Then, they find themselves in the same arena with me and they are in for a very harsh life lesson. "
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spirit-of-vengeance · 4 years
Brief summaries of the existing AUs
@ltsharpshooter @guardianofbelief
🕸 FBI: I will kick the mafia's ass, I will kick my partners' ass, I will kick everyone's ass even if it means kicking my own ass in the process and looking fabulous while doing so. @caedls had witnessed
🔪 Assassin: if you thought John Wick was scary, I have news for you.
🏍 Biker: Cindy goes nyoooom
☣ Resident evil: Wolverine on steroids.
🐱 Cat turned: no, not a furry au, she's a literal cat. Can and will claw your eyes out and meow for attention in the next second.
👑 Royal: she's beauty, she's grace but still will punch you in the face.
👹 Monster hunter: General pain in the ass @count-v-dracula can confirm
🔱 Reverse power/Ice queen: will belt Let it Go higher and better, ice hearted bitch
🧟‍♂️ Traditional zombie apocalypse: boom headshot.
🖌Painter: starry eyes blinded by colors and passion
💉Dystopian: robocop just better, faster, stronger and way more cooler
💃 Dancer: the living art
🌌 Fire space mermaid:.... okay okay I was high on sugar when I came up with that
🌠 Cindy has returned to the stars: because who wants a being who can create galaxies to live on a tiny rock
🎙Rockstar: I killed my father and I liked it & may commit more...only @ligvrio knows
📚Highschool: probably in detention for a lifetime
👠 Supermodel: Cindy Crawford but even hotter
💲Businesswoman: boss bitch
⛓ Pitch won the 2012 battle: What the flying fuck you think you're doing on my watch-
🎸Retrofuturistic: will fuck anyone hot within arm reach. @mokandroll experienced it firsthand
🦂 Western: desert, guns, outlaws, legends and heat. Typical Cindy setting.
👽Among us: if you thought I'm in the storage/electrical without a knife, boy, you're in for a surprise.
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spirit-of-vengeance · 4 years
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Her fingerblades got struck between the trigger and the trigger guard again; if she keeps repeating this process she will end up shooting her own foot instead of the target. Okay, enough of the boiling rage at the failure: the aim is decent, the problem is that she can't pull it fast and safely enough. She ought to try with her left hand, but she wasn't too confident, after all she's always have been strongly right handed. The brief memory behind the state of her right arm sent her hurling the gun far away, maybe she should remain using her blades.
Cindy has escaped an Umbrella facility a few weeks ago, and she found herself in a middle of a Mad Max state of world spiked with zombies and B.O.W.s. She could consider herself a little bit lucky, her combat skills were useful against survivors, her mutation helped in massacring the approaching undead. The heat was bearable -at least for her-, her tolerance for it was high even when she was human, the warmth searing into her skin was welcoming, it made her feel alive ; much better than the cold labor lights glinting with menace.
She wandered alone, she needed to sort out how to use her abilities, her limits and most importantly, her quest was to sever the heads responsible for all of this. Companion would only slow her down and whom she would be able to trust or who would trust her? Deep down, she didn't even blame or mind the fearful glances, even though she began to like the way her mutations looked, it could've been much worse.
Cindy has heard about the Claire Redfield convoy traveling through the desert, she made sure she avoided them the best she could. They lured away most of the creatures within the area, so she decided time for a shopping spree.
While she was held captive she forgot to make an 'Apocalypse shopping list'; the essentials are water, food and weapons. She can cross the weapons, as for water, she can manage a low consumption. Food was a little tricky, what had remained edible and she felt like she needed raw meat. A vehicle for traveling is also important, probably a fast but sturdy motorbike; the fuel question would be difficult as Claire's convoy was rapidly drying the remaining stations. She decided to try if she can handle long range weapons, the noise may lure a few zombies close that aren't busy chasing the survivors.
She was jolted from her thoughts when she heard rhythmic, thundering steps approaching, the creature probably heard the shooting. Cindy dropped the other gun from her left hand, the corner of her mouth curving into a small grin. An another lethal dance, it seems
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'Ah shit.' She mentally cursed at the sight, the Umbrella had managed to track her down already? It was sort of similar to those hammer giants in size or whatever she was put against as well; and they only sent one? Now, that's borderline insulting. The length of her fingers grew, not morphing into a single blade just yet. Something was off with this creature and for the greatest surprise, not in a bad way, probably the lack of Umbrella logo. Those fuckers loved to make clear what and who was their plaything. Still, she remained on guard, her shoulder spikes lengthening to show despite human flesh, she was as lethal as the approaching B.O.W., the blades reflecting the unforgiving sunlight.
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spirit-of-vengeance · 4 years
Resident evil AU headcanons!
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🔥 Morally? Questionable.
At first I toyed with the idea of writing her background as a soldier instead of a cage fighter; so when she's paralyzed she is terrified not just because of her passion being taken away but the fact that she can't save people anymore.
She, in most AUs despite her violent ways, has a heroic undertone, she murders the criminals to protect the innocent from pain or death (castrating then murdering pedophiles; brutal but effective 🤷🏼‍♀). So I wanted to play with the idea of her being morally grey and selfish: deep down she feels, she knows this company is up to no good: yet she still willingly consents to the operation because only gaining her legs matter. She wouldn't even cared if she died on the operating table, she can't and don't want to live like this.
And in the revenge phrase, she doesn't do it mainly for the world but for what they had done to her: she would help if she sees someone almost getting eaten by zombies but if she has to choose between saving that person/people or murdering a person/people of the Umbrella; she would and will go for the kill.
Before encountering the Umbrella, in the fights she only wounded severely and disabled probably for a lifetime her opponents when it was truly necessary and she couldn't have won or it would be her suffering the injury. But now, she aims to cause the most pain possible before finishing Umbrella soldiers. She brings suffering with twisted joy, both because of the effect of the T virus on her already violent personality and the years spent as a prisoner, as an experiment.
🔥 Caged predator
After realizing what the Umbrella is, what they had done to her, the first thought is to run. But they already expecting that move aren't they? Not many would describe Cindy as a strategist, yet indeed she is: she controls her rage brewing stronger with each day. She senses how important she is as a weapon to them so she relies on the knowledge to gain a few favors like opportunity to train as she wants, after all she's here because of her combat abilities. She is observing the facility, trying to learn the layout and security system for the day when she will break out.
Cindy, seemingly willingly fights against other B.O.W.s when tasked to, she knows they want to measure if she's worth it, if she's truly the Project Undefeated; so she puts up hell of a show each time. She uses these opportunities to get rid of the insane built up fury as well as staying in shape and learning about the creatures that these fuckers created.
When she is on the receiving edge of pain, she chomps down on her tongue, usually at the point of drinking her own blood to prevent snarling her true motives: she will murder them all.
Seemingly, she complies, do as tasked to lure them into a false sense of control while her eyes offer a glimpse of the raging volcano waiting for the perfect moment to erupt.
🔥 Would rather die than be near a needle again.
After Cindy is free, there's not much what would make her halt. Except needles, even the sight of a hospital (or what remained of it). She would never admit but she is utterly terrified by needles and the thought of an injection. Same internal reaction to surgeon tools. The saying 'oh my god you need to go to a hospital/see a doctor' automatically triggers her fight or flight response.
🔥They wanted a Reaper. They got it.
Cindy is well aware that she is part monster and she is more okay with the fact than she should be. It was the T virus what had given her back her legs, the freedom of movement. She frequently craves blood or meat which had gotten worse after the ruination of her right arm but she never gives in to the lowly humming instinct, she keeps it locked, under control. Cindy would reject the antivirus if offered, either she would die and that's the better outcome or back at the starting point: paralysis plus completely useless right arm. She sort of accepted that she will never be fully human and after escaping and discovering more of her abilities she even began to like it. After all, having blades as fingers come pretty handy against any creature: never runs out of ammo, can't be lost, swift and silent. The Umbrella has created an extraordinary weapon, only that anyone with having their logo on them is like walking with a giant target cross.
🔥You won't even see it coming
🔥 Cindy takes great pride in that her combat skills didn't need an upgrade or enchantment. It was their defense, leaving her physical abilities untouched, they wanted a great weapon but not too great.
🔥 The spikes on her right arm vary, she can lengthen them at will as well as her claws. Her 'fingers' also can be united into a single long blade. When not alarmed it won't retreat, the average size of them is around 10-13 cm on her fingers, slightly longer on the rest of the arm.
🔥 A blade can emerge from any place of her body, surprisingly painless, she has discovered this trick when she accidentally stabbed an Umbrella doctor.
🔥Cindy can control the virus into engulfing her whole body, acting both as defense against bullets, bites and a living weapon. This is where the spiked tendrils come into the arsenal along with separating spikes, blades from the armor and using them as throwing knives.
After forcing the virus to retreat inside her body, her hunger increases each time and Cindy only uses the full transformation as last resort to avoid the urgent, pulsing craving.
@realprojectalice tell me if you don't wanna be tagged in stuff & headcanons I write, I'm just like 'look what I made😊' and I don't follow other RE blogs because I'm shy af
@muerte-rojo I GOT THE STRENGTH.
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