#☪verse: one piece
aamaranthiine · 4 months
Seafoam Dreams A summary of Amalthea's AU verse for One Piece. tagged as: ☪v: seafoam dreams sub-verses: sands of silver and gold || the lion's gilded cage. note: sub-verses are established and separate storylines within the one piece canon for select mutuals of mine. all other threads within this au are still separate from each other unless otherwise discussed.
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Amalthea originally hails from a sky island that once orbited the Red Line and the North Blue, where she was born and raised in a small community consisting of a melting pot of Lunarian individuals, avian minks and humans. It was peaceful and reasonably self sufficient, though her memories of her birthplace are long faded by the current canon.
At the age of fifteen, her island was ransacked and her family either killed or captured by the Government for use in experimentats on those of Lunarian blood. Amalthea escaped and ended up on what is in current times Rubeck Island of the North Blue. It was there she found and ate her devil fruit before being adopted into the kingdom that made the island their home.
For just around ten years, she was kept safe by the people and the royal family. Until circumstances arose that once again attracted the attention of the World Government, whose assault on the island forced her to flee into the Blue.
This becomes a pattern throughout her life; she had to learn to be elusive, keep secrets, how to hide and protect herself. How to weave the most believable lies. Even the seemingly most mundane people could not be trusted, for the fear they would be complicit in allowing the Navy to find her trail again.
At current canon, pre and post timeskip, Amalthea has been alive for over 350 years. That is a lot of history to cover but suffice to say, she is a master at surviving on her own and avoiding unwanted attention most of the time. She has taken her time to travel all four Blues and the Grand Line, exploring the far corners of the world in her search for safe havens, knowledge and useful connections. There have been portions of Time throughout the decades she has spent hidden entirely from people; to cope with the burdens of immortality, she shuts herself away to sleep or to exist outside of her humanity.
For the present day, she tends to go by the alias Thea and is known throughout underground and black market channels by the alias Luna. She is a freelance cartographer (mapmaker), navigator and log pose artificer. It is usually her and a few others work that supply poses for pirates and other non-Government affiliated individuals traveling the Grand Line and the New World. She has many contacts and connections throughout the world, and tends to maintain a neutral alignment when dealing with pirates.
The nature of her Lunarian heritage is kept very well hidden; as with no wings and no soul-flame visible, she easily passes as human. Her mythical zoan devil fruit is also kept secret, or passed off as a different type altogether through half-truths and selective use of her Ability. Her presence to those with keen Observation haki lends to the idea she is only a civilian, and never anything close to a threat.
All of course, a masterfully crafted ruse to protect herself.
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age736 · 5 months
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jujutsu kaisen and dunmeshi verses have been made here!
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aamaranthiine · 4 months
Some more concrete details about Amalthea being half Lunarian in the One Piece world. Part of a series of posts providing further world and character building notes for this verse.
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Her human traits dominated in terms of her height and physique; she's only 5'4" (162cm) and has a soft, lithe build. Her pale complexion and dark eyes could be attributed to a form of leucism; she is sensitive to sunlight due to this.
She did inherit the flame and fire affinity attributed to Lunarians - but keeps hers doused on purpose to further avoid attention. This does mean she is more vulnerable to physical damage - but that is somewhat compensated by her use of armament haki. Under extreme duress, the flame can be ignited again - and at first burns orange-yellow before transitioning to a pale purple/white color the longer it is active.
Related to the above: Amalthea is very fire resistant, borderline fire proof, with exceptions being she can still suffer mild burns if already weakened and exposed to high temp flames.
What happened to her wings? She had them from her toddler years to just around one hundred years old, give or take a decade. They were beautiful. During a confrontation with a group of bounty hunters, she was caught in a trap and her wings damaged. Panicking and desperate to free herself, Thea severed her own wings to escape - or else she would've been captured and killed.
There are scars left behind; jagged, ugly things from where she had hacked her wings off at their base joints and sliced into her shoulders on accident. These marks are often kept concealed from sight - usually under bandages or glamoured using her Abilities. Her wings could regenerate due to her Devil Fruit but she wont allow it.
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aamaranthiine · 1 month
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I have returned with more headcanon details about Amalthea's One Piece au because it forever rots my brain. I'll probably compile a master post of my detailed hcs later this weekend honestly.
Details below the cut feature an explanation regarding Amalthea's skill with Haki. Long Post Ahead
What types does she have?
Amalthea can successfully wield Observation and Armament Haki, and she did inherit Conqueror's from her mother's Lunarian lineage. She also created her own unique type of Haki, which she calls Color of Concealment.
Where / from who did she learn Haki?
Far before current OP canon, over a century and some decades ago, Amalthea spent about 40 years in the Land of Wano. She masqueraded as a young man and won the favor of a sword-master, whom tutored her in many fields but primarily refined her combat skills and taught her Observation and Armament Haki.
Her Conqueror's was trickier, as she had no one to identify or help her refine it. She has done what she could on her own to hone it into something usable.
How skilled is she with each type?
I wont lay down exact specifics for this, given how flexible the OP world is with power scaling but generally:
Observation is her best and strongest ability; her perception of the world and beings within it is exceptionally keen, from being able to determine individuals unique haki signatures to sensing and reading the emotions of others within proximity of her. She can See and Sense for up to two leagues in any direction, and has a limited form of Clairvoyance that manifests in brief glimpses of the future and strong intuition. Thea almost constantly has Observation active in a low capacity.
Armament is nearly as developed, with Thea being able to coat her entire body in varying layers of defense as needed. She can coat weapons with armament with ease and can maintain concentration on this ability for up to fifteen minutes at a time.
Conqueror's is her least refined for several factors. Thea does not have a particularly dominating mindset, being docile and conflict avoidant by nature. She also did not have any kind of proper mentor and kind of figured it out on her own - to an extent that she can manifest her conqueror's haki in subtle ways. She uses her willpower to be more persuasive, swaying others to agree or obey her if they are susceptible to such suggestion. (This pairs exceptionally well with her Devil Fruit, which grants her an innate enchanting presence that charms people.)
When under duress, Thea can knock out weaker-willed individuals and dominate beasts; if pushed to her current limits, she is able to drive people insane by focusing the full brunt of her Conqueror's haki on their mind. This currently only works on a single target at a time.
There is so much potential for this to grow further if she had the right guidance.
Concealment is the last type of Haki that Thea can use, it being one she developed herself over decades of experimenting and testing her own limits. She took the concept of Observation's perception of the world and went in a different direction. Concealment allows her to manipulate how her own haki is perceived by others, whether or not they have a refined sense of Observation. She can effectively dampen and disguise her presence from detection, typically giving the impression she's a regular civilian.
She can chameleon her haki signature to read as someone else's, as long as she is familiar enough with them and they are nearby for her to effectively cloak herself in their willpower. This can also be done if she has a possession of theirs that is infused with their haki.
When actively concentrating, Amalthea can erase her haki from being detected entirely. There is nothing to sense when she does this, completely eliminating the possibility of being perceived and avoiding Future Sight for a limited amount of time. This specific skill when paired with her Devil Fruit's ability to turn herself invisible, makes for an incredibly deadly combination.
Some drawbacks to note
It's established that one's Haki grows stronger when pitted against more powerful opponents and in Amalthea's case, she has allowed herself to grow stagnant. There was certainly a stretch of time after leaving Wano that she strived to improve but then she became focused on developing her Color of Concealment.
She is a strong and skilled user in her own right, enough to comfortably travel solo and protect herself as necessary. But she hasnt sought to actively strengthen her Haki further for a long time.
There is too that because of how Concealment functions, Thea forgets the true limits of her own strength and just how powerful she can or could be. Her stamina for maintaining haki can be somewhat inconsistent due to this. It's a complicated topic for someone who has genuinely grown to want to avoid fighting unless absolutely necessary.
Another notable drawback is the delay between using each type of haki. Thea can only use Observation and Concealment simultaneously, otherwise she needs several seconds to adjust herself mentally to refocus between them individually.
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aamaranthiine · 7 months
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Another commission I paid for, by Kruhee on discord. Featuring Amalthea in one of her variant forms, which is based off a satyr or faun from mythology. Do not remove credit or repost on other websites. This is strictly for my personal use.
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aamaranthiine · 5 months
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She says nothing. But the top 10 are accurate.
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