#☽ [ ᴛʜᴀᴛ's ᴀ ᴍᴏᴏᴅ ɢᴀʙʀɪᴇʟʟᴀ! | ooc]
grimowled · 1 month
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grimowled · 20 days
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grimowled · 22 days
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grimowled · 2 days
🦉 😈
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grimowled · 5 days
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grimowled · 14 days
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; ooc
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grimowled · 20 days
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grimowled · 5 days
can we have some info on your stolas? any special headcanons? how old is he? cis, trans, nonbinary? cloaca, cock, or stolas-ussy? give us some details! :)
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small disclaimer: there is a fair bit of canon divergence
in the mortal world stolas can morph at will into an human, a barn owl or a raven. when summoned via circle, however, he will initially appear in his eldritch demon form.
his eldritch demon form resembles a dire raven crossed with an owlbear.
given who stolas is in lore, mine is canon-divergent when it comes to age. he's young but not that young, so he's around 5000 years old. in my view hell years work differently from earth years, so it is entirely possible to go with the canon narrative that he is around 37 hell years old.
his birthday is november 11 so he is a scorpio
he is a hellborn demon, meaning he wasn't among the angels who fell with lucifer, but he is of angelic descent, as paimon's son.
apex predator: my default portrayal of stolas emphasises the shrewd, callous, manipulative and obsessive side of the demon prince, similar to the pilot, as well as the darker side of his infernal duties and insight into his powers and knowledge as an ars goetia.
courtship: stolas will use his great wealth to lavish gifts excessively, take you to see the stars, give spontaneous protection and stalk obsessively. if you're a sinner or a lower ranked demon, he may or may not attempt to coax you into making a deal to give him your soul, just so he can properly own you.
avian behaviours: these are usually curbed by the manners and etiquette he abides by. but generally speaking, stolas exhibits owl behaviours such as a variety of owl noises, feather preening, nipping and grooming others whom he's intimate with as a sign of affection.
on the mortal realm he prefers to be active at night time, the best time for sky gazing.
when it comes to food habits, he is omnivorous but his preference is an assortment of small animals that he swallows whole, unless he is in public or at a dinner party. he prefers his meat rare/raw.
he doesn't consume any dairy - he will opt for plant based varieties.
he really dislikes garlic.
owl features: he doesn't have any teeth in his default form, but has a sharp beak and a very long tongue.
stolas has excellent hearing and a well trained singing voice.
he can rotate his head to a maximum of 270 degrees in either direction, and he tilts it owlishly when he's particularly curious.
he is covered in coal-grey plumage, with white tufts on his chest and black tips on his tail and talons.
some parts of his body, like the palms of his hands, have tiny downy feathers - which is more like fur, but infinitely softer.
gender and sexuality: stolas identifies as a cis-male, and he is pansexual.
stolas has a cloaca by default, however he does not engage in a cloacal kiss for breeding as he does not deem it the most logistically efficient for that function in his form; he can therefore conjure a penile appendage to facilitate intercourse and breeding, and it will depend on his and his partner's preference whether he will do so or not.
unlike a regular avian cloaca, his own is a slit of folds between his thighs covered by a tuft of tiny downy feathers. it is capable of self-lubricating.
when conjured, his penis is long, slim and well proportioned to his lanky body. it is obviously featherless.
he is a power bottom-leaning switch.
lust is among his favourite sins for a reason - he does enjoy indulging in his cravings and desires.
he has a vast personal library of erotica, from art to novels.
kinks? he is old and has a few. just ask ;) praiseeeee
want to know what he's really like in the sheets? well, then get to work.
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grimowled · 11 days
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; ooc
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grimowled · 26 days
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grimowled · 1 month
👀 🦉 🔥
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grimowled · 1 month
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grimowled · 19 days
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grimowled · 16 days
Random positivity that I am absolutely living your Stolas and your takes and am so excited to respond to the two things we now have! I enjoy reading your writing, it’s so beautiful. Hope you’re having a lovely day~
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aaaaaaa pls, i'm the one who is so excited about writing all the things with you, you gorgeous writer !! thank you so so so much for sending in positivity and for giving me a chance to spin stories with you, you are such a stalkable joy to read on my dash and i am living for our interactions so far !! i wish a very marvellous day to you my friend 🦉🔥🔥
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grimowled · 4 days
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grimowled · 4 days
Are there any sinners that Stolas is incredibly fond of/interested in?
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actually--yes! here's my essay on stolas and sinners, but for specifics, based on current interactions and various headcanons, have some non exhaustive examples to be updated. (obviously I won't name famous people in rl history stolas is fond of, because I'd basically be pulling a dante and putting them in hell lmao but there are many of those ...)
angel dust !! special mention for my lovely @poisonedspider and @poisonedxbeauty - angel is a hoot !! he makes stolas laugh, he's beautiful, smart, kinky and fabulous and terribly broken. he feeds into the owl prince's obsessive personality and he just wants to spoil and dote on him until he can't stay away. stolas can't help appreciating his natural ... talents and assets, and is quite fond of him :>
sir pentious !! in general pentious could pique his interest as someone of intellect, good manners and ambition. definitely fond of @dark-ambition's serpentine warlord, his intelligence and bloodthirsty drive are top tier! truly, stolas will indulge such a noteworthy sinner's ambition merely to see him bloom into his full potential, and watch it all unfold with morbid curiosity. in return he gets plenty of stimulating conversations on a variety of topics and a thrilling narrative. maybe he just wants someone who is worthy of receiving his knowledge, and to spend whole nights talking under the stars with ...
husk !! we are yet to fully interact with huskies (you know who you are ;)) but we think stolas would enjoy the sullen, wise old barcat with a gambling and drinking addiction; he will ask him to whip up pretty cocktails and tell him tales of his casino days, maybe even coax him into revealing a trick or two ... but mostly, he just sits there as a patron enjoying his deep, husky voice and fills his jar with ridiculous tips. now that's a cat to share secrets with. hoo hoot!
if we count overlords as well,
zestial !! he would definitely be considered something of a kindred spirit, an ancient literate nightmare. @zestials *wink wink*
alastor !! IDEK yet ... but he would be interesting to stolas. he likes the smart, peculiar old timey ones with great style and panache - natural entertainers with an air of mystery. I can see them getting along ... or at least be on stolas' radar.
there are MORE as always but this is getting terribly long as usual, so
... come write with me!! calling all sinners to the court of the owl prince!
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