#[just a smol psa that I am SLOW]
grimowled · 5 months
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stcrsaligned · 3 years
just a smol psa that i’m still trying to get things into my queue for replies and stuff, but i’m slow and now will be slower/quieter since i’m starting my program tomorrow. I spent 2 hours on for intake this morning and reviewing program requirements and then i start 9-11 ams for group sessions and my afternoons will have appointment follow ups for one on ones. i’m expecting to be a little emotionally burnt from it all, but hopefully what comes out of all this is less of me sleeping and more of me actually being present and being able to respond to messages lol. 
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takivvatanga · 4 years
smol psa
i’ve successfully got to the end of my first week back at work on half days and it’s been...a real challenge tbh. I am getting sharper though, my memory, cognition, and processing is still impaired but not as much as it was a couple of weeks ago. My main issues have been loss of appetite/nausea and fatigue, esp after tasks that have a high cognitive load (eg everything at work lmao and also...driving. fucking driving. can’t do more than 15 minutes and THAT is a push. i’m still not allowed to ride my bike either) and honestly i take my hat off to anyone who deals with these types of symptoms on a long-term/ chronic basis. It’s a lot, and it’s really really humbled me tbh.  i really want to be able to write again, for some reason my mental IMAGERY has gotten extremely vivid and detailed after the accident but my mental vocabulary has taken a literal hit. writing is so hard. i write one sentence and forget what i’ve even written, i have great difficulty finding words, i cannot put into words what i ‘see’ in my imagination. i am trying because i love writing so much and it’s so important to me and my wellbeing but it’s such a slow and strenuous process atm. i am messing around with stuff in my docs when i feel like i can but it’s...very VERY slow.  so to anyone who is waiting for replies, they will come eventually, i just have to go at my own pace. as i recover more it will get easier. it HAS TO get easier. thank you all so much for your patience and support, i am around, i might be quiet and flakey and mostly focussed on drawing (which for some reason is coming easier than it used to? brain wtf) but i am around and i ain’t going anywhere. 
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ispiderdudei · 5 years
Only-part five
prologue part one part two part three part four part five
dad! Tom Holland x OC
only masterlist
my masterlist
Summary: Tom was living his dream as a rising star in Hollywood for the past six years. Even though it was everything he ever wanted he missed everything that he left behind. His family back in London. His best friend who’s career had also taken off and though they were roomates they never had time for one another. His first love that was torn apart by a dumbass decision. He wished he could take it all back. All the stupid decisions he made in the past that could have been the other way around if he choose the right choice. What happens when he wakes up one day in the life he should have chosen?
warnings: nervous Tom, kinda fluff, Blythe being a smol bean, um yeah that's about it
word count: 3289
authors note: I feel like everyone of these I have an excuse on why I'm late to post. Well, it’s because I’m a senior in high school who has to apply to a million scholarships so I don't have to worry about student loans, but I’ll survive:) I also am taking three college classes and ironically English is the one that is killing me. I thank you for your patiences and wish me luck. Idk when the next part will come out but don't worry it’s happening. Also you know, just feel free to send me an ask anytime like I don’t mind (PSA this is my favorite look ever pic is definitely not mine)
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After Blythe’s little incident and a good ten minutes of Lennon tending to her daughters small wounds they finally were able to calm her down before making their way back to the party. Tom was still overwhelmed by what happened earlier and it made every worse case scenario run through his mind. It was mostly about how he imagined Lennon finding out. The more he thought about telling her the more he backtracked his plan all together. Tom wasn’t going to tell her today. He knew that for sure, but that didn’t mean he could wait forever. Tom didn’t know exactly how this scenario would play out but he really didn’t want to at the least. He didn’t want Lennon to hate him and he also didn’t want her to act like she forgave him automatically.
He decided he needed to find the right opportunity because that’s what is best for everyone. He needed to wait it out because he still didn’t know if it was permanent, so why would he jeopardize it. If Blythe had come in a few moments later he would be hating himself even more. No matter how much he wondered if Lennon's lips were still as sensational as he remembered them to be. Another part of him wondered if he felt guilty just being so close to having an intimate moment with her how much more of that would build up inside of him.
Lennon brushes the curls out of her daughter's hair one last time before giving her a soft smile, “Are you going to be okay now?” The girl sniffed and nodded watching her mother stand up. Lennon turned to Tom giving him a sorrowful look and it made him panic even more because he knew what it was for.
Lennon and Tom grabbed the food while Blythe trailer behind them as they all walked back outside. Tom noticed more people than he did before, but that was because he just wasn’t paying attention earlier when he walked in with Xio. He saw many faces familiar, new, and old. It made his mind wonder on how the hell he was going to converse with them and still take on the persona of this other Tom. It was easier for him to talk to Harrison and Xio because they knew it wasn’t him. It wasn’t easy to talk with Lennon, but he was comfortable in the small conversations they have had so far.
“Can I go back to playing,” Blythe asked her mother in a more chipper mood looking at a few kids that Tom didn’t recognize.
Lennon nodded looking down at her. Blythe smiled rushing over to them stumbling a little. “Be careful please,” Lennon yelled at her letting out a sigh, “That child is a spitting image of you, I swear.”
Tom looked at Lennon shaking his head, “She’s a hundred percent you.” He meant every word their daughter was definitely a copy Lennon from the short time Tom knew her. Blythe didn’t have to do much to tell Tom that she was Lennon’s daughter because she was so much like her. He didn’t have to think about the fact that she had the same physical features as him but her mannerisms were like her mother’s.
Tom couldn’t remember much from his childhood. Well, he couldn’t remember some things, but he did remember Lennon. She was always so happy and full of energy. She never seemed to slow down and kept him on his toes when he was around her. When something sad would happen she would be back to herself in no time. Blythe proved that to Tom just mere seconds ago when she was a mess and then went straight to her task before she got hurt. It was almost scary how much their personalities were almost the same.
Lennon just scoffed at Tom rolling her eyes, “You only say that because you’re too stubborn to realize she is a girl version of you.”
“You can’t tell me that child who is stopping to pick the dandelion to make a wish is mini me,” Tom asked as he watched the five-year old stopped dead in her tracks looking down at the weed before picking it up and holding it tightly with one hand squeezing her eyes shut as the children rush pass her before blowing it out with the biggest smile on her face.
Lennon let out a laugh, “Well, I remember both of us doing that if I do recall.”
Tom smiled softly, “I’m glad I did because most of my wishes came true.” Well not exactly for him but the other him. You’ve learned by now Tom has always had the biggest crush on Lennon no matter how much he didn’t want to admit it. Lennon liking him back was a shock and he never expected her to return the feelings no matter how many times Haz told him to grow a pair and ask her out. She was too perfect for him
Lennon gave him a sly smile rolling her eyes, “You were always one for cheese Tom.”
Tom shrugged, “What can I say?
“Ah, Thomas, nice to see you not overthinking things,” a thick Irish accent said behind him making the hairs on the back of his neck. Tom knew it anywhere because it was one he had to reason with when was dating Lennon and to be honest it still gave him anioxty to this day.
The funny thing about Lennon’s father, Alex, is that he is the living embodiment of James Bond, Pierce Brosnan’s version, of course. One of his most fond memories of Lennon’s father is when Lennon, him, and Harrison went to see Mamma Mia in the Cinema. He took Lennon home after and he was face to face with the man when walking her to the door swearing he would break out into a song by ABBA at any given moment, or run off with some Meryl Streep doppelgänger to Kalokairi. He would never do that to his wife though. They were far too in love.
It wasn’t that Tom enjoyed Lennon’s father’s company it’s just something you don’t exactly need when you have everything else running through your mind. Having to deal with the man he had been afraid of since he started dating Lennon wasn’t at the top of his list. He respected the man as much as he did his own father, but he knew that in his old life the man probably hated his guts. Tom won’t blame him for it because he would only blame himself. Hell, he already did.
Tom let out a nervous laugh that didn’t have to be forced because his he was so anxious he was scared Alex would sense something off about him because it has happened many times before. The man was like a bloodhound on a search for its owners next game while on an afternoon hunt. “Well I am trying. Being laid back was a goal I have for the new year of my life.”
Lennon's father took a sip of his drink before winking and pointing at Tom mere seconds after the glass left his lips. “That’s always been a good goal of yours. Glad you are finally living up to it.”
“Awe, come on dad, Tom has already been doing that,” Lennon beamed looking at her husband making Tom give her a timid smile. Alex gave him a look that Tom has seen before.
He was having serious déjà vu and it wasn’t the good kind. It was like a happier version of the memory before and Tom was slightly scared. The memory was when Tom asked for her father to approve him asking Lennon for his hand in marriage. They were never engaged when they called things off but Tom wanted to do it so desperately.
It was at a dinner party Nikki decided to hold for something Tom couldn’t quite remember, but he did at the time. It was only them and a few family friends nothing too special; him and Lennon were a few months into their relationship that still felt surreal to Tom.
He knew he needed to talk to Alex and he was scared out of his mind. He feared rejection the most because he knew the man hardly trusted him when he was just friends with his daughter. Lennon was off with Xio and a few other girls that were invited and Tom took the chance. He saw him standing on the porch talking to his father and knew it was now or never.
Taking a deep breath he walked over to the tall Irishman trying his best to not stumble and fall on his face while on the way to ask the man the question that will change his future. As he approached closer Tom had second thoughts but he tried his hardest to hide them so it wouldn’t get the best of him. He was sticking to his plan no matter how much he wanted to not ask all together.
Alex noticed Tom approaching upon first glance and gave him a smile. Tom looked between the two men giving them both a nod while putting his hands in his pockets.
“Lennon leaves you alone for a couple of minutes and you don’t know what to do, am I right Thomas?” Alex said smiling down at him earning a laugh from Dominic.
Tom smiled nervously, “Uh, no, actually I came over here to talk to you about something. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“Not at all,”  Alex reassured him, “This old man was just getting a good point around about London’s traffic laws.”
Dominic shook his head, “I’m sure we can continue our political debate later. Perhaps over another game of golf. I can play easier so I don’t win.”
“I think that’s how you play naturally Holland,” Alex playfully said back earning a laugh from Dominic.
Tom’s father looked towards the kitchen at his mother who was motioning for some assistance from him and let out a site tucking his hands in his pockets, “I suppose the spouse is calling me. Perfect timing for you, Tom.” He gave both his son and Alex a nod before walking off.
Tom gulped, he hoped it wasn’t noticeable to the man standing in front of him because if he knew how terrified he was there was no telling on what he was going to say in their next conversation.
Alex slung his arm around tom’s shoulder patting letting out a chuckle, “Your father is something Thomas. Maybe that's why I like you so much.” It was something said so simple, but it gave Tom a spark of hope and eased his nerves at the thought of Lennon’s father liking him. “Now, my boy, what is it you need to talk to me about,” Alex asked as he lead tom to a secluded part of the Holland’s yard stopping looking down at him as he waited patiently for Tom to speak.
Tom stood a little taller than normal adjusting his jacket as he tried to relax his shoulders, “I, uh… well sir you are well aware I have liked your daughter for a while. Even before we were dating.”
Alex narrowed his eyes at Tom. It wasn’t out of anger, no, far from it. He was doing it because it seemed he was trying to piece together at what Tom was getting at. Alex is an intelligent intellectual that can seem to figure things out quickly and it usually was a problem or a person that he was able to solve. Tom, however, was scared to say anything before the man spoke. He felt like he was constantly trying to impress the man. “I’m well aware of you’re infatuation for my daughter, yes. You two have been dating for a while I hope you’d at least expect me to notice.”
Tom’s eyes widened, “O-of course, Sir. I had no doubt that you are i-in-informed of Lennon and I.”
The man let out another deep throat chuckle, “Now Thomas, you don’t need to act nervous around me we’ve known each other for quite some time and I think it's only fitting for you to not stress so much around me.”
But that was the thing, everything that was going through Tom’s mind at the moment was making him nervous. What he was doing could make or break him and Lennon’s relationship. He was scared shittless to say the least. He cleared his throat hoping years of acting school and control of his voice could help him the situation he was in, “Well, you see, what I’m going to ask might.”
“What would that mean,” Alex asked his voice laced in concern. It caught tom by surprise. It only made tom’s mind wonder to Alex thinking the worst-case scenario. “Is there something you need to tell me Thomas.”
It was that look.
Tom let out a nervous laugh, “I guess I said that wrong and can see where you are interpreting what I’m saying as something negative, but I promise it's not.”
The olderman placed his hands on his hips, “Well go on.”
Tom took a deep breath, “Well let me start out by saying I love your daughter more than anything. I think she is breathtaking and her flaws are just as beautiful as her perfections. Lennon has taught me how to stay grounded through everything and has given me more second chances than I could count. She is amazing and has this presents about her that makes me want to know than I already do about her. Even our relationship started as friends she is always proving that she is the one that I’ve always wanted to have a life with as I grow older. I know your gonna say we are too young and that I’m crazy for even thinking you’d say yes. And believe me I have prepared myself for your rejection-”
Tom didn’t even processes Alex’s reactions. “I just want you to know that I’m not going to stop asking, because I know she is my future. Not some stupid movie deal or another musical opportuinity… What?”
“Yes, Thomas you have my blessing.”
“You’re serious.”
“I can take it back if you like and say no,” Alex state bluntly.
“No!” Tom said a little too loudly making some of the people close to them turn to the sudden raise of his voice. He cleared his throat, “No. I uh- I just- I didn’t think that would work out so well.”
“For Christ sakes,Thomas, don’t tell me you have flashcards prepared.”
Tom let out another laugh, “Something like that yeah.”
Alex rolled his eyes, “You try too hard. I do trust you, Thomas, because Lennon trust you. Do I think I’m crazy for approving for my daughter to marry so young? Yes, but I rather it be with you than some son of a bitch that I know wasn’t good for her.” He looked over Tom’s shoulder and smiled.
“Hi dad,” he heard from behind him, “Tommy.” The two men didn’t say anything. “Did I interrupt something?” Lennon raised an eyebrow before intertwining her fingers with Tom.
“Not a thing Lennonbug,” Alex said smiling at his daughter proudly before giving the same look to Tom.
This was everything he wanted.
However, he didn’t want to think about the look Alex was giving him right now, “How have you been improving Thomas?”
Tom’s palms were sweaty as Lennon gripped his arm. This wasn’t him being scared shitless asking her father to marry her. This was him being scared shitless on what to say to the man in front of him in an opposite way. “Just… going with the flow…” Tom mentally cursed himself because he would never say that.
Both of them gave Tom an odd look before looking at each other. Before either one of them could speak on Tom’s choice of words the voice of Nikki came from the front porch, “Okay everyone lunch is ready. Let’s hurry and eat before Harry dies of starvation.” Before everyone could trample over to the plastic table outside that was filled with a full buffet Nikki stopped them, “But before we do so we should congratulate Tom for achieving all that he has. I’m proud of you for blessing me with the two most adorable children and the best daughter in law a mother could ask for.”
Tom smiled at his mother nodding in appreciation placing a hand on Lennon’s back. “Thanks Mum,” there was a slight pause as if everyone expected him to say something else, “What are we all standing around for let’s eat, I’m famished.”
The guests cheered before making there way to the table. Blythe ran up to Tom grabbing a hold of his had pulling him towards the crowd of people waiting in line, “Come on Daddy we need to hurry up if you want to get something to eat.”
Lennon laughed at the little girl, “Hang on little bird we need to wait for our turn. There are still going to be quite a bit of food left by we get to the table.” She turned to Tom, I’m going to get Eli and make sure you don’t put too much on her plate. We don’t need the incident we had at the twins party. As for you,” she turned to her daughter, “ You need to at least have a few vegetables on your plate if you want any cake.”
“Okay, Mummy,” Blythe let out another annoyed groan tugging Tom’s had more. Making him
practically stumble to the line of family and friends.
The party unfolded like any other everyday gathering with Tom able to avoid questions his brothers threw at him throughout lunch. Most of which were covered by Xiomara, and the slight uncomfort he felt when Lennon got up to go get something from the kitchen didn’t help his current situation.
Just when Tom thought he couldn’t bare his siblings grilling him about his current life a sense of relief came over him as the voice of Lennon came through the back door. Her smile was as bright as the glow of the candles lit brightly on the cake she was holding. Her voice carried the familiar tune as everyone else around him began to sing happy birthday.
Lennon set the cake down in front of him, placing a hand on his shoulder making him tense up. He made sure to not flinch so much. Being put in a situation that might make everything go away the next day made Tom start to panic. What was he supposed to do in this situation? Everyone tuning into the song with their gaze on him. Blythe plopping down next to Tom leaning over looking in awe at the pastry in front of her father.
“Make sure you wish for something good daddy,” The little girl whispered as the short song came to an end. He knew that but what the hell was he supposed to wish for. She looked over at him with her doe eyes, “Can I blow them out with you?”
Tom gave her a tight smile nodded allowing her to slide into his lap as everyone huddled around them. Tom shut his eyes and told himself to just live in the moment. With Blythe’s weight shifting in his lap and the feeling of Lennons hand on his shoulder this moment couldn’t have been more perfect. He couldn’t wish for this life to last but he could just let it temporarily engulf him with happiness.
That was his wish to just see what happens next with what could have been.
taglist: @let-me-luve-you​ @lemondropirwin​ @afterglowparker​ @underooshields @mybitchborky​ @theamuz​
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videcoeur · 4 years
smol psa
I just saw a post about how people were afraid of ‘are they following for follower counts or do they want to rp?”
The answer with me is simple : If I follow you, I am interested in roleplaying with you. 
I am not shy to the point I will never make the first move, however, I rarely do the first move because I am slow as heck when it comes to roleplaying. Ask anyone who rp with me. I take anywhere between 1 hour or 14 days to reply to threads because of my busy lifestyle. I’ve also given myself a monumental task by overhauling this blog and bringing all of my muses on here. That’s over 500 characters that needs to be added and I’m chipping at it slowly. I also love to draw, so I lose rp time with that too lmao
Because of that, I tend not to do the first move, because I don’t want to get someone hype for rps, only for them to realize that I will never reply super fast, no matter how interested I am in a plot.
THAT SAID. If you are a patient roleplayer and we are mutuals, I am always 100% down to rp.  
So basically, don’t think I just follow you for follower count, i don’t give a rats ass about that. If I follow you, I like your muse(s) and would love to interact :)
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lizzy-lineart · 4 years
I am a smol teen on my bike, just trying to get to walmart to get some toothpicks. A PSA to drivers, DONT GO AROUND CORNERS IN SHOPPING PLAZAS AT 60 MPH!!!!! SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!!!! YOU CANT SEE THE PEDESTRIANS AND THEY CANT SEE YOU!!!
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triedtobcgood · 6 years
just a heads up to all you lovely people, I am having a really hard week. a lot of stuff is going on in my personal life. and I am trying to get replies and stuff done but it’s just not working. I may be selective. i may be be incredibly slow or reply like lightning when I need the distraction. I promise to tag any mood drops or negativity so you guys don’t have to see it if you don’t want. but know that when you guys do reach out (whether I respond or not) it means a great deal. anyway...smol psa
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rogue-snorunt · 6 years
What's up my sweet meme friend?💕💖👌🙈hope ur having a neat day🙏
Cosmic bless to you dear friend! You cutest of patoots.TBH I am a bit of a mess.. no worry I just took my meds very late today so I’m feeling strange; my human form feels fade-y and mind an hourglass in space going both fast and slow.I’ll be alright, i just did myself a goof today.I’ll be better in a bit.
I hope you’re day is stable and goodAlso quick PSA:Did anyone else forget their meds; eat and drink water today? If not; please go those things kiddos
My gif no work and I has a salty: it that smol human laying on floor been drag spun by smol carousel
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cxsmictxy · 8 years
Another smol psa and this one’s not as pleasant
So... I need to leave my current living situation. It’s figuratively and literally killing me.
What do I mean by this? WELL.
I mean that my parents seem to be actively trying to make me feel suicidal and miserable on a nearly-daily basis. My father has started using the r-slur ever since I was diagnosed with autism (after never using it even once in my whole life). My mother is trying to educate herself, but she remains so ignorant as to think that I belong in an institution and don’t WANT a future of any kind.
Which isn’t true. I do want a future. 
I’m just suffering the autistic burnout of quite literally a lifetime of passing and hiding and being terrified and alone. And it’s hard to think about a future of any kind when you can barely remember things from a few days ago without tremendous effort.
On top of all this, I am so stressed- even from just being around my biological family for a few hours a day- that until a week ago I was having spells of dizziness strong enough that I needed my cane to avoid falling on my damned face. (Oh yeah, and the reason my hip hurts? WHOOPS IT’S AN EXPOSED NERVE GRINDING AGAINST BONE YEEHAW. Short of rebuilding my hip it ain’t going away.)
There IS some hope, however. I’ve been working on the paperwork to get onto more permanent disability coverage, I have a social worker, I have friends I can talk to face-to-face and friends from here. But it’s still going to be tough. Possibly the toughest thing I’ve ever done.
But, hopefully... it’ll be worth it. And I won’t have everything torn away from me again the moment I feel any genuine happiness.
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pelle-lavellan-a · 7 years
Smol Little Apology PSA
Hey guys!
So I know some of you guys have had threads in my drafts for quite a few days and I just wanted to apologize for being so slow. As I’m sure some of you guys are in college too you must know how awful the month of April is RIP
I’m not ignoring anyone I promise and I know I have gotten to some threads quicker than others BUT I have not forgotten you I promise! I just have a lot of work to do with the semester coming to a close, a lot of stress also cause school and deadlines creeping up, and I am very VERY tired. Like My eyeballs hurt man XD 
But yeah anyways, I am working on replies slowly but surely I promise. The last three weeks of school just feel a little crazy so it’s really been wearing me down. Hopefully once the semester ends I’ll be able to get back to my normal replying speed but at the moment I just feel exhausted all the time, thanks school :l
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