#☽ || adventure of a lifetime ;; open
salveticn · 1 year
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Sprawled over the grass slept the young Emissary, one arm thrown over the head while the other seemed to weakly clutch a book, whose pages have been flying and turning from the bookmark he left with his thumb. Silvery locks flew as the wind blew, oftentimes brushing over his face as he laid there, unbothered, clearly passed out...from exhaustion, perhaps?
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salveticn · 2 years
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it didn't seem that difficult , yet he couldn’t manage to make it work out : despite reading the three simple instructions to ensure that the result was like the one shown on the package , as he went to open the microwave door he found in his hands a scorching glass cup with something questionable inside that seemed anything but a chocolate mug cake : a little liquid , only half successful , embarrassing-looking , not at all like the one shown on the package .
what did he do wrong ? well , at least it was still good ... even if it was as hot as lava !
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salveticn · 2 years
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there was a miniature batrachoi with some sort of toy missile taped to its back floating around the streets of amaurot . the creature appeared calm , in its lane , not minding at all that it was floating above everyone’s head . it was obviously fake , kept up in the air thanks to elidibus’s magic .
it was an ongoing experiment fully organized by himself , whose mismatched eyes looked curiously at the souls that observed the subject with confusion .   the name of the experiment ? to kiss under the missile toad !
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salveticn · 3 years
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     ❝ sure , you can have one . ❞   he utters , handing you a lavender-flavored pocky .
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salveticn · 3 years
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he grabs the snout of his adored python and rubs his nose against it in a very affectionate way . ❝ bloop-bloop-bloop--!! ❞
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salveticn · 3 years
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     someone was looking positively vibrant today ! and he made sure it was noticeable by walking with a pep in his steps ! as the scions prepared for the upcoming adventure , elidibus could not help but do the same . his lithe heart could only fill with joy !
     ❝ tataru said she was going to craft me a new outfit ! whatever it is , i know it’ll be perfect ! ❞
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salveticn · 3 years
     a mortal’s life was never made easy , and since elidibus joined the scions of the seventh dawn ... he felt it on his skin .   was not for this mortal flesh giving him limitations , the youth was certain he would climb mountains !
     following the warrior of light around , to be dragged into adventures was everything his heart desired ... but it was tiring ! physically exhausting !   he needed to sit down a minute ...
     ❝ eugh -- ! ❞   huffed , quivering legs pulling his sore body somewhere he could sit and relax . even the ground looked comfortable enough , but his body somehow managed to pull him to a chair , on which he glued his arse , never to stand up again .   damn this frail flesh !
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     ❝ i’m fine , really ! i’m fine ! i only need a minute to rest ... ❞
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salveticn · 3 years
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☽ || TAGS !!
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