#☽║☾ beloved by Ra | meta
sundrought-blog · 7 years
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☽║☾ META. kinda. i lowkey feel like anubis and chet  would get a kick out of syfy’s ‘ the magician’s ‘ due to  its portrayal of magic and other deities and universes!!  also it’s super unpredictable and will have you both  confused af and on the edge of ur seat 10/10 would  recommend. 
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sundrought-blog · 7 years
dose of egyptian deity headcanons | day 5: 
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☽║☾ Assuming a human!au of some sorts, I always imagine Anubis being an English or Business major. Perhaps even dual-majoring, even though that sorta thing is difficult. He seems like the type that would coast by without needing to study much (something even I’m jealous about lol), often garnering A’s and B’s while having a large social circle. His favorite part about being a dual major is that he gets to meet people from both sides of his majors and often gets into discussions about books and business models w/ others. He also has a soft-spot for philosophy, and often tries to fit in a class every semester or so to keep his mind sharp! Oh, Anubis also gets along splendidly w/ his professors, so he doesn’t mind going to office hours or chatting w/ profs outside of class to find out more about quizzes/tests/hw etc., and relaying the information to his friends! Overall, he’s a pretty popular guy, though one who may stretch himself too thin every now and then when he wants to please people. 
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As for Chet, I could see her doing any of the natural sciences, but I always like to imagine her as a physics major-- with a concentration in astrophysics. There’s something comforting in the stability and no-nonsense way that numbers and formulas work and I feel like with Chet, she would prefer a subject of study that doesn’t require a lot of emotional output. Being able to chill in a lab or sift through a textbook at her leisure would be her idea of a good time. Also, she likes the sorta people that are in her track too-- headstrong, dedicated students who don’t complain too much about course-load (at least not during study sessions) and are always willing to help others. Though she appears cold upon first meeting her, she is always ready to help anyone who asks-- often becoming an unofficial tutor/SI for whatever class she’s in. 
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sundrought-blog · 7 years
dose of egyptian deity headcanons | day 4: 
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☽║☾ Anubis’ range of music interests is eclectic at best. Though he is of course partial to songs in Arabic, he’s down to listen to anything. Whether it be classical to synthwave, odds are, if Anubis has been exposed to the genre, he has a song or two in his collection. He prefers music that is easy to listen to or has a catchy beat; he often uses such music while writing his novels, hence his want for something that while not distracting, will keep him awake and alert as he writes. Overall, he finds the music produced by humans to be quite stimulating and it is one of the first things that made him fall in love with humanity, coincidentally enough. 
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As for ‘Chet, she is more of a fan of ballads and instrumental pieces. Anything that she can listen and relax to is something she’s quite fond of. She’s also the type to make playlists for certain moods, places, etc., and will often make playlists for her friends based on music she thinks they would like. Her favorite pastime is to listen to soft, lullaby-like music before relaxing, napping, or sleeping. She’ll also sing along to old classics and new, mainstream pop just as easily when she’s alone and doing household chores. 
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sundrought-blog · 7 years
dose of egyptian deity headcanons | day 3:
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☽║☾ Anubis doesn’t often get bored, but he does have a few hobbies here and there other than writing and reading when it comes to free time and nothing to do. For one, he’ll end up down the good ol’ wikipedia rabbit-hole, finding himself searching stuff about modern-day Egypt and ending up on a page about the history of desserts in Europe. Needless to say, besides internet-binges, he also ends up chatting with whatever spirits are near him and working on his healing magic-- it’s not the best, being a death god and whatnot, but he does practice on himself. Though his own rate of regeneration is quite good despite the limitations of his corporeal body, he does try to speed it up with his own magic, often closing large cuts within five-ten seconds if he’s really focusing. Oh, also when bored, he’s the type to do random chores around his apartment, whether it be sweeping, tidying up, or doing the dishes. 
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For Chet, she has a much more tame, relaxed way of spending her free time. She’ll often end up watching historic documentaries while knitting, browsing her phone every now and then too to keep up with current news. Sometimes, if she has the ingredients, she’ll try to bake something new. She’s not as avid a reader as Anubis, but she does enjoy reading short stories or anthologies-- though she prefers scientific works/journals and poetry over simple fiction. If truly bored, she’ll end up humming and singing to herself, testing out her voice in different languages to see where she needs to improve as far as pronunciation goes. And, if that doesn’t work, she’s not adverse to a little mid-afternoon nap to pass the time! 
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sundrought-blog · 7 years
dose of egyptian deity headcanons | day 2: 
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☽║☾ As you might expect, Anubis’ style of texting is errant and almost nonsensical at times. He’s all for slang... even if he may use it at improper times. He’s usually by his phone too, so unless he’s asleep or preoccupied with his writing, he’ll be quick to text back! He is very much into using emoji’s, perhaps even overusing them-- he’s also the type to triple or even quadruple text someone regardless of the time of day. His favorite/most used emoji’s are: 😇 😚 🌻 💖 🎉
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As for Chet, she is much more conservative with her texts. She often forgets to check her texts and leaves her phone on silent a lot, so it may be a few hours before she gets to responding. She is always polite and uses proper grammar, capitalization, and spelling when texting. She also rarely uses emoji’s, but she does adapt here and there for whoever she’s talking to-- if it’s a person who uses a lot of emoji’s (like Anubis), she’s more apt to end her goodbye or hello texts with emoji’s. Her favorite/most used emoji’s are: 😌 😈 ☀️ 💞 👑
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sundrought-blog · 7 years
dose of egyptian deity headcanons | day 1: 
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☽║☾ For Anubis, sleep comes easily. Due to having a weakened corporeal form, he often finds himself tired after a few hours of strenuous activity. Usually, when his head hits the pillow, he’s out in a flash. Though prone to overthinking in his waking life, he’s adapted and has even become addicted in a sorts to the emptiness that sleep brings. He doesn’t often dream-- it’s a time for his brain and body to recuperate, and though it is only in his time on earth that he’s had to ever physically require sleep, it is something that he looks forward to every night. He often oversleeps, going to bed early at around 8 or 9pm and waking up around 8am for an average of 11-12 hours most nights.  tldr; egyptian god sleeps too much and is still tired. help him. 
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In contrast, Chet has a fitful time when it comes to sleep. She could almost be classified as an insomniac of sorts, keeping odd sleep hours on the days she doesn’t work at the coffee shop. She tries to get 6-7 hours most nights, but her average is closer to 4 hours. She hasn’t succumbed to the newfound need of sleep in her corporeal body and often fights against it, having spent less time on earth compared to her father. Unlike Anubis, who can fall asleep in a loud, bright environment (aka anywhere), Chet requires complete and utter darkness and some sort of steady background noise. Often, she keeps the fan on her bedside table on since the gentle hum helps lull her to sleep. 
tldr; egyptian goddess doesn’t get enough sleep. no wonder she works as a barista. 
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sundrought-blog · 8 years
What are your muse’s aesthetics?
Tagged by: the lovely  @valorandheart ( thanks a bunch <333 ) 
Tagging: asdklskl literally anyone who reads this and wants to do it. like pls i’d tag my entire blog roll but that’d be excessive ;3; 
Red . Orange . Yellow . Green . Blue . Purple . Pink . Fire . Ice . Water . Air . Earth . Claws . Fangs . Wings . Gold . Diamonds . Grass . Leaves . Trees . Roses . Cherries . Metal . Iron . Rust . Rain . Snow . Lace . Leather . Silk . Velvet . Denim . Cotton . Sun . Moon . Stars . Blood . Dirt . Mud . Silver . Steel . Sugar . Salt . Pepper . Lavender . Glass . Wood . Paper . Wool . Fur . Smoke . Ash . Cigarettes . Cigars . Candy . Bubbles . Ocean . Cityscape . Night Sky . Bruises . Scar . Wind . Spices . Light . Dark . Paint . Lingerie . Charcoal . Wine . Phone . Hard Liquor . Sweat . Tears . Dust . Lips . Smiles . Bare Feet . Hats . Canine . Feline . Coffee . Tea . Books . Photos . Sketches . Analog . Digital . Clockwork . Scratches . Petals . Thorns .Hay . Glitter . Heat . Cold . Steam . Frost . Dewdrops . Candle . Sword . Dagger . Arrow . Hammer . Axe . Shield . Spikes . Sand . Rocks . Roots . Feathers . Pearls . Rubies . Sapphires . Emeralds .  Amethyst . Herbs . Waves . Lightning . Sunlight . Moonlight . Rainbow . Money . Clay . Stone . Marble . Jasper . Brick . Lions . Cats . Wolves . Black . White . Birds . Eyes . Hands . Flowers . Prism . Fake
Red . Orange . Yellow . Green . Blue . Purple . Pink . Fire . Ice . Water . Air . Earth . Claws . Fangs . Wings . Gold . Diamonds . Grass . Leaves . Trees . Roses . Cherries . Metal . Iron . Rust . Rain . Snow . Lace . Leather . Silk . Velvet . Denim . Cotton . Sun . Moon . Stars . Blood . Dirt . Mud . Silver . Steel . Sugar . Salt . Pepper . Lavender . Glass . Wood . Paper . Wool . Fur . Smoke . Ash . Cigarettes . Cigars . Candy . Bubbles . Ocean . Cityscape . Night Sky . Bruises . Scar . Wind . Spices . Light . Dark . Paint . Lingerie . Charcoal . Wine . Phone . Hard Liquor . Sweat . Tears . Dust . Lips . Smiles . Bare Feet . Hats . Canine . Feline . Coffee . Tea . Books . Photos . Sketches . Analog . Digital . Clockwork . Scratches . Petals . Thorns .Hay . Glitter . Heat . Cold . Steam . Frost . Dewdrops . Candle . Sword . Dagger . Arrow . Hammer . Axe . Shield . Spikes . Sand . Rocks . Roots . Feathers . Pearls . Rubies . Sapphires . Emeralds .  Amethyst . Herbs . Waves . Lightning . Sunlight . Moonlight . Rainbow . Money . Clay . Stone . Marble . Jasper . Brick . Lions . Cats . Wolves . Black . White . Birds . Eyes . Hands . Flowers . Prism . Fake
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sundrought-blog · 8 years
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☽║☾ META. | @unholybloodshed && @photographicink | just so ya guys know... anubis did have long hair way back when (like legit it was ~27 B.C.). but he’s kept it short ever since bc he kept getting mistaken as being his own wife instead of, well, the egyptian god of death. it’s a sore spot for him to be sure.
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sundrought-blog · 8 years
☽║☾ META. okay, so i’ve been thinking about this for awhile... for deities, aging isn’t as linear as it is for humans. to begin, the actual aging process is much slower than in humans. given their near immortal lifespans, deities really aren’t considered ‘of age’ until they are at least a thousand years old. Hence, Chet would be around the human equivalent of ~18, which fortunately coincides with her physical appearance. This isn’t always the case.
Anubis’ physical appearance is somewhere around early to mid thirties (i’d say ~32 is a good ballpark range for him). While there is only a 14 yr difference in Anubis’ and Chet’s physical ages, the stretch of time between them is very great. Anubis is an old god-- the height of his reign was around 27 B.C. His mental age is on a whole other scale compared to humanity. BUT, due to his very amicable and carefree nature, he often gets mistaken for being much younger, even by other gods. He doesn’t make a habit of showing off his wisdom or knowledge, but rather, uses it to make others more comfortable/calm around him. He’s got great interpersonal skills in this way, that truly only shine in his ability to make friends effortlessly and to forge strong, unwavering friendships. 
( frankly, given enough wisdom and time, you tend to care less about what others think of you and rather, focus on what matters to yourself. for anubis, this has always lied in helping others ) 
Also, on a side note, while he is proud to call Chet his daughter, he realizes that many humans would not believe him to be her father given their proximity in physical ages. Hence, when around casual acquaintances (i.e., people who do not know of his status as a deity), he calls her his ‘younger sister.’ Though it is something he loathes to do, he understands that it is a necessary lie. 
tldr; anubis’ physical age is around ~32 while chet’s is around ~18. bc of this, anubis often has to pretend that chet is his younger sister instead of his actual daughter when it comes to talking to humans who do not know they are deities. 
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sundrought-blog · 8 years
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☽║☾ meta. okay as far as useless headcanons go, i’m 100% sure ‘Chet  excels at carnival games. anything that’s supposedly ‘rigged’ or  impossible to win... she just, wins at? it’s half talent && half luck, && completely hilarious bc Anubis will spend up to twenty dollars trying to win a prize &&  ‘Chet just walks up, inserts a quarter, && wins with ease no of course Anubis  isn’t jealous 
her favorite is the crane game! she usually goes for the stuffed  animals/plushies even if there are crane games with more valuable prizes like game consoles or phones lol 
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sundrought-blog · 8 years
Anubis: *interacts w/ a morally corrupt character* tries to get them to change their ways, is just  100% done w/ their shit.
‘Chet: *interacts w/ a morally corrupt character* finds them hella interesting and purposefully follows them around. wants to learn all about them and doesn’t really try to stop them from doing horrible things.
me: w hat th e f uck
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sundrought-blog · 8 years
so if anyone wanted to know how to permanently MAIM or KILL anubis && ‘chet you monsters, here’s the ONLY way your muse can go about it:
as ‘immortals’ bound to Duat, the Egyptian underworld, staying on earth puts a great strain on their regular abilities. anything from healing to levitation requires a significant amount of energy (hence, the reason they both eat && sleep a lot-- in Duat they require neither). 
both deities have the capability to bring people back from the dead-- but there’s a significant catch.  in Duat, the soul can be returned to the body if not too much time has passed. in doing so, the deities lose a fixed amount of their memories (generally revolving around the person they revived) && fall into a catatonic state for however many years-- even centuries, depending on how much energy will be needed to bring the human back to life. 
on earth, the same principles apply-- the human can not be dead for more than a day. however, if either were to use their powers on earth, it is quite likely that they’d forget themselves entirely. everything, their memories on earth && their time in Duat would be erased. they’d be in quite the weakened state, && since it is unlikely they will ever get their memories back, it would be easy enough to overpower && kill them. 
so, if you really want to hurt them, give them someone to love, someone f r a g i l e  && take them away-- 
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