#☾ ━ prompto ( headcanons ).
halchron · 8 months
chamomile :   what is your muse likely to take away from a painful experience ?   are they one to be haunted by adversity ,   or to use what they’ve gone through to become stronger ?  ( Your pick of muse! )
botanical hcs ━ accepting ( @adureus )
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for prompto, it depends on who the painful experience is happening to. generally, he'll try and see the positive in what happened, or try and come out the other side stronger. when it comes to it being something he is going through though, that's a whole other story. he's much more haunted by the adversity and trauma, particularly when it comes to learning about the truth about himself. the nightmares of being an mt and being chased by his friends, or worse, killing them never fade as time goes on, he just learns how to better cope with it.
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halchron · 8 months
okay since we don't know that much about versus xiii / a lot of it is left to speculation about what actually was going to happen, here's just a few thoughts on what's up with prompto in my verse for it. all my understanding from what could've happened comes from this post.
still a clone, though from the beginning he's known that he's verstael's "son". however, to tie it into what might have actually happened in vs xiii, prompto isn't actually verstael's son that he preformed all his failed experiments on, but rather the first clone and only clone that had potential to control both his human and daemon dna after the death of his actual son. every other failed clone was instead made into mts or kept to preform further experiments on.
once the gang finally gets to niflheim, prompto does get controlled by verstael and requires noctis and the others to save him, though this happens due to a failsafe verstael put in all clones that allowed him to control them within a set vicinity.
due to his daemon blood, prompto can naturally see in the dark and has a natural affinity for dark type magic. however, due to the solheim genes also present from his human side, this also gives him an affinity for light magic ( though to a much less extent than the daemon side ). the solheim ancestry also prevents him from having more daemonic like features, though an extended use of his daemon dark magic makes prompto's scleras black while his pupils turn yellow while his veins becoming more predominant and black ( like ardyn's )
also he's aware that cor was the one to rescue him from niflheim, though he was still raised by cor's cousin. regardless he does see cor as his father and looks up to him, though he keeps their relationship a secret per cor's request ( cor still loves his son though and taught him how to defend himself and shoot firearms long before prom became a crownsguard )
besides what i listened above, not much else is different except that he's in general more confident in a casual way as he's aware of his past from the beginning and has come to terms with it, relatively speaking. of course, he still has his self esteem issues, but not as bad as they are in his regular verse. his self esteem goes down when verstael controls him and he thinks that he will hurt his friends if he stays with them, but soon recovers after they give him the spiel that they do in regular xv
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halchron · 1 year
the hermit  :  how introspective is your muse ? how often do they self - reflect ? -Prompto
arcana hcs // accepting
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prompto's actually very introspective and self-reflects, but it's more about a self esteem issue than something he does once in awhile. he often wonders if he deserves to travel with noctis and be a part of his personal retinue, because he thinks there's always someone more skilled and deserving of the spot than him. it's really only after he gets rescued by his friends that he eventually starts being a little bit more healthy about his self reflection, and his introspection lead him to improve himself instead of furthering his self doubt
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halchron · 1 year
bold whatever applies | italics what sometimes applies [ both if it's perfect for your muse ] | strikethrough what doesn't apply & tag people. repost; don’t reblog!
TAGGED BY: @nekurooma ( tysm ! ) TAGGING: @destinywoven, @bishonenprince, @vancreux, @valkyrrhic, and you reading this !
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black and white. powder puffs. red lipstick. winged eyeliner. white kitten heels. black lace lingerie. icy blue eyes. rain. abandoned cars. skeletons. acid. poison. voyeurism. switchblades. strangling. overcoats. looking over your shoulder. trans-atlantic accents. private detectives. dinner parties. haunted mansions. cobwebs. perfect blonde curls. kitchen knives. shock. cellars. dust. ghosts. dark alleys. empty streets. horn-rimmed glasses. radiation. zombies. serial murder. suspicion. the city. witches. the devil. cannibalism. conspiracies. amulets. abject terror. the American South. the American Northeast. England. analog cameras.
aliens. blinding light. dark woods. driving at night. claw marks. bite marks. men in black. memory loss. dismembered bodies. sewers. flashlights. cell phones. video cameras. cars with tinted windows. unlabeled cassette tapes. bugs. big cities. urban crimes. clowns. something rustling outside your window. glowing light. unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest. the american midwest. hiking. backpacking.
gaslights. corsets. ballrooms. candlelight. mist. starless nights. full moons. cobbled streets. horse-drawn carriages. mysterious strangers. bogs. moors. forests. mountains. castles. velvet. silver. brass. gold. jewels. domino masks. the opera. dangerous romances. tragic romances. violins. roses. lilies. empty graves. crosses. cemeteries. snow. ice. the gallows. crows. milk-white skin. ambiguous illness. fangs. pointed nails. something howling in the night. capes. gloves. top hats. straight razors. lightning. pipe organs. underground caverns. bats. mice. rats. ravens. cats. pearls. attics. talismans. axes. wood. isolation in a room full of people. vampires. werewolves. ghosts. coffins. western europe. eastern europe. bones. churches. catacombs. mausoleums. books. stitches.
malevolent spirits. seances. spells. missing bodies. hidden graves. white noise. static. flickering lights. rings of salt. demons. poltergeists. dark histories. old buildings. cold air. wells. urban exploration. a dog barking at unseen things. iconoclasm. black ooze. old photographs. dark bodies of water. crucifixes. priests. possession. exorcisms. dolls.
bloodbaths. massacres. wanton nudity. newspapers. leather jackets. letterman jackets. converse sneakers. obscured faces. social unrest. bonfires. lakes. babysitters. high school. lockers. dead leaves in the fall. jack-o’-lanterns. passing shadows. outdated television sets. nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals. unstoppable forces. gunfire. police. landline telephones. improvised weapons. halloween. secrets. revelations. cut wires. character masks. scrunchies. wild curls. jeering children. parties. fire. swearing. revulsion. california. the american midwest. ambulances.
daylight. fluorescent lighting. morgues. unwavering eye contact. tension. lit rooms. empty rooms. killer in plain sight. a dog digging in the newly-planted flower bed. steely gazes. paperwork. anagrams. codes. convicted killers. missing persons. law enforcement. federal agents. small towns. paranoia. subdued terror. dimly-lit parking lots. a noise in the distance
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halchron · 1 year
ffxvi: in the spaces between, twilight
( ffxvi spoilers below ! )
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pre-timeskip up to cid’s death. ( 13-26 )
hope, by all means, had led a relatively uneventful, but safe life in rosaria. as his family was somewhat high class, he was under the assumption that nothing bad could befall him or rosaria. that was until the night of flames, of course. following the insurrection, hope and his mother had fled to a small village in order to escape. however, that would only be the start of his problems. after experiencing his world change so rapidly and learning the true cruelty of the world, that his life wasn’t as protected as he thought, his eikon began to awaken.
in the following days as the iron kingdom had come to take what they wanted, time was running out for hope and his mother. in this time, hope tried to gain control over his eikon, alexander, though it was met with minimal success. neither he nor his mother could find any records of previous alexander dominants, so he was largely up to himself to figure out how to get prime his eikon. why alexander had chosen a weak and helpless boy for his eikon plagued hope’s thoughts since his awakening. during this time, unbeknownst to hope, his mother was already planning their escape yet again.
when the ironblood had raided their small village and rounded them up, the villagers attempted to resist one last time. hope had tried to fight too, though alexander still did not answer to his plea. just as they were about to surrender entirely, his mother had distracted the ironblood long enough for hope and a few others to escape. nora sacrificing herself so that he may live weighed heavy on hope’s soul, and he saw alexander as a curse rather than a blessing for many years to follow. because of this, he had kept his eikon a secret, not that alexander had fully awakened inside him anyways.
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hope then spent the next year or so floating from town to town, never staying long enough to form any connections. that is, until he had a run in with cid. perhaps with foresight that hope wasn’t aware of, cid had took him in. for the following 13 years, he faithfully served cid as an advisor and intelligence gatherer. while he didn’t know clive or jill personally in his past, he gladly offered his assistance to them and their quest to destroy the mother crystals.
as they descended upon oriflamme, and he learned about clive’s own inability to call on his eikon, hope revealed to both him and jill that he to had an eikon. he had wanted to destroy drake’s head with them, he was convinced to stay behind as his magic wasn’t yet up to par for him to defend himself. that, however, was his second biggest regret of his life. he had broken down in tears at the news, the knowledge that he had lost the last person he considered his family nearly breaking his heart in two.
then, in some cruel twist of fate yet again, his eikon fully awoken within him. while he still viewed his eikon as a curse, hope realized that if he wanted to be more of a help to clive, he would have to train and become stronger
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post second time-skip ( 31 )
over the next five years, hope worked tirelessly to support clive on his journey. much like jill, he had his own reasons for going to the iron kingdom. while he had long outgrew his desire for revenge, he still felt the desire to attain justice for his mother and for the life that they took from him. in this time, hope had learned that he is an outlier of sorts when it comes to his eikon. as there can only be eight dominants for eight elements, the existence of a ninth with holy powers seems to be an anomaly. despite his years of trying to find an answer, he has yet to find one. despite this, he continues to support and fight with clive for a world where branded weren’t revered, nor enslaved, nor used for weapons of war and everyone had the choice to live as equals.
* this verse can be altered to where hope instead travels with joshua and jote, though that’d have to be discussed separately as the joshua’s journey is more of a mystery than clive’s
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halchron · 1 year
❃ , ✉ for prompto
headcanon meme // accepting
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❃ : prompto and social media.
prompto's instagram goes crazy, I'm sure. he's very dedicated to keeping it aesthetic and pretty but he does have a personal insta for where he just goofs around. he probably has other social medias too but insta is his go to.
✉  : prompto and others. 
prompto is definitely kind of shy at first, but he's very outgoing ! he loves meeting new people and having new friends, and he'll be super talkative the whole time. it takes him a bit to warm up because of his initial shyness, but once he warms up you'll have a friend for life.
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halchron · 6 months
poppy :   what comforts your muse ? (for all primary muses? 🥹🤍)
botanical hcs ━ accepting ( @onegil )
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the thing that comforts lea the most is having his friends be happy and safe. as a nobody, saix, xion, and roxas were his only sources of comfort. as a somebody again it's largely the same, though saix and him making amends in the former's final moments brought a massive amount of comfort to him, knowing that they've apologized and finally talked to each other and began the healing process. so long as he has those three ( and the other missing girl whenever they find her ), he has all the comfort he could ever want
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for squall, he finds a great source of comfort in his ring / griever pendant. it has a lot of importance for him, even beyond his admiring the symbolism behind lions. if every other earthly possession was taken from him, he'd be alright so long as he had some item with griever on it. of course, he also gets a lot of comfort from his friends once he opens himself to them, and especially from laguna once they reconnect post game
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in all honesty, tidus' biggest source of comfort comes from yuna believing in him and his version of zanarkand. even though he obviously believes himself, having someone else actually believe him and doesn't think he's being blasphemous makes him feel much better about himself and not like he's going crazy
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reno's only comfort comes at the end of missions, and even then, he's never truly be comfortable in his life. maybe when he was in hiding back during the whole verdot situation, but even then his "exile" was only temporary and could hardly be seen as something comforting, even if he technically was a normal citizen at that point
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prompto gets great comfort from his friends ( obviously ), but he also finds a lot of comfort in his camera. photography is his favorite past time and his favorite hobby, not to mention the way he expresses himself the best, so his camera has a special place in his heart
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for hope his biggest comfort is himself, especially after he clears the air between snow and him and he moves on from his anger. from now on, the only person who has a say in his opinion and influences him is himself, and he won't let himself be lied to ever again. when he believes and trusts in himself, hope can find comfort that every decision he makes he's made on his own
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halchron · 8 months
angelica : where does your muse draw inspiration in life ? what motivates them ?-prompto
botanical hcs ━ accepting ( @drakonairs )
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all of prompto's inspiration and motivation in life comes from the people around him. his friends ( both the main gang and others like iris ) motivate him to fight for a better life for everyone, and so there can one day be peace. as for other things he's inspired by, he loves taking pictures of nature as well as candid shots of people, or really anything that captures a moment in time
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halchron · 5 years
* muse tracks
post   3  -  5   songs   that   remind   you   of   your   muse.
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perfect machine, starset. I should've let you know / you should've ran for cover / I'm just a parlor trick / a two-bit counterfeit / lay your heart into my perfect machine / I will use it to protect you from me / I will never let you see what's beneath
gasoline, halsey. you can't wake up, this is not a dream / you're part of a machine, you are not a human being / with your face all made up, living on a screen / low on self esteem, so you run on gasoline / I think there's a flaw in my code / these voices won't leave me alone / well my heart is gold and my hands are cold
born to die, lana del rey. don't make me sad, don't make me cry / sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough, I don't know why / keep making me laugh / let's go get high / the road is long, we carry on / try to have fun in the meantime
sunshine riptide, fall out boy. the sunshine riptide / dancing all alone in the morning light / the sunshine riptide / you came back like a wave when I was feeling alright
tagged by: @yoginai​ ( tyvm <3 ) tagging: @convulsus​, @chasiinglegnds​, @kaionace​, @crowntm​, @geyama​, @taiyoru​, @taiyoru​, and whoever else wants too !
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halchron · 5 years
repost, do not reblog! ( source )
bold what consistently applies.
italicize situational, not always.
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fight honorably  /  fight dirty  /  prefer close-quarters  /  prefer range  /  chat during  /  go silent  /  low pain tolerance  /  high pain tolerance /  attack in bursts  /  attack steadily  /  go for the kill  /  aim to disarm  /  fight defensively  /  strike first  /  provoke easily  /  provoke their opponent  /  tease  /  get visibly frustrated  /  shout while attacking  /  use strategy   /  focus on their battle  /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle  /  rush in recklessly  /  try to read their opponent before fighting  /  fight wildly  /  fight calmly apathetically  /  fight with anger  /  fight with excitement  /  fight because they have to  /  fight because they want to  /  fight without regard to wounds  /  run away when wounded  /  hide wounds  /  take a blow to protect another  /  prefer a blade  /  prefer a gun  /  prefer a bow  /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a spear naginata  / prefer a personalized weapon  /  prefer magic or spells  /   prefer brawling  /  their greatest weakness is physical  /  their greatest weakness is mental  /  their greatest weakness is emotional  /  transform for battle  /  fight as they appear  /  rely on strength  /  rely on speed  /  use everything they have  /  hide their full potential  /  exhaust quickly  /  high stamina  /  doubt their strength  /  proceed with caution  /  behave arrogantly  /  brag after landing a hit  /  belittle their abilities  /  use psychological tactics  /  use brute strength  /  avoid civilians  /  strike down civilians  /  damage surroundings  /  avoid damaging surroundings  /  signature fighting style  /  making it up as they go  /  mastered skillset  /  learning their skillset  / fancy footwork  /  sloppy footwork  /  messy fighter  /  elegant fighter  /  accept defeat  /  refuse defeat  /  beg for mercy  /  compliment their opponent  /  insult their opponent  /  use unnecessary movements ( flips, twirls )  /  move efficiently  /  barely move /  prefer to dodge  /  prefer to block  /  defend their blindside  /  has no blindside  /  use all available advantages ( ex; use a gun but also throw punches, kick out while blades clash, etc. )  /  strictly use one main method  /  play around  /  hold back  /  fight ruthlessly /  show mercy  /  wait for opponent to be ready  /  strike when opponent isn’t ready  /  fear death  /  fear pain  /  fear killing  /  has PTSD  /  avoid fighting  /  has lost a fight  /  has won a fight  /  has killed  /  refused to kill  /  want to die standing  /  would succumb slowly.
tagged by:  @yeonban​ ( ty chris ilysm <3 ) tagging: you
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halchron · 5 years
how do your muse(s) deal with heartbreak? ( for anyone xoxo )
* meta muscles // accepting
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prompto takes it alright ! he doesn’t hold any grudges or ill will towards whoever broke his heart, but he definitely puts all of that on himself. he’s 100% the type to think it’s his fault for the break up or whatever happened, and would spend actual hours wondering over what he did wrong and what he could do to be better in the next relationship or what have you. he’s a people pleaser through and through, so it really bums him out when a relationship ends ( especially if it’s bc of him ).
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tidus isn’t one to get heartbroken over romantic relationships ending ( well, before yuna ), but he gets heartbroken over other close connections ending. after jecht abused him and then disappeared, and then with his the death of his mother, he carries all the baggage without talking about it with anyone beyond auron and later yuna. the biggest heartbreak came though when he learned that he was just a dream, and that he had to leave yuna and the rest of his friends, bc they were the first ones ppl in a long time that he had formed deep connections with, and leaving the only people he cared about undoubtedly tore him apart.
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yams doesn’t really take heartbreaks well. he’s one of the self deprecating types and thinks it’s 100% his fault that whatever heartbreak occurred was bc of his own doing, though he’s not surprised bc he thinks of it like “ it was only a matter of time before they got sick of me “ and things like that. he’s very unnecessarily cruel to himself and it’s honestly really sad. he stays really quiet for the week or two afterwards, and even his practiced happiness doesn’t come through for this.
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ryuji’s honestly used to it at this point, like as sad as that is. first with his dad and next with kamoshida, heartbreak is more common for him than anything else. the only good part of his life was his mom before meeting akira and the others, so it’s really how he deals with happiness that should be the question for him.
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halchron · 5 years
aladdin & moana for prompto !!
* disney headcanons // accepting
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ALADDIN - If your muse had 3 wishes, what would they wish for?
for his friends to be happy, for him to not have such bad anxiety and self esteem issues, and for the regalia to work right for once
MOANA - Does your muse believe in fate or destiny? What is theirs?
kind of ? he used too, but ended up coming to the conculsion that he’ll write his own destiny and not follow whatever the universe has in store for him. at first he was destined to go against noct and the others as a mt, but since that obviously didn’t happen, his new fate is just to be there for noct no matter what
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halchron · 5 years
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been cheated on  |  been bullied  |  told a horrible lie |  stolen something of value  |  overdosed on drugs |  been drunk  |  cheated |  bullied  |  punched someone in the face | been beaten up  |  broken a bone  |  been admitted to a hospital |  had a near-death experience  |  been drugged  |  done drugs  |  smoked  |  kissed someone you weren’t attracted to  |  bled severely  | killed someone  |  had an attempt on your life  |  made an attempt on your own life  | lost someone  | loved someone |  gone without food for over three days  |  gone without sleep for over three days  |  been tortured  |  been slapped by a parent or higher up  |  been abused by someone who should have loved/ appreciated/ valued you  |  had a panic attack  |  been in a car accident |  had sex  |  had sex with a stranger |  passed out from pain  | cried yourself to sleep  | spent a whole day in bed |  hurt yourself  | taken your anger out on yourself | taken your anger out on someone you love  |  been used  |  felt used  | used |  been terrified  |  played a cruel game on someone  |  been dominant  |  been submissive  | been forced to smile | felt too many things at once  |  laughed when you felt like crying
tagged by: @100pwr ( ty ric ily <3 )  tagging: @kuhato, @theirwarmth, @13nth, @dreamskept, @revolverized, and whoever else wants too !
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halchron · 5 years
hc + affection ( what they enjoy receiving )
* headcanons // accepting
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yams like receiving gifts and physical affections the most ! holding his hand or giving him a head rub / back pat does a lot for him, and receiving gifts really warms his heart ! compliments also work well on him, but he has to start believing in himself more for them to be the most effective.
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mako likes physical affection a lot ! just having someone close to him makes him really happy, and he loves cuddling ( he’s a big teddy bear ya know ). he also likes receiving gifts and compliments too, but touches are really where it’s at for him.
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denki really just enjoys everything ! though he extra appreciates it when ppl help him with his homework / chores because his attention span won’t allow him to pay attention to things for a long time, so anyone who cares enough to help him out always get brownie points with him. he’s also really static-y so first touches always have a zap with them, but he really likes holding hands and stuff !
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please compliment him and give him encouragement, he needs a whole lot of it. he doesn’t think very highly of himself, so telling him how important and loved he is does wonders for him ! he’s also fond of hand holding /  holding onto someone in general. he’s also a sucker for really simple gestures too, like holding doors open for him or sharing food, he’s very easy to please !
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prom’s not really picking in what type of affection he receives ! he really likes the small stuff, like remembering his favorite food or holding his hand, but he likes getting gifts too ! compliments also do a lot for him, so really everything haha.
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tidus is really partial to physical affection ! hold his hand, hug him, ruffle his hair, anything ! compliments and gifts are nice too, but they don’t really hold a candle to touches for him. he just needs proof that his loved ones are actually there, ya know.
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lea doesn’t really have a preference for anything, but he does really like hugs ! he’s sort of in the same as tidus of wanting physical proof his loved ones are actually there. fighting besides his loved ones and protecting each other, that does a lot for him when he spent so much of his time growing up alone.
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ryuji really likes physical touches like hugs and stuff ! compliments and encouragement do a lot for him too, though this gets him flustered a lot quicker than touches do. he also just likes hanging out with his friends and loved ones just sort of chilling and not doing a lot, just enjoying each other’s presence.
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halchron · 5 years
ways your muse says i love you. // everyone >:)
* hcs // accepting
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kuroo’s pretty verbal about it ? like even in public he’ll lean in close and tells his s/o that he loves them and stuff. plus he compliments them a lot, and is physically affectionate too, like he loves hand holding and hugging. he’s not really much of a gift giver, but he does give gifts during anniversaries / birthdays / christmas and they’re always thoughtful.
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he’s a lot more shy about showing his love than kuroo is. he can’t hold hands without blushing like crazy, but hand holding and hugging / cuddling is much more easier for him than just straight up saying he loves someone. he does say it though, even if he’s as red as a tomato afterwards. he’s more of a gift giver though, he loves giving gifts !
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omg momo is like the most affectionate person ever ? he gushes about his s/o all the time, both to them and to others, and tells them how much he loves them every day. and he’s very physically affectionate, and loves hand holding and kissing and all that sort of that stuff. he also loves giving gifts and going on dates, and just generally loves hanging out with his s/o. he gets almost overwhelming to a point, but he’ll definitely tone it down if asked.
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kenji loves hand holding and hugs ! he hasn’t dated anyone yet, so he doesn’t really know how to act in relationships, but he’s a good boy. he also loves cheek kisses, but ( maybe a part of growing up in a rural village for a lot of his life ) he’s not very outwardly affectionate. but he loves a lot, and it shows !
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he’s got his whole delinquent reputation going on, but he’s surprisingly affectionate ! he’s more of a shower than a doer, so he gives gifts and holds hands and stuff more so than saying it. he’ll say it of course, but he gets super shy about it.
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he’s very discrete about his affections. he’ll do small things; like wrapping wounds, or feeding them, or sharing a blanket, stuff like that. he’s also the type to put himself in front of his s/o if they’re in danger, and he might say I love you verbally only a handful of times. after a certain point he’ll give them kisses and more physical affection, but that takes a while to get to that point.
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hope is also very discrete in his affections. he’ll buy their food and drinks, or help them with their paperwork. most of his life since he was 14 was just school and more school, so he’s very inexperienced in regards to relationships. once he’s in one though, he enjoys going on dates a lot, especially stay in dates where they just cuddle and watch movies and enjoy each other’s company.
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prompto is very casually affectionate and doesn’t give it a second thought. like he fucking slaps noct’s ass, in game and he doesn’t think twice about it. as soon as there’s romantic connotations though, he’s a lot more shy. he always asks what’s okay and what their comfortable with, and he’s so super shy about kissing at first like he’s a wreck. once they settle into the relationship though, he’s very casually affectionate too, and says i love you to them at least once a day. he also takes pictures and selfies with them all the time, and reminds them how beautiful they are :’).
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bartz is also very casually affectionate. he also says i love you pretty casually, and he doesn’t put too much thought behind it. even if he’s dating the person, he doesn’t give a second thought behind holding their hand or hugging them from behind out of no where.
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lea’s all about the small gestures. like besides buying ice cream, he buys his s/o the thing they were looking at in some store, or gives them a massage after a long day. once they’re both settled in the relationship and he’s more confident about it, he’ll tell them he loves them and gives them kisses and hugs and stuff. he’s very affectionate, just give him time.
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feli is very very shy and rarely ever initiates anything affectionate. she’ll try extremely hard to cook their favorite meals and make their favorite drinks, so that counts for something ! she deals with a lot of self depreciating, so it takes a while for her to feel comfortable with initating anything herself. but she does love hugs and kisses and gifts and it means an incredible amount to her !
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he tries to be discrete, but it doesn’t really work. he’ll take his s/o out to eat all the time ( like that time he offered to take yusuke to get beef bowls ;3 ), and actually loves going on any kind of date with them. he’s definitely more of a shower than a doer, and he usually can’t express just how much he loves them, so he resorts to showing them through his actions.
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he rarely says anything verbally, so most of his affections are physical. he gives them gifts or takes care of them, and maybe gives them a kiss here or there. he’s for the type to protect you with his life, and he’ll literally be your knight in shining armor, so there’s that too.
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halchron · 5 years
describe your muse’s smile: EVERYONE!!!! GIVE ME SMILEY BABIES!!!
* hcs // accepting
I didn’t realize how many muses I had so it’s all under the cut
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he has two types of smiles usually, his sarcastic / smirky ones, and his genuine ones. his sarcastic ones are pretty much smirks, and he only shows a part of his mouth. as for his genuine ones, his whole smile is showing and he smiles with his eyes, and he’s very pretty when he smiles sincerely so please make it happen. also his shy little smiles are cute as hell too !
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yams smiles a lot ! his smiles are usually close lipped, but when he gets complimented / praised, he has a big smile ! he flushes pretty easily too, so he usually as a little blush when he grins too.
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momo also smiles a lot, and he smiles the most out of everyone I think. he’s always got a smile on his face, and they’re all big grins. they’re really common, but he also has shy smiles too that are definitely more rare, and really only come up when he gets embarrassed.
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kenji’s more of a close lipped smiler. they’re always genuine, but he only really grins when he’s laughing or super duper excited about something. he also has dimples, so that’s absolutely a plus !
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jiro’s a lot like kuroo in the way that he has cocky smiles and sincere smiles. when he’s rapping or on stage he has a typical stage smile, though in rap battles he definitely has a cocky grin on his face. his real smiles though are a lot more softer, and yes he has dimples too, and he smiles with his eyes too when he has big grins.
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honestly, most of his smiles are fake. they’re usually when he’s trying to deceive people, or he just doesn’t mean it. however, when he does smile for real, it’s very shy and he tries to hide it because he’s really not used to showing so much emotion in a smile.
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hope doesn’t really smile a lot, as a teen or adult. he just doesn’t really smile, even when something happy or funny happens. there are exceptions of course, and his smiles are small and timid. they disappear quickly, so you gotta keep it up if you want him to grin.
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another boy who smiles a lot ! he loves smiling, and has a lot of different types of smiles and grins for his selfies. he has dimples too, so that really just adds to it all. his laughing smiles are by far his best smiles, and the chocobros probably have mini heart attacks when that happens.
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bartz has small smiles too, and he doesn’t really grin full out. he has a lot of small smiles that mean a lot, but he doesn’t grin too much.
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as axel, his smiles are like reno’s. and as lea he smiles more, though they’re mostly close lipped and small, as he tries to not show too much emotion, and also that he’s not used to feeling so happy that he grins. but he does grin and it’s glorious, trust me !!
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felicia has very small and polite smiles. they’re courteous smiles, and while she does have a big smile, she hides them behind her hand. when she’s not around royalty she’s more free with her smiles.
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smiley boy !! he has a lot of cocky grins, but he also just grins regularly. I kinda imagine ryuji has a sort of big mouth, so he just grins most of the time. he does have soft close lipped smiles too, but those are reserved for friends and loved ones, as is the case with his softer and deeper feelings.
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so I’m at a bit of a crossroads here,bc in the manga he smiles a lot and in game he smiles like, once. so I’m gonna settle and say he very rarely smiles unless he’s with someone he really trusts and feels safe around. that being said, he has a very big and wonderful smile, so please try and make it happen !
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