#☾ headcanons ! ❛ —— ( shame is a blade you turn against yourself )
silksworn · 1 year
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THOUGHTS ABOUT MARRIAGE, ROMANCE, & SEXUALITY IN THE UNDERDARK ! that I am very likely to incorporate on this blog and portrayal of drow society.
so it's "canon" that there is no word in the drow language for "marriage". they don't have a concept of it, as drow women freely choose and dispose of consorts as they please. to be tied to a single man? why every would you degrade yourself like that? there's a lot of talk about men being used for procreation & pleasure and whatever else have you and hardly any mention of same-sex female relationships (at least in material I've read growing up playing d&d) which frankly...makes very little sense to me. if you have a society that is so strictly delineated by gender (which that could be a whole other topic about what happens if you're not cis in the Underdark), where men are inferior and base, wouldn't there naturally be a higher prevalence of female-female relationships? men may not be important enough to consider true romantic partners and equals, but another woman? absolutely imo. i feel like they'd actually have a pretty high rate of same-sex relationships compared to many other cultures because of it. so I propose this: there is not a word for marriage to a man. there is not a word for husband in their language. you do not wed men, you use them for what they are good for. but women? marriage between women is encouraged and seen as legally binding. their word for marriage/romantic bonds only applies to these types of relationships and there is a term equivalent to wife. thanks for coming to my ted talk!
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silksworn · 1 year
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IRAESTRA OBLODRA, a neutral evil drow of noble background, is an accomplished school of necromancy wizard & psionic that your party may encounter within the Shadow-Cursed lands. She is a cultist of the Absolute and a member of Ketheric's inner circle, but she seems to have her doubts about the Absolute and is sure something deeper exists beneath Moonrise. She can prove not only to be a fearsome ally, but an incredible font of information concerning psionic powers, aberrations of all sorts, and the plans of the Chosen.
PART 1: Recruitment , PART 2: Act 2 Companion Quest , PART 3: Act 3 Companion Quest , PART 4: Banter, Companion Opinions , PART 5: Approval & Disapproval
There are two distinct ways to meet Iraestra, depending on how the party resolved the Grove conflict. Either way she is ultimately recruitable.
Siding with the Tieflings
If the party sided with the tieflings, she can be found while exploring a graveyard within the Shadow-Cursed land. She is searching for something with increasing frequency, checking over her shoulder as if expecting something to emerge from the shadows. Within her possession is a Moonlantern - if recruited, she will let the party have hers. The party may engage the drow in conversation, in which she will be elusive about her true purposes for being out here by herself. Like many True Souls you will experience a moment of connection with her, though you will note that it feels different from any other you have encountered so far. The touch of her mind feels colder, more precise. A scalpel parting the folds of your thoughts held within a surgeon's calm hands. If you attempt to read her thoughts in a similar fashion the DC will be incredibly & suspiciously high. If you manage to get a read on her you can sense that she is full of doubt and fear. She is uncertain and feels that she is running out of time. On a failed check she feels you probing around and will laugh openly, saying that you stumble around like a child and make far too much noise. She warns that if you try that again she will ruin you. The moment gone, she seems all too-eager to get rid of you and be on her way, but the party is attacked by a horde of undead when she attempts to slip away. After the battle she will curse quite colorfully, already investigating the remains of the creatures. She'll proclaim that they stink of Balthazar's foul touch; he has become bold in his attempts to rid himself of her. The party can try to get more information out of her at this point and she will be a bit more friendly. Iraestra will introduce herself and answer that Balthazar is an abomination that seeks to end her because she has started to ask too many questions. She will try to ascertain your belief in the Absolute while not giving away that she has begun to doubt the 'God' herself. Should the party indicate in any way or slip up that they are not truly cultists, she will say that she is relieved to find another who doubts and asks if she may join you. Iraestra does not fully comprehend the extent of the Cult's treachery due to the influence of the tadpole, but her naturally high psionic resistance is making it increasingly difficult for the Netherbrain to keep her complacent and docile. She feels that something is deeply wrong, but cannot put her finger on why.
Siding with the Goblins
If the party sided with the Absolutists and razed the Grove to the ground, Iraestra instead will be encountered during Minthara's trial by Ketheric. When the sentence is passed you can look at the small crowd and notice that there is another drow woman standing apart, a fearsome frown marring her pretty face. Ketheric nods to her as he passes; this is obviously someone he acknowledges/knows on a personal level. Should the party approach her she will comment that it is not Ketheric's right to pass judgement on Minthara. She quickly seeks to correct what she has said, but she is obviously disturbed by how the trial went. A similar mind-melding scene will play out as it did in the tiefling-siding scenario, revealing that she is not completely loyal to the cult. You can agree with her original assessment, and if you express any interest in freeing Minthara, Iraestra will volunteer to accompany you down to the dungeons. The torture scene plays out as normal, in which you can decide to either erase Minthara's mind yourself or save her from her tormenters. Iraestra will heavily disapprove and abandon you completely should you decide to do the former. Leaving the tower with Minthara is noticeably easier should you have Iraestra escorting you out herself. Instead of having to persuade the guards yourself, a single guard will attempt to engage you in dialogue. Iraestra bristles at being questioned, threatening that she will have her head and serve it personally to Ketheric should they attempt to waylay your group further. The guard backs off quickly, furthering the question of who exactly Iraestra might be here. Once outside the tower you can pass a perception check to realize that Iraestra is about to attack Minthara and stop her. Either way she attempts, but you can try to talk her down and ask why she is doing this. She will answer that she helped you merely because Minthara's life belongs to her — she alone has the sole right to end it, not Ketheric. This conversation will reveal that Iraestra is from the fallen draw house of Oblodra, slaughtered over a century ago by Lolth and house Baenre. It is possible to talk Iraestra down from her fury and due to finding out earlier that she has her doubts about the Cult, offer to help her get to the bottom of it's mysteries. She will make an uneasy truce with you, stating that she will bring no harm to Minthara as long as the two of you call yourselves allies. For now.
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silksworn · 1 year
between her parents, who does she resemble more? what is the story behind her scars?
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Family Resemblance
If asked by any of her sisters, they would respond that Iraestra resembled her father - an insult, as Iraestra's father was merely one of her mother's three favored consorts and not another noble. She never knew which of the men is her true father, though she was especially fond of one of them and considers him her father in every way that counts. The first betrayal she ever knew occurred when he was was executed when Iraestra was rather young. He'd been found feeding secrets of Oblodra's psionic training methods to other noble houses for gold. The execution had been public, and Iraestra remembers one of her older sisters telling her she must watch. He was also the first man she ever saw die. She stayed in the courtyard for hours afterwards, staring at the horrid flower of his blood upon the stone. Had there ever been any doubt about Iraestra's heritage, however, it could be quickly be disproven by her strong resemblance to her grandmother and natural aptitude for their family's talents. Her grandmother - the Matron Mother of Oblodra at the time of its fall - adored her. That adoration also came with heavy expectation, as she was groomed with uncaring hands, molded to follow in her grandmother's exacting steps.
The most prominent of Iraestra's scars is the deep line carved through the right side of her face, intersecting her eye. The wound was healed and tended to with magic, but the eye itself has a pitch-black sclera and a quicksilver iris. Lolth was pleased enough by Iraestra's show of devotion that she granted her a new eye to replace the ruined one, though it causes her pain from time to time. Once, she'd carried it as a sign of pride. Now the sight of it is a reminder of all that Lolth has taken from her, and her own foolishness for thinking that the vindictive goddess' favor would last forever. It is one of her biggest insecurities - not out of petty vanity, but because she feels a fool any time she is reminded of it. She has a small nick on her chin from a childhood training "incident". Her hands are burned and calloused from magic as many mages are. The other largest scar she has garnered to date is from a failed murder attempt conducted by two of her sisters. As Iraestra grew older her grandmother made it clear that she was favored, and heavily so. This made a target of her. The poisoned dagger's point had sunk deep into her chest, hitting breastbone. Unlike the scar on her face, that one is rather ugly. Only so magic could fix what the poison had already begun to eat away. The skin there is a misshapen starburst, a little sunken in the center. Iraestra returned the favor for that particular scar. It is a pleasant memory of hers.
Muse Cheat Sheet !
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silksworn · 1 year
TRAUMA TW: how does it feel for ira to control the dead, knowing she can never bring true life back to her family’s corpses? does she ever touch a corpse and see her grandmother’s touch mirrored in the shape of a hand, or the weight of it? or, in a more literary sense: do the bones and corpses of the victims she puppets, ever match and/or break the same way as her family?
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Iraestra often closes her eyes and sees only ghosts behind them. She opens her eyes and sees the dead, soft-jawed servants and instruments of profane knowledge. She surrounds herself with their rotting presence, perhaps out of a longing for the familiar. before their deaths, she had never learned the secrets of undeath. Her current studies a direct result of this desire that she can never fulfill — to raise them from their subterranean graves.
She did not see the bodies of her family, and that is, perhaps, her biggest regret. Fate would have it that she was not there the day that her ancestral home was sacked and then sundered from the very edge of the city itself by divine fury. She had been off researching rumors of an aboleth deep within forbidden tunnels of the Underdark with her cousin, far from the slaughter. Though their absence is what spared them, Iraestra will always blame herself for not being there. The rumors never came to fruit, anyway.
But she has seen enough dead to be able to imagine well their cold, dead eyes, their crooked knuckles and swollen limbs. They likely wouldn't have had time to rot before their bones were picked clean. Scavengers of the Underdark would have skittered out of their loathsome homes en masse that day, eager to feast upon the flesh of noble drow and slave chattel alike. All equal in death as far as a hungry mouth is concerned.
Iraestra does not own mirrors and covers them if she has the means to. It is worse to look upon her own face and see her mother's hooked nose, her grandmother's proud chin, the almond shape of her sister's eyes peering out from her own wretched visage. What is she if not a haunted house?
And oh, how they would hate her, to know that they had died and she would live. That she did not even try to dig for them and bring them back.
The glooming, swooning hours of the night belong solely to her most inane longings. The ones where she imagines she would have found them all. Would have known such magics at the time to be able to bring them back to her, perfect and intact. That they would laud her in praise for her dutifulness.
That once, perhaps, she would not be a disappointment of a daughter.
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silksworn · 1 year
good morning. consider — what kinds of sweets would your muse like?
iraestra's palate tends more towards bitter, sharp tastes. black licorice, the darkest of chocolate, candied ginger. chocolate covered pomegranate seeds, cinnamon candies. glasses of dry red wine after dinner.
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silksworn · 1 year
what are some ways a “good” aligned character could get iraestra’s approval, or become her friend?
In a very general way, being interested in the things she is. Which could be said of anyone, but she is almost always going to be accommodating to the pursuit of knowledge. Of course, the range of topics that she considers worth study may be narrow to some. Magic in general, aberrations & psionics, questions about the Underdark or her people's customs, etc. The scene in act 3 where you can teach the little girl the correct way to cast Raise the Dead is probably one of the happiest interactions Iraestra had! She enjoys being a teacher to some extent, as she is not the most patient woman alive.
Being close-minded about certain avenues of magic such as necromancy or manipulation of the Shadow Weave is a sure way to gain her distaste. She detests small-minded people who write something off merely because it is defined as immoral or somehow forbidden. Morals are far too arbitrary for her to pay any mind. Do not limit yourself, your potential etc.
Above all, Iraestra considers herself an objective individual (debatable, with her revenge obsession and inability to let go of the past, but her perception of self is very skewed by the superiority complex). Making decisions that are logical, rather than emotion-based will get her approval.
Of course, this is not the case if it concerns righting a wrong done to you. She truly believes & follows the teachings of The Revancer, Kiaransalee, and thinks the weakest thing one can do is turn the other cheek. Not every petty slight needs reaction, but a true betrayal/hurt/slight? Cannot go unanswered. She holds absolutely no respect to those who forgive & move on, unless she can be convinced otherwise that it is not done out of weakness.
On a less serious note, she's not immune to baubles! Gift her books and jewels and crystal balls and she'll be likely to look slightly more favorably on you.
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silksworn · 1 year
❛ night terrors . and ❛ gouge . where a source of comfort comes from his claws at her throat, reminding her the worst thing to deal right now is him no matter the specters of her past
❛   night terrors .   hold  my  muse  after  they  wake  up  from  a  nightmare . + ❛   gouge .   wield  a  sharp  object  at  my  muse . / LOUD & DEAFENING SILENCE starters ! ❛ —— ☾ ₊ ⊹ @fatewoven
𝐀 𝐖𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐋𝐘 in a liquid tongue that is too complicated for Iraestra to fully follow. Her hair falls in a stream of starlight, whispering across Iraestra's upturned face and making her scrunch her nose in mild protest. Her expression is serene in a way that the little girl has never seen before, but she finds herself mirroring it all the same. Everyone remarks on how much she looks like her mother, after all. Maybe one day she will be as beautiful as her, too.
Belbol, are you ready for bed? she asks. Iraestra smiles and takes her mother's smooth hands. They are too cool to be pleasant to hold, but she does so all the same.
Belbol. Belbol. Belbol, a chant under her breath. She likes the sound of it better than her own name. Treasure.
It is rare that her mother visits her quarters. Even stranger still, that she personally sees to her. Child-rearing falls to the wean-mother and the slaves of the compound; Iraestra knows that it is because her mother is occupied with her duties as a high priestess.
She is old enough that she understands that now, as she has just passed her sixteenth name-day. Quite grown already! And while she hadn't seen her mother on the actual date, the surprise of her presence now more than makes up for it. She had even dismissed the servants, saying they would not be needed for the night. She would speak to her daughter alone, learn of how she has grown as of late. Iraestra had heard her dismiss the wean-mother with that assurance.
Her mother brushes her hair and helps her change into her bed-shift. She leads Iraestra in prayer to the Spider Queen, being kind enough not to admonish her when she stumbles over some of the phrases or forgets them entirely. Grandmother would not have been so kind with such a mistake. Oblodrans must seek perfection in all things.
Still, she must do well enough, for her mother kisses her cheeks and settles the blankets over her. She does not even leave, setting herself at the bedside and assuring her that she will be there in the morning! Iraestra wishes to ask so desperately what she has done to earn this reward, or what she is to do garner it in the future, but she is scared that by giving it a name she will scare her mother away from her again. No, she will not question it, and only be happy for what she is given.
She falls asleep mouthing belbol. Mother is singing again.
The dream ends as it always does. Centuries have not managed to dull the memory of suffocation. The pillow, so soft against her face. A crushing weight atop her, her mother's voice begging her to quiet, shush now belbol, all will be well. Once so lovely, now a shrill crow's cry. Her own wildly flailing limbs, the desperation — to live, to fight, to breathebreathebreathe — that only wasted more of her quickly waning energy.
Iraestra startles from her Trance, and the terror does not end. She gasps, she chokes, she moans and feels her throat work against a force that does not budge. The ceiling spins in and out of focus, her vision graying for long, harrowing moments. There is a weight across her hips, there are five pinpricks of hurt in her shoulder, holding her down. Too many sensations to focus upon at once, each one more overwhelming than the last.
This is how death will find her then, in her sleep. A final mockery on the family name.
The pressure eases only slightly, and without warning. Iraestra gasps air in greedily, chest working to fill her lungs. The dark shape looming over her is not her mother, but for a moment it is. Her mother has risen from the grave to finish the job, she will end their blood, she will —
Enver studies her as if she is another one of their experiments brought to the autopsy table. He regards her cooly, clinically. Under his eyes she is little more than insect stuck fast to a board. Lame in one of the wings perhaps, something once splendid but now sentenced for death. An amusement, these uselessly fluttering wings of hers. A curiosity to be pickled and kept amongst his other morbid trophies. Would he take her brain, her heart, her tongue?
Sweat cools in a puddle around her, but her neck is warm with what must be her own blood. Her thrashing must have loosened her hair from its braid, as clings to her temples in mats. The tongue is a thick, unwieldy lump of flesh in her mouth. He still has not removed his gauntleted hands from her. Metal warms against her flesh, the joints of the glove pinching.
Gods, how her throat aches. She must have been screaming, as she had been unable to as a girl-child. Loudly enough to have woken her lover, it would seem.
She seeks to find some semblance of his thoughts in his eyes. Only the abyss greets her. A yawning, gaping emptiness that nothing can hope to fill.
All fight leaves her tensed limbs, her trembling arms and thighs and belly. Soft, a pinned dog showing its underbelly. She is hardly aware of the tears that spill over, clumps her lashes thickly together. Iraestra is barely aware of anything beyond the drumbeat of her heart in her chest, in her ears, in her throat.
They do not speak. There are no words for what passes between them. He holds her until the tears end, and then studies too the wicked gleam of her blood across his gauntlets.
She does not thank him. He does not ask.
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silksworn · 1 year
what form would your daemon take?
Wild cat Your daemon would take the form of a wild cat! Those who have wild cat daemons are proud and confident people who radiate strength. They aren't necessarily the most talkative, but they have the largest presence in the room wherever they go. As natural leaders, the companions of these individuals know it's their way or the highway.
what kind of wild cat is your daemon?
Your daemon would take the form of a cougar! You are a decisive and impact individual who looks after your own. More so than others with wild cat daemons, those with cougars are protective and communicative, clearly stating their own needs and watching out for those weaker than themselves. They are patient and aware, and get their best work done in solitude.
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silksworn · 1 year
random & I should probably squeeze this into Irae's bio but she has a rather deep speaking voice. crushed velvet & violets, sort of throaty, contralto if she were to sing (deepest female singing type. I'm actually listening to some contralto performances rn and they're gorgeous).
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silksworn · 1 year
🍇 / 🫐 :]
🍇 How active in bed is your character? Do they like to lie there and take it or do they like to get the most bang for their buck?
While her attitude in bed vastly depends upon the gender of her partner, either way Iraestra she is far from an inactive participant. Her two modes are pretty much "d0mmy m0mmy" who will degrade you and might not even touch you because she's Above You and you do what she says to yourself and willingly <333 OR she wants to be physically dominated after fighting back and being overpowered (not that hard, Ms. Noodle Arms). She very noticeably does not care for much of a power dynamic when subbier. It's more physicality for her, wanting sweat and heaving muscles and — you get the picture. She would absolutely rankle at being talked down to the way she would as a d0m. But s*b!Iraestra is probably a hellion and bites and scratches and wants bruises to earn bruises to show for it. She tends to lean towards the first option more with men, not relishing the thought of submitting to one. Women, either or. There's also a secret third option where she might, just might lay down and accept pleasure, but that would be very rare for her and probably in a committed relationship. Soft?? I think she can be, but I struggle to see her letting herself be vulnerable and moldable for a man like that in bed. Even the play-fighting might still be okay with a male partner, but the vulnerability? Hrm.
🫐 Clothes off or on during sex?
I think it depends on the above dynamics! D0m? probably more clothed often than not, sometimes she doesn't even undress at all or take any pleasure beyond just seeing her partner writhe. Also sets a nice power imbalance if she's prim, proper, and buttoned up and her partner isn't. The other two scenarios I don't see her having much of a preference.
sin sin sin / @hallowleaf
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silksworn · 1 year
what is one way your muse can be manipulated? what lies are they all too willing to fall for?
You are worthy. You were meant to rule. All that is lost will be returned to you. The dark will sing and scream your name, only yours. One day, you will please the ghost that is your memory.
PRIDE is by far the worst of Iraestra's weaknesses. From the moment she could cast she was told that she would be the hand to guide Oblodra to greatness. That when her house's brewing plans to topple house Baenre from their long-held seat of power came to fruition, she would be the victor of it all. Their names forever carved in history, rule strong and true. They would be empire.
Her mother would hold her aloft as a child from a balcony of their manor, gesturing to the dimly lit city below. All this will be yours, little spinner. Her grandmother taught her strategy, ensuring her that she would need it for the armies she would command. Poisons, so that she may know how to eliminate a threat quietly. She prayed to have the strength to conquer. Every lesson learned was with the sole intention of grooming her to rule.
This, of course, never came to be. Iraestra never saw the throne she had been promised. Suddenly outcast from the city she had thought would one day be hers, an exile and traitor to Lolth. A rather long way to fall, for one who had only known the view from the top.
Mere flattery is unlikely to sway Iraestra, but whispers of power? Insinuations that she should reclaim her rightful place, that they believe in her birthright -- were she to believe the flowered words, she just might be easier to bend. This "truth" is her deepest desire.
The lies that sound the sweetest are those we want to believe the most, after all.
MUSE QUESTIONS / @limpfisted
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silksworn · 1 year
— No Moral Compass
You are cold, analytical, and you strive to be as objective as a person of flesh and blood can be. Either you don't understand the concepts of good and evil, or you understand it perfectly and think it's a load of bull. Some may call you selfish, some may call you unfeeling, but you're just doing what you believe will yield the best results, plain and simple. Why bother with petty ideals of right or wrong when you can do what will actively help those you give a fuck about? Your goals may be selfish or noble or anything in between, but you will not let anyone make you feel like garbage for going after them. You couldn't care less about what people brand you as. You just care about getting shit done by any means necessary.
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silksworn · 1 year
how do they usually wear their hair on an everyday basis? what is a hair style or colour they have never had before, but would try?
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Iraestra's hair is the typical white of most drow, sometimes taking on a somewhat of a very light blue shade under the light. She has never colored her hair, though if she did it would be either black or a dark, blood red. Typically let loose but slicked back & orderly, a sheath of gleaming silver down her back. She is fond of framing her face with silver ornamentation, braiding bits of hair through it or wearing simple circlets with only a gem or two in the setting. While traveling she is more likely to braid it tightly to be more convenient should she need to battle.
Muse Cheat Sheet !
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silksworn · 1 year
well. saw the bd&m test going around and felt that I was legally obligated to take it for iraestra. homegirl's got knks out the wahzoo.
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I feel like she leans towards being dominant and would practically demand to be in charge of any sort of power-exchange. Much more formalized, with set rules that may be set for the other to fail. Loads of degradation, sxual torture, having them completely at her mercy. Pretty typical dr0w Mistress femd0mme stuff ngl. As for the brat bit, I don't think she actually tolerates brats overmuch. A little banter, but nothing more. Any big shows of disobedience and well, there's the door. She isn't completely opposed to giving up her control, but she doesn't want the same things in that case. She absolutely would not be into being degraded herself or being told to do the type of tasks she might demand of a submissive. More like general rough-play and being physically overpowered (I think she's actually rather into that part of it). Less of the mind games & complete and total humiliation she might visit on someone who would submit to her.
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silksworn · 1 year
7, 8, 11, 34. ♥
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7. Do they have any unusual fears?
answer. — ❛ Horses. Not that Iraestra would admit to it even under pain of death, but she had never seen one before leaving the Underdark and her first experience with one of the beasts was rather...unpleasant. Despite having absolutely no riding experience to speak of, her usual pride got the best of her and she failed to heed any warnings about the animal's temperament. She was in for a rather rude surprise when she was bucked off almost immediately and only narrowly avoided having her face kicked. She would protest that they're filthy, dreadful animals if ever asked to ride, but the truth is that she's terrified of them.
8. Do they collect anything? If so what and why?
answer. — ❛ Iraestra is fond of pretty baubles and trinkets, thick tomes of magic, and some less-than-savory items that aid her in her necromantic research. Her most prized collection, however, is that of whatever illithid artifacts she can get her hands on. During the height of it's power House Oblodra was known for their rare gift of psionics. Foul rumors swirled for centuries about the nature of their dealings with the abhorrents of the Underdark and how exactly they came to be experts with such a rare power. Whatever the real answer may be, there is no denying that Oblodra had dealings with mindflayers and other such creatures. This lead to a wealth of psionic knowledge that was lost with the fall of their house. When House Baenre sacked Oblodra very few of their ancestral heirlooms remained unplundered or destroyed. That does not mean everything was lost. One of the very few artifacts that survived is Iraestra's most prized possession - a resonance stone imbued with an aura of overwhelming dread that belonged to her grandmother. Even with her strong mental shields it pains Iraestra to be around the relic, but it is one of the few things she still has from her true home.
11. Do they have any addictions?
answer. — ❛ Strong magic, maybe. Profane incantation weighing thick on the tongue, the prickle of the Weave waiting underneath her fingertips to be coaxed into whatever shape she desires it. The promise of greater power yet to be unlocked is nearly irresistible to her, for better or for worse. She also has a particular fondness for Blood Wine, a dry red harvested from shriveled vines possessed by spirits of cruelty and avarice. However, she is not fond of being intoxicated to the point of losing herself.
34. How well do they deal with grief?
answer. — ❛ Hah. Aha. Hah. "Deal" is a funny word for how Iraestra has been spending the last 130+ years since the fall of her house. Her thirst for vengeance drives her forward, memories of the past and what she has lost only serving to stoke that hateful coal in her belly. She hasn't truly even begun to grieve properly. Her acceptance has transformed into a steely determination that has left little room for softness within her. She hasn't cried in well over a century, but that doesn't mean she doesn't feel grief. Sometimes she still finds herself aching to turn to one of her sisters to share the joy of a magical discovery she's made in her research, or wish that she could feel the cold touch of her grandmother's mind against her own, teaching and guiding her. She misses the luxury she once lived in and the respect she was once afforded. How long has it been since she has felt the familiar dark of Menzoberranzan, comforting in it's all-consuming embrace? Though she has learned that grief has done nothing to bring any of what she desires most back to her. And she does not hold on long to what does not serve her.
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silksworn · 1 year
go here. repost with your character's name in their handwriting.
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