#☾ ic: closed rp ✧
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"Hey, dude! Let's hit the arcades! I'm bored as shit. How about you?" Kouki grinned at Ryuji. "Or do you wanna do something else? How about we eat something first before deciding what to do for fun? My treat, man!" Kouki offered. He got cash on him, after all.
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digixwaterfield · 2 years
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Lunamon was sleeping on a tree. It was a peaceful day and her human partner has gone off to somewhere. Probably attending her university classes again. Lunamon figured that she should take a nap to kill time. 
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"Hey, Agumon. Do you have a idea where are we?" Marcus asked his Digimon who just standing there with a confused expression. "I guess not." Marcus sighed. He and Agumon were sent off in a Digimon mission and expected to report back if they encountered something unusual. Marcus washed his face at a pond and his stomach gurgles. "Just great. I forgot to ask mom to pack our lunches, Agumon."
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"Darn it, boss! I'm hungry now!" Agumon whines.
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Tag Dump
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@fierywizardmon​ asked: “Congratulations! You played both of us.” The flawizarmon giving a condescending clap of his hands "Now what's your next move?" (For Tagiru!)
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“My next move is to play crazy eight card game!” Tagiru answered, grinning as he took out a desk of cards. “How about it?!” He asked again, wondering if a Digimon even know how to play a card game. 
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@shagadelicswinger | ☾☾☾☾☾☾☾☾
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"Like it's matter, dude! The cops are on their way! I don't know about you, man, but I'm outta here!" Alfred runs away like a little bitch.
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@ask-dark-monita​ | ✧ ☽ ✧ ☽  ✧ ☽ ✧ ☽ 
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“Where do you think you’re going, huh?!” Marcus and his ShineGreymon chased after the immature Frieza. 
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@hxroic-wxlls​ |  ✧ ☽ ✧ ☽  ✧ ☽ ✧ ☽ 
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“What? Do you think I came here for party games? I’m here to take over the kingdom!” 
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@ask-dark-monita​ | ✧ ☽ ✧ ☽  ✧ ☽ ✧ ☽
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“What?! What is this shit, old man?! How did you get strong as me?!” Marcus was very surprised at turns of events! 
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@ask-dark-monita​ | ✧ ☽  ✧ ☽  ✧ ☽  ✧ ☽
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“Thank you very much for welcoming me, new friend. I do have a few ideas for the mission.” 
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digixwaterfield · 2 years
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It felt like it was just yesterday when hell broke loose in Yokohama. Suzume spend her time away from the Japanese DATS branch for a year now or maybe it was two years? She doesn’t even remember. She was in the American DATS branch for a few months and then, she moved to the Hong Kong branch for a few more months. Finally, she was back at the Japanese DATS branch. She’s currently on temporary leave. She will only be called back if the DATS really n needed her and her Lunamon.  She remained in her hometown, Mochinoki City. Suzume was done with her university classes for the day and rested at a playground park, watching her Lunamon playing. She sat on a park branch and gazing up at the sky. 
‘A least the world is safe now.’  
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