#♕; out of character.
sappfyre · 2 months
aemond to his family: don't you want to go apeshit.
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arkclipse · 24 days
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hello everyone. this is just a gentle reminder to you, that no matter how little or how much you think you did today, just waking up and deciding to embrace the day is good enough. that even what you think is 'a little' is a lot. be proud of yourselves, even for something you might otherwise tell yourself is 'small'. even if you only were able to do 10% today, it was the best you could do and therefore, you did your best and that's all that matters. also, don't forget to take any vitamins, meds, hydrate or food, whatever you may need or what you may have forgotten. take care of yourselves.♥
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mvriigold · 4 months
thinking just a little about tcm!verse chrissy before i head to bed, because, like - there can be two options, where the stranger things events already happened beforehand, or she's just existing within tcm without her canon events happening to her, and they would definitely head in different directions.
but for the post st!verse where she survives and moves out to texas, there's just something about her getting out of there, maybe shedding cheerleading and trying to do something new, or trying to make cheerleading hers again. maybe picking a sport up for herself, while she figures out what she wants to do with herself now that her life is hers. making friends that are hers, and not people picked out by her mother. and, ultimately, ending up in that house in texas, and being so much more of a fighter than she used to be and biting back. i want her to grow and blossom and start to fight for herself so bad.
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feyarchived · 7 months
sally are you aware you're a milf
how do you think i caught the attention of a god?
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don't let my son hear you though, he still thinks realizing girls don't have cooties is weird, and doesn't love hearing about his mom having a love life.
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storiescrafted · 2 years
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specify muse or you won’t get anything! feel free to reach out for plots!!
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belacedia · 2 years
the other thing abt 8 year old varia!bel is that it means the others practically raised him & that has so many hillarious implications
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femfuriaaa · 2 years
I should probably make a little notice to say I'm VERY SORRY for falling off the face of the Earth here, If you follow my multi you know accidently I got back onto my Stranger Things hyper-fixation so I've been on my Stranger Things blog. 🤍🎀🦢
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puppianqueen · 2 years
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i think this is a very explainable catro post
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divinitysheart · 2 years
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So. you got worse. And i'm not entirely sure i can blame you for it. Maybe it was in you all along, hidden and waiting, or maybe someone planted it in you and watched it grow. Either way, it's there now and you hold it in your fist like a scond heart - this blood, this hunger, this thrill of having teeth and using them. Perhaps you are right to. You are a mirror for the hardness of the world, and a mirror that we could all stand to look in more often. It's hard to watch the bleeding bring about more blood, but it is undeniable that you are very good at wounding.
TAGGED BY: @shiroi---kumo
TAGGING: @detectivcprince​ @oathofpromises​ ( whichever muse you want ) @raideity​ @abyssforged​ and anyone else who wants to ! <3
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sappfyre · 2 months
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🖤 SEASON TWO EP FIVE STARTERS: reminder this will contain spoilers of the episode but will be tagged. if you are a multimuse, please let me know what muse or reduce to a list or two.
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arkclipse · 3 months
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h-honey?? darling?? dearest??
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mvriigold · 4 months
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we're cooking we're so cooking
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feyarchived · 10 months
‘   i’ll   never   be   the   same   .   ’ (faye)
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❛ yeah, isn't that what everyone says? ❜ her tone is as flippant as always, hazel eyes barely glancing up from where she's sprawled on the bed, flipping through the pages of what she's pretty sure is likely a journal of elena's from when she was twelve. unless the writing hasn't gotten any better over time, in which case . . . yikes. she should maybe think about some writing lessons, or at least look into an editor before trying to publish anything professionally. ❛ which part of the whole thing are we talking about, anyway? general teen angst, or the kind that comes from the supernatural actually existing, and you having a crisis over your boyfriend liking to suck down bunnies like a midnight snack? because yeah, that would throw me for a loop too, not sure if i could look at a guy the same way after that. tell me whether i need to put on my witch hat, or get someone like bonnie to listen to your woes otherwise. ❜
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storiescrafted · 1 year
find me at @theyheroes now!
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femfuriaaa · 2 years
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Y’know,  I  still  wanna  make  Stella  blog  on  the  low-key  but  I  really  think  people  would  not  like  her.  I  made  the  Stella  blog.  Here's  some  insight  into  how  I  view  her  inner  workings.  She  wont  be  “one-dimensional”  by  any  means  but  I  don’t  intend  to  victimize  her  or  “erase”  anything  between  her and  Stolas,  no  matter  how  “bad”  she  may  look  in  the  process.  Her  reasons  exist  but  whether  they’re  overly  good  ones  could  be  challenged.  None  the  less  she’s  not  the  asshole  in  her  own  mind.  She’s  always  been  a  haughty,  snotty  brat  with  a  vile  temper and  a  nasty  streak. But  its  true  a  lot  of  her  anger  at  least  toward  Stolas  is  because  of  the  arranged  marriage.  Because  she,  also,  did  not  want  to  be  married  to  someone  she  had  never  met.  She  further  never  liked  Stolas  because  she  instantly  took  him  for  a  loser and  a  push  over.  Stolas  did  nothing  to  reassure  her  that  he  was  anything  else,  which  made  her  marriage  to  him  even  more  uncomfortable.  That  is  to  say  there  seems  to  be  a  clear  contrast  between  Stolas and  a  lot  of  other  members  of  the  royal  avian  demon  sect,  whatever  we’re  calling  it.   Stoals  was  disinterested  in  Stella  from  day  one,  the  feeling  was  mutual,  which  didn’t  help  their  situation  yet  also  Stolas  was  romantic,  sensitive  soft-hearted and  intellectual.
These  have  been  parts  of  who  Stoals  is  since  he  was  a  child.  This   behavior  got  him  labelled  weird  and  meant  he  didn’t  have  any  friends.  No  one  liked  him.  This  carried  into  his  adulthood.  Stoals  was  repeatedly  the  “odd  one”.  He  likes  romance  and  books  and gardening.  Not  exactly  demonic  behavior.  I  don’t  know,  I  feel  like  while  its  OBVIOUS  demons  have  varied  personalities and  interests  they’re  probably  heavily  inclined  to  shun  the  more  “soft  hearted”  among  them.
And  I  think  its  very  clear  Stolas  is  not  really  a  demon  who’s  living  up  to  what  seems  “right”  for  one. He's  not  really  fierce  or  mean  or  macho.  Despite  being  royalty  he  even  seems  to  show  minimal  classism.  (  He  was  scolded  as  a  child  for  “bowing”  to  Blitzo )  Stella  hated  this  from  day  one.  Just  like  Stolas  was  able  to  see  a  picture  of  little  Stella and  KNOW  she’s  not  the  kind  of  person  he  was  compatible  with,  Stella  was  able  to  get  one  look  at  Stolas  and  say  oh  for  fuck  sake  really,  this  is  who  you’re  putting  me  with ?  Again,  it  just  got  worse  from  there.  But  it  was  royal  duty.  Neither  had  any  say.  So  here  we  have  Stella,  with  her  horrible  temper,  her  classism and  elitism,  her  being  raised  this  way  and  following  the  ideals  of  how  royalty and  perhaps  how  “demons”  and  perhaps  even  “men”  should  be and  act,  and  here  is  Stolas  dumb  ass  crapping  over  the  lot  of  it. 
What's  worse  is  he  can’t  even  seem  to  get  it  together  for  duties  sake  or  for  the  sake  of  appearances.  She  feels  as  if  she’s  left  doing  everything  and   carrying  the  whole  marriage.  All  their  “Duties” and  “responsibilities”  she  feels  are  placed  on  her  shoulders  alone.  Yet  Stolas,  being  the  “”man””  is  more  credited  to  them.  And because  it  was  clear  from  the  get-go  that  Stolas  was  gonna  embarrass  himself,  in  her  eyes,  hence  embarrassing  HER,  again  in  her  mind,  and  not  fight  back  when  she  rebukes  him ?  Naturally  she  began  to  abuse  him  without  mercy.  She  is  a  bully,  sure,  but  her  anger  is  coming  from  a  deeper  place  then  just  an  enjoyment  of  bullying.   So,  yes,  she  takes  vicious  pleasure  in  tormenting  him.  She  thinks  he  deserves  it and  due  to  Stolas  not  fighting  back  throughout  their  whole  marriage  she  thinks  she's  right  in  what  she's  doing.  She  has  no  respect  for  him.  Part  of  her  WOULD  HAVE  LIKED  HIM  to  stand  up  to  her.  She  thinks  maybe  she  could  have  RESPECTED  him  then.  But  the  bigger  part  doesn’t  think  he  has  the  right and now  that  she's  actually  experiencing  some  type  of  rebellion and  resistance  from  him   she's  utterly  incensed  by  it  because  HOW  DARE  HE.  Particularly  over  an  IMP ?   She  was  getting  pleasure  out  of  exerting  control  over  him,  yes,  it  was  pretty  much  the  only  pleasure  she  could  derive  out  of  the  whole  marriage.  The  entire  point  of  throwing  a  “not  divorced”  party  is  to  flaunt  this.  She  did  nothing  but  insult,  humiliate and  berate  him  in  front  of  their  friends  /  family and  it  amused  her ( and  apparently  them )  to  no  end  that  he  just  took  that.  Every  not  divorced  party  was  a  big  joke  about  how  much  she  could  fuck  with  him and  how  stupid and  pathetic  he  was  for  taking  it.  In  many  ways  she  was  CHALLANGING  him  to  do  something.  To  stand  up  for  himself.  To  take  the  reigns  like  she  felt  he  should.  But  no,  this  didn’t  happen.  At  least  not  until  the  most  inappropriate  time.  Like  I  said  part  of  her  would  have  LOVED  him  to  stand  up  to  her.  It  would  be  ugly,  so  ugly,  because  even  if  he  did  she  wouldn’t  take  it  laying  down, but  she  believes  she  could  have  respected  him  if  he  did.  That  at  least  if  he  wasn’t  going  to  step  up  and  “wear  the  pants”  she  so  hoped  he  would  end  it  because  she  would  LOVE  to  get  out  of  the  marriage and  that's  what  she  was  always  hoping  for  but  Stolas  just  did  not  have  the BALLS  to  end  it  for  her  and  save  her  pride.  In  her  mind  if  he  was  gonna  leave  he  should  have  stepped  up and  did  it  years  ago.   But  now  that  he  IS  standing  up  to  her ?  Now  that  he  IS  leaving  her ?  No. The  circumstances  are  totally  wrong.  Its  selfish,  its  humiliating.  She  doesn’t  love  him,  she  doesn’t  feel  cheated  on,  but  he's  doing  this  all  over  some  imp  dick.  He  couldn’t  do  it  FOR  HER,  as  twisted  as  that  seems.  She  made  no  secret  of  disliking  him,  of  how  angry and  miserable  she  was,  but  he  stayed  around !  He  kept  her  trapped.   She  doesn’t  seem  to  care  that  much  or  understand  that  the  real  reason  he  “stayed  around”  was  not  to  insult  her  or  lock  her  into  a  relationship  she  hated,  it  was  for  Octavia.  Because  Stella’s  perspective  on  this  is  also  warped  due  to  Octavia's  conception. 
In  the  sense  that  she  explains  that  Stolas  couldn’t  even  fulfil  his  duty  in  the  bedroom,  the  whole  point  of  their  marriage,  and  get  her  pregnant.  She  had  to  literally  do  it  herself  while  he  laid  there  and  stared  at  the  wall.  This  was,  actually,  the  real  moment  that  she  decided  she  hated  him.  This  moment  completely  defined  their  marriage for her. So much of her anger and hate toward him within their marriage filters back to this for her.
 I  do  think  Stella  cares  about  her  daughter,  but  she  is  self  cantered  as  all  hell and  I  don’t  think  she  would  fully  see  the  beauty  in  Stolas  idea  of  trying  to  give  Octavia  a  good,  happy  childhood.  No  one  did  that  for  Stella.  She  had  responsibilities.  She  had  an  unwanted  marriage and  the  uncomfortable  duties  of  that  hanging  over  her  head  since  she  was  like  11  which  only  worsened  as  she  got  older.  So  there  is  also  a  small  layer  of  jealousy  for  the  fact  that  her  daughter  did  get  to  have  a  “good”  childhood and   she  didn't.  Another  fact  is  Stella  feels  jealous  of  Stolas’  relationship  with  Octavia and   as  a  result  it  makes  her  distant  with  her  daughter  and   ever  more  outraged  at  Stolas.  In  her  mind  he  didn’t  do  anything  to  get  the  daughter  he  fawns  over  so  severely and   its  really  just  another  example  of  Stolas  reaping  the  rewards  of  HER  hard  work. 
 None  the  less  this  doesn’t  matter,  Octavia  isn’t  entering  her  mind  too  much,  Stolas  is  the  focus and   the   POS  here  and  he  has  to  pay.  I  kinda  hope  that  Octavia  winds  up  being  the  thing  that  makes  her  realize  she  needs  to  just  let  it  go  but  I  don’t  put  too  much  stock  in  it.  I’m  worried  it’ll  go  the  opposite  way  but  whatever,  I  can  hope  not  as  I  want  to  portray  Stella  as,  in  spite  of  her  bad,  does  love  her  daughter.  Her  feelings  are  just  extremely  complex. 
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verreprincesse · 3 months
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