#♚ — ﹝ꜰᴀᴄᴛꜱ﹞; abarith.
The Red Flags.
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Wyatt Cross.
One of six children to Evelyn and Robert Cross.
Survior of the Cross Family Massacre.
Born Witch & Empath. Shitty Witch, Shitty Empath.
Kidnapped as a child and human trafficed for over a decade.
Current Master of the underground Black Market and human/supernatural traffic ring.
Owner of Starlight Bar.
Current Patriarch of the Cross Coven & Abarith Coven, Head Witch on the King's Court / Voice of the Witches of Abarith (much to their and HIS dismay).
Personality can be summed up to this: If it benefits him, he's in, otherwise fuck off.
The Witches of Abarith and the Vampires have an ongoing war. Though it's calmed down over the years to just petty pranks, street brawls and occasional acts of arson, Wyatt and Luka do not get along. Once childhood friends (and Luka does not give a shit about Wyatt), Wyatt frequently when in the same room as Luka loses his temper and attempts to murder him. The easiest way to set Wyatt off is to ask about his family, or Luka Reid and his family.
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Vurphoadith (Artemis).
God of Creation (Actual Title) / God of Monsters (self imposed title)
Father of (Vercingetorix) Eric, who is actually a fracture of Artemis' soul and his first creation. Uncle to Adriel.
Technically a Shapeshifter himself, he is locked to two forms due to having mentally broken himself and shattered his own soul. The form of a child (chosen to create a feeling of comfort in people since a child seems innocent) and his true form (an adult man).
The second strongest being in Abarith / the universe, surpassed by Eric strictly speaking because he's broken / at half power.
Fiercely protective of Eric he will regularly attempt to harm (mentally and physically) anyone who gets close to Eric.
Enjoys violence, pain, blood, ritualistic sacrifices and dissecting people. Enjoys it more when in the chaotic (child) form.
One of Seven Pillars that created the foundation for the universe / Abarith. Artemis is the youngest of his siblings who were very afraid of him because of what he could do and what he was creating. Artemis' siblings isolated him out and after centuries of mental torture he became what he is.
Artemis will not talk about his siblings.
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kinglyisms-archived · 11 months
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ᴛʜᴇ ʀɪꜱᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴀ ɴᴇᴡ ᴋɪɴɢ. Hiroki, The Forest and the Pack.
   It’s been three days, nine hours, forty-five minutes since his father died. Three days, nine hours, forty-five minutes since Hiroki broke into his fathers room in the middle of the night and used his magic to stop his heart. Three days, nine hours, forty-five minutes since his father woke up gasping for air, fear in his eyes, grabbing onto Hiroki for help. 
   Three days, nine hours, forty-six minutes. 
   The office is cold. Lifeless. There’s paperwork everywhere. They had a funeral yesterday. It’s the first time he’s been in here since his father was in this office, talking to Hiroki about the Witches, about their anger, their fighting with the Vampires. The remaining members of the Court were going through some of the documents–he can’t trust them. The servants were cleaning up things, taking paintings down, carrying out documents they were told to burn. They don’t trust him. 
   The Court looks at him like he’s a child. The servants look at him distrustfully. The people look at him with hope and fear. Is he his father? Will he fix things? Is he strong enough to bear the crown? 
   A small step back is taken and one of the servants looks over at them, a family portrait from his father’s desk in her hands. She asks him a question, her lips are moving, but his ears are ringing so loudly he can’t hear her. His breath feels trapped in his chest, his hands trembling enough to be noticeable. He can’t breathe. It’s as if his head is being held underwater and he’s choking for air. 
   “Your Highness?” 
   His body feels like it’s on autopilot when he turns and runs, shoving the doors to the office open and letting his feet carry him as quickly down the hall as he can go. The servants move out of the way, a couple shouting his name in alarm. His chest heaves as he runs as fast as he can, taking corners to sharply and knocking people over. 
   “Your Highness!”   “Prince Hiroki!” 
   He sees the doors to the Castle, the guards looking at him confused, and dodges right beneath their arms as he shoves the doors open and breaks outside. The steps down the Castle Mountain are taken as quick as he can without falling, the sound of the guards footsteps behind him echoing in his own steps. He hits the bottom one and takes a turn down one of the more busier streets. Dodging through civilians he he moves as quickly as he can, not even entirely sure where he’s going himself. The people move out of the way, whispering and talking to each other in worry. 
   Hiroki loses the guards when he hits the city limit and climbs over the walls, dropping onto the ground on the other side and quickly moving toward the forest. He’s out of breath, his lungs are burning, and he finally slows his pace. He blinks at the ground a few times and then finally stops walking entirely. The forest is quiet around him, the first bit of quiet he feels like he’s had in such a long time. They’ve had him shut in rooms and meetings since his father was found dead in his bed, talking about the future and where things needed to go. You need to do this, we have to worry about this, the Kingdom needs a King. 
   He’s so tired. 
   “I don’t know what I’m doing.” Words he can’t utter to anyone else. “I don’t know if I can do this.” Words the people can’t hear. “I don’t know if I’m strong enough.” Words he needed to say though. 
   When he went to his father’s room that night the only thing he had been thinking about was his mother. The things his father did to her. The way he had so easily ripped apart her entire life, Hiroki’s life, his friends lives, the people–he had just wanted to make everything stop. He hadn’t been thinking about the crown, about what was going to happen afterwards. The consequences of his own actions. He hadn’t considered what it would mean to suddenly have power thrusted at him and the way people would look at him. 
   Like he’s either the answer to their prayers, or his father. They fear what he’s going to be and Hiroki doesn’t know the words he’s supposed to say to reassure them. He is his father’s son, but that doesn’t mean he has to be his father. 
   And yet, he doesn’t know how to be a King either. 
   His chest is burning again, a sensation echoed in his eyes that seemed to water as he continued to stare at the ground. The forest was so calming, luring him into a sense of security, safety. He doesn’t know what that feels like anymore. But this was the first bit of comfort he’s felt in a while. Years. When Amir told him his father was going to make him his next target, that he didn’t trust him, he didn't feel safe in the Castle. Around anyone and he still doesn’t. He can’t trust the people that served under his father. He knows that.
   Hiroki knelt down on the ground and gently ran his gloved covered fingers over the dried ground. The forest was dying, and had been dying for a while. With how much deforestation his father had been doing, the magic of the forest was quickly being lost and with it the magic in the ley lines and the Abarith Witches was too. Eventually, weakened enough, the forest and the wolves wouldn’t have been a threat to his father anymore. 
   The forest seemed to call to him, grasp at his magic and tug on it, the magic that called to the Earth and plants. An ability he had gotten from his mother’s side. He stood back up and dusted his gloves off before looking toward the forest. There was a pull from deeper in the forest and he slowly started to follow it. 
   With the unrest with the wolves and his father, Hiroki had never seen where the local Pack lived. He knew the Alpha, Takahashi, he had at one point been a member of his father’s Court. Until things had gone as terrible as they did. Hiroki was quite young when that bond of trust had been shattered by his father. When Takahashi stopped coming to court meetings, his father essentially declaring war on the Pack. Breaking the forest down piece by piece was the easiest way to weaken them. The forest can’t help them fight if it’s dead. It can’t protect the wolves from the soldiers. 
   He walked through the burnt trees, the broken stumps, the dead roots and leaves until he finally reached a part where things were still green. He followed the tug of the pull, being lured deeper into the forest until he finally reached a rather large, very green and dying tree. Edges of the trunk were graying, branches broken and leaves falling as they turned burn. He took a few steps closer toward it and when he was within touching range of it he heard the snap of a twig behind him. 
   “Your Highness.” 
   Hiroki turned slightly and glanced over his shoulder. “Alpha Takahashi.” 
   Takahashi was an older man, tall and well built. His hair was very long and left down, brushing along the middle of his back. He inclined his head slightly and didn’t move closer or take his eyes off of Hiroki. “Condolences, for your father.” 
   “You don’t mean that.” He turned back away, looking over toward the tree again. No one was upset that his father was dead. Hiroki wasn’t even sure he was. All he felt lately was overwhelmed, like he was being crushed from inside his own body. He wants to scream most days, cry others. 
   He wants to move closer to the tree, Takahashi’s next words freeze him in place though. “Your Highness, did you kill your father?” 
   “No.” A lie, practiced, he can nearly convince himself of it. 
   A sigh from behind him and he swallows around the lump in his throat. “You shouldn’t lie to a wolf, child. We can hear your heartbeat. Can hear the hesitation in it. The skip.” Pressing his lips together he forces his expression calm and turns to face the Alpha. His blue eyes meet the forest green of the Alpha’s, he didn’t look angry. “That is not the path your mother would want for you. I’ve known you since you were a child. I’ve seen you grow. I know your heart perhaps more than even you do. Your mother had raised you to be brave, smart and loving. By taking a life, are you any better than him?” 
   “Answer me this instead, Takahashi, do you think my father would have stopped?” The killing, the using of the soldiers, the burning of the forest. Would it have ended? 
   And isn’t that the answer that they all know. He turns his gaze away, shaking his head before turning to face the tree once more. “I don’t regret what I did. If that makes my mother ashamed of me, then let it be so. I did what I had to do. To stop the murder, to stop the suffering, to help the people. So that people like your son Toshiro can grow up unafraid to walk in the streets.” 
   A soft chuckle from behind him and Hiroki’s fingers curl into his palms, fists clenching at his side. For the first time in days, his hands were steady. 
   “You are your mother’s son.” A breath of air from his lungs, his heart feels a little lighter. “Do you care for Abarith, Hiroki? For the people beneath you, the people that look to you in hope for a better future? A safer life?” 
   For once his voice doesn’t shake at that question, a question he had at one point even asked of himself. He glances back again to meet Takahashi’s gaze. “I care for Abarith more than I care for even my own life. I would give it everything I had, if it meant keep the people who have suffered safe.” 
   Another laugh but this one was followed by a bright, proud smile from the Alpha. “Bold words for a sixteen year old.” And that’s all he was, wasn’t it? Sixteen and they looked at him like he was the answer to everything. 
   He didn’t know how to be that yet. There was so much weight on his shoulders. 
   “So what are you doing out here, little King?” 
   The question brought him back to the reason he came out here so far and Hiroki turned back to look at the tree in front of him. Moving his hands together he began tugging his gloves off, tucking them into his pockets. “The tree, it’s calling to me.” He doesn’t entirely know why, or what he was even doing, but he moved closer to the tree and then reached his hand out, placing his right palm flat against it. “I think I can help it. I want to help it.” Restoring the forest, wouldn’t that help Abarith too? Restore the magic to the Witches, to the Wolves, to the ley lines–it would fix the veil. 
   “I’m not entirely sure that’s–” Takahashi’s words fade off as Hiroki reaches deep into his body and tugs the magic from his core, pushing it out and into the tree. 
   The wind abruptly picked up, blowing through his hair and nearly knocking him from his feet. He continued to feet the forest his magic, feeling it sucked from him almost like a dried sponge soaked in water. Takahashi calls his name again, this time with fear, but he focused entirely on the tree. The dulled, graying bark turned a brilliant shade of brown, life breathed into it once again and then the tree started pushing his magic down into the ground beneath them. As the ley lines were fed the magic the forest started bursting with life, trees regrowing themselves and new ones sprouting out tall and proud. 
   Flowers, moss, vines, life returned to the forest in droves as Hiroki was slowly drained more and more of his magic. Yanked from his body far to fast for even him to keep up with what the forest was demanding. When he finally yanked his hand back his knees buckled from beneath him and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. He would have crashed to the ground if a wolf hadn’t dove beneath him and caught him from connecting with it. Gently he was lowered down as the wolf laid on the ground with him, glancing from Hiroki up to their Alpha. 
   “He’s alright, Elijah, he’s just magically depleted.” Takahashi made his way over to the both of them and crouched down at their side, pressing the back of his hand to Hiroki’s forehead. “I didn’t dare touch him, breaking a bond like that could have been deadly. He has a small fever.” Taking his hand back he looked around at the forest. “Incredible. The power he has is truly frightening, isn’t it? The tree would have been dead in a few weeks, at the rate it was declining. He just gave it back everything it lost in the last several years, all in a matter of minutes.” Elijah whimpered and Takahashi nodded. “I’ll go get a Witch, they’ll know how to treat him.” 
   Takahashi stood back up and glanced down at the wolf and the boy. “Stay with him, alright?” Then, after a moment, he added quietly. “I wonder if he knows. There’s no way he could use that much magic, tap into the ley lines like that, without being half-witch. It must have come from his mother’s side.” 
   He shakes his head and looks away. “I’ll be back shortly. Keep him safe, Elijah. He just saved all of us. Someone doesn’t do that without practically becoming a member of the Pack.”
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kinglyisms-archived · 11 months
A timeline of the downfall of King Gaito Nakamura, the 22nd King of Abarith.
King Gaito Nakamura (Hiroki's Father), a very cruel man who viewed his soldiers and citizens as tools of war. Wanted to expand Abarith and conquer the lands around them to improve their lives. Married Queen Shizuka Nakamura in their early youth.
Queen Shizuka Nakamura (Hiroki's Mother) saw the suffering of the Citizens and enlisted them help of her most trusted friends and the Ladies of the Court. Lacina Reid (Luka's mother and Shizuka's most trusted friend), Evelyn Cross (Wyatt's mother), Mirette Samaha (Amir's mother). They formed a plan, with the plant that Shizuka created that was very poisonus, they intended to kill the King with a poison that currently had no antidote.
Worried about being caught and seeing a way to improve her own life and standing in the Kingdom, Mirette decided to tell the King their plan.
With options limited, the people already unrested, the King decided to turn them on themselves. He hired people to kill Evelyn and her family and make it appear as if the Vampires were the cause of it. Late at night the Cross Estate was broken into, the family slaughtered, and the remaining children kidnapped from their home. In the morning, the Witches woke to their Coven leader dead in her home, her family gone.
As Gaito predicted, the retaliation was imminent. While John Reid (Luka's father) was out for the night, the Witches broke into the house and bound Lacina Reid in her own living room with her son. They set the house ablaze and burned her and her son alive. John Reid arrived home in time to save only his son.
With the plan firmly in motion and working, Gaito only had one last target left. He sat down with his Wife and gave her an ultimatum as he filled a teacup with the poison she had intended to use on him. Gaito wouldn't kill their son if she killed herself.
Hiroki found his mother on the floor of her bedroom the next morning.
For all of them, things had worked out great. Mirette was promised very large things, Gaito had no one else in his way. Then, in the middle of the night a few years later, Hiroki snuck into his father's room while he slept. Unaware of what was to happen, his own son crawled into his bed and used his power over time to stop his father's heart from beating.
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Spiderweb of connections.
Hiroki: Childhood friends with Amir, Wyatt and Luka. Reluctantly listened to by (crazy) Artemis. Toshiro serves on his court, Akira is his right hand man and Advisor. Was taught as a child by Satoru. Is in a friendly place with Eric and Zero, often gets advice from Eric.
Akira: Advisor to King Hiroki, friends with Amir. Forced acquaintanceship with Wyatt, Luka, and Toshiro. Friendly with Zero. Artemis would like to step on them. Good friends with Elijah.
Amir: Friends with Akira. Childhood friends with Hiroki, Wyatt and Luka. Has a forced rivalry going with Satoru. Is reluctantly liked by Artemis because of his family's history in Abarith.
Toshiro: Forced and unaccepted acquaintanceship with Hiroki, (hates this one) Luka, Amir, (despises this one) Wyatt and Akira through their shared court. Friends with Casimir and Chyrvin. Is related to Elliot through him being adopted. Friends with Casimir. Liked by Artemis because he's a born wolf.
Luka: Tenative truce with Hiroki, Akira, Amir, Toshiro to run the court. Dismissive of Wyatt's presence at said court meetings. Ongoing fued with Wyatt. Childhood friends with Hiroki, Amir and Wyatt. Friendly with Satoru and Casimir. He enjoys the library and helps guest lecture the Vampire students. Liked by Artemis because he's a born Pureblooded Vampire.
Wyatt: Hateful of Luka, Akira, Amir, Toshiro. There is no one he hates more than Luka and constantly attempts to outright murder him. Neutral with Hiroki. Childhood friends with Hiroki, Amir, and Luka. Hated by Elliot because he's rude to Toshiro, indifferent toward him. Detests whatever the fuck Eric, Artemis and Zero are. Is tortured by Artemis because the man knows it bother's him.
Elliot: Adopted and protective older brother of Toshiro. Respects Hiroki. Detests Wyatt and how he treats his Alpha. Friends with Chyrvin and Casimir and respects Satoru. Disliked and mocked by Artemis for being half-witch and half-wolf.
Elijah: Captain of the King’s Royal Guard. Fiercely Loyal to Toshiro as his Alpha and King Hiroki. Doesn’t get along with Elliot due to his solution of solving problems with his fists. Good friends with Akira and Toshiro, tends to have very pleasant conversations with Eric (possible friend?).
Chyrvin: Younger brother to Ceto, was locked up by one of Hiroki's ancestors making him and his brother very wairy and distrustful of the entire castle and anyone on the Court. They have a very mutual and calm agreement with the Wolves, especially Toshiro, helping to protect the forest in turn for protection from them. Chyrvin likes Elliot and considers him a friend, he also greatly enjoys Casimir and Satoru's company.
Ceto: Older brother of Chyrvin, due to his brother being locked up and tortured by one of Hiroki's ancestors who also cast the binding spell on him, he's very distrustful of the entire castle/court and hateful toward Hiroki. They have a very mutual and calm agreement with the Wolves, especially Toshiro, helping to protect the forest in turn for protection from them. Ceto likes Adriel and considers him a very endearing and level headed person.
Satoru: Taught everyone at some point (minus Eric/Zero/Artemis/Chryvin/Ceto). Specifically taught Hiroki in the Castle as the acting Royal Tutor. (not legally) Adopted Casimir when he was twelve, took the boy under his wing and helped him figure out who and what he was. Is familiar with everyone, but hated by Wyatt for reasons he's unsure. Friendly toward Artemis and tries to give the man some form of stability through treating him kindly.
Casimir: Ward of Satoru. Friends with Toshiro, Luka, Elliot, Chyrvin. Best friends with Zero. Reluctant acquaintanceship with Wyatt due to spending so much time at Starlight. Has fed from him. Hated by Artemis for being a halfling. HAS GOSSIP ON EVERYONE.
Zero: Servant of Eric and technically Artemis. Respectful toward Hiroki, Luka, Akira and Amir. Spiteful of Wyatt for the way he speaks to and treats them. Friends with Adriel and Akira. Best friends with Casimir. Artemis despises him.
Eric: Zero’s creator/master. Knows Hiroki, Akira and Amir. Reluctantly has met Wyatt (he lived). Has met Toshiro. Questionable, uncomfortale, overly friendly conversations with Satoru he can't label. Enjoy’s conversing with Elijah. Artemis' favorite person and his son.
Adriel: Son of Nethroas, the God of Beginnings and Fate, Artemis' oldest brother. Making Artemis his Uncle, and Eric his cousin. Enjoys Zero's company and is fairly friendly with Casimir by extension. Frequently visits Chyrvin's store for supplies and considers Ceto a friend.
Artemis: Father of Eric. Uncle to Adriel (he can't decide how he feels toward him because he's family but the son of the fucker who ruined his life). Likes; Hiroki, Amir, Luka, Satoru, Wyatt. Tollerates; Toshiro, Akira, Ceto, Chyrvin. Hates; Zero, Elliot, Casmir. Though specifically he would like to rip Zero apart and feed what energy he has taken from Eric right back into him and burn his remains.
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The Manor: Lures people in who become lost in Abarith's desert as is said by Zero to anyone who gets trapped.
The Secret Part of The Manor: It lures people in so that Eric can feed from them to satisfy one of his insatiable demonic hungers.
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𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝑨𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒉
The Castle: Hiroki, Akira, Amir can be found here.
Starlight Bar: Wyatt (owner), Elliot, Casimir can be found here.
Alutora: Satoru and Casimir can be found here.
The Manor: Eric, Artemis, Zero and Adriel can be found here.
The Samaha Coven: Amir's family home.
The Cross Coven: Wyatt & the Abarith Witches.
Reid Pharmaceuticals: Luka's Family & his father's buisness.
The Great Forest of Abarith: the Abarith Werewolf Pack, Toshiro (Alpha), Elliot (Beta / Second in Command), Elijah (Pack Member) and his son Slias. Ceto and Chyrvin, the Dragons who own Dandelion Apothecary (all can be found here).
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Abilities of the 23rd King of Abarith.
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Molecular Combustion (from his father): Hiroki's primary offensive ability. Controlled by his emotions it's triggered with his anger and other negative emotions. Though he has good control over this, that control slips and he tends to blow things up with aggressive movements. Hiroki is a very anmiated speaker, and his molecular combustion comes from movements with his hands. The higher his emotions get, the more animated he becomes, and the throwing his hands around means he unintentionally explodes something.
Control over Nature and Time (from his mother): Hiroki can speed down time and grow any plant. He also can manipulate nature and the plants around them turning his very environment into a weapon. This power takes a lot of energy and focus however, since he needs to pour his magic into the earth and make it respond to his will. So it's not the power he goes to easily or first for offensive matters. He has the best control over this one.
Astral Projection: Hiroki does not have any control over this. It happens most frequently when he's asleep, he finds himself drifting out of his body and ending up in random places. The magic involved with it is complicated and he doesn't understand it. He dislikes this ability of his.
Detection: Through magic past in his bloodline, Hiroki can detect magic and supernatural creatures. He can tell what someone is if he's close enough to them and they're not surrounded by other magical creatures. If they are in a group, he has to use skin on skin contact to detect what someone is. This also means he can detect when magic is being used, so magical tricks don't work on him.
Elongated Life: Though not immortal by any means, and certainly not invulnerable, Hiroki's family is known to live above average lives although most of them end up meeting a tragic end.
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kinglyisms-archived · 11 months
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The Wolf Pack. Location: The Great Forest of Abarith Alpha: Toshiro Kobayashi Second in Command: Elliot Pack Member: Elijah
   The Abarith Pack has been around nearly as long as Abarith itself, having settled into the Forest where they were far more comfortable though a few Pack Members live in the Town out of convenience. Out of all the Packs and Covens in Abarith itself, the Werewolves have the most numbers and standing in Abarith, followed second by the Witches. Toshiro while also being Pack Alpha is a member of the King’s Court and the voice of all the creatures that fall under the category of “Forest Creature” (i.e. the wolves, fae, unicorns, centaurs). He is also the youngest Alpha in Abarith’s history, having taken the title after his father’s death when he was Eighteen years old. 
   The Pack lives in the heart of the forest, near the Great Tree which gives power to the rest of the forest. The Wolves protect the forest and its magic, and in turn the forest protects the wolves. Though the Pack is very close it is in the middle of a conflict within itself. The Pack doesn’t view Toshiro as strong enough to lead them, and that conflict carries over into fights for power, which Toshiro has always managed to win. He has the respect of a majority of the Pack due to this, but those that wish to see him toppled over is great enough to create an unrest in the Pack. 
   The Pack has bonding nights on the weekends, typically Saturdays. They enjoy cooking outside, holding bonfires, hunting together and things of typical nature. Elijah is usually tasked with Barbecuing, Elliot gathers a few members together to go hunting, Toshiro helps set up and direct members together in what to do. As Alpha Toshiro tries to stay very close to the Pack members, especially the younger ones, and only goes out leading the hunt if Elliot can’t or if he feels he’s needed. 
   As Alpha Toshiro can sense where the other members are and if they’re in danger. The Pack bond is stronger with the members he’s closer to but especially as a Wolf. This bond goes both ways, but Toshiro has the greatest feeling over it. 
   All the wolves can smell someone's emotions. Happiness, sadness, distress, arousal, they all have different smells and though most of them won’t point it out to non-pack members, Elijah will having been raised entirely around the Pack the majority of his life until he joined the King’s Army. They can also hear someone's heartbeat, unless they don’t have one, and can tell when they’re being lied to. Wolves do not like being lied to.
   The Pack is very touchy with each other, enjoying having their scent on one another and reassuring each other that they’re there. Toshiro will drift toward whatever Pack member is closest and stand practically against them, keeping close contact with them. They won’t do this with strangers, or people from other Packs, wolf or not. 
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The Samaha Coven.
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Current Matriarch: Mirette Samaha. Future Patriarch: Amir Samaha. Location: Upper Right of Abarith, large wrapping family estate.
The Samaha's are a family of mages that have a deep and innertwining network of history in Abarith. Their Coven Line is nearly as old as Abarith itself and the Samaha's have always served on the King's Court. They are very old, very deep, magic users that tend to lean more toward fire magic but can master nearly all forms of elemental magic. Mirette's strength is water and light, Amir's is fire and light. Amir's father is water and earth.
Mirette is the only living member of the previous King's court, because she is the one who betrayed her friends and told King Gaito about the coup that was going to be held against him. She is directly responsible for the loss of all her friends. She holds no regrets for what she did because it is the reason she is still alive. It's an eat or be eaten kind of world in her eyes. Fight for your own survival.
Amir is Mirette's only child. Medically she can't have anymore and this is a sore spot for her and a heavy weight on Amir because it means he is her only focus and only heir. Mirette expects Amir to get married to another mage, a woman, and create children for Mirette to further the magical Samaha line. She often, and frequently, is trying to set him up with someone and also checks in on how he's developing magically. She expects him to be perfect and powerful. Amir has sacrified most of his life and childhood perfecting his abilities to prove himself to his mother.
The Samaha have the largest magical tome collection in Abarith, Satoru being the second. Satoru has more dark magic tomes than them but the Samaha don't practice dark magic. They often try to get Satoru to relenquish them though because they do believe they should be the ones guarding such dark magic. Mirette is a sore spot often in Satoru's spine.
The Samaha family has over a hundred living members, between elderly, adults, teens and children. They have the purest line because it's forbidden to marry anyone other than another mage. The Estate itself is large and locked behind a gated entrance. Amir tries to spend as little time there as possible, but is often called away to deal with things or have family dinners with his mother that will leave anyone trumatized.
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Evelyn & Robert Cross' children.
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Evelyn, who primarily went as Evie, was the patriarch of her family and coven, the Cross Witches. Robert, as man she had known since they were teenagers, took her last name knowing how important her families legacy and the bond of the Witches in Abarith is. Robert and Evie had a very loving and close knit family. He proposed to her when they were twenty-one, after dating since they were sixteen. Their marriage ceremony was held at the Castle, Shizuka was Evelyn's maid-of-honor,, Lacina and Mirette were her bridesmaids.
Robert, who had spent his entire life working in the newpaper industry as a report, quit when Evie got pregant with their first child and became a stay at home father. Evie made a lot of money working for the King as the Head Witch on the court. He enjoyed staying at home and was a very loving father. Evelyn, who was the Patriarch of her family and the Witch Coven in Abarith, trained her children. She had a big and loving heart, and she wanted her children to love themselves and love their family.
Evie and Robert had six children.
Christian Cross; their oldest.
Wyatt Cross & Alexander Cross (the twins)
Rosa Evelyn Cross; the oldest daughter
Caterina Cross; the youngests daughter
Daniel ; the baby boy.
Though Wyatt claims to be the only Cross that survived his family being slaughtered; his siblings are very much alive. He just doesn't know where they are. Wyatt gets his eyes from his mother and his hair from his father. He looks more like Evie than he does Robert.
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kinglyisms-archived · 2 years
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙒𝙖𝙧 𝘽𝙚𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙑𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙨
The largest part of Abarith's residence are made up of Witches and Vampires, both who live on the West side of Abarith, the Witches district directly below the Vampires. They have an ongoing war, almost like a territory war, that continues due to an incident several years ago.
When the previous King of Abarith was in power, his court was made up of the coven heads, the Patriarchs of the rueling families. This included Pureblood Vampire Lacina Reid, High Witch Evelyn Cross, High Mage Mirette Samaha and Alpha Werewolf Tadashi Kobayashi. All whose children have taken over the current role in modern day.
The 22nd King of Abarith, Hiroki's father Gaito Nakamura, was a man whose only desire was power and bloodshed. He used the soldiers like stepping stones to get what he wanted and had little care for the actual people inside his city. Though he put on the pretenses of a kind and caring man, he simply didn't care who got hurt in his fight for power. Seeing this his own wife Shizuka Nakamura the Queen spoke with Lacina who pulled the other women in the court together and devised a plan, a way to take him down and end his reign of tierney.
Before the plan could come to fruitition, the Cross Family Mansion was broken into in the middle of the night. Slaughtered like animals Wyatt watched through the floorboards of the cellar as his mother begged for her family to be spared and was killed. The mansion painted with blood, the family ripped apart, fang marks in their skin. The Witches were lead to believe their Patriarch had been murdered by Vampires bloodthirsty and on a bindge.
In retaliation to this the Reid Family Manor was burned to the ground with Luka and Lacina inside, Lacina magically bound to prevent her from escaping and saving her own life. Though Luka would give everything to try and save his mother before she was fiercely burned alive in revenge.
Although the truth of what happened is unknown to Luka and Wyatt, Wyatt is very aware that it was not Vampires that murdered his family. This doesn't stop him from holding a grudge again Luka though. Even though Luka is the one who should hold it and doesn't truely anymore. He's grown tired of constantly fighting with Wyatt and he is the only reason that the Vampires have stopped being such a pest to the Witches. Constantly putting them all in their place.
In truth; Mirette had betrayed Shizuka, Evelyn and Lacina. She told Gaito what they were planning to spare her own neck and cement a bigger place for herself in the world. This is the reason she's the only one left alive.
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And again I’m here to remind everyone Hiroki does actually die fighting for Abarith young and leaves his son the Kingdom.
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The Reid Family & Reid Pharmaceuticals.
Current Owner: John Reid Future Owner: Luka Reid Location: West side of Abarith, upper part. Related posts: 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙒𝙖𝙧 𝘽𝙚𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙑𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙨
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The Reids are the local Pureblood Vampires, the first and only ones to ever settle in Abarith. Their blood is what turned most of the Vampires currently living in Abarith, as their family line is quite old. Luka himself is around two hundred years old, however his father is several thousand years old and his mother was right up there along with him. Their family, while not having as deep a connection with Abarith's roots as Wyatt's and Amir's, is deeply and well respected by the other Vampires simply because of what they are. Pureblooded. Untainted by human blood and connected to the first Vampire. They are where all of it started.
Luka's Mother, Lacina Reid, was the one who bridged the gap between Abarith and the Vampires. To prove that Vampries aren't just lifeless dead creatures that want to eat and turn anything that looks good that day. She was the oe to create a better place for the Vampires in Abarith. To make them more. They gained respect through her taking care of them, guiding them and nuturing them.
Lacina Reid served on the King's court for over a hundred years. She served the 20th, 21st, and 22nd King of Abarith. Going through several lifetimes of King's in Abarith. She loved being able to help and being able to try and further her family for more than what it was. And she raised her son to try and view the world in a positive light no matter what it threw at him.
Her death at the hands of her own best friends betrayal shook the very foundation of the Vampires. Murdered by the Witches, bound in her own home that was set on fire, Lacina Reid was greatly mourned and lost. It hurt them, their view in the Kingdom, and the growing bond between them and the rest of Abarith, especially the Witches. It also completely broke John Reid.
Ried Pharmaceuticals was found by John Reid while he was still married to Lacina Reid. He had an idea for something that would help the Vampires and keep them from feeding entirely on humans. He struggled with this idea, with stabalizing it and making it make sense. He tried a few different things, sane things, and blood tablets were tenatively born. Though the formula for it wasn't exactly very strong and it kept being not quite enough.
Then Lacina Reid died.
Reid Pharmaceuticals, found by John Reid, kidnaps humans and bleeds them dry to use their blood as the base for the formula in blood tablets. John Reid, who has a supernatural hold over his son uses him to hunt down these humans and kidnap them. He also uses his son as a weapon to slaughter Vampires and other people that get in his way.
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The Cross Coven.
Current Patriarch: Wyatt Cross. Future Patriarch: None. Location: West side of Abarith, middle district, between the Vampries and the Humans.
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THE CROSS FAMILY is the beginning of Abarith. The family has roots in the Royal Family, their blood though very distant connecting them all the way back to the founder of the Kingdom, Seiji Abarith. Their blood is what created the beginning of the first Coven in Abarith and the current reigning Witch Coven. They are the foundation in which the magical community stands on, their magic deeply rooted into the Lay Lines that run through Abarith. The more of them there are, the stronger the coven is. The more their ancestors are laid in Abarith's soul, the stronger their ancestrial magic is.
EVELYN CROSS was the previous Matriarch of the Cross Coven and the Head Witch on the 22nd King's court. She was the one who restored the reputation and stability of her coven by bringing together the Witches of Abarith. Uniting them under the family name. It was through her that the Witches truly began to gain back their strength and power, balancing themselves and the magic that runs through Abarith. To the Witches of Abarith, she was the greatest thing to ever come out of the Cross Family line.
THE BETRAYAL of Mirette Samaha sent the coven back centuries of work. Centuries of stabalizing and fixing the lay lines. Evelyn and her husband being slaughtered in their home, removing the future of the coven and ruining the family off set the entire magical network Abarith was founded on. The family scattered the Witches pissed off, that peaceful balance they found was ruined in a single night and the coven fractured apart. The magic, though still strong laid broken and tattered in the network, the witches left scrambling to pick up the pieces and wondering who would lead them.
WYATT CROSS after over a decade spent passed around, sold and resold, on the black market finally dragged himself from the trenches of the place like a burning blue flag. Loathing Vampires (mainly the Reids), Witches and people as a whole he was not their ideal Patriarch. However, being the only Cross left and a decent witch (and shitty Empath), as the son of Evelyn Cross, he was the legitimate and legal heir. This being the case, after much deliberation, arguing and debating from King Hiroki--he took the position.
CURRENTLY Wyatt is the Patriarch of what he considers a dead coven despite all the Witches in Abarith being a part of the coven. Their magic all tied into the network that runs through Abarith. He is a very angry, very unkind man, who wants to just see the entire world burn. The Witches magic that once ran strong and proudly through Abarith is now a fraction of what it used to be and not improving due to Wyatt's ignorant and hateful nature. The witches still fight with the Vampires over the death of Evelyn Cross and it's very much a sore spot for them whenever talked about. Evelyn was deeply beloved and they can tell that Wyatt is NOT his mother. Though they wish he would be.
THE CROSS FAMILY ESTATE still stands, the house cleaned up from what happend. Wyatt pays for it, though he never goes there. Wyatt lives above the Vampire District (which is above the Witches), on the side of the Mountain Abarith Castle was built on top of.
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kinglyisms-archived · 2 years
The Manor
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Built by Eric when Abarith was still very young, the manor is now several hundred years old. The manor is quite large, has two floors (layout first floor, layout second floor). The manor was hand built by Eric, infused with his magic and energy, and made from a magical tree. Due to this the house is very much alive with magic. Is aware of those that enter and leave it.
The house responds to Eric's emotions and he can feel everything that goes on inside it. He can also tap into the magic of the Manor and essentially magically lock it down if he feels there is a threat. Inside or out. You don't want to be the enemy locked inside with him. Eric uses this sometimes to keep Artemis trapped inside if he's being a particular threat to someone or especially unhindged that day. He doesn't like trapping his father inside.
The Manor has an attic that is used for storage and a basement that is used for other things. The basement has a magical array carved into the ground that allows Eric's magic to flow more freely through the manor. The array also hides what is hidden and buried beneath it (Eric's heart).
Eric doesn't leave the manor. He can wander a good distance from it, can even head to Abarith but the further he gets from the manor (that magical tie to his magic and his heart) he gets weaker. He spends a lot of time inside his office or the library, since he rarely needs to sleep unless he wants to.
The Manor can't be found by normal means. The magical dust storm that covers the desert was created by Eric to hide the manor from those that would seek it out. The manor can be stumbled upon unintentionally by those wandering the desert. It can also be found by those with a connection to any of the residence inside, or have been to the manor multiple times.
The manor is primarily run by Zero. Artemis tends to keep himself locked in his room. Adriel has a room in the Manor, as he’s staying with them temporarily with nowhere else to go and for protection.
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kinglyisms-archived · 2 years
𝘈𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘢; 𝘈𝘤𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘳𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘦
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Founded by Satoru when he was twenty five, it has been in operation for one hundred and five years. Referred to primarily as the Academy or the School for the Gifted, Alutora is a school in Abarith that focuses primarily on education for Supernatural and magically inclined children. From ages three to eighteen, with buffers for those who don't quite age the same as everyone else or learns at different speeds. Satoru will never kick someone out if they still want to learn.
Alutora is several levels high, three floors of classrooms. At the center of the school is the Great Library, Abarith's only library collection that is easily accessed by the public (the other being in the Castle but not open to the public). The Library is five floors, four of books and a cellar behind a hidden, locked, spelled door that only Satoru has the key to. The forbidden section of the library (the cellar) holds dangerous, dark, arcanic magic tomes that he does not share with the public and is trying to simply keep them out of circulation.
Behind the school is the dorms, which he rents out to those that simply have nowhere else to go. Most of Alutora's students live in Abarith, but those that don't have a home, are orphans or simply don't want to live at home can stay in the dorms behind the Academy. The parents or students that can pay "rent" do though he keeps the price very low. The others that can't pay by helping out around the Academy.
Satoru teaches several classes, his main one is advanced magical practices and arcane arts. He loves children and enjoys teaching the younger ones. He's very popular and well beloved at the Academy. He works himself hard enough constantly that he's often falling asleep in the library when he has a moment of freetime.
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