#♚ Timeline | EB
pigmonarch · 4 years
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He’s not sure he’s feeling great about that girl finally coming around here.  She’s a little terrifying.
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pigmonarch · 5 years
♚ Descent | [Porky & Giegue]
starter for @anearthstruckalien !
For as important as this mission was purported to be, it was difficult to see exactly where this was going.  Pokey had been obedient for the most part in completing the tasks set before him by his master, as imprecise as the instructions could be.  There was a considerable amount of smoke and mirrors involved in this “destiny” he heard so much about.  What pushes him along is the knowledge that all may be revealed in time the further he gets along, parallel to the prophecy Ness was now subjected to.  While his friend was working towards an alleged greater good, Pokey worked in opposite.  And yeah, all this “Giygas will enslave the Earth and leave it in ruins” thing certainly sounded bad, but after all this time, Pokey was starting to suppose this Giygas guy might not be too bad after all.  Maybe that was really Earth’s destiny.  Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to be subjected to the whims of a tyrannical alien overlord-- well, not so bad for him, perhaps.  He’d be okay.
After all, this Giygas guy kind of needs him to accomplish this-- and to accomplish it right.  That’s at least the impression Pokey gets from the whole thing.  Giygas certainly waxed on the idea of this being a big, special destiny for this unassuming little pre-teen.  He seldom has the chance to speak to the big boss directly, but what opportunity he does have via those dream communications with the Mani Mani always leaves him with the feeling that what he’s doing is really important and all really relies on his success at the various locations he’s sent to on behalf of Giygas.  He may do much of the same thing over and over-- that is, some form of attempting to impede Ness’ progress-- but that stuff is definitely essential, that’s for sure.  It’s all about blocking Ness and the Chosen Chumps’ path, frustrating them, stalling them, anything short of getting his own hands dirty.  Of course, that’s too far.  It’s not like Pokey wants Ness to die or anything.  Just cry, give up, and go home running to his mom so that Pokey could reap the rewards of this covert involvement in this awesome prophecy-- a prophecy he would help destroy.
Wouldn’t that be so funny!  The great Ness finally bowing down to his unassuming and underappreciated best friend.  It’d be nice to see him knocked down a peg.  He was so full of himself.  He has no idea how he never noticed it before, but now, it appeared obvious just how much resent there was between them.  Ness hated him, that much was clear.  Why else would he go to this extreme to spite Pokey?  How despicable it was-- and they were supposed to be friends?  God.  And then Ness keeps following him around no matter where he goes.  So far, the messages in the dreams were encouraging him to stay close to where Ness and his friends were heading to try and stay on top of things, but that’s clearly not working.  It was time for a new plan, one that would try to out-predict those chosen heroes and head to places before they ever even consider the next location.  There was little to be found in Scaraba-- the Pyramid too difficult to reach-- but the Deep Darkness...
That could be a very good chance to ambush them.  That’s why he takes his helicopter from Scaraba and heads south towards the Deep Darkness, completely uncharted territory.  But he doesn’t realize he doesn’t have enough fuel until it’s too late, and any attempts to try and land the helicopter safely are completely out of the question given he can’t see a single thing at all down there.  All SOS messages go unheard, and for a split second, just a mere flash of thought crosses Pokey’s mind that this may have been a bad idea before the darkness swallows him whole.
When Pokey awakes again, his vision blurs and struggles to focus in the blackness that surrounds him.  There is nothing to see, and yet he knows something is there, hiding in the pure nothing.  He thinks to get up, but his body is heavy, weak, unmovable.  For a long moment, Pokey is stuck staring at his hands, pressed against the empty nothing beneath him, until a sign of movement in front of him prompts him to jerk his head up to meet the new sight-- a creature unlike anything he’s seen before.  And Pokey freezes, stuck on his hands and knees, almost like a bow, while he stares back at the being.  The power that emanates from it is remarkable-- and unmistakable, too.  But he’s too afraid to say anything about it at all, and instead elects to move to sit up, craning his neck up to look to this new entity.
A pause, and then Pokey looks down in thought, hands resting on his legs.  It suddenly occurs to him, as he tries to collect his thoughts, what just happened to him.  That’s right, he just... crashed in the Deep Darkness.  ❝...Did I screw up?❞ is all Pokey asks, a tone of childish fear tinging his voice.
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