#♜// 02. IN CHARACTER.
rwuffles · 5 months
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➹ you must have a cup of tea!
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rhodeswarriors · 3 years
How much did he say his blood was...?
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rhodeswarriors · 3 years
She’s casually strutting away now, tossing the various things she nabbed into different places; nearby trashcans, random corners of the room, closets. Of course there was a purpose to all this- it would just depend on how soon Ifrit finds out...
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Time to stoke the fire a little...
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rhodeswarriors · 3 years
The fire alarm’s going off. Sprinklers pouring water over the immediate area- but the water has no effect on these flames, spawned by something more than simple combustion of heated wood and friction.
She’s screaming. Holding her face, hands over her eyes, she’s screaming in pure agony, as if someone was tearing her open, stabbing her where it hurts the most. There was, however, no injury.
Just as there was no sound. Nor was there an alarm.
... a nightmare. It must be, because there wasn’t anything going on the moment her eyes opened.
No, it was just her, in the darkness, breathing hard. Her body won’t move, her blood’s gone cold (a terrifying prospect for her to even consider), she feels sick.
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She was running out of time. Each day that passed was one day closer to her ‘expiration date’. She couldn’t die like this. Not without getting what she wanted...
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rhodeswarriors · 3 years
“ Oh, but... I liked this place, and Margaret’s friends are all here... “
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rhodeswarriors · 3 years
" Asbestos-free, my ass... "
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rhodeswarriors · 3 years
She’s gotta dress her best this morning. She’s gotta look like the belle of the ball, like auntie would say. It’s not like her to be arrogant or self-concerned, but...
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Today was her birthday after all. She’s going to look the part.
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rhodeswarriors · 3 years
“ If anyone asks, say Columbians came by and kidnapped me. “
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rhodeswarriors · 3 years
The all too familiar clanking of armor signified the Knight's approach long before Dobermann would spot her. Still, it might come as a surprise when Nearl appears with gifts in hand and not the usual battle report.
First set down in front of the Perro was a bottle of wine, a little note hanging around the neck of the bottle making the occasion obvious, if it wasn't already. 'Happy Birthday, - M.N.'. Not a expensive or fancy bottle like she would've been able to afford once upon a time, but it wasn't anything cheap.
Secondly was a simple, plain box of what could only assumed to be chocolates. There's joy evident in her actions as she places both items, a little perk of the ears, a slow swish of the tail, and most obviously, a smile on the Kuranta's face.
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"Happy Birthday, Instructor."
No, she doesn't think there's anything wrong with the second gift. Why do you ask?
Nearl might have the opportunity to see a post-scolding Dur-nar, carrying two buckets of water balanced by a wooden stick over her back- punishment, it looked like.
From her workspace, the Perro's ears twitch as she hears the tell-tale signs of an approaching Kuranta, and turns towards the door just on time to see the source... just on time for her to slide the box she'd just gotten under her desk.
She didn't even have to ask what this was about. " You too, huh... "
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Dobermann would watch with the slightest glint betraying her curiosity- and the small twitches of her tail. She's careful to let the Knight place her gifts on her desk, following her hands as the wine was set down in front of her. A little champagne for celebrations was never bad- cheap or not, alcohol was something you improved your own ways.
The real surprise was her second gift- a mall box of... chocolate!? There was an indignant blink from the Instructor as she glanced between the box and Nearl, unsure of whether or not this was a purposeful choice and one of her closest allies was trying to poison her...
Or if Margaret was just being... well, Margaret.
" ... Margaret. I appreciate your courtesy but... are you trying to kill me? "
" ... what's my race, Margaret. "
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rhodeswarriors · 3 years
Oh, she might get in trouble for this. But it's not going to be the first time she's had Dobermann up her ass over her choices, it won't be the last either. Dur-nar, thusly, finds herself swaggering as normal into the Control Centre.
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"Mornin'. Happy birthday!"
And she plonks a bag down in front of Dobermann, patting the other on the shoulder before making herself scarce. A cutesie card that wished her a "vewy happy biwthday!!" and a box of "industrial materials"-- Or, as others might know it, a package from the Black Snack Market. Said box contained Dobermann's favourite snack.
Which Dur-nar had ensured was kept entirely secret from the moment it had arrived on the Ark. Because Dobermann was entitled to her secrets.
She was losing track of the time- that must be the case, because by the time Dur-nar entered, that stack of paperwork she'd been working on had shrunk drastically. In fact, it gave her plenty of time to enjoy the cake she'd gotten before- the other gift was left in the drawer... things to look over later when she had down time.
The Vulpo had a certain swagger to her though... something was up- wait, did she know too? Was she- " Dur-nar. What's thi- hey! Don't just- ... leave... how is Lava the only one that knows how to talk to people...? "
Yes, yes she was: another gift. This one smelled strange though... no... how could she know? The box was opened up, and reaching inside, the Perro pulled out a pastry- sugary, tart pastries filled with guava...
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When did she sneak these in?
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rhodeswarriors · 3 years
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"So- Doctor Kramer suggested this when I asked her-" Lava made her way over to Dobermann with a cake in her hands, and a candle upon it. The cake was small, it was carrot cake though without an single drop of Chocolate. "-But yeah, Happy Birthday Instructor! Ummm..." she fumbled and placed the cake down and pulled out a wrapped gift clipped to her sides. "Also got ya this!"
Inside said gift wrapping was a shiny holster for the older woman's whip.
Having made it to her office now, finally sitting down and placing that jar she was given earlier into a drawer in her desk, she was only just starting her paperwork- until Lava entered. " Lava, you should knock befo- "
Was... that a cake? What was she doing, bringing a cake to her instructor... ... Oh good gods, she forgot. It's her birthday. That explains Saria's behavior...
For a moment she wasn't sure what to say- gifts weren't something Dobermann was really used to, at least not from her trainees. Most saw her as a royal pain in the ass, it was a surprise that any of them appreciated her in this sort of way. Not that it bothered her- what they thought of her wasn't important. Their training was.
Finally though, she did say something. " ... ahem. Thank you, Lava, I'll... enjoy... these? "
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" Sorry, I'm not used to receiving gifts... really, thank you. "
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rhodeswarriors · 3 years
Seeing Dobermann in the training facility, Saria motions for the woman to hold out her hand and places a jar of leather dressing on it. "Here." It's for maintaining that whip of hers. She's not going to take it back. In fact, she leaves right after leaving it in the perro's hands. ( Happy birthday, Dobermann. )
Watching the recruits all relax after a harsher session, it gave her a sense of satisfaction that what they went through would stick- and what sticks will save their lives later. She'd turned away only for a moment to head back to her office, only to stop when Saria approached her. This was a strange visit... she only requested Saria's presence when Margaret wasn't available...
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Before she knew it, a small jar was put into her open palm- and before she could say anything, or ask any questions, Saria turned and vanished.
Leaving a very confused Dobermann standing there, looking at the gift in her palm...
What was the occasion...?
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rhodeswarriors · 3 years
A loyal Knight to Royalty.
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rhodeswarriors · 3 years
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Oh god oh god it’s happening, her heart’s going crazy-
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“ Ah-! Hey... don’t just go grabbing people... “
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rhodeswarriors · 3 years
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This wasn’t an approved training regimen... but Amiya is her boss, so it’s out of her power... at the very least, she’ll carry the Doctor into shade and give her small sips of water.
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rhodeswarriors · 3 years
For a moment, only the wind could be heard, the sound of her wingpack quickly fading with the noise of the blizzard roaring around him...
 He was left alone when she flew off abruptly, having wrapped her own protective gear around him to keep him warm- she left so suddenly, he didn't even have time to resist. Even when he cried out her name, it was lost to the wicked, snowy gale that sought to swallow him whole, just as it did with Fairwind.
But his silence was broken when his ears picked up a faint sound from his radio- that's right, she was still connected via signal! Even the storm couldn't interfere with this direct line- shakily, feeling like his fingers were slowly becoming solid blocks of ice, and after a bit of trouble, he finally pulled his radio free, struggling to speak through the chattering of his teeth and the frigid air threatening to freeze him inside out-
" Fairwind!! Fairwind, you need to come back right now- without climate gear, you're going to freeze to death- you're going to die!! Don't do this!! Please don't do this- Fairwind, you- " The sound on the radio was quiet- even holding it up to his ear, it was hard to make out- but still, with those sharp ears of his, despite the temperature messing with his head, he could hear it. He knew what it was.. it was no sound. It was a voice- her voice. The pilot's voice was hardly a whisper in comparison to all the background noise, but still it could be heard. She was saying the same line over and over, and in normal circumstances, he might've felt proud of her bravery... but he knew what it meant.
There was a ball of ice in his gut, and not from the weather- dreadful realization spread over him, chilling him to his core with more success than this blizzard could ever hope to have. He knew exactly what it meant...
She was ready. For once, she wasn't afraid.. she knew what she had to do, and she would go through with it all the way. That ball of ice was the grim acceptance he had to bear knowing what she meant when she said the line...
" Weather the storm... "
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