#♜:〝well obviously we have a lot to talk about〞|| answered
hesolved · 4 years
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@unferaled​ said: “"Stiles? Max was supposed to keep you OUT—" Their mutt (she doesn't call it that out loud, but definitely thinks it a lot) barrels its way into the kitchen, sniffing & pulling at decorations. The kids around Oasis, very adamant about helping celebrate Stiles' birthday, all wanting to be the one to give him the best gift, left presents everywhere. That left Malia on cake duty. "I know your last birthday kinda sucked so," She shrugs, arms covered with flour. "I hope this one sucks a little less." ”
𝐌𝐀𝐗 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 they could to make Stiles’ life harder, except for when they could team up with Stiles to collectively make Malia’s life harder instead. In those cases, they were a united front, ruining her surprises day by day. Stiles wasn’t huge on surprises and he had long grown to associate them with only depressing, earth-shattering, and world-collapsing events. Totally fun. He didn’t trust the unknown and he had plenty reason to. Any time he had in the past, it fucked him over. Except for the one time, he put his trust in a stranger. Malia. She was the exception of exceptions and if someone had told him a year ago that this year on his birthday he’d be celebrating with his family, he wouldn’t have believed them. He would have argued that he had lost his family entirely and that once you did that, you didn’t get the chance to find a new one. That wasn’t how things worked. Turns out, past Stiles wrong. For him, that was how the world had worked out. The past year had been a confusing and exhausting series of events, but they had balanced out, regressed to a mean that Stiles had long forgotten existed.
Raising a brow, he glances around the kitchen, grin immediately spreading on his face, ❝ i mean if you consider alone with an expired can of beans that has a lighter sticking out of it totally sucky then yeah it sucked. ❞ Stiles is joking about it now, but it had been one of the worst days of his life. It was a point where he wasn’t really sure he wanted to keep going but for some reason, he stuck around. He still remembered the day with perfect clarity, how he had sat there with his sad excuse of a cake, sobbing over memories of people long passed. He reaches out for Malia, pulling her closer and ignoring the flour that transfers from her and onto him. ❝ have i told you how much i love you ? because i seriously love you. this birthday already sucks less because i’ve got you guys. ❞ He pauses, ❝ and also because i don’t think anything could suck more than that birthday. it was worse than when i was first grade and my dad invited the whole class to the party and no one showed except for scott. so it was pretty bad. ❞
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hesolved · 4 years
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@lydiamartinx​ said: “[ sms: Stiles 💕 ] Happy birthday, babe! Miss you so much and I can’t believe I’m not with you today, but I hope you have a perfect day and I can’t wait to see you again soon! xxx ”
[ 📱 — lyds 🧜‍♀️]: thank youuuuuuuuuu i love you so much ❤️ [ 📱 — lyds 🧜‍♀️]: i miss you too [ 📱 — lyds 🧜‍♀️]: and as soon as i finish working this case and come home and get to see you im tackling you and squishing your face and kissing you like a lot a lot [ 📱 — lyds 🧜‍♀️]: so prepare yourself for that
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hesolved · 4 years
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@thewailer​ said: “ Lydia had been thinking over what to get Stiles for weeks. She’d wanted it to be special. To mean something to the man she’d fallen in love with. So rather than buying him useless possessions, she’d arranged a date night. “Happy birthday” the redhead beamed with a smile, leading the blindfolded Stiles into the yard of the lake house where a table had been set with candles and dinner, overlooking the lake. “I hope you like Lasagne ”
❝ 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐃 really necessary ? ❞ He complains, free hand reaching out wildly to try and steady himself for about the hundredth time. He could hardly walk in a straight line when he could see, let alone when he had something tied tightly around his eyes effectively blocking his sight completely. He had nearly fallen on his face about eight times now, the only thing preventing his face from kissing concrete being Lydia. Stiles had no idea what kind of monster had created the tradition of surprises but he certainly wouldn’t mind traveling back in time just to punch them. At the proclamation of ‘happy birthday’, greedy hand reaches up, tearing off the blindfold as fast as possible, freezing as soon as he sees the dinner. Lips twitch, ❝ did you do all this by yourself ? ❞ He takes a few steps forward, wasting no time in plopping down in one of the chairs, ❝ god you’re smart, pretty, and thoughtful ? i must be the luckiest guy in the world. ❞
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hesolved · 4 years
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
ahhhh !! coming back to this in my inbox means a whole lot thank you so much ♡♡♡
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hesolved · 4 years
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@imworthfivedollars​ said: “"Happy birthday!" Parrish holds out a cake while Em sings the birthday song obnoxiously loudly and off key. It's a small chocolate cake decorated with edible lacrosse sticks, and the cake has his uniform number in the middle. "Hope you like it," Parrish says after Em finishes. ”
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UNABLE to contain his laughter, a small snort escapes as the singing grows louder and louder and he waits as patiently as humanly possible, which is to say, not very long, before foot starts tapping along with the beat - no matter how offbeat it may be. He takes the cake from Parrish’s hands, sticking out his tongue slightly as he balances it in one hand, using the other to pluck one of the edible lacrosse sticks off of the top of the cake and into his mouth. As soon as it touches his tongue her offers a big thumbs up. ❝ dude this is like crazy good. i’m convinced you were like a pro-baker in a past life or something. i’ve had this running theory ever since i had those lemon bars you made at that party at the station and this confirms it. ❞ If he didn’t have a cake now in his hands, he’d go in for a group hug. ❝ thanks guys, seriously. you really didn’t even have to do anything. ❞
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hesolved · 4 years
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@myhrv​​ said: “ Holding a humongous and not at all subtle birthday bag, she reached in to take out the slightly smaller ( but still huge ) pack of curly fries that she may-or-may-not have bribed the cooks at the diner to let her take. "Got you these --- " shoving the fries at him, she trailed off to pull out her actual gift, a gameboard she made just for the two of them. It was wrapped, the paper plastered with various photos of herself, "and this." Grin stretched over soft features, "happy birthday, Stiles." ”
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EYES widen and he stares at the biggest pack of curly fries he has ever seen in his life so intensely that he damn near drops them as they are pushed towards him. Shuffling the pack from hand to hand until he has a solid grip on them, immediately he reaches in and shoves as many fries into his mouth as he can, mumbling a confused “thanks” long before he’s done chewing. It’s only once he’s swallowed that he allows himself to actually see what it is that Delilah has brought him and he doesn’t even attempt to stifle a laugh at the wrapping paper she has expertly used. ❝ woah no way ! you got me, you ! it’s totally what i’ve always wanted, how did you know ? ❞ Grin tugs at the corners of his lips and with all the care in the world, he sets the fries aside, making sure that not a single one of them is lost. Part of him wants to be careful when opening the gift, purely so he can hold onto the paper for later, but the stronger part of him was too excited to see what was underneath to bother trying.
He tears open the gift, brows furrowing in confusion when he sees the corner of what looks to be a board game. Hesitating purely to raise a brow at Delilah before going back to destroying the wrapping paper, he rips it all off. He’d been preparing to make some comment about what was surely a joke gift but instead he finds himself silent, lips parted as he stares down at what is quite possibly the most thoughtful gift he has ever received. Lips part and he runs a hand across it, taking a minute to stare down at every little detail. ❝ del. . . this is. . . it’s perfect - i especially love the photo of me you’ve put in where you wrote ‘dick’ on my cast after you pushed me down stairs and i broke my arm. ❞ He lets out a laugh, ❝ i love it, thank you. ❞
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hesolved · 4 years
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hi hello dear anon ! i have to admit when i popped on here to check messages and reply to ims i was equally surprised and un-surprised to see this in my inbox. i had a feeling that i’d be getting something like this sometime soon, though i didn’t think it’d be after just a week of not posting consistently, but prior to these last few weeks i pretty much lived here on stiles so it makes sense haha ! it’s no secret that i haven’t been here nor do i believe it’s a secret that i have been active over on @hecrowned​ - the blog where i’ve kinda been spending ALL my free time since i created it like three-ish weeks ago. if by some miracle you miss me or my writing, i’d love to write with you over there as well ( notice i say ‘as well’ i promise i’m gonna answer your question ). THAT BEING SAID, i know ben is not everyone’s cup of tea and he is extremely different from stiles, both in personality and fandom and though i have given him a tw verse i completely understand some people want to write with stiles not with leah ( me - the mun ) so there’s no pressure to follow.
MOVING ON, getting onto stiles recently has kinda been making me anxious for reasons i don’t understand. it’s probably the ever-growing draft count and the frustration of not having enough motivation to tackle those drafts or the motivation to write some of the very long replies that i owe. just a guess. it’s this absolutely awesome cycle of guilt and depression 👉😎👉 however i’m not done with stiles. there’s so much i want to write with him still and even if i’m at a low point with him right now, i’m DETERMINED to get through all those drafts i owe. i will never be able to put into words how important he is to me and how much i’ve learned through writing him, so there’s no way i’m stopping anytime soon. this is turning into an essay but that’s mainly bc i wanted to explain to all of my lovely, amazing, mutuals who have stuck around, what’s going on with me. 
That’s a very long-winded and messy way to explain that yes I am still active but also yes I am extremely slow at replies here on Stiles at the moment and I don’t see that changing super dramatically in the coming days/weeks? That’s not to say that I love Stiles any less than I did when I was super active or that I care less about any of my threads on here - because that simply isn’t true. I just feel as though I owe it to my rp partners to write a reply that I care about and that I know isn’t half-assed. I also think I owe it to myself to do what makes me happy and I fear that if I forced myself to do replies when I really wasn’t feeling it then I could grow to hate being on here, and I don’t want that - I love everyone and Stiles so so so much and I never want that to change.
I hope that kind of explains where I’ve been and why things have been a bit quiet here on lostvacvnt for the past week, I promise the silence isn’t forever 💖
p.s. always feel free to message me privately for more details or just to chat !! i promise i’m not scary
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hesolved · 4 years
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@marvelxfox​ said: ❝ We can treat people with kindness. ❞ || fine line starters - accepting
EYES roll before squinting at her, the sentiment was nice and it wasn’t that he completely disagreed but he also just couldn’t agree. Mainly because there were a few people who came to mind who he wouldn’t be opposed to throwing a brick at their face. ❝ people ? yes. bloodthirsty, manipulative, lying werewolves ? no. ❞ He didn’t understand why everyone continued to trust Peter Hale or why they continued to go to him for help. He was pretty sure that Deaton knew just as much as Peter and while Stiles was still going back and forth between whether or not he fully trusted the Druid, almost anyone was better than Peter. Stiles paused outside the doors of the apartment complex, hoping that they weren’t already so close that Peter would be able to hear everything that he was saying, ❝ his face just pisses me off, kira i can’t help it. ❞
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hesolved · 4 years
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@calloftheargents​ said:  ❝ It’d be so sweet if things just stayed the same. ❞ || fine line starters - accepting 
SMILE fades slightly at her words, they’ve spent the entire night together eating their weight in junk food and talking about their lives, telling funny stories from before Allison was ever in Beacon Hills. Right now, nothing was happening. No giant calamity, no monster trying to brutally murder them, no one was turning people into werewolves. Everything was normal and for a few days now they got to be normal too. Stiles knew it wouldn’t last. As long as the Nemeton was active it’d function as a beacon, pulling all types of things into the town. Some of those things were good but others were just there to hurt people, to cause chaos. ❝ yeah. ❞ Voice is quiet, ❝ guess the universe thinks that’d be making it too easy for us. nothing lasts forever. ❞ It comes out more negative than he had intended, the sarcasm just wasn’t really there like he hoped it would be. Tone lightening up, he playfully pokes her, ❝ but hey we’ve got an entire season of friends to get through so i’m sure things will stay the same until at least rachel and ross break up. let’s just enjoy it while we can. ❞
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hesolved · 4 years
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@literally-lydia​ said: “ 💨 /  our  muses  are  trapped  inside  a  cabin  during  a  snow  storm  . ” || winter themed meme - accepting
PACING back and forth, Stiles nibbled on the nail of his thumb, chewing on it with vigor that by the time the storm passed he wasn’t sure he was going to have anything left. He can just feel Lydia’s eyes on him as he moves and stops only to shoot her a pointed look. ❝ no. before you say anything i will not be patient. okay ? right now i feel pretty incapable of being patient or anything except for stressed out. ❞ The thought of snow had been exciting and the first time he saw it he had actually filled him with a childlike glee he didn’t know he still even had in him but they weren’t here for vacationing. At least not anymore. That’s why they had come, someone had suggested the idea of going on skiing trip during the holidays but unsurprisingly, everything had gotten turned on its head when the ski resort they were supposed to be visiting had dead bodies showing up - mauled to death. It had supernatural written all over it and they had definitely seen something like this before, back when he was sixteen and Scott had just been turned and Peter Hale took it upon himself to enact revenge. 
❝ scott is out there with the others in this freakin frozen tundra of death and despair. and they’ve all got fur coats so they’re probably just fine but i hate it. i hate that we’re stuck here and can’t do anything and that if we stepped foot out there we’d probably freeze to death in like an hour. ❞
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hesolved · 4 years
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@urmilanidra​ said: “ "well---i can't exactly make the nightmares go away with a snap of my fingers. but i can stay in your dreamscape with you until you fall asleep, if you want? i've got a lot of stories to tell to pass the time." she of the perpetual exhaustion smiles at him. "your call." ” || askbox fun - always accepting
FIDDLING with his fingers, he keeps his gaze trained on the hangnail that he’s been picking at for far too long, he’s not sure how to talk about this. Never has been. It’s probably why every other method that he’s used to try to stop the nightmares has failed, he’s never really asked for help until now. But leave it up to him to find the supernatural solution. Head shakes in confusion, brow furrowing, ❝ what does that mean ? ❞ All of this was still new and confusing to him, ❝ does that just mean you’re gonna hang out in my head until i enter rem sleep or something ? cause that sounds...invasive. ❞ The nightmares he had been having were about a being that went into his head without his permission and took over, letting someone in again was maybe one of the scariest things he had ever done. Just the idea of it made him sick, but he thought this was really the only way to get better. ❝ and then once you’re in there and i actually am asleep, how does that fix the nightmare issue ? cause it’s kinda starting to sound like it might not fix it. ❞
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hesolved · 4 years
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@leftinthedcst said: “ 🎄 / decorate and help my muse with a christmas tree . - (derek bc he's a grinch and it'll be amazing) ” || winter themed memes - accepting
STILES had tried everything to get Derek motivated or excited or at least a little bit interested in the festivities. The guy’s loft was depressing to look at, it had needed something more so he had gotten a christmas tree, lugged it all the way over in the jeep and insisted that the werewolf help him set it up. But it didn’t seem like Derek had any interest in helping him. ❝ come on. ❞ Stiles whines, dragging out the word ‘on’ so that it lasts much longer than necessary. ❝ you can’t make me do all of this by myself. ❞ Derek very well could and with everything Stiles know about him, he was willing to bet that he’d wait it out unless given an incentive to get off the couch and stop reading whatever book his nose was buried in. Digging through the box of decorations that he had brought along, Stiles pulls out all of the lights, most of which were tangled and bunched together. Glancing from the tree to Derek’s unimpressed expression, a small smirk spreads on his face as an idea pops into his head. Hopping to his feet, he’s quick to drape the lights around Derek, unravelling them just enough so he could plug them in and turn them on. As soon as he reaches the outlet, they all light up and Stiles can’t possibly hold back his laughter at the image of a very annoyed Derek Hale practically glowing due to all of the lights wrapped around him. ❝ if you don’t start helping me the next thing i’m throwing on you is the tinsel. ❞
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hesolved · 4 years
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@laboranti said: “ 🔌   /  help  hang  lights  or  decorate  with  my  muse. ” || winter themed meme - accepting
STILES isn’t exactly sure how Harlow has managed to convince him to do this. Actually - that’s not true. He knows exactly how she convinced him to do this. She bribed him with curly fries and burgers and shakes from Pop’s but now that he’s standing on the roof of her house, he is seriously beginning to think that he should’ve asked for something more. ❝ oh god. fuck. ❞ He murmurs under his breath, shifting closer and closer to the edge. He’s never had good balance and he’s also never hung lights like this in his entire life, his dad had always done it so he had no idea what the hell he was doing. Don’t look down don’t look down don’t look - oh shit. It wasn’t that he was scared of heights, because he wasn’t. What he was scared of was hitting the ground and breaking every single bone in his body. ❝ harlow i’m starting to think that maybe this wasn’t a good idea. ❞ He calls out to her, looking down at her where she stands on the ground. Safely. 
He wondered why he was the one doing this, she was the one who could heal. Shifting closer to the edge once more, he crouches down, leaning forwards and fumbling with the lights. He manages to get them pinned down at a few points and the more he works at it, the more confident he grows. He shouldn’t have allowed himself to get confident. Squatting slightly, he did what he had been doing and leaned forward just a little bit. His foot slips, Stiles swears loudly, and the next thing he knows he’s falling off the edge of the house, body slamming into the grass as he screams out. Groaning in pain, he locks eyes with Harlow, ❝ you owe me more than a milkshake. ❞
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hesolved · 4 years
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@laboranti said: “ 🎄   /   decorate  and  help  my  muse  with  a  christmas  tree. ” || winter themed meme - accepting
DIGGING through the box of ornaments he pulls a few out, setting them all up so they’re easier to reach once they actually get into the groove of things. ❝ thanks for letting me help out with this, i’m sure it’s probably weird that i’m so into it but back home we always made a big deal out of it. and since i can’t go home for christmas this year i’ve been kinda missing all the traditions. ❞ When Harlow had invited him over it had taken everything in him to smother her in hugs. His fake parents both were going back to visit family but he had been instructed to stay in Riverdale, hundreds of miles away from his dad. He had been counting down the days until he could go visit everyone and when they told him in the beginning, back when he accepted the mission, that he wouldn’t be able to leave Riverdale until the case was solved he hadn’t realized the severity of it. He hadn’t realized how hard it would be. Stiles hadn’t thought about the fact that he’d be spending his favorite time of the year completely alone. He carefully hangs one of the ornaments on the tree with a soft smile. ❝ so it means a lot that you’re including me in your family’s traditions. ❞
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hesolved · 4 years
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@laboranti said: “ 🍵   /   our  muses  share  a  cup  of  hot  coco. ”  || winter themed meme - accepting
STICKING out his tongue at her, he’s quick to take the mug from Harlow’s hands before taking a big gulp of the burning hot liquid. It’s not his smartest decision but she had taken his hot chocolate, he was simply stealing it back. It’s a choice he only somewhat regrets. Due to how hot it is he can no longer taste anything and he’s pretty sure he’s burnt all of the taste buds off of his tongue for the rest of his life but the look of pure shock on her face is satisfying enough. Stiles gently hands the glass back, ❝ it’s a little hot. ❞ The steam rising up from the cup should have been enough of an indication of that. He moves his tongue in his mouth, trying to get the painful sensation to fade, ❝ i think i broke my tongue. ❞
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hesolved · 4 years
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@lydiamartinx​ said: “ 💨  /   our  muses  are  trapped  inside  a  cabin  during  a  snow  storm  — lydiamartinx ” || winter themed meme - accepting
SNUGGLING up closer to the fireplace and pulling the blanket tighter around his shoulders, a small noise leaves his lips as he shivers. It’s freezing outside, he was cold enough in California during the winter, Colorado was even worse. They had decided to take a trip this year for the holidays, what they hadn’t accounted for was the blizzard that was getting in the way of all of their plans. ❝ well, it could be worse. ❞ Stiles mentions, wrapping an arm around Lydia and pulling her close, ❝ we could be stuck outside in the storm instead of inside. ❞ He shifts slightly so that he’s more comfortable and so they can get a better look at what it’s like out, ❝ besides it’s beautiful out there. almost as beautiful as you, not quite though. ❞ He didn’t think there was anything in the world as beautiful as Lydia Martin. ❝ and you gotta admit this is kinda nice. we’re sitting here next to a warm fire, covered in blankets, and listening to music. it’s like every single one of those cheesy hallmark christmas movies that you love. ❞
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