#♠️ : old pal / vox.
hazbinned · 4 months
@antlered-host - continued from x.
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Vox, unlike Alastor, felt great. Here he was, sitting in his chair at home, margarita at his side... barking out orders through his spy camera and being acknowledged, for once, by his sick rival!
He should do this more often!
"... Uh, yeah," Vox said, taking a sip of his drink. His eyes never once left that huge screen in front of him, which displayed upon its face Alastor's beautiful--albeit distorted-- image. How funny the stag looked when sick. "I totally wanna see you die, but it's not satisfying if you let the bacteria do it. That's just lame. Unless I engineered the virus, what do I get out of it?"
Sip, sip, sip.
Hell, he wouldn't even have to engineer anything to get a kick out of it. If he coughed in Alastor's face, and the Radio Demon took ill because of that, he'd still relish in his suffering. He'd have caused it, after all!
But this? Some random illness, from who knows where? He'd thought Alastor was more careful than that!
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"So, what's on the itinerary for today?" Vox asked, voice aloof and casual. "I mean, aside from spreading your cooties to every sinner this side of the Pentagram."
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hazbinned · 4 months
Continued from x. with @angelichooves
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It was easier when it was Vox who was mad at Val. Valentino was always doing something— it was only natural that Vox would have problems with him and threaten to leave time and time again. Vox could handle being the one who walked away, because he knew that he could always walk right back in. And say hello.
And say "I forgive you, and I'm ready to try again."
Val, however? Val, when Vox had done something? Vox couldn't handle that. He couldn't even figure out what had set the pimp off this time, but it must have been terrible... or maybe it wasn't, and Val was just being the extremely volatile person that Vox knew that he was, and Vox had stepped on an egg shell. Again.
"C-Come onnn... Val." Vox's voice had a pitchiness to it that it usually lacked.
The Media Demon always acted like these things didn't matter, but it was hard on him to have so few meaningful connections. He only had two friends, and if Val got mad at him, that just left Velvette. Sometimes, she took his side; sometimes she was neutral, and sometimes she sided with Valentino.
He didn't know how she would feel this time, and he didn't want to find out.
"... I don't want to be alone on the night before my birthday. I'll... make it up to you!" Vox folded his hands in front of him. "Please. I'm sorry, Val."
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He hated when this happened. It was like Alastor all over again.
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hazbinned · 6 months
Plotted with @compelledcurator
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The room should have been very dark, but it wasn't.
There was no proper lighting; not even a single window to allow some of the redness of the outside sky to seep in. Instead, there was just an unholy amount of TV screens, which hung from the ceiling and lined the walls— a TV ocean, vast enough to drown in.
Their blues and reds and other flashing colors had to have been migraine-inducing to anyone who wasn't used to it.
In the center of the room, there sat a sleek black table with a massive chair at the head of it. To the side, in a much smaller chair, (as if whoever was seated there was meant to feel insignificant on purpose), was Angel Dust: Valentino's little star.
Vox practically loomed over him.
The sinner with the television head was gesturing wildly at the screens behind him, surrounded by flashing lights and mock-ups of merch that didn't exist yet. Footage of Angel's own career played out silently on some of the monitors— just an 'Angel Dust's Top Ten Moments' thing Val had slapped together— while most of the other TVs were the same shade as Vox's face, or had color bars.
One was a live recording of the current scene.
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"Imagine your body on every billboard, your face on every channel!" Vox was saying, "Val agrees: why are we keeping a cash cow like you confined to such a small scale? I'll make you a REAL celebrity; a superstar, a household name!"
The speed at which the Overlord spoke would have been overwhelming even without so much going on in the background. Angel had been subject to this for a while now, with little room to get a word in edgewise.
It was intentionally disorienting.
Vox suddenly thrust a tablet, with a digital contract displayed on it, in Angel's face, and pointed a few times at it in rapid succession.
"You'll get twelve percent of the profit if you agree right now. Sign here, here, and here!"
It was scrolled all the way to the bottom, so reading it seemed like an afterthought.
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hazbinned · 2 months
A little headcanon that effects the sinners here—
It is, of course, known that sinners cannot be killed save by angelic steel, and that they will come back to life if killed in any other way. The healing process may be somewhat sped up for some, but they still have to heal normally and do not always heal fully. It is possible for them to be subjected to permanent injuries and disabilities.
This is why Vox and Valentino both have a broken antenna, and why Valentino's eyes keep getting worse. These would reset if either of them were to die and come back— Val's eyes would be better* and his antennae would both be intact. Vox's antennae would be intact and he would have his original head and a little bit less of the glitching (I will get into what the glitching is for my Vox later). Neither of them have died since these changes were implemented or inflicted, and so they are stuck with them unless that happens.
Vox would be annoyed. He'd have to reapply the new head. Val would be pretty happy. He's able to see and he's even more handsome now!
Don't kill Val. You'll be making him more powerful.
*His eyes would eventually start failing again, but not for a few years at least.
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hazbinned · 22 days
Let me assign you an affection language.
Vox - A Story That Ends in Blood
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The world has always been unkind, and when you have turned to yourself for comfort you have come face to face with an empty pit which seems to be laughing. You don’t care if it kills you but once you find someone whom you love and who loves you back, you will make sure nothing happens to them. They are yours. You will make a tear in this world and create a new place for you and your love if it comes to that. Because it has always been about love, and it is how it always ends.
Tagged by: @sirserpentine and @angie-long-legs THANK YOU >:)
Tagging: @spidersins @staticintone @wonderfultheatre @allantlers
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hazbinned · 3 months
Plotted starter for @veelentino !
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Val. Valentino. One-third of the Vees. Tall, at a towering ten-foot-something. Sassy, aggressive... and comedic, when he wanted to be.
Vox had known the moth demon for decades, and been in an on-and-off situationship with him for almost just as long. They lived together, ate together, and slept together. Through all of this, they had somehow never made it official.
What were they? The question had been eating away at Vox for years, growing more and more inescapable the further down he shoved it. Vox knew, for a fact, that he harbored a deep, all-encompassing love for Val. They had their problems, though. Valentino lashed out at him plenty. Vox wasn't always treated the best. He got mad at Val in turn, and they ended this unspecified relationship of theirs, only to wind up together again because neither of them could stay away. It was a cycle. It was frequent. It was fate.
It was maddening.
What were they? Vox needed to know. He adored Val, despite his own issues and despite Val's flaws. One thing was concrete: to Vox, Val was someone cherished. Valued. No matter how messed up things got, or how annoying Valentino was being, Vox pulled through because he cared, and he wanted to fight for it. He dealt with it. He wanted to put a ring on one of those long, black and gold fingers.
Even though it could damage his public image.
Even though it had already damaged his own mental image of himself.
What was Vox to Val? That was what worried Vox now, standing outside the door to the moth's room with clammy palms and a 'flower' clutched behind his back. It wasn't anything major, nor was it real— just a milk chocolate rose wrapped in red foil, and a miniature card that dangled from its stem. On the tag's inside was scrawled something simple: 'I love you. - V.'
But did Valentino love Vox? Or was Vox just another one of his playthings-- the toy that he treated more gently than the rest?
The Media Demon narrowed his eyes and breathed in.
He was going to find out.
The hand that was not holding the flower was raised to meet the door, and he knocked upon it twice. Then, Vox poked his head inside, television-ready smile and scripted tone dead-set to not betray his nerves.
"Val!" said Vox, "Honey! How are we today?"
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hazbinned · 4 months
@poisonedspider said: "Ah' really don't understand what the fuck yeh' issue is with meh'. It ain't like ah' bug yeh' when ah'm here, and ah' mind mah' own damn business. Yet yeh' act annoyed as shit every time ah' have tah' come in tah' work." (Voxxxxxxx)
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"Oh-o, you wish I was just acting," Vox muttered, pacing round Angel with his hands clasped behind his back, red eyes locked onto him like a vice-- the businessman's version of a vulture circling carrion. He'd finally succeeded in getting the spider alone (not an easy feat in this environment) and yet, now that he had him... he couldn't decide what he wanted to do with him.
It wasn't like he could lay a finger on the younger man's head, after all. Val would lose his mind if he found out that Vox had messed with his perfect little star.
That was the problem.
Val and Angel.
Vox could handle Valentino's promiscuous urges just fine, but he had reached his limit with Angel Dust. It would have been one thing if the moth's obsession with the ex-mobster started and ended in the studio, or even parties and the club, but Valentino woke up raving about Angel Dust and went to sleep doing the same thing. Vox wanted him to obsess over him for a change.
That meant there had to be an intervention.
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"You just love pretending that you're innocent, right?" Vox chuckled, but it was completely devoid of humor; more along the lines of someone who was just barely clinging to reality than someone who had just told a joke. He was grinning, too, but its reach extended nowhere close to his eyes. "Playing the fool, as if I don't know what you're doing. You think you're slick."
He stuck his face up in Angel's space.
"We-ell, I'm sorry to inform you that I won't be replaced that easily."
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hazbinned · 2 months
Vox being a cult leader/televangelist (during life) like stated on the character sheets is canon here... I JUST HAVEN'T EVER HAD A REASON TO BRING IT UP. He never talks about it anymore. BUT I WANTED TO SAY IT.
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hazbinned · 2 months
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"Guys. Am I mewing?"
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hazbinned · 2 months
What’s Your Role in a Found Family Dynamic?
the silent sufferer - Vox
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you love your friends, but the truth is, you go through most of the real things alone. it's better that no one sees you like this. you'll be fine, really, because you're used to feeling this way. it'll pass. it always does. that's what you believe, anyway. you're more likely to give someone advice on a lesson you've learned without telling them how you learned it. you've come to realize that, if they're coming to you for advice, they'll be too preoccupied to ask. it stings, but it's... that's just the way feelings work sometimes. when you're around others, most of these problems seem to vanish, and you're better able to love the person you are. only on the worst days do you continue to hear that insistent whisper that it's, "all a lie because they don't know what's *really* going on." it's not a lie. you are loved. those moments together are real. there are times when you can afford not to be so strong.
Tagged by: @gamblinwildcat
Tagging: @sirserpentine @angie-long-legs @spidersins @harteatiing
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hazbinned · 28 days
♡ foooor val and whoever else would answer this LOL
Hola Papi ♡ - Val @ Zesty Z 🎵
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●●●●● | INTEREST
●●○○○ | LOYALTY
●○○○○ | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
We Both Want Val to Stop ♡ - Vox @ Zestial
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●●●○○ | INTEREST
○○○○○ | LOYALTY
●○○○○ | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
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hazbinned · 2 months
which dad rock song are you?
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the chain by fleetwood mac - Vox go outside and count backwards from ten and then go do a face mask you're alright
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the court of the crimson king by king crimson - Val i'm scared of you, and that's a compliment. good job
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wish you were here by pink floyd - Alastor please talk to someone, i love you bud
Tagged by: STOLEN FROM @televisionrotsyourbrain >;)
Tagging: @angie-long-legs @sirserpentine @arachnaemboss @magnavaux @staticintone
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hazbinned · 2 months
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"Capitalism. America. Freedom. Power. Water."
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hazbinned · 2 months
What type of love do you deserve?
passionate love - Vox and Val
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ah, this is the type of love that consists of physical touch mostly. you both understand each other on a different level, in and out of bed. passionate love involves feelings and desires that lead to physical attraction and intimate romance. nevertheless, you deserve a partner that'll love you not just for your body, but also for your bubbly personality, your glowing smile, your awesome style, how caring you are and so much more
Tagged by: @angie-long-legs
Tagging: @sirserpentine @helluvaflames @wonderfultheatre @angelichooves
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hazbinned · 4 months
@angelichooves said: "Oh, there's that pathetic look that I adore. So expressive, haha!" Alastor to Vox
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Go on, wipe that stupid expression off your face, Vox mentally screamed at himself. Nothing that Alastor could possibly say was worth looking like this much of a fool in front of him, even if all of it stung to varying degrees.
Vox debated, as well, keeping the distraught emotions visible— since Alastor supposedly 'adored' them so much. Maybe then the Radio Demon would continue to pay him mind... even if this grating, condescending flavor of attention was all he would receive.
No. Vox was an Overlord. The leader of the Vees. He would not be seen looking so plaintive for a second longer.
He forced a huge, over-the-top grin onto his face, and held both arms out.
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"...What? Come on, Alastor! You know I was only playing! I bet if I told you I wrote 'gullible' on ceiling, you'd believe that, too!"
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hazbinned · 2 months
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He got too smug. This was because of that, wasn't it?
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