#♠️ the pit boss || ic
the-casino-doctor · 1 year
♤♡nice to meet you, im the owner of the casino, Laroux Vion◇♧
*a little white dog runs up to you and starts chasing its tail*
♤♡oh, that's blackjack, the assistant manager. Aren't they so cute?◇♧
*blackjack runs off until you cant see them anymore*
♤♡ah, sorry about that. Where was i? Oh yeah, you can call me Rue, i go by any pronouns, so good luck trying to misgender me, haha◇♧
♤♡anyways the casino has a few rules. people who are going to try and be an ass aren't allowed. Next is that the owner (me) has boundaries that must be obeyed, such as no touching unless you ask first. You may flirt, but remember, the mod is 15-16, and if you are asked to stop, you must stop, if you decide to not follow the rules here you will be delt with accordingly by the assistant manager◇♧
*blackjack prances toward Rue as they do a simple hand gesture, blackjack responds to that with a growl and a fighting stance*
♤♡good puppy jackie, you can relax now, i think they get the point◇♧
*Rue pulls out a little treat for blackjack and hands it to them*
♤♡oh, where are my manners, as you might be able to tell i am a demon, sent to earth by Satan himself, and gifted this casino to tempt mortals into sinning, with the recent development of the internet, we thought it was time to change things up a bit, by giving me the option to become a text doctor!◇♧
♤♡more info below the cut since this is really long sorry◇♧
♤♡this is what i look like in text doctor form◇♧
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♤♡but when im not temping the mortals through the internet, you can see me in the casino like this◇♧
(heres the link to the picrew i used)
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♤♡and sometimes you'll see me in a more masculine outfit such as a suit◇♧
(heres the picrew i used for blackjack)
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and last but not least, my tagging system
#♥️ highrollers || regulars
#♦️beginners luck || anons
#♠️ the pit boss || ic
#♣️ away from the table || ooc
#🎰 jackpot || lore
#🎲 rolling the dice || art
this blog is run by @sk3l3t0n444
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the-casino-doctor · 11 months
*gives you this*
For youz, some
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Ourple kedchup
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the-casino-doctor · 11 months
Can you please.. pleaseeee flirt with me?
♤♡whatever you wish for...darling~ you know, i seem to have lost one of my cards but its ok because i found my king/queen of hearts right in front of me~◇♧
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the-casino-doctor · 11 months
♤♡ah the plagues, so nostalgic◇♧
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the-casino-doctor · 11 months
♤♡how cute, a little flustered anon...mon ange mignon◇♧
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the-casino-doctor · 11 months
W-wow.. s-so r-ro-romantic...
♤♡flustered, mon as de cœur~?◇♧
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the-casino-doctor · 11 months
M-my heart is yours...
♤♡aww how sweet, though you shouldnt give away your heart to a demon such as me, plus youre my ace of hearts, you dont have one to spare darling, and i have to keep the best cards safe~◇♧
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the-casino-doctor · 11 months
*they genuinely don't know what to do, taking their hands off their face once they hear that comment*
♤♡hehe, did i win your heart- Mon Ange?◇♧
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the-casino-doctor · 11 months
*they're covering they're face with their hands and still squealing* 0///0
♤♡aww, now i cant see your beautiful face, mon beau◇♧
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the-casino-doctor · 11 months
*they're squealing* 0///0
♤♡oh youre squealing like a kettle, i guess that means you are as hot as you look~◇♧
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the-casino-doctor · 11 months
*aaand they're back to being flustered* 0///0
♤♡ahhh, maybe you are a succubus, you seem to be as red as one darling◇♧
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the-casino-doctor · 11 months
Did you scrape your knee crawling out of hell? Because you're my succubus!
♤♡wow, with how you talk i would think youre the succubus, Mon Ange◇♧
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the-casino-doctor · 11 months
O-okay! I wanna try now!!
♤♡ok, go on take the stage darling◇♧
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the-casino-doctor · 11 months
O-okay 0///0
♤♡darling if i wasnt already a demon you would be my sin~◇♧
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the-casino-doctor · 11 months
♤♡but with how gorgeous you are i dont think i could kick you out, having the jackpot leave the casino might take everybody with it and i want you all for myself dear~◇♧
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the-casino-doctor · 11 months
W-woah.., h-how do I even answer that..,., 0///0
♤♡maybe you shouldnt be allowed in the casino, you stole my heart and who knows what youll steal next sweetheart~◇♧
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