#♠. Banshees my bestfriend.♠
Girl Pow-Wow | Lydia
Allison’s arms were filled up to the brim with a variety of snacks, movies, and her overnight bag. Once upon a time Allison wouldn’t have even considered a sleep-over..but alas the brunette was in dyer need of her best-friend. Even if so called best friend hadn’t been around very much -- again this was why the two of them needed to get together for a pow-wow. Briefly Allison wondered if she should have included all of the girls from the Pack, but quickly dismissed the thought. Allison needed to talk to Lydia about what she needed to do as far as Isaac was concerned. It was literally..life or deaht situation. Okay, maybe that was over exaggerating things a bit, but she needed some female advice. Even though most of the time Allison had been the one to give Lydia specific relationship advice, the brunette could only hope in the time she was gone -- the strawberry blonde enhanced her knowledge. After ringing the doorbell a few times Allison was finally greeted with her best friend as she grinned widely at her. “I think I brought the entire grocery store and a variety of films..though we will probably end up watching Netflix anyways. But hey -- its the thought that counts right?” She asked as she walked into Lydia’s house. 
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Chivalry Is Dead | Lydia
Walking down the hallway towards her next class Allison saw her best friend standing by her locker. Smiling the brunette walked towards the strawberry blonde, nudging her in the hip. “Hey there.” She greeted Lydia with a small smile, eyes scanning over the books in the girls arm. “Want to walk with me to class?” She asked with a slight head tilt. 
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In Love With a Monster..? || Allydia
After everything that had happened with Scott and Lucien over the Mardi gras celebrations, to say she was in dire need of her best friend. Well that was a complete understatement. Dialing up her best friends number since her dad wouldn’t be home for hours, Allison had her fingers crossed she would answer. When the strawberry blonde did Allison sighed in relief. “Hey..um. How soon can you get over here? I need to talk to you. I did something incredibly stupid and I need some advice.” She explained, and briefly wondered how Lydia was going to react to the news that she had kissed Scott and might possibly have feelings for Lucien as well. After twenty long minutes and pacing in front of her door, Allison didn’t even give Lydia the chance to ring the doorbell. “Come on!” She tugged her best friend inside her house and pulled her upstairs to her bedroom before sitting on her bed. Allison didn’t know where to start so she sat on the edge of her bed, looking like a complete hot mess and offered her friend a strange smile, it was actually..happy and Allison had some color in her cheeks for once.. “Hi.” Was all Allison could say and it was clear to see that she was internally freaking out. 
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