#♡ ⧽ zeff x sora.
a11sunday · 6 months
No one should be judged for loving more than they ought, only for loving not enough. ( sora & zeff )
“ tch… ” the head chef averts his gaze , though the knowing smile on sora’s lips he catches a glimpse of tells him that he’s fooling no one. even the entire crew knows he has a soft spot for the little eggplant , suggested enough by the nickname. though no one mentions it or makes fuss over it , since in their own ways, they too have come to cherish the young boy.
fingertips pinch the braided ends of his mustache, elbows leaning against the railing that encircles the restaurant’s deck— zeff looks to her once more , sighing.
“ you have a good kid, sora-san. even if he does get on my damn nerves. ” as gruff as his voice is, the tinge of fondness surely isn’t lost in translation.
@weatherwltch , meme.
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