#โ™ก ; ๐ƒ๐ฒ๐ง :: iโ€™m soy into you ( tenebriism / ignis )
gonemechaniic ยท 1 year
Cooking Mama!Cindy with @tenebriism // Ignis
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โ I leave for two secondsโ€ฆโž ย  ย She gives a teasing pout walking up behind Ignis.ย  โ Could've sworn that makin' a together breakfast meant that we gotta make it together. โžย 
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aurumesque-a ยท 1 year
๐‚๐จ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ž๐ ๐ž/๐“๐ž๐š๐œ๐ก๐ž๐ซ'๐ฌ ๐€๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ง๐ญ ๐€๐” // Ignis x Cindy ( @tenebriism )
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The Professor enters his classroom readying for a testing day. While he doesn't find his assistant he does find that she's already neatly placed the exams at the end of each seated row and her pristine handwriting on the whiteboard.
Please take a test as you find your seat and leave finished tests in the empty basket at the end of your row. Enjoy your weekend!
The message is ended with the flourish of a heart that brings the slightest smile to his lips. Yet it falters a touch as he glances to the clock; ten till and still no sight of wavy sunlit hair ensnared within a hair clip coming through the door, nor the sound of approaching heeled pumps.
Perhaps she took a moment of respite, which is really all he would ever ask of her, regardless of how they both strive to keep the other from overworking. A unique push and pull that has them entangled in such a dangerously tantalizing way. Seeing as it was nearing the lunch hours, it was only logical that she would be grabbing a meal or meaning to surprise him with a coffee on her return, another aspect that brings a smile to his face.
It doesnโ€™t help that the honeyed scent of her still lingers; faint but he can pick up the citrus notes upon the air, it's like she's already in the room. He could do another glance about, yet the time was becoming far too close and there were already a few students trickling in picking up their papers to settle in.
So he simply adjusts his glasses and walks over to his desk. Yet when he moves to remove his blazer, there comes a moment where his stomach and his heart switches places for but an instant. He pauses, blinking to make sure he is indeed looking down to meet an olive gaze from under his desk. The faint smirk of one Cindy Aurum greets Professor Scientia with an accompanying wink. He stands frozen in those few seconds right up until the alarm on his phone goes off and snaps him back to teaching mode, for now.
โ You have forty-five minutes to finish the tests in front of you or, at the least, turn in what you have regardless of your progress. โž The sternness of his voice brings the students, as well as Cindy, to attention while he takes his blazer off fully, placing it upon the back of his chair, forest eyes focused on mischievous olive hues.
A long exhale goes unnoticed by pupils more intent on a passing grade than how their teacher's heart was doing summersaults while unbuttoning and rolling up the cuffs of his shirt. Ignis smooths down the front of his shirt as he takes his seat, adjusting to the precarious space. And oh how perfectly Cindy nestles in-between his legs, leaning in to rest her head upon his knee. A brief concern over if she's too cramped in the state she's in, yet with such a sweet visage looking up to him and a hand beginning to travel up his thigh, it's a wonder that quickly placed to the back of his mind.
Gods preserve himโ€ฆ
โ You may beginโ€ฆ now. โž He clears his throat and sets the timer on his phone. Meanwhile, Cindy uses the opportunity to unzip and free him from confining dress slacks. Inaudible sigh leaves her while olive hues darken with lust, soft hand grasping softer skin, fingers gliding along his cock. She pays little mind to the clench of his jaw nor the faint groan masked as a yawn. Enamored by the sight of him and fueled by the risky nature she's placed them in, Cindyโ€™s heart races, licking her lips as fingers oh so gingerly incircle and slowly move up and down his length.
Barely does his studious demeanor falter, seemingly looking over previous assignments. A twitch of his eye here. The random tapping of his pen there. Coupled with his already distinguished reputation, it was enough to keep any questioning thoughts at bay. Even as Cindy becomes a touch more daring, enveloping him within the warmth of her mouth in a low hum.
He takes in a deep inhale, resisting the desire to reach or even look down, eyes pinned upon the door, watching intently as one by one each student files out, giving a cordial nod as they leave. As soon as the last one leaves and the doors are closed, he waits for a moment more before bringing a shaky hand to sink into the radiance of her hair, fingers curling to a subtle pull.
โ Cindyโ€ฆโž He finally manages to sigh out with the slight tilt of his head looking down to blonde crown leisurely bobbing up and down his lap with pure, unadulterated awe. She responds in a curious hum as if oblivious to the hold she has on him regardless of the intoxicating swirl of her tongue as she comes up for a proper inhale. His ragged moan echoes throughout the empty room, head knocking back to the chair then rolling to gaze upon his dutiful assistant with reddened lips and flushed face. Hand moves from hair to cup her face, thumb brushing over heated cheek so gently like she were made of the most delicate porcelain.
โ My darling, you'll be the end of me. โž Lovingly whispered as free hand loosens his tie. A giggle catches in Cindyโ€™s throat while leaning to slowly run her tongue around the tip of his arousal and descends yet again, relishing in the sounds she can draw out of Ignis.
He has no idea how right he is.
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gonemechaniic ยท 1 year
@tenebriism /cont / bte transfer
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โš™ *:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง // Already the delighted rush of butterflies were fluttering within the confirmation talks alone as she begins happily marking the dates on her desk calendar.
[ โœ‰๏ธ ๐šƒ๐š˜๐š™ ๐™ฒ๐š‘๐šŽ๐š ๐Ÿฅ˜ ] Oh don't you go spoiling me too much now ๐Ÿ˜˜
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She softly sighs while mind plays out little potential moments between them however when re-reading one of the remaining texts the corner of her eyebrow perks ever so slowly as impish little grin inches across her lips. Oh, she shouldn'tโ€ฆ. But oh, it's right there upon the very tips of her thumbs.
[ โœ‰๏ธ ๐šƒ๐š˜๐š™ ๐™ฒ๐š‘๐šŽ๐š ๐Ÿฅ˜ ] But honestly if it's a few days with you, darling I already know I won't be left unsatisfied. ๐Ÿ˜
Nose scrunches as she hits the send button, the mischievous little expression still plastered upon her face. Never has Cindy been so relieved to take her lunch in the closed office space for there is little hiding deep blush blooming across her cheeks or the giggle that escapes her.
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gonemechaniic ยท 1 year
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๐“๐ก๐ž ๐ข๐ง๐ญ๐ข๐ฆ๐š๐œ๐ฒ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ก๐š๐ง๐๐ฌ // accepting
@tenebriism sent :: [ hold ]ย  โ€“ย  for the senderโ€™s muse to hold the receiverโ€™s muse by the face / neck gently and brush their thumbs along their cheeks to get them to focus on them. // from Ignis
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โš™ *:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง // Slowly but surely she's marking off her to-do list at her drafting table.ย  Informing Holly of any changes with new projects.ย  Checking notifications for any rescheduled appointments.ย  Check in on Paw-Paw, and see if thereโ€™s anything she can pick up for him.ย  End-of-day inventory.ย  Maybe at some point, figure out what sheโ€™s doing for lunchโ€ฆ or is it dinner?ย  The time it took for all of her tasks had her running late into the night and nodding off at her desk.ย  It took a diligent pair of hands to keep her from falling face first into a stack of paperwork.
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โ Oh hey, hunโ€ฆ โž Voice is raspy in its hushed tone and sheโ€™s a bit heavy in his hold, almost leaning upon Ignis for support more than trusting her own body to hold herself up, not yet at least. Sheโ€™s still a bit groggy, all slow blinks and drowsy-eyed but bestowing a bright smile, lazy as it was.ย 
ย  โ Mustโ€™ve dozed off for a bit. โž ย  Quiet laugh as her head tilts more to his hand, falling into the soothing comfort of his thumb softly brushing against her cheek before straightening up enough to focus.ย  Yet it's a funny thing, how the center of her attention has placed her another dreamlike state. Olive gaze holds onto the Advisor's visage with all the adoration radiating in every ounce of her being. Gloveless hands reach out to return the gesture, cupping the perfect fame of his face and leaning for the sweetest kiss. Once. Twice. Upon the third she lingers just a touch away as a whisper slips along those peachy tiers.
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โ How lucky I am to be in love with someone as wonderful as you. โž
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gonemechaniic ยท 1 year
onuscientiaโ€‹ // @tenebriism // plopping this over to the bte! โ™ก
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โš™ *:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง // Tend to some chores?! The words chime within her mind, but before she can attempt to convince him otherwise, he is already gone. Lips parted to speak but only some incoherent stuttering left her in the wake of his departure. A few blinks to the now closed bathroom door, Cindy stands in silence before softly chuckling to herself as she bundles her hair up in a small messy bun, removes the robe then lowers herself in the bath.ย  There was little to halt the low moan of relief caught within her throat as she decended into the water. It was the perfect temperature and the scents were intoxicating. Cindy could feel the fog of her sickness just melt away the more her body relaxes in this soothing pool just for her. Yet as Ignis inquires over chores, Cindy sinks a bit lower into the tub, unsure where he should even start.ย  She usually tries to maintain most of the housework yet naturally a few things go amiss here and there. She did leave couple coffee mugs along with a few utensils in the sink thinking she could get to them later, and she may have dropped a sock or two toating around the morning laundry.
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โ Well, maybe the dishes, off the top of my head but ... โž A pause along with another dip into the warm waters, nearly low enough to reach her eyeline in the almost sinking embarrassment over leaving her domicile in such a way. So used to taking the job unto herself, Cindy wasn't entirely certain how to properly delegate to others.ย  โ Honestly darlinโ€™, please don't trouble yourself over me too much, โž She slowly starts to sit up in the tub, pulling her legs in to hug her knees.ย  โ If I could ask you to prioritize somethingโ€ฆ could it beโ€ฆ that I can have yaโ€™ take a lil' moment for yourself? โž Eyes now fixate upon the wall separating them as if that pleading stare could be felt through the bones of the house itself. It was a long shot she knew, but to her, it was still worth the try.
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