untilthcyrot · 2 months
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THE GOLDEN GIRLS / SEASON 01 EPISODES 03 + 04 | "we cannot have a baby in this house." (for winnie fjdmffocnxlcvndufncslxn) asked by @freakarus
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❝ But it's your night to have him! ❞
Winnie clearly wasn't going to hear any argument from him as she was already unclipping the straps to the baby carrier that held the plastic baby snug against her chest. She had done her duty as the surrogate mother the night before, getting up a few times to rock it or feed it from its plastic bottle to stop it from crying and waking up the rest of the household. Needless to say, the Hadleys weren't excited about the project assigned to the class since they'd have to endure it just as much as she had. Winnie argued that they didn't have to endure walking the school hallways being mad fun of anyone who wasn't in home ec.
She slipped the baby out of the sling and passed him over to Eddie. At least it wasn't crying yet. That probably would have made a worse impression on both him and Mr. Munson. ❝ If your uncle complains about the noise, maybe it has batteries you can take out. Do you think they know if we do that? ❞ There was a flash of worry over her face, not wanting them to be flunked if they did mess with the batteries. ❝ Here you go. Maybe your father will rock you to sleep and play you a rock ballad on the stereo. ❞
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untilthcyrot · 8 months
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Send “🎂” to celebrate my muses Birthday with them! | asked by @freakarus for winnie !
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❝ Hey, I'm almost ready, ❞ she said with a smile as she took his hand and pulled him into her room, shutting the door behind her. The only reason Mrs. Hadley probably let a boy into her room at all was because she felt more embarrassed at the state of the kitchen to let him linger downstairs and get a peek at the disaster her brother had left in his wake. How many times had Teddy used the stove and this was the time, her birthday of all days, that he decided to almost catch fire to the entire kitchen? They'd all laugh about it later after the kitchen stopped smelling of smoke.
Winnie went back over to her vanity, picking up a cute pair of flowery earrings, fastening them in as she spoke. ❝ Does it still smell like smoke downstairs? ❞ She had to laugh, glancing at him through the vanity mirror. ❝ My brother tried to make me a birthday breakfast earlier and, in classic Teddy fashion, had to make it as extra as he could. The burnt pancakes never made it to my plate though. It's a miracle we're all still here because he decided to play chef. ❞
Finally, she spun back around to face him with a smile. All she had been thinking about since last night was spending her birthday with him and now it was here, he was here. ❝ Okay, I'm ready. So . . . what are we doing today? ❞ She asked coyly, wondering what he had up his sleeve. It was Winnie. She didn't need anything extravagant, be it her day or not. She was just happy to be with him.
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untilthcyrot · 7 months
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Send me a 👀 for my muse’s reaction to your muse checking them out. | asked by @chaos--mode for winnie & lizzy
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It wasn't that she thought she was oblivious to signals but it all boiled down to Winnie believing that she wasn't the type of girl that people checked out or even had little schoolgirl (or schoolboy in other instances) crushes on her. Her mind had to be playing tricks on her that she'd seen Lizzy checking her out, discreetly as it might have been. ❝ Were you . . . ? ❞ She trailed off, both forefingers pointing playfully at her friend. ❝ I mean, you weren't. . . were you checking me out? ❞
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untilthcyrot · 8 months
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Send “🎂” to celebrate my muses Birthday with them! | asked by @chaos--mode for winnie & lizzy
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❝ It's just a birthday. I don't want to make a fuss over it or anything. ❞ Winnie was being completely modest and both of them had to have realized that. Deep down, everyone wanted a fuss to be made over their birthday because it was their special day. She had seen some of the girls at school, how their friends surprised them in class with cupcakes or waited for them on the bus with gift bags in tow. Unfortunately for Winnie, she didn't have the luxury of having a lot of friends . . . but she did count herself LUCKY because of the very few that she did have that she was so close to, Lizzy included in that mix. ❝ Do you want to do something? Everyone's running errands and I didn't want to be stuck at home alone. ❞
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untilthcyrot · 3 months
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* (  THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE /  SENTENCE PROMPTS. | ❛ Most times, a ghost is a wish. ❜ ( from ren to winnie ♡ ) asked by @chaos--mode
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Winnie didn't want to suggest this for two reasons. The first reason was that she didn't want to bring up the idea of summoning Ren's brother because what if she was all talk and no game? What if she couldn't keep her promise and got her friend's hopes up? All of her life the spirits came to her of their own free will but it was so incredibly rare, obsolete even, that she was the one controlling who she could contact on the other side. The second reason was more so for Ren's sake and that was the emotional roller coaster that she would go through being able to talk to her brother who had passed on. What if it made things worse?
❝ What if it doesn't have to be? ❞ Winnie's voice was so quiet she didn't even know if she had spoken those words at all, because what if it was better not to say anything? But she had. She undoubtedly had. ❝ What if I can try to contact him for you? I mean, if that's something you would want. ❞
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untilthcyrot · 8 months
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THAT'S AMORE!! VALENTINE'S DAY SYMBOLS. | 🍫 to give my muse chocolate asked by @chaos--mode for lizzy & winnie
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Winnie read the inside of the box like it was a menu - which it kind of was, displaying the different types of chocolates in the heart-shaped box. Nobody said that chocolates could only be gifted to high school crushes and married couples. Chocolate between girlfriends was a major staple in friendship because what girl didn't like chocolate? ❝ I like the strawberry-filled ones, ❞ she said, her mouth full of chocolate and caramel as it was already. ❝ Not the taffy one but that fluffy cream stuff or whatever it's called, if I can even find it . . . ❞
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untilthcyrot · 4 months
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❝ hey, winnie, ❞ ren calls, voice a sing-songy lilt with a matching expression of mischief, ❝ does eddie still do that thing when he sleeps?? ❞ asked by @chaos--mode
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Winnie, awkward as always, was quiet for a moment despite the way that she did drop her jaw an inch to speak. The last thing she wanted to do was poke fun at anything odd her boyfriend did behind his back. Ren was her friend though and was it really harmful to have girl-talk when the boys weren't around? ❝ I don't know, uh...what...what thing?? ❞
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untilthcyrot · 5 months
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* (  THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE /  SENTENCE PROMPTS. | ❛ It wouldn’t have changed anything. ❜ (for winnie) asked by @freakarus
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Winnie had been waiting for this...
It had always been a terrifying thought in the back of her mind, assuming that this would happen in the very distant future. Eddie was her high school sweetheart, the love of her life, and she had always daydreamed that they would be together until they were both old and gray. Eddie would become a famous guitar player playing in giant stadiums with thousands of screaming fans but when he wasn't on tour, they'd be home together watching every sunset and counting every shooting star in the sky. Maybe they would even have kids. Yeah, a bunch of kids that took too much after their parents. There'd be the one with blonde hair that looked so much like Winnie it was uncanny and another obsessed with D&D that Eddie could really bond with.
It really would have been great...
But all of her daydreaming came to an end when Eddie died in a world that she never even knew existed until it was too late. There wasn't a damn thing her ability had been able to do to help them no matter how much she wanted to make a difference. All she was left with was their ghosts, which is how she knew Eddie would find her sooner or later. Like he said once — he was a moth and she was the light he was drawn to.
Winnie had hoped that it was a nightmare, that she had been trapped in a wretched state of dreaming where her worst fears came true. It's why when Eddie appeared at her bedside, all she wanted to do was dive into his arms so that he could hold her tight, and have him press his lips against her hair so that he could whisper sweet promises that everything was going to be okay because he was here now. Technically, he could do all those things given her ability to see and feel him, but he wouldn't be able to promise a life with him in it. He had to move on and so did she.
❝ I couldn't do anything, ❞ she choked out, feeling guilty for something that wasn't actually her fault. Tears flooded her eyes, blue eyes looking even more oceanic than normal. ❝ My mom tried to tell me I'm special for being able to have this ability but I'm not. I couldn't even use it to help you stop Vecna. ❞
What she really meant to say was that she couldn't use it to stop him from dying. Dustin said he had sacrificed himself to save everyone else and she loved him so much for that, that it physically hurt her. ❝ I just...wait for ghosts. That's all I'm good for. ❞ Blinking, tears rolled down her flustered cheeks and she could barely see him through them. She wanted to see him, stare at his features, and ingrain them in her memory before he disappeared forever. ❝ I don't want to let you go, ❞ she whimpered.
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untilthcyrot · 8 months
winnie hadley is hot as fuck, pass it on
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@freakarus was this you
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untilthcyrot · 8 months
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&. 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. | " i knew you would be here..." (judith to winnie) asked by @cannib4l
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❝ Sometimes I wish I wasn't so predictable, ❞ the blonde murmured to herself. ❝ I don't really have a place to go where nobody can find me so easily. ❞ For times when she wanted to be utterly alone and private with her thoughts and feelings - you know, the times when she probably needed to lean on someone instead of hiding from them - she didn't really have anywhere to go.
The music store was the only place she liked to go to and cheer herself up. Fingers ran along the tops of vinyl covers, silently noting what she wanted but couldn't afford yet. She sighed regardless of her own self-wallowing thoughts and looked to Judith, attempting a smile. ❝ I'm being stupid, I'm sorry. I'm actually glad you found me. ❞
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untilthcyrot · 8 months
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things you said prompts | 12. things you said when you thought i was asleep asked by @freakarus
Sleep was supposed to be a sacred time for people; a way for the mind to recharge, for the body to relax, and for dreams to whisk you away from the woes of reality and transform you somewhere else. For Winnie, for as long as she could remember, sleep was a time when she could chance sleepwalking and the prospect was just as equally terrifying as the last. She could remember when she was a little girl, her mother would securely tuck her into bed and she would feel so warm and safe underneath that blanket. If she thought hard about it, she could still remember the way it smelled washed in that fabric softener her mother always bought. Once tucked in, her mother would place a kiss on the crown of her golden head and whisper "good night" before disappearing from the room completely. Moonlight slipped through the curtains onto her face. Instead of counting sheep, she counted the twinkles in the night sky as she was lulled to sleep.
But no dreams ever came during those nights. There was only darkness, this void that felt like a daze that she was lost in until slowly she was being pulled out of. It would take a few moments to comprehend but she'd realize that she wasn't in her bed anymore. Sleep blinked out of her eyes and she would find that she was standing in her backyard . . . or the driveway . . . or on those rare and terrifying occasions, somewhere in the woods behind her house. No memory of how she got there, crawling back into her bed shivering and scared. When her mother found out, she tried to get her help, but how do you explain a perfectly normal little girl sleepwalking? You look at her schizophrenic mother and make assumptions apparently.
The Gilded Hand knew why. It took a madman taking her as a child, taking all of the special children like her, and locking them away in an abandoned factory, to tell her that she had a unique ability that went beyond the human scope. Winnie had that ability to connect with the dead who had trouble crossing over. She was a beacon of light to the spirits who were lost and confused. They would be attracted to her like a moth to a flame, trying to reach out to her, to her light, and use it as a means of finally crossing over. The trouble was, that a little girl didn't always realize that her imaginary friends were ghosts, and she didn't know how to help them. And her mother? Well, maybe she worried that these friends she saw were all part of a sickness that she passed down to her, so she was hardly any help to her daughter.
Sometimes the spirits took it too far though, but was it something that they could really help either? After spending time walking the earth alone and unseen by the living, finding someone like Winnie was overwhelming for them and they found themselves desperate. They found that they couldn't just talk to her but possess her for a short amount of time. They felt the warmth of life again in her body - what it felt like to breathe air into their lungs, the warmth of a summer night, the taste of food again. They tried not to let any harm come to her, especially when she was a child, but the stress of being possessed would cause her body to reject the souls and she would end up sleepwalking wherever she was left alone again.
As she grew older, she was able to take back some control again. There were no more imaginary friends but spirits who needed her help and she tried to do just that before it affected her sleeping habits, but it couldn't always be stopped. The world was full of lost souls, unfortunately. Winnie had been terrified that Eddie would find her in the compromising position of wandering outside in a sleeping daze until he finally had. Maybe it scared him too, but...instead of rejecting her...he was there for her. That meant more to him than he would ever know. For a girl who never felt completely safe when she was laying in her bed trying to sleep, just him accepting that part of her made her feel that much better about her ability, about her whole self in general.
Tonight, as it felt like she was having one of those dreamless nights again, her eyes flung open in a panic. She was met with darkness that made her heart race, only imagining in those first few seconds where she could have ended up tonight if Eddie hadn't stopped her from leaving first if he had even been awake to notice. Relief was quick to sink in when she realized her blues were staring up at the ceiling and she turned her head to find Eddie sound asleep next to her. She hadn't realized her hand had clenched the drawstring to her hoodie, quickly releasing her grip as tension died down from the realization that her dreamless sleep was just that . . . a dreamless sleep, nothing more, nothing less.
Winnie turned over on her side, body shifting closer to Eddie so that she could feel the warmth of his body against her own. Something about that feeling . . . it made her feel safe and secure, just like when her mother tucked her underneath that blanket smelling of sweet fabric softener and kissing her on the head. Safe. She leaned her head against his shoulder, shutting her eyes before the tears could escape them.
❝ You're my armor, ❞ she whispered so quietly that she wouldn't have even thought she said them if she knew she hadn't. ❝ You make me feel safe when I shut my eyes and I'm scared about what's going to happen when I fall asleep. I know nothing will happen anymore because of you. ❞
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untilthcyrot · 8 months
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things you said prompts | 5. things you didn't say at all asked by @freakarus
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When she was with Eddie . . . she didn't know how to explain it but everything felt right in the world for once. She had been walking through life feeling like a zombie; an empty shell resembling a human body with blonde hair and a kind smile that hid how broken she really felt inside. Behind her trailed so much baggage that she didn't know what to do with it anymore and didn't know how she was supposed to let go of all that weight.
Then, on some not-so-special random day, she ended up stumbling right into him and he caught her in his arms — and she continued to fall for him ever since that very moment. Among the rest of the student body, there was this beacon of colorful light with a dazzling smile and genuine concern for a stranger he didn't even know. The rest of the world disappeared as he extended his kindness to her and he had hooked her right then and there without her realizing it.
After that, that was it for her. The weight of the world that pressed down on her shoulders and made it feel like it was hard to breathe most days was suddenly lifted off of her. She didn't even realize it was because of such a wonderful human being that found a way to make her laugh and smile on her absolute worst days. A person who wanted to be around her and she was counting the minutes until she could be around him again.
But as right as the world felt when she was with him, there was still this terrifying feeling that made her heart ache when she thought about the reasons she had felt like a zombie before ever meeting with him; because as great as he made her feel, as loved and adored, baggage didn't simply disappear because she had a smile on her face again. There was so much of her life that she wanted to share with him but every time she thought about it, every time she felt the beginning of words dancing on the tip of her tongue, she pressed her lips tightly together and stopped herself.
What if all of the baggage she had with her was a weight that he didn't want to help her carry? What if he thought he was better off staying in the dark, unaware of the tormented childhood she had? There was more to Winnie than just being adopted because she had a sick mother who couldn't take care of her.
She was a girl who could communicate with the dead, as much as she tried to push that ability down deep, it always rose up when she least expected it to. It was also because of that ability that she had been taken by a monster when she was a little girl, had her picture in the newspaper back where she came from declaring her a missing child and had been put through unimaginable experiments and torture to snuff her ability out by the same monster that coveted what she and the other children like her were capable of.
What if Eddie found all of that too much to handle? What if he didn't want to be with her anymore because her past was so unbelievable and literally out of this world that he was scared enough not to want to invest himself in her life anymore? So Winnie kept her mouth shut for just a little while longer, her fear outweighing what his own could possibly be when he realized sooner than later this his girlfriend was this . . . this freak of nature.
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untilthcyrot · 8 months
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TUMBLR TEXT POST PROMPTS PART 2 | "You call it a near-death experience, I call it a vibe check from God." (from lizzy to winnie ♡) asked by @chaos--mode
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Winnie had been born with a gift that was too close to death than she wished that she was, a secret that she kept to herself for so many reasons, and that was because it meant so many questions and she barely had enough answers. She had seen the ugly side of death, where there was no heaven or hell, just lost souls who didn't understand what they were supposed to do next. That's where she, as a medium, came in to play. Hearing someone describe what had happened as a "near-death experience" didn't bode well with her for the very reason that she didn't want to see someone she liked and cared about stuck in that unhappy middle.
She tried to laugh along with Lizzy, brush it off like it didn't bother her because how could she really explain why it did? ❝ You just have to promise me you're not going to do that again. No more near-death experiences for you. ❞
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untilthcyrot · 8 months
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TUMBLR TEXT POSTS PROMPTS PART 2 | "You call it a near-death experience, I call it a vibe check from God." (for winnie lol) asked by @freakarus
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❝ Okay, well, you need to promise me that's going to be the last vibe check you have for a very, very long time. ❞ She wasn't trying to appear like she was over-worrying about what might have happened if things had gone in a different direction and he might not have been here today, but she couldn't help herself. Winnie had a little bit of experience in this field — the balance of life and death, mostly death, particularly what came afterward. Being so close to that and having a better understanding than most didn't mean that it wasn't still a scary concept. It would be to anyone, even those who claimed they didn't fear death.
But if something were to happen to Eddie . . . she really didn't know what she would do with herself. It would leave an ache in her chest that would never heal. She put on a smile though, somewhat of a brave one, not wanting to get too deep into her thoughts or even worry him that she was worried.
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untilthcyrot · 1 month
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things you said prompts | 2. things you said through your teeth asked by @freakarus
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Winnie didn't like to think of her childhood on account of it being TRAUMATIC. She used to wish that she was one of those kids who had endured something horrible when they were kids and somehow managed to block it out like it never happened. They buried it deep down somewhere where even they couldn't find it without years of successful therapy to unlock unpleasant memories. She used to think all of that would have been nice.
Here she was though instead, haunted. She had always been terrified that Artemis Tomb would climb his way out of Hell (assured that's where he had gone after his mysterious murder) and find the one person who would be able to connect with his black soul. She had been getting better about connecting with the spirits that gravitated towards her and had even found herself sleepwalking less and less. She credited Eddie for that, his unconditional love and support making it easier for her to believe in herself and what she was capable of for once. Finding that control helped her, and was probably why Artemis had a hard time connecting with her.
But he found his way in.
Not literally inside of her body as his vessel, thank God, but he'd reached out to her. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up like sharp pins and every thump of her heart inside of her chest felt heavier and heavier, leaving her more and more breathless like she was going to pass out on the floor. The nightmare man had found her and as quickly as he had, she did everything she could to BLOCK HIM OUT. It wasn't easy. Malevolent spirits like his weren't easy to stomp out. She ran from him and didn't stop until she reached Eddie.
She found herself pressed tightly against her boyfriend's chest, curled up against him for comfort, even protection even if he didn't know how to protect her from a ghost. She just needed him. At first, Winnie's sobs were pitiful, scared of the nightmare man finding her again. Then they turned into tears of anger.
❝ I've been scared of him my whole life, ❞ she spoke through gritted teeth, trembling in Eddie's arms. Finally, she sat up, though she couldn't look at him yet, more so staring at nothingness in front of him. ❝ I was scared of him when I was his prisoner and I've been scared of him since he's been dead. It's like he's never let me move on. ❞ She rubbed her arm against her nose, sniffling. ❝ I'm so sick of being scared. It isn't fair. It isn't fair what happened to me or Jude or any of those kids !! ❞
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untilthcyrot · 1 month
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DAWN - FLAVORED SENTENCE STARTERS. | ❛  it’s  nice  that  your  voice  was  the  first  thing  i  heard  today .  ❜ (for winnie) asked by @freakarus
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It was a sleepy little smile. She had only been awake for the last ten minutes, some of it spent alone while her boyfriend slept peacefully beside her. She noted just how adorable he looked, too, with his curly hair messy around the frame of his face. Then she was rolling over so that she could fish her brush off of the nightstand and run it through her own blonde bedhead. It probably wouldn't have mattered to him if her hair was messy first thing in the morning, he'd certainly seen her in worse conditions, like barefoot on the frozen lawn, looking like she had just seen a ghost . . . which she had. Eddie woke up soon after that and she was smiling down at him as his eyes adjusted to the new day. She told him good morning and put the brush back down so that she could fall back in bed by his side.
Butterflies were felt in her stomach at his sweet words, causing her to smile. ❝ It's nice that your face is the first thing I saw when I woke up this morning, ❞ she countered. There were worse things to wake up to, like coming out of her trance unaware of her surroundings, scared and alone, echoes of the ghosts rattling in her head. It didn't happen as often as it used to but when it did, even if it was still a startling feeling every time, she wasn't as uncomfortable as she once was. She wasn't alone as she once was. She had someone to comfort her and remind her how special she was, even when she didn't think she was.
Waking up to find him sleeping by her side, knowing how vigilant he became because he wanted to make sure she didn't wander off somewhere, it was the best feeling in the world.
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