#♡ yvonne's diary
yvonnesrespite · 28 days
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Pause your scrolling right there. Take a second to check your posture, take a breath, and stretch a bit. Have you had any water lately? A snack? Let me take care of you if you need a hand.
Don’t be shy now cutie. Doctor’s orders!
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yvonnesrespite · 1 month
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Honestly, I think the dentists can be nice sometimes. They showed me this cute pink toothbrush that just came out and you can bet I snatched it off the shelf.
Stay mad, Dr. Zayne.
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yvonnesrespite · 1 month
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I always make sure we have cute bandages on hand!
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yvonnesrespite · 2 months
Your favourite nurse – aka me – is here to ask if you’re alright.
How are you? I hope you’ve been taking care of yourselves. Even if you only managed to get out of bed, I’m proud of you. Stay healthy, and stay fetch~
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yvonnesrespite · 1 month
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I ask the traffic lights if it'll be alright; They say "I don't know"
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yvonnesrespite · 2 months
Making an impromptu shopping trip to get some cute pins to decorate my new lanyard. Maybe I'll pick some up for my co-workers if I see any they'd like?
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yvonnesrespite · 2 months
Sidewalk Sonder
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(An open rp starter and drabble inspired by Taylor Swift's song, "I Look in People's Windows")
Another day of work. Another day of sore ankles, numb fingers, alcohol-scented sanitizer that lingers in the nose and back of the throat, and dry eyes from being awake for so long. The early morning shift turned into covering for others due to a rather ruinous wanderer attack. Akso Hospital was busy for days as people recovered, and shifts were therefore longer and increasingly strenuous for the staff there. Less time was spent in the comfort of not just their homes, but the family and friends that were not their patients or staff at the hospital. This happened more and more frequently. It was worth it though.
I look in people’s windows
It’s worth it. Even when she walks home that evening. Each house she walks by, she can’t help but steal a quick glance of what transpires behind some windows. Many families are having dinner around this time. Some couples sit at their tables or on their couches with blankets and plates on their laps. A pattern like the sidewalk tiles she treads on. Young and old sitting at tables together, laughing, scowling, smiling – familiarity should feel familiar, not foreign.
Transfixed by rose golden glows
If something or someone is familiar, then that which is familiar should be allowed to poke fun without harsh repercussions, right? Just like – in the window she just passed – seeing siblings stick their tongues out at each other and then snicker about it much to their parents’ chagrin. How long has it been since she had a break to call her family and visit to have dinner with them?
They have their friends over to drink nice wine
A whirring evening breeze takes her bangs in a wind-charmed dance, tickling her skin. The hospital’s AC was often cold yet it never really bothered her. It was something that overtime, the nurse got used to the longer she worked at Akso Hospital. Another window catches her attention; This time it’s a couple toasting to something that she can’t discern. Yet she finds herself longing for the warmth that tints their cheeks from the wine and sweet nothings that this couple is undoubtedly exchanging. It’s strange though; Why does it feel colder outside on this walk than inside Akso Hospital with the relentless AC?
I look in people’s windows
Suddenly, as she continues her trek back to her apartment, the streetlights turn on. She stops in her tracks from the momentary surprise. With the pause in her short journey, her gaze is pulled upwards and gravitates to one last window. A rush of adrenaline sweeps through her spine and almost clears her of any air in her aching lungs. Why did the cold air hurt to breathe? The pain doesn’t show on her face; She’s learned to suture and seal quite a lot on the job. Familiarity is not a friend when it gives her a momentary glimpse into the past; or was it a glimpse of what could have been?
In case you’re at their table
In that brief moment – in this schrodinger’s cat of a short-lived mirage – she sees someone she knows. No, someone she knew. They’re in the past now; Sutured and sealed in her mind’s mausoleum, filled with the memories of this one person who would be behind those windows with her long ago. Isn’t it funny how all it takes is the warm flash of a streetlight to make these memories rapidly haunt her, like a scalpel slicing through those carefully sewn sutures to have them leak out and stain her. Like she was freshly washed hospital bed sheets that are now stained by a pain she thought she had remedied.
What if your eyes looked up and met mine
Suture it. Seal it away again. That’s what she wishes she could do. It’s easy enough to do now if she’s done it before. Yet now, as she tries to keep walking on, it only stings more. Each attempt is like she’s suturing this affliction with no analgesic to relieve the pain. Each attempt is a puncture. Is it worth trying to suture up something that perhaps shouldn’t be sealed away anymore? Is it worth giving CPR to what has obviously been a flatline from the start? The contact on her screen looks up and meets her eyes, but should she try again?
One more time?
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yvonnesrespite · 2 months
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The beeps of a heart monitor can be maddening, but if you spend enough hours in the surgery room, it’s a sound that we want to keep repeating.
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yvonnesrespite · 4 days
❧ Late to your appointment, sweets? ❧
➵ MDNI; This blog is 21+  ➵ OOC Disclaimer: This is a gimmick blog as Yvonne from the game Love and Deepspace, and is not officially affiliated with the studio which created the game. The blog was merely created for recreational purposes!
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❥ Rules
Don’t ask for medical advice. Mun isn’t in the medical field. Take any medical advice/content with multiple grains of salt.
Be respectful of mun and myself. We’re people. Mun is a person behind a screen and you don’t own her, and definitely not me either. Treat us as we are; like people, and certainly do not forget that there is a HUGE and THICCC line between fiction and reality.
All ships and interactions that occur on this blog are all in separate universes. This means that if I (Yvonne) am pursuing someone romantically in one rp, then you cannot have your character cry about it in your own rp with me. If you get butthurt about seeing me in other roleplays with other people, or interacting with a character you admire, that’s your problem. Not ours.
We will not roleplay with canon characters or ocs from other franchises. This limits confusion on our end and yours.
Any heavy/potentially triggering subjects (such as anything considered “dead dove”) in asks or any interactions will most likely be ignored or promptly deleted, and your account will be blocked.
NSFW content will be allowed on this blog but it is highly preferred to pace things at a reasonable rate and have a SFW interaction first. At the very least discuss it OOC first.
In addition to so, you must be 21+ to interact with this blog.
We are usually busy on the weekends, and some replies may take up to 3-4 days. If you have not heard from us after that time frame has passed, you can respectfully reach out to us.
Your asks must be in English and coherent enough for us to comprehend and respond too. Otherwise we will delete or ignore the interaction.
We prefer literate roleplay, but we will try to accommodate to other styles so long as the English is proficient and it’s comprehensible.
If you read the whole post and not just up until here, respond to this post with your thoughts or feelings about the Shrek franchise.
Due to the lack of official content on myself in the game, please remain respectful and understand that mun’s interpretation of myself is based on her judgement of my character in my 10 seconds of Mike Wazowski style screen time. 
Introduce any new characters or yourself if you are trying to roleplay with us for the first time. Whether it’s a character’s name, alias, or an emote so that we can keep track of our interactions.
Don’t god-mod (controlling Yvonne in your rp) with us. We’ll cringe and halt the interaction right there.
Do not feed any content we write or art we share into any AI engines, and credit us properly. If we find evidence of this, we will ask for it to be taken down, or in rare and intense cases seek out legal action, as mun’s work is protected by Canadian Copyright law.
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❥ Post and Ask Tags
Info and Rules: ♡ respitesrules
Posts About/From Mun: ♡ nurse off duty
Posts About/From Yvonne: ♡ lnds yvonne
Textposts and Thoughts: ♡ yvonne's diary
All Asks: ♡ akso askbulance
Akso Staff Interactions: ♡ akso staff shenanigans
Akso Gossip: ♡ akso tea time
Ships: ♡ one steep forward, ♡ greYv train, ♡ jermvonne
Anon Asks: ♡ [emoji/name] spillin' tea
All Roleplays: ♡ lnds rp, ♡ nurse yvonne's rps, ♡ open rp, ♡ closed rp
Interactions with Canon Characters: ♡ dr grey's blue skies; drgreysonmd, ♡ jer’s lavender lullabies; jeremiahofphilo, ♡ dr zayne’s twilit tundras; zayne-snowman, ♡ astra’s poutings; sasstras-gaze, ♡ caleb’s crabapples; caleb-pilot, ♡ talia’s crystalline nocturnes; talia-sings, ♡ nero’s wanderer empire; wandererenthusiast1, ♡ the getaway caw; just-a-normal-crow, ♡ raf’s resonant infernos; flamesque
Roleplay Starters: ♡ defibroleplaytor charge
Fics, Drabbles, and Headcanons: ♡ gauze and glitter pens
Muse/Inspo: ♡ musings to mend
Group Tags: ♡ linkon playground
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❥ About Me! (Yvonne's Info)
Physical Appearance: Fair skin, hazel/amber eyes, chestnut coloured hair with a side-swept fringe in various styles, and my usual scrubs or y2k fashion.
Personality: What you wish you could be, lol. Witty, playful, and honestly a bit blunt or snippy sometimes. If you deserve the roasting, you’ll get it. Don’t dish what you can’t take, babes.
Occupation: Akso’s prettiest nurse, duh. Cardiac surgery department and sometimes chilling at the front desk.
Canon Relationships: Colleagues with Dr. Zayne and Dr. Greyson. A little gossip about the MC but only brief interactions.
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♡ The Linkon Playground! ♡
❀ Doctor Zayne ~ @zayne-snowman  ✩ Doctor Greyson ~ @drgreysonmd  ♡ Crow ~ @just-a-normal-crow ❀ Rafayel ~ @flamesque ✩ Xavier ~ @xavier-starlight ♡ Jeremiah ~ @jeremiahofphilo ❀ Thomas ~ @thomasicism ✩ Jenna ~ @unicorns-captain ♡ Nero ~ @wandererenthusiast1 ❀ Astra ~ @sasstras-gaze ✩ mc ~ @aethercodeevol
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➵ This post will be updated as more info comes out and if important things change/come up, or if mun sees typos/errors lmao
➵ Divider art by mun, aka mahalkitart, aka "mahalkitheart" here on Tumblr.
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