#♣️Guns & Flowers
guns-flowers · 10 months
In Just To Watch It Glow, are Mordecai's fur tufts on his muzzle the equivalent of a beard or mustache?
Nah, I wouldn't say so personally. Similar to his fluffy belly, it's more of a "he's a cat so let's make him fluffy" type thing more than anything else. Also I imagine them as cute, spiky little things. So more natural fluff over the fur patterns we see characters like Atlas and Viktor have, Atlas having a mustache and Viktor a beard in human form.
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Mustache or beard Heller are totally valid for those into that though. After the main fic, Mordecai lets his long haired nature show more through his head, ears, muzzle, neck, and tail (he wears hair nets, don't worry).
I'd describe it as symmetrical messiness lol.
Thanks so much for the ask and glad you read the fic!
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silver-heller · 1 year
What do you wish was in the series/fic that you just didn't have room for? Which of these do you think you'll write about in the future?
Hm...a lot lol.
Closure on Mordecai and Mitzi's Relationship
As it stands, the last time Mordecai talks to Mitzi in a full blown conversation, she admits she still finds Mordecai creepy but wants Silver to be happy. Originally it ended there, which is a start, though not a very happy conclusion.
Actually, writing this made me write in a discussion that demonstrates Mitzi's change of heart and why she feels that way. Thankfully there was a spot before all the action. It is short and that, along with her being much more friendly towards Mordecai as time goes on hopefully demonstrates her gradual change of heart leading up to that.
Though I suppose it can be implied through some of his actions, and his redemption through them, that Mitzi probably sees him very differently by the end of the fic. Hell, I think it could be argued she never really hated him, both just had trust issues and were afraid the other would or even wanted to take Atlas away from them. Which is why I wish I had more time to explore this in depth.
Will I explore this after the AU? I am trying not to fall into the trap of post fic content that could end up in me wanting to make a whole fic. But, I could definitely, if I ever feel up to it, see a one shot from Mitzi's POV about how her relationship with Mordecai evolved. They care about each other, quite a lot I'd say, and I think they both become more receptive to hearing about the other's worries over time. That being said, that one shot is pretty low on my priority list, if I am being honest, and their relationship was a side thing in the AU for good reason.
Silver And The Quest To Straight Pass
Since the fics showing their time working as a trio, there's one theme that didn't fully get to be explored, which is essentially how Mordecai and Viktor fighting over Silver's affections definitely had a lot to do with the idea of "being gay but not looking gay". They both genuinely do love Silver, to be clear, but they both acted like idiots in the past because they were holding onto that idea of Silver being male while looking like any other woman to the outside world.
If those two had a healthier relationship towards this, especially in the welcoming environment of the speakeasy, they probably would have been together before they even met Silver. But nope.
Viktor being bisexual is probably a big reason why Viktor backed down and rooted for Silver and Mordecai so hard, despite his own feelings. He can fall in love with a girl and be seen as "normal" easily, but, Mordecai can't, and Silver might struggle to find someone else that sees him as a man and still genuinely loves him. The way Viktor sees it, those two were meant to be with each other, and he never wanted to get in between them.
While all this is only implied, hopefully it's made clear it's something Mordecai has to get over, considering he would have much rather have a fling with Serafine, someone who can identify as male but presents as female, rather than just admit he loves Viktor, even in Silver's absence. In fact, it's kind of implied Mordecai does not think he can find a viable partner again because his relationship with Silver offered him a lot of protections, and that happened to be one of them.
Our Dear Friend Atlas
I also wish I had more time and energy to explore the past and Atlas' relationship with everyone in the cast back when he saw still living. Although, I am also glad as it gives me more to use for my own original projects. Plus it being more implied in the AU works quite well too. If I do write him with the other characters outside of the series, it will most likely be fluff.
One of these days I swear I'll write in Atlas' POV, maybe make some Mitzi x Atlas fics or something. I'd also love to find a way to pin him down for a more concrete or genuine interaction with someone in the cast.
Rocky and Irene
I would have loved for that pairing to have their own section in the AU, but, in the end, it was best for them to remain side characters. If I think up fun or cute one shots for them, I'll definitely write and post them though!
More Conflict With Asa
I think Asa remaining mostly a mystery works good for the fic, though I'd be lying if I said Asa' assholeness isn't fun to write, and that the other character's push back is a huge part of that. I particularly would have liked to explore his relationship with Mordecai more, how, even though Asa was a more corrupted version of Atlas in Mordecai's life, it could still be argued Atlas was just as bad in some ways. But, I found the other relationships a lot more important.
Just like Mitzi and Mordecai, this isn't something I am huge on, but if I ever did get inspiration for a one shot that explored that concept, I'd write it.
A Very Awkward Dinner
Originally, I had considered the idea of the lackacrew meeting Constantine. It was going to be a dinner with all of them supporting Silver while she confronted the man that helped orchestrate the arranged marriage that caused Silver such grief. In retrospect, it was a bit too satisfying for the town I was going for, and a little too much of a power trip for me. I prefer how I leave things off with Constantine now, though I won't spoil it.
Honestly, I'm fine with this and don't plan to ever write that scene.
This one is heavily biased. Myself and the writer of Tawny have always agreed he was best kept in the shadows along with Asa for...reasons, hehe. But, I still do think his and Silver's chemistry is fun, and we hope to be able to write more of him with Silver and the rest of the cast in the future.
Mordecai Meeting Silver's Grandmother
There was originally a scene where Mordecai met Silver's grandmother, helping him better understand how Silver became the man he is today. However, I decided it was better, and for the sake of not having to wrap up that loose end, that Silver's grandmother had passed. Her failing health near Silver's engagement would explain why she didn't become more involved in that situation.
Silver Meeting Mordecai's Sisters
There was a flashback scene where they were introduced. However, this got cut as it didn't add anything and, as it stood, with most of the prequel content being cut, there wasn't anything to imply Mordecai would go to physically see Rose at that stage. In fact, things work better when the implication is he refused to. Potentially even for her wedding.
Rose as a character also comes with a lot, there's so little we know about her current life, hence why I've scraped her one shot as well. There are so many blanks to fill that I just don't want to. So, while I will probably show Mordecai attempting to fill the gap (spoiler alert) I don't think he actually will, unfortunately.
Realistically, Mordecai is a complete stranger to Rose now, and Rose a complete stranger to Mordecai, and not to mention Mordecai went from a cute kid with good intentions to a cold blooded murderer who would probably do it again if it meant his survival and meeting the important people in his life that he did. Though he'll always hold onto the memories, I think a big part of his journey is learning to let the past be the past.
Nico and Silver's Friendship
I honestly really like these two as friends, I find Nico's very laidback nature combined with Silver's rather cautious one pretty cute. But, when I figured this out, there wasn't much time to really sow it in (completely at least, they do have moments), and, as with some of the other things above, the relationship just wasn't as important as the ones taking up most of the plot. So, the AU shows more of an origin story for their friendship like a few of the other relationships rather than the friendship in its complete form.
Definitely some fluff I will write in the future.
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silver-heller · 1 year
Did you always plan for the cast to become one big polycule, or was that something that happened on accident?
No lol, that happened entirely on it's own as I became fascinated by the ship dynamics along with just growing attached to some of them in that way.
As for why I didn't just make multiple S/Is or OCs, not only is that not my first instinct as a poly person but, I just don't really have the energy to come up with multiple storylines for multiple ships on top of all the drama in the main plot. Completely separate AUs, meanwhile, would be a nightmare.
That being said, I could definitely see a fic revolving around different S/Is dating the different members of the cast I view that way (mainly Mordecai, Serafine, Viktor, and Rocky), getting involved in some sort of turmoil to bring them all together. Would be interesting to see a partner who works good with Serafine, for example, hear that someone is actually dating Serafine's grumpy coworker lol. Would probably be more focused than the AU as well.
That being said, I'd never want to write that instead of this little AU I came up with or the Silver and Mordecai fic. They and the crew have so much history that I'm glad I'm exploring and putting out there before moving on to other things with them. Even if it isn't perfect and a bit all over the place, I love it.
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silver-heller · 1 year
Wait. Is Ariadne Tawny? 🤯
Hehe, now you're getting it.
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