somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
Okay, here is my final part!
Claim #7: They are in contact with sources close to Chris. That one particular blog has always claimed that they have sources in Massachusetts or Boston that are close to Chris and his circle. Now, that may be accurate, because anyone can know anyone. But they have never been clear about how these sources have been communicating with them.
First, they said it was via text (based on posts from months ago) – and when an anon asked yesterday why they couldn’t publish all the receipts since they’ve been communicating with sources for months, they say that they don’t have a paper trail, and it has been mostly phone calls.
Convenient much? Not once have they ever been able to prove anything with solid receipts, and when questioned, anons are often name-called, verbally abused and called crazy. Also, they’ve never said that they have sources inside Chris’s team, only sources close to the team. Now, you may say that this can be used to back up the fact that sometimes when things come to light, they seem to have known beforehand.
But let me also shed a little perspective here: Often, when they say something is coming, or something is about to happen, they never provide you with any context. Then, when something does happen, they say they knew all along. Again, convenient much?
At the end of the day, I think we have seen enough to safely say that Chris and Alba are in a PR arrangement. Therefore, photo dumps, fake articles and social media posts are to be expected. It's easy to post cryptic nonsense – you can always say later that your post was not connected to the PR drama, or it was because you knew all along what was coming out. Not to mention that so many in the fandom put crazy theories into their ask boxes anonymously. All these blogs have to do is fan the flames, and when something happens – as it logically would in a PR arrangement – they now can say they knew it all. See how easy it is?
Claim #8: Chris’s money and funds are all frozen by CAA I am open to being corrected by anyone with real-life legal expertise here. However, from my own knowledge and experience, putting your money and properties in a trust – where a third party is a caretaker and executor – is typically something you do when those things are going out as an inheritance for someone else. It isn’t something you do when you are still alive, unless there are dire circumstances that require it and a third party provides evidence to get the courts involved to do it. You can use Britney’s conservatorship here as an example. The reason a third party (her father) was entrusted with her funds and her assets was that she was declared mentally unable to care for herself and her money. When she proved her money was being withheld and she was being held against her will, the courts released her from it.
And if they want to claim Chris was losing his mind (like they said about Britney), they would need to submit plenty of evidence to gain control of his money – none of these has ever been brought to light, mind you. There aren’t no media articles or whispers anywhere that Chris's mental health issues are severe enough to warrant his money and property needing to be placed under third-party monitoring. What is public is only his own struggle with anxiety, which he has spoken about openly in the past. Now, let's assume Chris put his current house, and all his money now into CAA’s control through his own free will. CAA refusing to release these funds would be, in fact, illegal, and he would have legal recourse to get it back. Any lawyer worth their salt will be able to handle this. And if CAA is legally withholding his money, what legal precedent is being used to cite this case against him? The fact that they are saying Chris can’t do that smells fishy. Why can’t he do that? What evidence is there that CAA is holding his money and all his assets hostage?
Oh yes, their answer is that CAA is blackmailing him and that someone is out to ruin him at all costs. Again, what they are blackmailing him about remains unclear, but these blogs often say that “it won’t be a big deal to the general public if it’s released.” In fact, we might even applaud him for it if he came clean, but he is scared. These blog mods said their sources were close to Chris’s circle. And now they say they’ve asked Chris to ask his HW friends for forgiveness. But what is he asking for forgiveness about? And you’d think Hollywood friends would know the kind of shady business that goes on in their own industry, so again, my question is, why has everyone deserted him? Of course, these blog mods "cannot tell you." Now they are also asking you for $23,000 to pay his legal fees. And still, they cannot provide any evidence Chris is bankrupt or broke or has zero money. He has no money to spend on his own legal fees, but somehow has money to spend on renovating a random house for years, has money for private jets, and enough money to not work on so many projects in a year – he has said himself in recent interviews, cons and podcasts that he doesn't want to work on so many projects in a year. Do you guys see where I'm going with this? I liken all this nonsense to the time someone collected money from fans to put up a billboard to support Warrior Nun (remember those happy days?). It is a waste of time and money, and you should not believe it or give any money to these mods. Also, who is Chris paying with this $23,000? His lawyers? If it's going to be a messy and protracted legal affair, then $23,000 is just the start. It certainly won't cover the rest of the money needed, which will depend on how long the legal battle drags out, who wins the court case, who has to pay the other party's legal fees or whatever restitution is due to the winning party in order to get his funds.
Claim #9: Chris lied to immigration about the PR contract For this, I can only ask you to please take a breather. First of all, have you ever seen the spousal immigration interview requirements for America or any other country in the world? Have you seen how brutal American immigration is in real life? Have you seen any of the questions on those documents – or the sheer amount of paperwork – that spouses must answer and provide before even being considered for legal documents? They are highly invasive, and Alba has to do more than just answer a few questions to get legal long-term entry. Also, if he is supposedly marrying her to get her into America to do porn, then this is a fallacy as well. Porn industries don’t just thrive here in America. Europe has plenty. And if this was the case, then I’m sure there is a work visa for that. The porn industry in America is legit, and she doesn’t need a sham PR marriage to get her into the country to get any kind of work.
Now, if we say the claim above is false, then why would there be any need to force Chris to have a fake marriage?
If they wanted to put out rumours that Chris is married to Alba, all they have to do is release more news articles through reputable sources, stage a few wedding photos, pap walks and more socials, before releasing an article or announcement a year later that Chris and Alba have separated. Megan can certainly release a media plan that's good enough for this. After all, she owns Narrative PR, and her clientele consists of so many of Hollywood's best, many of whom are not CAA clients.
Why in the name of all the gods would CAA go through so much legal trouble to fake a marriage when that can be easily done with a few lies, fake social posts and media articles?
People who are doing shady things do not willingly engage with the authorities to get things done for mid-level artists. Do you all really think they will spend money on all this just to ruin Chris Evans? What secret could Chris possibly have about CAA that would’ve put him in their crosshairs? If these blogs' own words are to be believed, they’ve said that Chris doesn’t have as much clout as we think, and he doesn’t have as much pull as other Hollywood A-listers. So what is CAA’s motivation here that they want to destroy someone who only loves dogs and only has a big Marvel project on his resume?
Please, learn to question things being discussed on Tumblr. These claims float around without any question, and when confronted, these blogs cannot give you any specific answer because “it is confidential” and they cannot share.
And yet, they seem to have no issue dropping cryptic posts, hints and answers to anons when it is convenient for them. Sure. Let's go with that. Also, let’s face it. Since CAA is trying to force their way and make people believe it’s real, and if Chris and his team are allowing these kinds of information to be leaked, don’t you think CAA would’ve found the leak and plugged it by now? CAA is super shady, but in this instance, they are choosing to close an eye to one party's team to leak info to external sources, and these sources freely leak that info to other Tumblr blogs that are not linked to the situation? Come now, my lovelies! I urge you all to always question what is being put out here on Tumblr. Use logic, use your own intuition and always use Google for your research. It’s a free tool. Use it wisely.
If everything I’ve written does not give you a clue into what kind of people these blog mods are, then you must ask yourself what is blinding you from seeing their true colours. ♥️StarStruck💫
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I guess part 4 is a typo :) Thanks again! Great to have you here!
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big-zube · 4 years
behold! i have been tagged (or rather, my sideblog has been tagged) by the lovely @bluebaramuffin121618
Name - jonni
Cats or Dogs - cats
Hogwarts house - GRYFFINDOR BABY
Sexuality - boys💘💕💝💞💘💖♥️💓💕💝💓💖💗💫💖💝💕
Current time - 1:27am
URL explanation - ok so when i was tiny my dad would tell me stories, like he would just make em up off the top of his head and he was telling me a story about a talking monkey, and he let me pick a name for the monkey, and i said the first thing that came to my head which was 'bigzube!' i have no idea where that came from in my 3-yr-old brain but after that i asked to hear bigzube stories all the time so thats a cherished childhood memory and its a weird enough word that usually it isnt taken already on social media which is gr8
as for the sideblog 'romanticise-everything-project...' i mean idk. a while ago i started writing down little scraps about moments that made me feel all happy or peaceful or starstruck in the notes of my phone (just cos its important to me not to forget those things yknow?) but the format bugged me so i decided to transfer it all to tumblr. at some point i had started calling it that in my head and i think it's kinda cute ☺️
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
Okay, to continue from my previous post:
Claim #4: Alba and her mother are trying to entrap Chris. Again, for some time, these blogs were saying that Elsa, Alba’s mother, and Alba herself were trying to secure their bag by entrapping Chris into marriage and even offering Alba to get pregnant. But now, that blog is claiming that Alba doesn’t want this either. What caused the sudden change of heart? If Chris is being forced by CAA to marry Alba, then doesn’t this hit Alba’s initial end goal to get married?
Because let’s assume this sham of a marriage is true – and also with respect to marriage and divorce laws varying by country and potentially by American state – then that means Alba is entitled to Chris’s money and continued alimony in the event of a divorce. Which is to say, that she is now financially secure. So why is Alba suddenly against it if getting Chris and his money has been her goal all along? Everyone has been saying that she only wants his money and she doesn't want to work. So what is the issue now?
Claim #5: Chris has burnt all his friends in Hollywood First, they said that HW friends like Dwayne and RDJ were trying to get him out of the contract because they also got out of CAA. Then they said that Chris has burnt his network, and no one wants to come near him because of this PR contract. This is despite the fact that Chris was spotted visiting Jeremy with ScarJo, and that three of his HW friends recently did great cameos in Ghosted.
Furthermore, just a month ago, they were saying that Hollywood is on his side, and no one wants to hire Alba. And yet, we’ve received proof that she has been working – granted, these roles we know she has all come from CAA and their associated businesses.
If the industry knows CAA and its tactics, why was there a 180-degree turn almost overnight? And why is Chris the sole artist being targeted for promoting a PR relationship with a known racist?
Sebastian Stan had a more public relationship with Alejandra Onieva, and his social posts were truly lovey-dovey. And yet, Sebastian’s star has continued to rise and he has taken on some very good roles after that. Chris has done the bare minimum with his socials and with promoting this relationship (or any of his projects, for that matter), but he’s now got a target on his back, put there by the very people that were supposedly supporting him because they know CAA is sketchy?
Claim #6: No one wants to hire Chris. Supposedly, directors are now refusing to hire Chris because of this PR relationship, and this is why he has no projects scheduled beyond 2023. My dear friends, may I remind you that we currently have a writers’ strike going on? And a SAG strike looming. As such, no one in HW will be working until those issues are resolved. Chris is not an exception to that rule. And again, if directors know that CAA is sketchy and they pull these kinds of stunts, why would they hold it against any actor, much less Chris? Make it make sense.
Claim #7: Chris signed an open-ended contract Now, open-ended contracts are a real thing, and it often has many benefits. However, open-ended contracts have not necessarily been a go-to for PR relationships. These things typically have a set time limit to coincide with promoting a movie or business venture. And since then, we've seen Chris promote his work with Jinx, CAA launch WBI and Alba release and work on several movies.
And again, there is no proof this is an open-ended contract. From the start, the claim has been that this PR relationship will run for two years. And if the start of it was 2021, then it should be coming to an end soon, seeing as how we’re already halfway through 2023.
A lot has quietened down lately, and now he has deactivated Twitter and IG. Although we do not know for sure if the contract has actually ended or when and how it will, we can speculate that he has removed his socials so he can mentally prep for all the promo needed for Pain Hustlers and Red One. Whatever Chris's role in this PR relationship, he has been subjected to some very vile abuse. The blogs claiming all these things have been part of that vile abuse – two of them even going as far as to say that they won't be surprised if he ends his life.
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
Hello my lovelies! I would like to offer a little logic this time, instead of intuition.
Now, we won’t name names, but we all know the blogs today going around asking for money. I want to tell you that this is a pure scam. Let us examine what we know. I might need multiple submissions for this, so I apologise now for scamming Sophia!
From day 1, these blogs have said this is PR. Proof has been submitted – from various sources and also on various blogs, so yes, we can say this is accurate.
However, a lot of claims they’ve submitted since then seem to be very far-fetched. Let’s see if we can examine a few things here.
Claim #1: CAA is forcing him Now, we can say this is possibly true because CAA has a very long and very dirty track record. Much of their shady behaviour has been shared before by artists who have now left CAA. Google searches will show you these articles if you make an effort to look for them.
Claim #2: Chris signed an extremely dodgy contract Apparently, he signed this without a lawyer in a foreign country, and without telling anyone on his team. How did he get this contract without anyone on the team knowing? CAA is also technically on his team. Are we really going to believe that someone from CAA convinced him to sign a contract that nobody else knew about without his own representation? After 20 years in the business, what this blog is saying is that Chris is a complete idiot. Is this really true?
Do we have any proof to back this up? No, we don’t. When asked what proof they have to substantiate this, their response is that it’s just what their sources have told them via text, or just that their sources informed them. Remember this point, as it’s important.
Claim #3: The PR contract signed is a 1950s-style one For months now, they’ve been pushing the claim that these types of contracts are now illegal, and no one has done these since the 1950s. But now, the claim is that Chris has signed exactly this kind of contract – something that is illegal, and it cannot be broken because he signed it without telling anyone.
My darlings, if something is illegal, then no contract in the world can uphold it. This is akin to saying murder is against the law, but because it was worded a certain way in a contract someone signed, therefore it is now legal for said person to commit murder. Or it’s like saying that your employer put an illegal clause in your employment contract. But you signed it, therefore, suddenly, this clause has become legal. There is no such thing, no matter which part of the world you are from. Do you see the lack of logic? Does it make sense to you? And if it doesn't make sense to you, imagine what a credentialed, experienced lawyer will do or say if Chris or his team had been shown this contract. PART 2 NEXT. ♥️StarStruck💫
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Hiiiiii 🤗💙❤ You can spam me as much as you want, anyone can lollll as long as the posts are so good as yours 🤣🤣
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
♥️StarStruck💫 anon,
thank you, we love you !!!
♥️StarStruck💫 💙❤
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